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Stop Mocking Me0

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Status Replies posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. Finally got black ops 3!.. Now for the download......of 51.1 GB of data.... At .49 MBpS...... Fuck...

  2. Finally got black ops 3!.. Now for the download......of 51.1 GB of data.... At .49 MBpS...... Fuck...

  3. "You'd be a lot cooler if you knifed that Margwua.."

  4. Realizing @Spider3000 is also the war doctor.... <<<<<<<< 


  5. Realizing @Spider3000 is also the war doctor.... <<<<<<<< 


  6. Guess who just got BO3? ;)

  7. Some of those effects you get after paping multiple times are really overpowered. : (

  8. Hey can someone with the giant Message me, I think I've found something that may be interesting...


  9. Legit the Margwa is harden than the Panzer...

  10. Only 7 hours until Omnpedia is mine...

  11. It's been almost 4 months since the Zombie Reveal.

    Yep, time sure does fly by.

  12. It's been almost 4 months since the Zombie Reveal.

    Yep, time sure does fly by.

  13. So yeah... I can't play zombies until thanksgiving break.... Fucking fantastic.... (Rant mode active...) I wait, patiently for 3 years for a single damn game, I don't complain or fuss, I do the best I can, and I live with it. But nooooo a damn C- in a college bio class is suddenly means no Xbox for the rest of the semester. "We bought got that thing for you" yeah as a christmas gift... "Buy your own" I'm a college student I'm not busting 300$ on a new xbox or playstation. "Bring those grades up" do you have any fucking idea how hard my classes are?! You seriously think taking an Xbox away will change that? What am I 12?  Fuck. Just fuck. NO ONE else I know has to deal with this bullshit. And all my hometown friends (who now go to different colleges) are getting the game, with their parent's cash... It's infuriating. I worked to pay off the digital deluxe version. But who cares about the work you put in because you got a damn C in BIO. FUCK. I am BEYOND pissed with this. I've had to deal with this shit for nearly 20 god-damn years and I'm sick of it! Worst part about it is that all it does at home is play blueray DVDs from redbox. It's WASTED, along with the 60$ of xbox live I have too.... Just... FUCK! I don't hate my parents but I wish they'd have a little more respect for the things I want. I'm in college... WHEN do I get to control when I get the carrot constantly dangled in front of my face..... FUCK!(Rant terminated...)   

  14. So yeah... I can't play zombies until thanksgiving break.... Fucking fantastic.... (Rant mode active...) I wait, patiently for 3 years for a single damn game, I don't complain or fuss, I do the best I can, and I live with it. But nooooo a damn C- in a college bio class is suddenly means no Xbox for the rest of the semester. "We bought got that thing for you" yeah as a christmas gift... "Buy your own" I'm a college student I'm not busting 300$ on a new xbox or playstation. "Bring those grades up" do you have any fucking idea how hard my classes are?! You seriously think taking an Xbox away will change that? What am I 12?  Fuck. Just fuck. NO ONE else I know has to deal with this bullshit. And all my hometown friends (who now go to different colleges) are getting the game, with their parent's cash... It's infuriating. I worked to pay off the digital deluxe version. But who cares about the work you put in because you got a damn C in BIO. FUCK. I am BEYOND pissed with this. I've had to deal with this shit for nearly 20 god-damn years and I'm sick of it! Worst part about it is that all it does at home is play blueray DVDs from redbox. It's WASTED, along with the 60$ of xbox live I have too.... Just... FUCK! I don't hate my parents but I wish they'd have a little more respect for the things I want. I'm in college... WHEN do I get to control when I get the carrot constantly dangled in front of my face..... FUCK!(Rant terminated...)   

  15. our over lord cthulhu will rise only 6 more days! 

  16. I am completely impressed with the map so far guys. Honestly for those of you who have bought the game, money well spent. Like HONESTLY, this map is making me freeze in awe, laugh my ass off, question my sanity, and just.. completely immerse me. I'm currently putting together a list of the top 10 things I've found about the map (due to leaks, so we won't see this until next friday don't worry) which will be HELPFUL, but not spoiler-ly when the map first comes out. Things like game mechanics and changes/improvements to gameplay. Things like that. Don't worry mods, I'm keeping my lips shut until friday, but after that it's open season baby. (with the exception of EE steps. I don't even know those.)

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Boohoo. You're in a completely controllable situation as to wither or not you see leaks of a game you'll play in less then a week. Sad story, I'll likely not be able to play the game, which is completely out of my control. These leaks are all I have until Thanksgiving break as most likely. I have yet to release any info to this site, as per regulations, and don't plan to till it's acceptable.  I'm just trying to hype people up, but clearly that's not appreciated. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. I am completely impressed with the map so far guys. Honestly for those of you who have bought the game, money well spent. Like HONESTLY, this map is making me freeze in awe, laugh my ass off, question my sanity, and just.. completely immerse me. I'm currently putting together a list of the top 10 things I've found about the map (due to leaks, so we won't see this until next friday don't worry) which will be HELPFUL, but not spoiler-ly when the map first comes out. Things like game mechanics and changes/improvements to gameplay. Things like that. Don't worry mods, I'm keeping my lips shut until friday, but after that it's open season baby. (with the exception of EE steps. I don't even know those.)

  18. I am completely impressed with the map so far guys. Honestly for those of you who have bought the game, money well spent. Like HONESTLY, this map is making me freeze in awe, laugh my ass off, question my sanity, and just.. completely immerse me. I'm currently putting together a list of the top 10 things I've found about the map (due to leaks, so we won't see this until next friday don't worry) which will be HELPFUL, but not spoiler-ly when the map first comes out. Things like game mechanics and changes/improvements to gameplay. Things like that. Don't worry mods, I'm keeping my lips shut until friday, but after that it's open season baby. (with the exception of EE steps. I don't even know those.)

  19. *LEAK* Post campaign content is a re-imagining of the fan favorite map "Bus Depot"

  20. *LEAK* Post campaign content is a re-imagining of the fan favorite map "Bus Depot"

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      DOA is actually pacman as well, only with a brown dot as packman, and the ghosts are all identical green blobs. 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  21. *LEAK* Post campaign content is a re-imagining of the fan favorite map "Bus Depot"

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      But now, fan favorite weapons like the balista, war machine, SMR, and the magnatron make a reappearance. How did the magnatron cross universes? Simple. It didn't. The exo zombie maps are cannon now. 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  22. CoDz LFG now LIVE - www.codzlfg.com

  23. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  24. Hi guys! Glad to be back and diving back into the storyline for another season :)

  25. Hi guys! Glad to be back and diving back into the storyline for another season :)

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