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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. No the purple zombies ate people too.
  2. Any theory that leads us one step closer to having that button mean something more is a good theory to me! I'm starting to feel a bit like lock from lost, obsessed with a button....
  3. Yay I love the cries of disapointed noobs! :D
  4. Well put it this way: MOTD was a great and original map: You won't get tired of that easily, so 15 purchase right there... 20 if you are just buying a 20 card from walgreens or gamestop. Buried was a very nice map, and it would be quite a nice thing to purchase, however if you didn't like die rise, you're missing out on the full easter egg with the button.... SO, Given the pros and cons I would say you may just want to buy this map later on, or whenever you want it... So 15/20 there, We're up to 40 $ Origins looks like a 100% Must buy, robots, O4, Samantha and Templars. That's defiantly a 15/20 dollar value... SO in short you're left with either a 60 dollar or 45 dollar purchase... If you chose the 45 dollar purchase you don't get nuketown, which you would need 5 more dollars to get, which is 50 dollars... So basically you would be getting die rise free by purchasing the seasons pass.... Who doesn't love a free dlc? Even if you hate it! Then you can have the full effect of buried as well...
  5. hmmm... Is it possible that, assuming Samantha is the anti-christ, that in some kind of way... Richtofen.. The polar opposite of Samantha.... OR do we move to the: There is christ in all of us? Meaning that Richtofen, Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, JFK, Castro, Macnera, Nixon, The soldiers at nact and verruct, Sara Michele geller, Robert Englund, Danny Trejo, M. Rooker, Russman, Marelton, Samule, Misty, The CDC, the CIA, Weasel, the hill billy, and any other helpers throughout the zombie storyline are sort of the "christ" to combat the maxis and zombie anti-christ.
  6. Yeah... no. It's a prequel, and after pressing the button the blinking and such of the EE resets. Why does everyone and their mother assume that the lights re-set it means it's over? Think about it: If you push the button for richtofen and you got your reward, then died, wouldn't you want the same award again? They reset everything for the replay-ability value... Otherwise one would have to complete all the easter eggs again for maxis, and then do the same again for richtofen... It's still possible the next map can be effected by the button.... Heck, Samantha is in argartha, where did maxis want to open? Argartha.... Who's telling the story of origins? Samantha....
  7. Origins: May be effected by the button we pressed....
  8. Welcome to part 8 of the countdown! Given you likely saw the epic cutscene just today about origins, so, after this peice, the rest are going to be focused compleatly arround origins! I'm sure you'll love the ideas either way! So for the last Non-Origins related step I give you: "Carry on" : A Micro-transaction map: 400msp Discription: Shake the undead to their knees in this amazing rock star map! Using bare materials, perk machines, and specified wonderweaponry, four band members try to survive a horde of their undead fans! What is there to uncover in this re-make of the fan-favorite map: Kino Der Toten. Yeah that's right: Remade kino der toten! And you know what's better? It stars the four AX7 members seen in game(It's nothing against other bands, it's simply the fact they have their character models on file, same goes for Arin liejay, we didn't forget you) M. Shadows Synyster gates Johnny Christ Zacky Vengence It starts simple, it's kino but reskinned: Everything is in tact, and posh! Lights and all! Olympia and M-14 are available as well as quick revive. Zombies come in from their usual 4 windows, and there are two exits, one down, one up... Now here's where things start getting a bit more complicated... Taking the first room upstairs, you'll find the Kap-40 off the wall, Mule kick, and now you can see a crowd of zombies down in the main theater room in the stands! Also you can find the characters of tranzit and die rise here: ie a denizen on a table "talking" to a nova-Jumper with the avagadro in the corner honoring the artwork of an eagle, a bottle, a sword, a mask, and of Dr. Maxis in the large photo with a CDC agent... The next room contains speed cola, the Tommy gun and the Remington. Arround you are the characters from buried: Meaning the big guy who's cleaning glasses behind the counter and a CIA agent talking to him... The next room (the wardrobe-closet) one can find the ghost-lady powering herself in the mirror... Now here's the stage... And power... Nothing here but the teleporter-generator-things are now giant speakers and a drum set, there's a workbench in the back of one of the speakers... M-16 and claymores here... Turning the power on reveals a stage, in the crowd on can see hell hounds and zombies... A catwalk along the middle is used to reach juggernog and the Bowie knife in the back... A box location onstage and backstage... Exit stage right (?) to enter the upper floor where one can find the origins players talking to a giant robot through a hole in the wall... These characters are: The Templar zombie, the big-daddy zombie, and any survival characters we may see in the next map (Soilders, gas-masked scientist) Continue on to the lower outside area where one can find the 3 unholy mobsters taking a smoke... Head into the last area of the circle (the imediantly left of the starting room) to find a sort of entry room where Brutus is guarding a gate and refusing to let a Guard in after a prisoner... BUILDABLES: There is one workbench in this map: On stage, and there are three peices: A blue wire, a red wire, and a black wire. What this does is make it so when compleate, one can pick up the wonder weapon from the box and bring it here to rock out with, head to the drums if one doesn't have a guitar, and the last guy can hold X on the front stage mic (stand) and compleatly rock out with the mic. Each wonder weapon is amplified on stage with the same effect as the subsurface resonator. All zombies become discombobulated and blown against the juggernog wall. The three wires are found: Red: In the upstage area, near the robot. Blue: In the dressing room with the ghost Black: Found in the chandler above stage, a well-timed gernade or lucky shot will dis-lodge it. PERKS: Quick revive: Spawn Mule kick: Portrait room SpeedCola: Bar-Room DoubleTap: Outside area Juggernog: Back of the stands area Pack a punch: Use stage-teleporter to get here.... Pack a punch: This time it's a bit different to get to the PAP: To do this one needs to power the teleporter in the middle of the stage: Link it with the teleporter in the spawn room and then build the speakers build compleatly. When ready, hold X on the Front of the speakers to power them up. Then you're surrounded by an eletric barrier arround the stage, meaning you can't escape, but you can still use the instruments to your advantage! All you have to do now is survive the 20 zombies that spawn in and one can teleport to the PAP area. The actual area is sort of a bar, with a hell's redeemer off the wall where frags would be... PaP is right were it would be and in the sides are two VIP bars with Samule, Russman, Marelton and Misty living it up! On the other side one can find six chairs labeled: Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, Edward, Samantha, Ludvig. Weapons! Wonder weapon: The wunderocker: A guitar that when strummed (Trigger) creates a feild arround the player that kills zombies like eletric cherry, but stronger. The basisler: A base guitar that fires sisling bolts of fire at the zombie Infront of it... PAPing these weapons instantly converts the weapon into the other weapon, meaning you put in a Wunderocker, you'll get out a basisler and vice-versa. Other guns: Starter: M1911pistol Wall: M-14, Olymipia, Kap-40,Remington shotgun, tommy gun, m-16, claymores, MP5k(upper stage), Ak-74u (Outside area), mini-Uzi (enterence area with brutus), hell's retreiver(Lethal) Hell-Box-Chest: War-Machine, RPG, Hamer, LSAT, Ray gun (M1 and 2), Galil, mtar, s-12, Remington new model army, SMR, Exicutioner, DSR, SVU, Pdw, Teddybear. Others: Drums: Basicaly the most bad-Ass thing in the game, for 30 sec. (overheat time) the drums will generate a feild like the paralizer that will "tap" the zombie's into dust, from the player mashing random buttons. Mic: Like a personal Subserface resonator, look at a zombie, hold X and WHAM blown away.. Only lasts for 90 seconds at 1500 a pop... Free durring the pap sequence though! I hope you all enjoyed! Be here for the last two stops in this busride for the epic Origins idea list!
  9. Kinda look orange at the very begining when theyre running out of the crypt... But DEFFINANTLY yellow when tank starts his rampage...
  10. The eyes moved from purple to orange-yellow (hard to tell) If a maxis has no role to play, why are they the color of what they are? Why not stay light purple? Why suddenly change to yellow?
  11. Perhaps Samantha has reached a new point in her emotions: Regret..... I mean, Tank was right there... The Remington New model Army pointed right at Richtofen's head.... Surely there would have been some way she could have made him pull the trigger... Even at the expense of take killing tank and nikolai killing takeo, leaving nikolai to die at the hands of the zombies and robots.... This only leaves me to believe there is a REASON one of those four needed to live... for Samantha's purposes....
  12. For maxis to have his brain pulled out and put into another body latter on would explain why he looks so old in the picture, but has a young daughter 30 years later.... Rejuvenation at it's finest... Maybe Samantha did the same... She was maxis's wife, so inorder to save here maxis performed an extrodinary advancement of science and moved his wife's mind and soul into a small girl (Samantha) 's body... This would explain why Sam sounds so old here and so young on moon... There were complications however and Samantha's mind became that of a younger Samantha...
  13. So... This is the captainslog's log..... But seriously: nice job!
  14. I can see the greif map now: Gas-masked soldiers VS armored soldiers... Maybe we'll get a sort of turned-Greif mix where for 10 minutes two teams of four people run around, first team to get the cure gains the cure for the whole team. The other team then has to kill at least one of the other players, the first player to get eaten becomes a zombie, his team stays human. Then one person on the other team is a zombie and has to try and kill the guy who ate him.. Don't get your team mixed up with the others...
  15. So just a re-cap on things we're waiting on: Tank's Letter Richtofen's letter The replacers trailer The achievement list The Leader-board update All of which may be dropped at ANY moment during the fallowing week.... What fun!
  16. What they could use instead is kinda temporary zombification: Temporarily turning the player into a zombie so they can escape the horde unnoticed, then after a short period of time you turn back. Or maybe pneumatic tubes..
  17. Yeah it's obvious other soldiers aren't going to be able to do JANK!
  18. I'm expecting that at the final bits of the story, all the eyes of zombies will flow across the world making a rainbox of demonic announcer colors... I can see the anime now: Go Lucifer GO maxis! Go Samantha Go (....) Go Richtofen Go ???
  19. Did we miss the new nikolai letter? Or am I just being an idiot? "Despite my abdication, my country remains gripped by civil war, reds and whites battle for power as i am forced to watch helplessly from afar. Despite the March treaty many among us do not expect lasting piece. Our memories will not allow us to forget the tens of thousands of souls lost Tannenburg... This war remains a threat to all our futures... The people of france share my hatred and contempt for the thin(?) They have been very kind to me on my journeys; offering me food shelter and more worldly comforts, it is a great relief that has risen among the madness of war, I may still find moments of joy in the arms of good women... -Nikolai"
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