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Everything posted by GRILL

  1. Thanks Rissole!!! I will work on getting the three remaining quotes this weekend. Once PC gets a hold of it though it'll be much easier. I'd really like to get the Who's Who theme song lyrics in here as well. In regards to the second self - I think you just nailed it on the head. "Second self" is a perfectly logical and easy to remember nickname for the "Who's Who" mode. It is rather confusing, "a physical form of your conscious". Seems like an oxymoron almost. I like the idea of you being in Aether whilst in Who's Who mode. Vril - ya... intergalactic perk salesmen. I'm not sure who could have made this perk, but I have a feeling it ties into the demonic voice speaking to Sam. Many say it's Richt, but I feel it's still open to interpretation. Yes yes - a fantastic question. Why are the perks here to begin with? what went on in this building, and what faction of the zombies storyline does it tie into? We need to consider all the areas, and how they could relate to the perks' existence.
  2. missed you Alpha! DIE RISE IS FANTASMO. has a solo cutscene and everything. there are some great threads in this section RE: Die Rise - viewforum.php?f=147
  3. yeah, i'm still holding onto this one. with all of the "beyond birth and death" stuff the devs were hinting at this summer, the vril ya, the aether, and various other mystical aspects of zombies - i'm not ready to let this one go. to me, it relates to the starting cut scene because the key phrase in that is "begin anew". now obviously who's who doesn't play a huge role in the storyline of Great Leap Forward - but I feel if it's used further, it may have some importance. yeah the part that is really confusing regarding the who's who respawn is that the zombies still attack you - so therefore, you're still flesh and blood... alongside your other flesh and blood. FAR OUT! :lol:
  4. fair enough, vvmichael - to each his own. I just find it kind of strange that they basically made a second version of Tombstone - this perk is very out there, by far the strangest perk encountered in zombies. I think it could have significance to the story (especially regarding the solo cutscene) - but we won't really know until it's all on the table. on a completely different note - WELCOME TO CODZ! :mrgreen:
  5. this is rad, reddead. good to see you back by the way! I must get my headshots up before I post my stats ;)
  6. I might also add that the ww in Die Rise (sliquifier) shoots purple. Nice job on this trevbo, I've been thinking about the color purple ever since I first saw that cut scene. Glad to see people were thinking similarly!
  7. Yeah, i have to agree with this. Usually glitches involve being unable to be hit by zombies, so I would consider this a well placed camping spot. But, glitch or not, I hope it gets patched, because some people might abuse this to get high on the Die Rise leaderboards. When he's in the room below spawn, that's just clever planning. He didn't open it from the top - thus creating a choke point where every single zombie comes through. BUT I would say that when he's in the vertical portion, that seems like a glitch on 3arc's part. The zombies are supposed to spawn in a dispersed manner, thus attacking you from all angles.
  8. I hope Treyarch patches this soon. One of the reasons I like Die Rise so much is that it's a difficult map, and yet - it doesn't punish you for exploration (much like TranZit did). It's a map you can really dig into with your friends, set up a base camp, hold it down. Spawn abuse like this is game breaking IMO.
  9. Yeah, they are def still dying out on xbox. I've found the best way to do it is to leave one behind the barriers, have one of your buddies keep building. Do a lap, then you build for them while they do a lap. It's slow going - but safe. ALSO I'D JUST LIKE TO SAY that I still play Borderlands 2, and quite enjoy it.
  10. I'd say that Nuketown is actually more important than Green Run. Nuketown got it's own comic book loading screen - as has been done for every other significant map. Die Rise got it's own comic book loading screen. Green Run - it's a post card. If you look carefully at the Die Rise loading screen, you can see that Green Run is just a post card sandwhiched between 2 pages of the comic (those two pages being NTZ & Die Rise) I'd agree that the devs left many-a plot hole with the NTZ scenario, however.
  11. yeah, we've had trouble with that for awhile - eh? Good rule of thumb is about 500 wide.
  12. @Naitrax = thanks bud! Don't they only touch index fingers in ET? @Undead = Agreed. I think it was solely made to accompany the cut scene. Also I think the devs were working on it at the time they were posting all that "Beyond Birth and Death" stuff on twitter this summer. (here's a thread from that time - http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/view ... 00&t=23870 )
  13. Thanks much man! I agree about it being a lot to take in, I'm still processing!
  14. UPDATED: VB7mYnBouCQ UPDATE: unfortunately, we did not get much more information from the quotes. What's interesting is that Russman directly talks to Stuhl after getting "Who's Who" - which makes me think it's important & related to the storyline. I'll be posting the "WW" theme lyrics here as soon as I can either transcribe or wait for the PC version to come out. ... ALSO let me know if you've heard different quotes. I'd like to compile them here. -Xj8qrRnseQ who's who who's who who's who who's who who's who who's who who's who who's who who's who? Who's Who Song Lyrics I was talking to myself just the other day, I was hearin' lots of things I never thought I'd say but one thing I said really blew my mind - Who's Who? I said I don't know me, but I know you but if you listen closely we can talk it through it ain't as simple as we're gonna find Who's Who? I think I will save you, I think I don't blame 'cos I like you and you like me I was talking to myself just the other day then the black man came, took me away I feel bad, but not as bad as me I was talking to myself just the other day then the black man came, took me away I feel bad, but not as bad as me Who's Who? Whilst playing as the lovely Misty, I was intrigued by the aforementioned quote. Indeed - are any perks fit for humans? Surely "Quick Revive" is... in all it's fish-oily goodness. But let's dive in... I believe Who's Who was essentially created for/by another civilization/realm. REASON 1 - SPACE HELMET Looking at the actual perk machine itself, it appears to be a fashioned after someone wearing a space helmet. ... however, there is a life preserver around mid section of the perk machine. which makes me want to include the possibility of it being like a deep sea diving helmet (although I do not think it's meant to be taken literally - more like a life preserver in the sense of you being able to revive yourself) REASON 2 - EMBLEM RESEMBLANCE TO INFINITY SYMBOL Now - the next item of significance is the actual perk emblem itself: it is clearly a hand reaching out to another hand. but - it also significantly reminds me of the "infinity' symbol(s): Here's the two together: Infinity is significant because it's been played upon in the zombies storyline several times. Most notably: REASON 3 - YOU'RE ANOTHER VERSION OF YOURSELF ... BUT YOU'RE NOT DEAD Much like being in another realm (astral plane, anyone?) "Who's Who" revives you anew after you go down. You spawn as another version of yourself, and have the ability to revive yourself. You are not dead, because the zombies still sense you and attack you - so that must mean you're soul/"mental self" ascends to some sort of astral plane within our existence. This is why you can still be attacked. Many projectionist enthusiasts & experts claim that, upon going to the astral plane, you can incur physical harm that will effect your physical body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's all for now. Anything I'm missing? Anymore reasons you'd like to add? Thanks for reading! :mrgreen:
  15. hey codz, l GRILL l here - let's dig! (NOTE: this is some heavy stuff. i'm not an astrologist, geologist or paleontologist - i'm just trying to relay some information that I think could be significant). ... apologies for the lack of photos :cry: GREAT LEAP FORWARD - BEHAVIORAL MODERNITY Advocates of this theory argue that the great leap forward occurred sometime between 50-40 kya in Africa or Europe. They argue that humans who lived before 50 kya were behaviorally primitive and indistinguishable from other extinct hominids such as the Neanderthals or Homo erectus. Proponents of this view base their evidence on the abundance of complex artifacts, such as artwork and bone tools of the Upper Paleolithic, that appear in the fossil record after 50 kya. They argue that such artifacts are absent from the fossil record from before 50 kya, indicating that earlier hominids lacked the cognitive skills required to produce such artifacts. The Great Leap Forward was concurrent with the extinction of the Neanderthals, and it has been suggested that Cro-Magnon interaction with Neanderthals caused this extinction. According to this model, the emergence of anatomically modern humans predates the emergence of behaviorally modern humans by over 100 kya. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I figure it's important to flesh out (pun intended) all possible meanings of "Great Leap Forward" (i.e. the Chinese historical incident (thanks PINNAZ ), Billy Braggs Song (thanks Naitrax ) and the theory of anatomic humans predating behaviorally modern humans let's take a look at what happened between 40-50 kya. Appearance of Homo sapiens, ca. 200 kya Out-of-Africa migration, ca. 60 kya Last Glacial Maximum, ca. 20 kya Neolithic Revolution, ca. 10 kya Referring to the time frame above, we can conclude that the happenings of the theory named Great Leap Forward occurred between the Last Glacial Maximum and the Out-of-Africa Migration.
  16. Woot woot. Time to get that Peacekeeper DIYAMUND. https://mobile.twitter.com/Treyarch/sta ... 6971278336
  17. It certainly wouldn't be a ball pit without the balls.
  18. This... is why I'm on CoDZ. Awesome research, awesome thread. I'm going to go play some D'rise.
  19. That's what she said.
  20. Get some pics in here and this will be a darn good resource. Great compiling, Alpha.
  21. fair enough. if they won't reveal it, i'll go ahead and start revealing it for them. Next step to be posted fairly soon, says Benn. OP - you're move.
  22. I really don't understand why this thread was unlocked. Clearly this is just feeding the trolls. Anyone could superimpose sparks on a picture. This thread should be locked until the OP is willing to provide steps leading up to. It's not like the OP will receive any less credit if someone else solves it. We know you found it, bravo - but this bait & tease game is really lame.
  23. song consensus = "meh" Better than carrion. Many confusing a word though lol.
  24. yes yes, wasn't trying to steal your thunder. Just wanted to suggest the possibility of a bank, enabling you to do this by round 2 with all perks/ww's necessary.
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