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Everything posted by NikolaisVodka

  1. Thanks for the heads up man I didn't even know about this! I know what I'll be doing this weekend while I anxiously wait for Tuesday.
  2. I'm aware I'm assuming time travel is still in play as it has been for all of zombies
  3. Maybe fear (the) runs. Nothing like some diarrhea to spice up the forums But seriously though I'm not sure they even meant to spell out fear last time. If there is a subliminal message I'm sure a lot of people are thinking Russ. I certainly am. And treyarch rarely does what many people think they are going to so it's anyone's guess really.
  4. Maybe stu is in control. Or perhaps Russman. Will black ops 1 and 2 DLCs spell out Fear Russ? So fear we have Fear Ru__
  5. I thought Der Riese's translation was "The Giant"?
  6. I miss the black ops 1 style of maps. Survival maps in black ops 2 are wayyy too small (town, farm, even Nuketown). I miss the likes of call of the dead, ascension, kino, etc. As for multiplayer, my favorite is still the modern warfare franchise. I will say that black ops 2 multiplayer is better than black ops 1. But IW absolutely trumps Treyarch in multiplayer IMO. My favorite is still Modern Warfare 2 followed closely by Call of Duty 4 the first Modern Warfare.
  7. You better get with the times man it's 2013 for christs sake :lol:
  8. I think my three favorites (in no order) are Jug, Quick Revive and Staminuhstaminup.
  9. Stamin up and knuckles. Changes from a 10 second problem to a 1 second problem. Two hits if they're on you and one if they're in the air. Makes it so much more bearable to travel through the fog.
  10. Its the storyline. You clearly have not been following on with it. i followed it excessively ive watched fan videos and ive kept up on my own i used videos to make sure i wasnt wrong there was NO evidence to prove or disprove you idea sir sorry : You are insanely incorrect. Der Riese is absolutely where Richtofen and Maxis, along with the rest of Group 935 performed many experiments. It is also the location where many things went wrong. It essentially was the start of the entire zombies storyline in fact.
  11. All this assumption is nice but who's to say zombies will continue after black ops 2? It might just be a trilogy, with this game being the epic finale.
  12. It would be pretty neat to bring the jet gun to die rise. And maybe fling some zombies around Green Run =P
  13. What about the Avogadro? He spawns when it's storming on TranZit.
  14. Ya know, now that you guys mentioned that I think I heard that somewhere before. Oh well. It was a nice thought. Haha. It would have resparked some interest in playing Green Run again. Since most of it is gone nowadays.
  15. That's usually an occurrence where you have both navcards from TranZit and die rise and you haven't yet built the NavCard table in die rise (where you can then submit the NavCard from TranZit into the die rise table)
  16. Perhaps we should try to implement aiming down the sights versus steady aiming (when attempting with guns)? Maybe they are variables to this?
  17. Maybe you can't combine the two? Which wouldn't make much sense. But how about trying all jumpers with a shotgun.
  18. Ok thanks for the confirm of missed semtex still counting. And to the previous poster, myself and ngtzombies apparently (which I just found out) used a Remington hitting all shots on the jumpers and got a perk. So we can scratch both of those as working and accurate.
  19. I would say the AN hands down followed by the PDW.
  20. I was thinking to myself last night about the whole navcard conspiracy and Im not sure if this was ever considered. It probably was but after searching a bit I could not find anything of the sort. My apologies if it has been said. But I'm thinking the navcards will affect one thing on each zombie map (that has a NavCard table, so exclude Nuketown). The first thing that popped into my head for TranZit was that it would change the part of day that it was, open up a new route (this part I know is widely assumed) but it would also remove all of the fog from the map, including the denizens. I'm curious as to what you all think about this? And theories about what might happen on Die Rise? Access to PHD Flopper? Perhaps it would fix the broken building and turn it right-side up? I'd like to see what you are all thinking.
  21. Honestly I wouldn't change a thing about Nuketown Zombies. I love it just the way it is. (I also think this is in the wrong section)
  22. Good point circus. I have yet to test Semtex. I haven't had much free time lately. And if Semtex doesn't work with just general explosives, I wonder if sticking all Semtex would work. Although that would be really hard and would also take a long time with those damn jumpers :(
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