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Everything posted by thedinobot

  1. So far, my biggest fail was accidentally opening my disk tray while zombie sitting. I was getting bored watching the zombie, (had been watching it for probably 10 minutes) someone had to go get something or do something I don't remember, but I was spinning in my chair and somehow I managed to land my foot right on that button. I hear that noise and immediately freeze, but it was already too late :[. We were trying to do the Easter Egg too /:. Another one was some kind of brain fail. It was like 3 A.M. and someone went down. I heard the big robot coming and saw a zombie blood right underneath where the robot foot lands. I didn't think I would make it if I didn't have the zombie blood so I run towards it and quickly grab it. I don't know why, but for some reason I stopped moving thinking the robot foot couldn't hurt me in zombie blood, yea, I got crushed. I was half asleep already at this point.
  2. I'd want several. The ones I'd want the most are the Flamethrower (was fun to play with in WaW) the Crossbow (it was part of my medic class through when I played with my friends. Crossbow PaP'd with Monkeys and Ballistic Knife (and Thundergun on Kino) was the best. Also the Ballista since I love playing with snipers in zombies. The KSG as well.
  3. Yeah, this happened to me too yesterday. All I did was wait it out. It eventually unfroze and I was able to continue playing.
  4. Wow. I would be mad. I've thought about me accidentally doing that during a zombies game (I've done it several times while trying to plug stuff into the USB port). Thankfully, it has always been during a multiplayer game.
  5. I was bored and decided to try this with the witches. Have a time bomb and save the last one. *Save the last witch *Throw Time Bomb down *Kill her *Time Bomb it *Grab perk and kill her again then grab the other perk.
  6. Awesome! I'll have to try this out.
  7. Personally, I like them. For me though, I just can't tell which ones I get. On Buried, I see the green puff smoke a lot. Sometimes several times a game (I am sure it's the perma perk smoke). I just don't know which ones I'm getting besides the obvious metal barriers/headshot perma perk.
  8. I'd say best is AN-94. The worst gun would have to be the SMR, get rid of that please :].
  9. My friends and I did several practice rounds just to memorize this. It was sort of fun, but at the same time really annoying. You just really need patience with this one.
  10. Oh cool. Add me if you want to play sometime. Gamertag is thedinobot.
  11. Welcome to the forum! Do you play on Xbox or Ps3?
  12. I hate when people want to nerf things. I always hear that the new wonder weapon on the new maps need to be nerfed. If you don't like it then don't use it. The only reason you'd care about it being nerfed is because of the leaderboards, which I don't see why that matters. I like the Paralyzer (haven't tried camping with it) just because I can fly around with it. When I play with my friends we do both, training and camping and both ways are fun for us. I'll probably tell them to try this one, but on the Jugg side since that is a fun camping/final stand area.
  13. Has anyone noticed that the maze changes. Does anyone know how it changes? It just confused the heck out of me when I was playing. Almost got cornered because I thought I was going the right way.
  14. Ehh, I liked it a lot, but I just didn't feel like there was enough space for me. Idk, that's just me. Those witches really pissed me off. The first time I went through that house I didn't have any money, after reaching the end, I find PaP. Excited to try the new Ray Gun upgraded, I run to my bank and withdraw money. I go back through the house and didn't notice until I was already at PaP that they took all my money lol, I was sad :[. I do really like the map though.
  15. The key to open the door cell in the jail in right outside and the Booze was inside that cell. The Bellow for the Trample Steam is in that same house you mentioned Xeion on the second floor by the desk. The Subsurface Resonator The Roulette Wheel - Inside the house that is connected to the bank. The Roulette Table is in the same house with the wheel but in front of the gun storage area. There is another part to this roulette table thing right behind this table. The last part is right outside the room where you get the Bellow for the Trample steam.
  16. Congrats! If I find the time (and the patience) I would like to try this as well.
  17. I started playing when I was 18 (21 now), good times. I'd probably let my kid play it probably around the age of 9.
  18. I should have made it more clear :oops: It was late and i just wanted to go to sleep. but zombies dont hit u in afterlife..do they? They do unfortunately.
  19. agreed, and what if you HAVE to quit? Well, the penalty could work like it does on multiplayer; you have to quit a certain amount of times for it to take effect.
  20. I do think some sort of penalty would be nice, but a small 10 minute (or three minute in Multiplayer) timeout isn't going to stop them from doing that. I don't really know of an effective way for a penalty to work.
  21. Never got swarmed by zombies in Afterlife before so didn't know that. Good to know, thanks!
  22. Yeah, I was on a mobile device, didn't know that.
  23. Not sure if it's just me, but the video isn't working. Anyways, yeah, my friend had this happen to him except I think he fell through the gandola somehow. Don't really remember, but he did die on it.
  24. Welcome to the forums!
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