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Everything posted by CrazyTrain0917

  1. You would have to build all the stuff then put it all in the vault and all 4 people go get a turbine. Setup and then alternate turbines or use all 4 at once. It's a good plan until about round 18-20 then I'd be too claustrophobic in there.
  2. You kidding? Lithiums strat is sick. I run 4 people in the tunnel no problem. Everyone has to know their roles and be able to run a tight horde when needed though. 1 circling white car, 1 hording by fog on diner side. 1 on either side of the M16 back to back. (but spread out, use the rails to your advantage, be careful, once you see the flow you'll have no problems) Then when it gets to crazy for them they run mini hordes in front of their respective areas. Neat thing about this is you can work together to mow down hordes if you coordinate it right. Ex: The guy hordes up around white car and brings them up to the guy to the right of the M16 and they both mow them down. Rinse repeat. Same thing on the other side. We run this up into the lat 30's early 40's with little to no problems. The spread out strategy is good but everyone needs to know exactly how to teleport and revive to keep each other alive. The depot and tunnel strats people can buy tombstone and it's actually useful.. Just sayin, there are 4 player spots that work quite well. Another tip: the tunnel is huge, you could even spread out. 4 across the wall opposite of the m16. 1 around white car, 1 in the middle, 1 in normal spot by fog to diner and another just in the fog there. (I like running the fog so this works well for my team)
  3. Are you on Xbox? Ps3 hasn't gotten the update yet.
  4. I wouldn't say it would cause damage because these forums have seen many of releases. Usually someone sifts through after and creates a big beautiful thread with all the info and then the admins sticky it. That being said this is a good idea to minimize the work it will take said person. Tips: Spelling mistakes: basically, finish. I would ensure the formatting in your op is consistent, you have some different sizes in your title headings (ie: Speed cola, power switch) In my experience people will not follow the formatting. You will have to do this after. Add that you will give the first poster reporting it credit. Add a picture or two to pretty it up a little. Don't go crazy on the different colors, just enough ya know? (check out Pinnaz's posts for great formatting) I would also add Die rise somewhere in the title of the thread. Research notes just doesn't grab the attention when you're excited to share a new find. Might also be a good idea to private message an admin and let them know to keep an eye on your thread and as it grows and is as glorious as ever they will inevitably sticky it for you. I like this idea and am willing to use it, I just wanted to suggest a few things to help you out.
  5. No he was confirming that he is on Ps3 with the EE done and he still doesn't see them.
  6. Ahh sorry I missed that bud calm down. Thank you for confirming.
  7. mutiple ppl have confirmed they can still see the beams, but we (ps3) still can not Yes I've seen multiple xbox users confirm but haven't seen any Ps3 users say yay or nay to seeing them or not.
  8. Actually Mulekick wasn't added to solo I don't think. OR it only works when you are connected to the internet because I remember telling my brother there was no Mulekick in solo when my internet was out. (concerning comment about blops1) I thought it weird. Anyway, the reason we want to know about the beams is to confirm or debunk wether the beams are a glitch or not. From what I've heard xbox users can still see them. So the question will be, do Ps3 users see them now? If they do then the glitch was with the Ps3 version and the beams then become significant. (or Treyarch forgot or were incappable of fixing them on xbox, which I seriously doubt) I haven't fired up my ps3 yet to see if there's an update but can anyone confirm if it was only xbox that got the update or was it all systems?
  9. Alright gentleman we have some work to do. Questions to be answered.. 1: Does this work only in Tranzit or Survival and Grief as well? 2: Does this only work when the EE is complete? 3: Does this work with every insta-kill now? 4: What is the significance of the shorter red insta-kill? (you can't exactly kill a zombie more than insta-killing it lol) 5: Is it possible that you need to kill a certain amount of zombies before the red insta-kill disappears? 6: Do any other power ups have new effects or icons? 7: Has anything else changed in game? 8: Are Xbox users still seeing the beams after the update? Or are Ps3 users able to see them now?(confirming if it is a glitch or not?) Any other questions people can think of? CodZ will have this sorted out shortly I'm sure. Might want to start a fresh thread concerning updates after this latest patch? I dunno.. I'll report any of my finds as this has inspired me to get a crew together and get to work! (thank you Blitz):)
  10. My apologies, I was wrong. Die Rise is the game mode.
  11. I've heard that before. I think it was during or after the bridge breaks. I'll peak at your vid tonight though.
  12. Get four guys put it on easy, get all setup with the bank perks guns etc.. and then go to diner rooftop and see how long you can hold it down :)
  13. Make sure you go into theater and save that video.
  14. The only perk I saw in an elevator was speed cola. I doubt very seriously that more than 1 will be in an elevator.
  15. Definitely a Tranzit map. Doesn't mean there has to be a bus type vehicle though. The helicopter could crash land out heros into the map at the beginning. How they got on the helicopter would then be explained through the EE eventually involving going back to Green Run to finish some things. Just another crazy theory.
  16. Yea I was talking about online. It's true though I just don't have a way to record it.
  17. Interesting.. will try next time I see one and I have the Jetgun.
  18. Sure thing, brother! Just in the media section on the main page. And you can watch my channel if you'd like to see pure zombie carnage. Haha will do!
  19. Request: Can these games be live streamed or at the very least video links be posted here? I'd like to watch you guys rock shit!
  20. I'm typically against glitches. I learn the mechanics of how they work and how to do them just so I'm aware of all aspects of the game but I don't just sit in them. I tend to annoy the hell out of them usually. Much more fun. The only glitch I do use is the shield barrier glitch in the tunnel and even then I do not sit in it. I use it as a break time situation. If anyone in the party needs to say go for a smoke or carry groceries in for the wife then they can jump in the glitch for a bit. Once they return they just hop out and continue on their merry way. I have one strategy that involves the same glitch and although cheating it is fun. One guy in the shield glitch, one on the other side of the m16. Another one hordes around the white car on bus depot side where the jet gun part is found in the corner and the other one hordes in the normal tunnel spot middle or on down towards the fog to diner. The guy on the platform on the other side of the m16 doesn't have to worry about his back cuz the zombies all run to the glitch so he can focus forward and only has the window. The guy in white car circle hordes up then brings his horde up to the platform and the two of them mow it down. Rinse and repeat. Take turns whatever. The other horder can easily drop his horde off in the glitch if he wants or just does his thing. If someone goes down then you throw them in the glitch until the end of the round. With all four in tunnel it even makes tombstone worth buying to save time. I don't like playing like this every time but I have a group that enjoys it and it's actually pretty fun and still challenging. Anyway DIE RISE!
  21. Not to say it's happened but mathemagically if its possible to go forward in time it would be possible to go back in time as well right? All timelines exist at the same time correct? Just different things are happening in each. So going back in one timeline may not necessarily be going back in another. May look it to us but in a different timeline it could technically be in the future. Whoa I'm dizzy.. *sits back down.
  22. I run the map alot so Jug and Staminup are always my first buys. Then knuckles, claymores and dbl tap, and depending on where the team is running decides my last perk. If all 4 are running in the same area for a long period of time (like tunnel or farm) I'll buy tombstone just to save me from having to take 20 minutes rebuying my stuff if I end up dying. If we're running separate then I'll buy speed cola last. I finally got my persistent revive so I don't buy QR anymore. If i did I always bought it first with the turbine just so I didn't have to go back for it and once power is on I was ready to help people. (almost mastered the teleport revive. Seems like if someone is down, jumping in a teleporter right away tends to bring you close enough to run to them. If not first try then second (tip: make portal, get another denizen on your head and jump into portal. Often denizen will teleport with you and immediately make another portal then all you have to do it jump once and boom you teleport again). As long as the player or myself are running anywhere but the middle of the tunnel I can generally revive someone who goes down in a different area than me no matter where they are. Ohh whats this? Oh thats the topic! riiight.. Climbs back on it. I don't like the flipping room theory unless its a one time event that happens in the map. Not a mechanism, just like a room of the delapidating building falls off and lands against another accessible building. This way the room is a playable area weather early rounds or later after the fall. Could even fall with player inside it lol. No room flipping mechanisms or magic though. I feel that would just be too far of a reach. "Jug in an elevator, lovin jug not goin doooown.." *cough cough* Oh hello there... welcome back to my post.. you nodded off there for a bit.. Ok so besides all the perk ideas belonging in the perk idea thread. (great idea's I like the rebuildable floor thing as a map mechanic not a perk) I would like to see the items used in making the buildables have uses other places on the map. Like the hatch in Green Run but also some items just have a couple uses before finally putting them in their permanent builds. Like a steel pipe used to extend a lever for the proper leverage to turn a valve on/off, AND being able to use it like a weapon.(melee) Ultimately ending up being used in it's final spot along with the 4 butcher knives from the **** please report this topic, post **** (throw-able as single item but you have to collect them to be able to do the final build) and the motor you used to open the elevator door to get jug. It broke but still runs the ceiling fan trap. In one of the busted ass rooms the ceiling is lower but if you crouch you're fine and zombies loose their heads from the buildable trap. (you could horde then run your horde through that room coming out the other side to horde in another area.) Other than that DIE RISE!!!
  23. Ahh don't be so modest. You guys provide some damn good info and well thought out responses. There are indeed many members who do the same but the ones I listed tend to be reoccurring in my personal thread reading since joining. Just sayin. Die Rise!!
  24. It pulls them toward you HOWEVER... The Jetgun tends to propel you forward a bit when fired so technically it is doing a bit of both but mostly pulling the perk towards you. Messing with glitchers is a great idea btw lol
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