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Everything posted by Kill_All_Monkeys

  1. While it's a neat idea, I doubt they would put an EE in there that would forcibly remove a player from the match, even if there is a choice on whether or not to do it. Plus I still don't completely buy the whole idea of Marlton having been previously affiliated with the original 4. I absolutely want a Tranzit map with more than 4 players though.
  2. Has anybody actually gotten a close-up shot of the Avogadro yet? Maybe a closer look would yield more answers?
  3. So for the past few days I have lost all of my stuff. The weird thing is in the past few games where I've been running trains a lot, I got the headshot bonus about 6 times within 8 rounds. Never got the other ones back though.
  4. So far the only Camo's under that tab are the Elite founder(Rust colored w/skull) and the CE(Black with orange dashes). It doesn't seem that there are tabs for more... There is also a DLC tab for calling cards, and just because they don't have tabs for it right now doesn't mean there won't be any. Whenever you have a locked camo/calling card highlighted, it shows you what it looks like and how to get it. Why would they show what all the DLC content looks like before they even announce it?
  5. There's a DLC tab on Elite for Camo's isn't there? That's what I heard. As for weapons, someone asked Vonderhaar on Twitter if there would be DLC "weapons, camos, etc... Added into MP?" and his response was "Classified." so it's very well possible. I read something about it and they said that it was not possible for consoles because they use every bit of memory possible on Multiplayer, but for PC it's possible. There is a DLC tab under the camo menu in-game, so that seems fairly certain. And I do believe we will be seeing some weapon DLC finally as well.
  6. I usually shoot the RC's and don't ever worry about hacking them. And I still haven't seen anybody use a swarm yet, and if they're good enough to earn it I say let them have their fun. That "oh shit" moment though when you hack a hunter killer right before it kamikazes you is something else though.
  7. That moment when you knife a guy who is trying to revive another guy by the lava pit in town, shoot him until he goes down in the lava and watch them both die. When you and an enemy player are running up the stairs to jug and you knife him into the giant horde behind. And when you EMP the box when they hit it Its so fun to troll in this game mode, and you actually have to do it to win too!
  8. I doubt the zombie maps will be made available to buy separately, that means less money for Activision. But what I want to see (alongside more maps and game modes for zombies) is more content that isn't a map or game mode. Treyarch should try thinking outside the box on this one, maybe finally do a gun DLC. I would love for there to be more than 4 shotguns, LMGs and snipers in Multiplayer.
  9. I was really hoping that there would be power ups that could negatively affect the other team, like the red ones from after using the QED on Moon at times. They already had them in the last game, I don't know why they weren't included in BO II. You should also be able to build things that could "grief" the other team, for example, build a turret that would shoot at them significantly slowing them down. I mean hell, if they threw in the QED into Grief Mode I'll be happy.
  10. Theater mode is working just fine for me. It froze once during a highlight reel 2 days after release, but after that I've had virtually no problems.
  11. I've lost the headshot one a few times actually, but seeing as it doesn't have that much usefulness I haven't concerned myself much over since I always easily get it back without even realizing it. I've never lost the other ones though.
  12. I never actually got around to using that, what does it do? I know it hacks stuff, but can you use it at range, is it unlimited, etc? I haven't used it but I spectated soneone using it. They hacked a helicopter from the ground. So yes, super long range. I've seen it used on uav as well. Edit: I think it's multi-use. You can only use it once (twice if you equip a second one). If there are no walls or objects in the way, it's range is infinite. There is nothing it cannot hack. If you hack a scorestreak, it will be destroyed, and some may take more than one. Equipment is converted to friendly equipment and counts as if you had laid it down yourself (Tactical insertions are just destroyed). It captures care packages very quickly, both enemy and friendly, and enemy care packages are booby trapped upon capture while giving you its contents (they let you capture care packages dropped on roofs or outside of map boundaries). It also has a decent range through walls. There is nothing better than hacking a betty that someone just threw down, watch them stare at it in confusion and then going wtf as it kills them seconds later. :D
  13. I found myself on the edge of my seat at almost all of the pivotal cut-scenes, the fast paced action had me full of adrenaline the whole time, and the story was absolutely mind-blowing. Most of the decisions I made lead to very sad outcomes, but my god, this story was so amazing. Also, I don't think anything is ever going to beat the Menendez roid rage. I cannot wait to go back and play the campaign again for once. So many possibilities! :D
  14. Black Hat..... Enough said 8-)
  15. Samuel definitely because of one quote I heard him say while running a train under the tower- "Somebody better call the doctor, because I just got a 4 hour boner!"
  16. I was actually starting to come to this conclusion as well. Thanks for the shoutout btw! But yeah, I think we need to make a list of possible "challenges" for ranking up to help support this theory. I already have a few in mind I think are possible.
  17. I originally got my blue eyes before I ever made it past round 10 when the game came out, and before I had even done survival. I don't think leaderboards factor that much into it.
  18. There should be one giant thread with all the theories on this then, unless there is one that I just happened to not have noticed. It was just something I thought of and I thought I would post it before I forgot.
  19. So when the game came out, I got to the skull with the blues eyes pretty quickly. Then about the middle of last week, I went back down to the regular skull and I had no idea why. So I began playing a ton of zombies to at least try and get the blue eyes back. I had several very good matches in Tranzit, Survival and Grief, but all to no avail. Then while I was playing last night, I suddenly got my blue eyes back (as did one of my friends) after a mildly bad match in Tranzit. I started thinking about what I had done to get them back. I believe it factors in how many times you are hit in relation to how many kills you get, or in other words, how skilled you are in dodging and evading zombies while also killing several of them at one time. I was lucky enough to get the galvaknuckles by right before round 4, and going back in theater mode, I observed my performance from there on. I had gotten at least a good 100 kills with the knuckles while barely getting hit at all, and in a short amount of time too. While I was also training at the Diner beforehand, I managed to evade nearly all of the zombies' hits. I'm not saying this is what completely determines your rank, they clearly also factor in how often you play and maybe even if you try out other game modes. I simply believe this has something to with progressing through the ranks.
  20. R870 and the S12. I'm going for diamond on the shotguns as well. KSG is next :D
  21. I can't remember exactly but I believe under the options menu in the game there is a link to YouTube option.
  22. Did you do all that in Custom Games? Because if you did, everything but the round you made it to save to the leaderboards.
  23. I agree with one of the comments above, the campaign is surprisingly fascinating this time around and well worth several play-throughs. Strikeforce could've been fine-tuned more, but none-the-less interesting to play. Multiplayer this time around is also very satisfying, prestiging no longer punishes you, and I have yet to come across any real unfair weapon balance. I'm not trying to convince you of what a good game this is, I'm simply stating what I think of it after about 2 weeks of playing. I'm right there with you too on wanting an all-zombies game. I believe that if done correctly, it could be mind-blowing. But that will most likely be much further down the road if at all and a very difficult task to make successful.
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