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Everything posted by Slade

  1. Very nice list! Playing it again tonight so this'll come in handy. This.
  2. 'March' and 'The Final Push' are the Russian Themes. New Toys = Lovesong for the Damned. Corrected. Thanks.
  3. Thanks for the amazing feedback Rissole and Lenne Rendering the WAW Radio Soundtrack. To my surprise it is 53 minutes long haha. The Tracklist: -Dusk -Dusk (Remastered) -Maskwalk -Sand (Remastered) -UHF -On Deck -All Mixed up -Berlin -City on Fire -March -Strenght, Honor And Pride -Deadly Beaches -The Final Push -Sand -Steady -Angels of Death -Ambush -WTF -Up and Down -Crime Also TranZit's on its way. TranZit's Tracklist: -New Toys (to play with) -Lovesong for a Deadman -End of the Line
  4. Thanks for the feedback guys! I might do TranZit. I don't have Die Rise on PC, doubt I'll get it now because I've already bought it on 360. If you guys want, I'll do one for Mob/Nuketown.
  5. Slade

    Some help please

    You can read all about the story here "A Zombie Trilogy" - by MurderMachineX "The Zombies Saga: The Rise and Fall of Edward Richtofen" - by Shooter I would recommend just sticking with NGT. Browse through some of their Easter Egg videos. For the main story, I personally don't watch vids. Because they're often misguided, very very simplified or downright inaccurate. Just stick with those two threads. And to answer your question: When you do all the Sidequests/Power up all the Pylons (Towers) and insert all the navcards in each table, as reward you'll get an Endgame in Buried. Depending on which side you chose to follow, (Maxis or Richtofen) the Endgame will be different. Which I won't spoil, you can watch them over at NGTZombies.
  6. Thank god I'm not the only one. Caused my controller to disconnect and I went down soon after. Love playing with first-time randoms, their first reaction to the Panzer Soldat is often priceless.
  7. Hahahaha. Not really a gun, but it is the reason I don't use the barret/dsr that much. Whoever thought it was a good idea to crank the volume up SO HIGH whenever the character holds his breath? It KILLS my ears every. single. time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmMhzaF7puM (nsfw) (this also applies to the method of getting to the PAP in TranZit)
  8. Thanks guys. We appreciate it. Editing the TranZit- and WAW Radio Soundtracks right now. Should be added within an hour or two. -Heather
  9. Very very nice! Back in Black, I approve. PPSH's return is awesome. Overall sounds like a really fun and well-thought-out custom map. I can't help but imagine an old retired Frank W blasting zombies in a wheelchair with mounted guns ontop. Please refrain from double/triple posting. Remember you can always edit your posts by clicking the edit icon in the righthand corner of your posts. ;)
  10. I think Richtofen's persona is modeled directly after Eddie's. That's why Richtofen knows so much about everything. I also believe that Maxis - in their game - is actually Sam, but I'll get more detail on that later. Origins is the latest game they played. Even though it's the first map in chronological order, does not mean it's the first game they played together. You can see toys of the previous maps (like the bus/N4 figures/Shang sundial stone) around the room pushed aside to the walls. Indicating that they've played those maps before and Origins is their latest game.
  11. Hey everyone and welcome. A short introduction first if you don't mind. As you all know, Zombies has an amazing and diverse Video Game Soundtrack. A few days after Buried was released for PC, We (me and my girlfriend) made a thread and video with the complete (unreleased) Buried Soundtrack. We were quite happy with the result and it's no secret we plan on doing the same thing for Origins. Going through the forums we noticed that there was not a thread yet where users could easily select and listen to all of the music pieces that were composed exclusively for the Zombie mode. We also went through the soundfiles, and to our surprise found some interesting pieces of music that were cut (like the Fluffy/All My Life themes). So we decided to make a single thread containing all the released (cut, and unreleased) -soundtracks and pieces of music that were composed for Zombies to date. We have divided the thread into three groups. Season 1 - WAW and Black ops -Zombies. Season 2 - Black Ops 2 Zombies. Bonus - any extra pieces of music. Enjoy! SEASON ONE S1 - Nacht Radio Soundtrack Xlgo9YZzloc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xlgo9YZzloc S1 - Recurring Zombies Themes Composers: Kevin Sherwood, Brian Tuey. h5buFJCWfKg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5buFJCWfKg S1 - Loading Screen Themes - WAW/BO Composers: Brian Tuey, James McCawley m0XXf9EyqEc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0XXf9EyqEc S1 - Game Over Themes - WAW Composer: Brian Tuey HFiuNZq8Jwo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFiuNZq8Jwo S1 - Damned Music Video Composer: Kevin Sherwood dzW6GzVvpE4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzW6GzVvpE4 Dead Ops Arcade Soundtrack Moon Soundtrack S1 - Easter Egg Songs Composer: Kevin Sherwood SEASON TWO S2 - TranZit Soundtrack Composers: James McCawley, Brian Tuey. EQL5IbO88jQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQL5IbO88jQ Season 2 Loading Screen Songs Nuketown Intro Mob of the Dead Soundtrack S2 - Turned Theme Composer: Brian Tuey. oHuN1BL7VVM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHuN1BL7VVM S2 - Buried Soundtrack Composer: Brian Tuey. XnEcDCHekpU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnEcDCHekpU S2 - Origins Soundtrack Composers: Brian Tuey, James McCawley, Kevin Sherwood 2sI0P4nywvg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sI0P4nywvg S2 - Easter Egg Songs BONUS Things to come -Black Ops 1 Game Over Themes -Season 1 Underscore Soundtrack -DoA Soundtrack -Moon Soundtrack -Season 2 Underscore Soundtrack -Nuketown intro -Mob Of The Dead Soundtrack -Black Ops 2 Loading Screen Themes Thank you for taking the time to look at our thread. If you have any questions, suggestions and/or complaints please, feel free to send them our way. -Al & H
  12. Slade


    Hola and welcome RDB. It's good to see you finally made an account. If you want to play anytime, send me a PM. Your signature is hilarious. -Heather
  13. Welcome ! You joined at a really good time. Already looking forward to reading some of your theories!
  14. I refuse to believe that there are two separate teams designing and making the Zombie maps, it doesn't make sense. Just because in Mob and Origins it's Jason Blundell (producer of Black Ops 2) talking about the map, doesn't mean he took the whole campaign team, excluded the Zombie 'team', and made the map. (They even call him the Executive Producer of Mob and Origins) Jimmy Z is the lead designer. Two very different occupations. Executive Producer, meaning he's responsible for creating a budget, getting a team together and get the map finished before the deadline set by Activision. It does NOT mean that the whole campaign team worked on those maps, he even said in interviews (which he took together with Jimmy for those saying he replaces J) that they took the whole dev team to Alcatraz for photos and location study. "20 people" he said. 20. Treyarch has over 250 employees. I'm sure they sometimes temporarily bring people like concept art drawers, audio designers, 3d model designers CC+ scripters over from MP/SP to help get the Zombie map made in time. Zielinski's 'team' (which remember, is just a group of people assigned by a producer to complete a task, job or project) however has never been excluded from any map. Saying that while the campaign team worked on Mob while the Zombies team worked ahead on Buried due to time constraints is also nonsense. It's like saying "Hey, Vonderhaar talked about the making of Origins so the MP team made it". or "Reza Elghazi talked about the making of Die Rise so I guess Jimmy is fired" Unless backed up by proof, this is a common misconception. Nothing more, nothing less. And to answer your question: I prefer the objective-style of Mob and Origins.
  15. I like this, however if Samantha complained to Maxis about Eddie not playing fair, I doubt she would go ahead and say that he has a plan to Eddie. I think Richtofen's persona is modeled directly after Eddie's. He feels like Samantha doesn't know how to play their game correctly, so he takes "control" (or his turn) during their game of Moon. Then at some point they decide to go back to the very beginning when their characters first meet - Origins, now it's Sam's turn again and once again Eddie gets frustrated because she doesn't know how to play.
  16. I wouldn't say this ending is bad just because it turns out to be have been a game of sorts (something which Treyarch have been hinting at for a pretty long time now) What's the first thing Maxis says? "But we will make everything okay" obviously there's something wrong that needs to be fixed. Notice how the 04 have their original clothing. If you assume that all of this has been this game between Eddie and Sam, there's your answer for any story things that don't add up like "How did they get from Kino > Ascension". They just stopped playing at Kino, and when Eddie came over again, started playing in a new location. Great job Liam and all who figured it out! Hahahaha.
  17. There's a whole place dedicated to finding teammates to play with. It's the Teammate Finder Section. But to answer your question, if you want I could play with you tomorrow. What's your GT?
  18. First part (brain) is on the desk in the spawn room. Second part is either in the Ice Tunnel behind the Church or in the mud next to a death sign behind the Tank. Third Part is inside the Excavation Site.
  19. Slade

    Story theory

    Nice, didn't know about this. I wonder if this sympathy she shows to our characters is real or just faked to persuade them. While on the subject, I'm not really that fond of her new voice to be honest, it's not the voice per se but how she delivers her lines. She sounds almost, happy, when she speaks about the gateway and Agartha. It feels unnatural to me. Could be just bad voice acting though.
  20. The flaming Plane appears after round 11. You do not need to go prone to activate the rocks. I've spawned on top my girl twice, causing us both to go down. Apart from that spawning issue, I haven't come across any glitches worthy of mentioning.
  21. Slade

    Story theory

    A good point. Maybe her psychological condition has a direct influence to how she sounds to our Characters. During Moon, she can literally be heard talking. In Origins, she doesn't really talk, but rather communicate through the heads of our characters, perhaps this is why her voice is so normal in Origins compared to Moon. The other possibility could be Agartha (in which she is now stuck if I'm not mistaken) does the complete opposite to your voice then what the Aether does, basicly restoring her voice to how she normally would have sounded. We know that once in the Aether, you're voice gets a deep echo to it much like Richtofen. And Maxis (when you complete Buried's endgame). We don't know what Agartha however does to your voice, because no one has ever communicated from that place, until Samantha that is.
  22. Slade

    Story theory

    Nice nice! This also explains how Origin-Samantha knows the backstory of our Four Heroes. (She comments about Nikolai being betrayed and pushed to the frontlines) something along these lines. She does this whenever you get Zombieblood, trying to persuade our Heroes to do her bidding I assume.
  23. I really don't see why people would want to discuss this yet. It's like starting a discussion on a subject you don't even fully understand yet yourself.
  24. Excuse-moi, but how exactly did they steal your idea? Apart from the term Generator I don't see a thing your idea and the actual generators in Origins have in common.
  25. [Perhaps rename the topic to "What's your least favorite gun?"] Mine's the KAP-40. Yes, the SMR sucks, but when upgraded it's alright for getting points. inb4 The War Machine, it's actually pretty good when upgraded. The KAP however has no redeeming factions whatsoever. Not even when upgraded. It just sucks.
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