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Electric Jesus

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Everything posted by Electric Jesus

  1. Question: Off topic: Okay...I am done. ^.^ Here you go, have a freebie! ON ME!!!! In the mission where you drive the truck through the flooded streets, Harper says "watch the pipe!" because a gas line is shooting our fire. I have no idea how to dodge it so both times I burned harper's face...
  2. Ok, I guess I should formally say SPOILER ALERT, but it's been a week people. Come on. Anyway, I am just curious to see what path you took and what it's result was. We know there were several choices that affect the outcome of the game.
  3. Maybe this is another nod towards "back to the future." in that they attach a wire from a clock tower to a cable across a street. Then at the exact moment lightning strikes the tower (which they know because they went back in time and the tower stopped at the exact second it got struck in the future) they drive a vehicle under the cable with a probe going up. The probe touches the cable right when it is electrified, sending a blast if energy into the vehicle, sending it into the future. Maybe the next step is doing this in reverse? Maybe you use the electrical trap on the roof of the bus in order to power or otherwise affect the church?
  4. James C. Burns told us to look at the identical wounds in the backs of every zombie, as well as their collars. These imply that they were released from a hospital. This is also explained by the scrubs they wear. It doesn't seen like all of the people in a town would have identical wounds in need of repair do the most likely explanation there is that they were experimented upon. Also we are pretty damn sure this takes place in Hanford, where parts of the manhattan project took place, which sets the scene for experiments. It seems the implication here is that zombies were captured and operated upon in a Hanford hospital it asylum in order to control cerebral function, thus trying to make a new super soldier army. This failed (naturally) resulting in the massive swarm of undead in the area being present. But what else escaped from this hospital, asylum, or research lab? It seems the denizens were designed by the people operating near Hanford in order to act as a weapon alongside the undead. Another idea this could tie into is the kino containers theory which leads to an even bigger theory. Maybe the denizens were the monkey humanoid things in the kino containers, shipped out and used in new experiments. (it is possible the original implication is that the containers' occupants were intended to become nova crawlers since they are considered failed experiments and we're abandoned.) why would these be shipped from Germany to the USA? Either they were stolen, or maybe the implication is that Hanford and the manhattan project are directly linked to group 935? But what do I know. I'm tired.
  5. The Avogadro + Bus = Pure Horror. Isn't that right? I encountered the avogadro in the bus once. I too almost cried. I ejected myself into the fog and was promptly burned, zapped, and latched onto simultaneously. GAME OVER.
  6. I have definitely knifed that son of a gun hundreds of times and not seen any of this apart from the random aggressive comments. I guess I should pick up on my hobby of stabbing inanimate objects to see how they respond. My psychiatrist reccomended it.
  7. I have a few explanations for this... 1. Maybe it is a reused texture from ascension or call of the dead? I know in as ensuing there were containers that said "control dosimetry item 'baby'" so it might just be that reused. 2. Hint at future map? *gasp* Chernobyl as a zombies map? VUNDERBAR!! 3. Maybe it is done implication towards a piece of storyline? Where did the jet engine come from? What else was on the plane? Maybe it was Russian. I don't know what this means for us story wise but If a Russian plane crashed it would make sense that Russian labeled debris and a het engine would be lying around. I am pretty sure--no, positive green run is in western USA though.
  8. Are you implying that this is a duplicate thread? Wanna take a look at the post time? Four days before yours? Like I said, I'm good with calculations.
  9. Sigh, let's do this again. This thread is horrible, uninformed, lacking of patience and skill, and gives no credit to those who worked hard to bring you a next level experience. You barely gave it a chance before trashing it. This forum is flooding with more info about Tranzit-1 map that has more in it than over half of the last game. Don't be lazy and don't spread your hatred when you can't do your homework. A few tips that make this game beautiful. -Everything wasn't just laying there out in the open for every noob to complete the day the game came out. Oh right, because in black ops 1, everything was right there so as soon as you picked up a controller in five minutes you would be done. Of course :roll: . I mean, from der riese to kino der toten there were no new perks, and apart from highly specific map oriented strategies (where to run trains for instance) the same core strategies are all you needed to reach high rounds in KDT (trains, basic early round method, linking teleporters, When to use the box, etc.) if none of those were true you would be absolutely right (which you still are somewhat) but you are exaggerating and being very one-sided. -Accumulating game play. To get far in Tranzit you will need to accumulate points in the bank, hide guns, learn to properly use the wonder weapon, and learn how to control the bus instead of crying when it leaves you because you haven't figured out the tricks and mechanics of it. Damn, right again. Not like black ops 1 ever made the game feel like you need to learn how to survive. Hell no, not that game. No one ever killed themselves with a wunderwaffe, you've never gotten idiot team mates either. Not on black ops 1, no way. He isn't saying that that was not present in BOI, but simply that it IS present here. Naturally it was fun in BO trying to master the new map-specific elements like the thundergun right? He just means that that new adventurous feel is present and not that it wasn't present before. -Touching on the retro- maps that limit perks and guns to force you to innovate your survival without having everything handed to you. Seriously man, Neither black ops 1 NOR world at war did either of these. Not a damn map in those games gave you limited perks, certainly didn't force you to innovate survival, and absolutely handed everything to you. Again, he isn't saying that these things weren't true in the past, just that they are true now. And there weren't many dramatically different elements from der riese to kino apart from the thundergun. Same teleporter, same train strategies, et cetera. from black ops to black ops two is like a culture shock with the bus and fog and Avogadro and the formula being mixed up a bit. -straying from the original format while still holding true to the original gameplay. They did this quite well actually, they could have changed a lot more and completely flopped the game, but they kept things subtle. Guaranteed. Hey lets make one huge map and give those survival players the exact same map broken into bite sized pieces. Could have been SO MUCH WORSE, it's not even funny. As was said before, it is to bring back CHALLENGE into the game, like with that cramped Verrückt or shi no numa feel. Tranzit is unique in gameplay Due to the new elements I described earlier, so it Also offers a new challenge, but the others offer a more classic challenge. -Set the groundwork for DLC. I agree with the poster who said he shouldn't have to buy an incomplete game and then purchase a bunch of DLC to complete the game. But thats NOT what's going on here. They created the base game and with Tranzit there is more to this game than the original 2 maps of Kino and Five you got with BO1. Think about it and appreciate for what it really is instead of judging by your limited scope of understanding its entirety. This sets an amazing cornerstone in which the future DLC's will expand on. I would be willing to put money on the fact that we will see some amazing new maps, features, guns, etc.. in the DLC's moving forward. Of course, Compared to the new open world they've created, those SURVIVAL maps just flat out pale in comparison. Not only did they COMPLETELY fail to set the basis for DLC in black ops 1, but everyone who thinks otherwise has a limited scope of understanding. YOU SIR ARE A GENIUS! It is likely they will release another mega map with each DLC, and several survival maps contained therein. In the past we have gotten a single map per DLC. It seems your lack of understanding of why the starting maps for black ops 2 don't "suck" is the basis for your inherent lack of understanding of why the DLCs are actually in fact set up beautifully. -Wonderweapon was tricky. Everyone thought it sucked but once you realize it has infinite ammo and will not break into pieces if used correctly they're starting to get it. Another underrated badass gun you get from the box is the war hammer. It sucks? Grenades take forever to blow up? Pack a punch it. Have fun. Indeed. Because a wonderweapon with infinite ammo is the best thing ever and thunderguns were so much worse than it. Which is why everyone hates the thundergun for making the game so easymode. This new weapon is not as overpowered as its concept paints it. It cools down slowly and only if it is in your hand, leaving you unable to attack at all for several long seconds. Also the statement "overpowered wonderweapon" is redundant. That's the point of a wonderweapon: to kill loads of zombies easily and quickly. So anyone who thinks any wonderweapon is unfairly OP is sorely mistaken. Sorry for the rant but I love this game and felt the need to defend it a bit to the uninformed comments I read within. There's still so much more we have yet to discover... I completely agree man. These uninformed game owners that replied (the majority of the thread) had not even played it once before speaking their mediocre opinions. Tsk Tsk CoDz community. What is even worse is how biased and unfair of an opinion you manage to project even after playing the game. Have an open mind for once. Also, enough if that damn "you are a genius" crap. Do you really think sarcastic passive aggressive comments directed at another member, on a public thread, are accepted or tolerated here? Tsk tsk indeed.
  10. Funnily enough I had both of those simultaneously and thought double-pap had been removed or just wasn't working... Since then I've done it so I knew it was just those guns, but I found it odd. I wonder why that is. Thanks bro. I have never seen the LSAT either because I haven't gotten season pass yet and missed hardened, but as was stated it still has a pap form and is still applicable.
  11. Okay, got it, between farm and power station. Thanks chopper.
  12. Great guide! I don't have anyone to do it with me now but I have plans to do it soon! Now when I do it I will actually know what I'm doing. I have a question though. Isn't the tower in the cornfield or something? I always wander around looking for it so I know where it is when I actually do the Easter egg, but then I leave and can't find it again! Where exactly is it located? :mrgreen:
  13. That is a shame, because you NEEDTONEEDTONEEDTO upgrade the war machine! It's so cool!! I went down on 22 because I got hit a few times and walked through fire and got red screened. Right before I recovered from the red my goddamn baby toe touched some fire and brought it back. I didn't actually get hit; it was raygun backsplash that got me. I need me some flopper, gents.
  14. ... In the past, people have always made a 'Highest Round on "X" Map" and I noticed there wasn't one for this game. I'll be adding threads for Bus Stop, Farm, and Tranzit too. In the interest of space you should just edit this to include all of them. My highest is 22 on town.
  15. I edited the OP to include the info you shared. Thanks for your feedback and help!
  16. "now die" is a common phrase used by richtofen. It seems he is taunting us! Beneath it is says "ON 4 U". *gasp* is richtofen attracted to us? I don't know about the daylight one. Can you post exactly what it says? I might be able to help you out there but I rarely travel through the tunnel without the help of my trusty steed (rusty old bus.) so I haven't seen it. I'm usially too busy pissing my pants and crying at the zombies on the bus to see outside.
  17. If you have completed the tranzit Easter eggs or even heard of them, you will know that merlman (the nerdy tranzit survivor) can somehow hear richtofen, and can aid him in his global conquest. Conversely you can choose to help maxis in subduing richtofen. The fact that these four are together, and that one of them is in direct contact with our two evils, oh yeah, and the fact that the undead are trying to kill them, is what ties them in to the storyline. As they have no access to MDTs, they won't be able to travel across the globe, unlike the original crew. The original crew used this to carry out many various Easter egg-y tasks. The fact that these new people can't means we aren't likely to see much of them in the future (if at all) and the original crew will return.
  18. Think of it this way. In call of the dead, five, and tranzit, there wasnt Elena singing. What else do they have in common? They do not feature the original four as being playable. So if and when we see the original four return, our beautiful singing mistress Elena will make a comeback. Furthermore, the fact that she implies that she may make a return suggests that the original four will become playable again. They are confirmed to return in some form, and so far they haven't been seen or heard at all. So when we DO see them, we will be controlling them as they slay the undead to the tune of some kick-ass elena siegman! WOO HOO!!! SHYEEEAAAA!!! SHABABLOOOYYEEEEHAAA!!
  19. Welcome to CoDz! Mind if I just call you Beast? I hope to see you making some quality posts around here! Be sure to check out our hangman thread in the forum games section. We need some new recruits!
  20. Too true! It is seen as impractical because it doesn't kill them directly. However, based on its range and ammo it has the highest kill potential of any weapon to date. Also it is hilarious. That counts for something. :mrgreen:
  21. From a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, time is more like a big bowl of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... Stuff.
  22. MSAT is an assault rifle. I did miss the FAL though. Thanks for poibting that out!
  23. Hey everybody! I did my zombies homework and now the original post is filled to the brim with pack-a-punch info to tickle your brain. thanks to all who contributed!
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