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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. If the box accepts the kills, yeah this sounds possible, but it isn't possible in solo, as the generator would power off before the templars reached the chest near the excavation site
  2. Now... there are multiple MP40 spots on this map... But i think one place is the fire cave right next to spawn....
  3. It's also in-map That's why he said "also". Sorry I thought he ment "as well as the other wonder fizz perks" Not "mule kick is in both the wonder fiz and the map"
  4. The digging system is quite odd.. When do the bone piles spawn? Here's what I've gotten from them so far: Weapons (so far mauser pistol, Remington, and ballista) Drops: (double points, insta kill, blood money, zombie blood) Other: Loose gernades, zombies, aperiantly the golden helm.
  5. The wonder fiz drink is interesting... There have been 3 confirmed perks so far: EC, PHD, and deadshot from what i've heard... Certainly there's not a way to get tombstone in solo.... Vulture aid would be nice but its a bit op with the zombie blood use already... My best hope is that who's who is not in the machine...
  6. COOL! It looks like you've somehow gotten a gold shovel too.... I wonder if there is a their gold item?
  7. Richtofen also states that maxis met his demise.... Meaning he is dead... So many questions...
  8. With the DLC being released tomorrow you would expect trayarch to be on the ball with this origins stuff, and at least update the leader-boards... But seeing as how with the last 2 updates (the one today and the one a few days ago) and not even a SECTION is perplexing me... IS there something they don't want us seeing? I doubt they would make a big deal over a greif or turned map... And we already know the name of the story map... Is it a new mode? Like no-man's land? A separate survival map? Or something MORE?!? I mean if it wasn't HOURS before launch i wouldn't be suspicious, but considering it IS....
  9. Somebody does not know how to use the buried time-bomb glitch.... You will need:! Points, Galvas, And a time bomb. 1: Take out large amounts of points 2: place time bomb 3: put all points into the "share points" drop thingy using galvas. 4: hit time bomb 5: the drop will still be there and you will have all your points back, effectively DOUBLEING your total points at the time....
  10. I feel so sorry for not giving you part 9 earlier, a random thing came up and I couldn't find the time... SO to make up for it I decided to instead of doing a separate part for grief, survival, and turned, I combined them with this part and part 10 will now feature what I think the NEXT zombie map will be about for COD 12 I hear.... Without further adu: HERE is the complete mock-version of the soon-to-be-relesed map: Origins! -ORIGINS-------------- You all saw the trailer and I don't think I need to explain that again, but here's the vid anyways: TS701bMxmSI Starting area: Simple enough: Mauser pistol, works the same as M1911, upgraded it becomes the Fmaster, in which the gun gains MUCH more amo (99/999) and becomes fully automatic doing small but rapid damage! The knives vary as well: Ranged-Weapons: Takeo's katana: Does the same damage as a normal knife, but can extend further to reach farther zombies. Richtofen's Saw: Does the same damage as the normal knife, but has a larger width in which it can hit zombies. Power weapons: Nikolai's ax: Does slightly higher damage then the norm. (1 mauser built 1 knife on round 2) Tank's trench-knife: Actually can extend it's self to hit two zombies at once if within close enough range. Same power as normal knife The actual room is pretty cool too, you spawn in and watch as a giant foot lifts it's way out of the room (seen when richtofen was introduced). Most of the room (excluding the ceiling) is in tact. Simple buys are available: Quick revive (Richtofen will actually quote and say: "Odd... This wasn't meant to be out of production until next year... OH WELL!" The m-14 and Olympia as well. There are three ways to proceed: The simple way through the door nikolai came from (750) the door behind the table (to the labs) or take the open door tak. came through (1000). Nikolai's Door: The door nikolai came in through will lead you out into the lower trenches, roam around and fight and what-not. The path will lead you to a pair of intersections: The first one will either take you to the higher trenches or to the next intersection: No-man's land or pump 3. Takeo's door: Taking the higher rough or simply exiting through takeo's door will take you to the higher trenches where one can find the tank! This tank provide's protection from the feet of the robot, leaving the tank will not necessarily mean you're dead, but rather, means WATCH THE SKYS. It will traverse over the top of the trenches and ride to the village as well as the excavation site and the other trenches. The 3rd Pump station: If you had chosen to advance toward the pump-station earlier, you're met with a task: Power up the station or let it be. There are three pumps in this map, one in the german trenches, one in the french trenches, and one in the excavation site, and they work like this: Turning on a pump requires energy, gotten from one of three ways: Points, 115, and lightning. Lighting will source from the WONDER WEAPON STAFF: The purple scepter. The 115 can come from either the build able: ZOMBIE BLOOD or from simple killing around the machine. Points are the most efficient way to accomplish this task though: Simply buying the pump to work for 1500. In multi-player this pump will turn on some lights in the german-trench area (where you are) and power the what-nots in the lab and the first breaker-box in the spawn room. NOW be careful, because now there may be a particularly nasty Panzer Soldat that can spawn from a robot. It's slow moving but it's purpose is simple: Shut down the pump! It will do this by making it's way from where-ever you are and heading to the nearest pump, pausing only to take out a player nearby.... The way it attacks is by grabbing you with it's claw, and then letting the zombies get you. However you can still fight in it's claw! The way to escape is to have yourself and a friend either hit him with an explosive (which will release you) or shoot it in it's only visible weak point: It's face. Taking it out will completely undo his wrath for at least another 4 rounds. If he makes it to the tank however, your efforts will be for naut and he'll recede back up the robot.... Richtofen's Door AKA Labs: This area is very close quarters and slightly deadly... There is an old-fassioned verruct electric-trap you can use though, and the long awaited- PHD flopper, as well as a buildable bench: The elemental station - Note other buildables can be built wherever, but THIS build is only available here. It combines a small tool-box, one of four elemental gems, and a long box-thing. Once this is built one can then retreive their own staff.. Once they do, the buildable re-sets making a player have to return to build parts again: Specifically the long poll and the gem. It should also be noted, that at one time, only one player can have one of each gem. Meaning there can be one staff of lighting, one of fire, one of ice, and one of wind. At any given time one player can hold one staff max! Meaning you can't wield both the fire and ice staff. Basically one player per team gets one staff. Here are the part locations: Gem of: Wind: Forged in the church using skills of air. Fire: Found in no-mans land across the ground. Pick it up quick because a robot WILL crush it and it WILL make it spawn somewhere else. Lightning: Found in the tomb area in one of the walls ice: Found in a broken glass case in the robot's head. Long box: Always spawns in the french bace toolbox: Always spawns in the german lab it's self. Staff: An amazing wonder weapon, this staff allows the player to wield one of three possible weapons: Wind: Works by levitating the zombies in air, making them harmless targets for others and if used again by you will fling them away, killing them, can be used on crawlers to save them, they will struggle in the air and fallow the player who left him. Upgraded it has the same effects but also effects some zombies not in your aim-box near you. It can also be used as a jet-pack. Can not be used on the panzer Soldat. Recharges the Fire: The most deadly of the four, it emits a blundergat like blast of fire that melts zombies. Upgraded it gains the effect of being able to speed up players caught in the flame (at the expense of the same pain as touching lava) re-charges in 5 sec. and CAN be used on the panzer Soldat Lightning: Much like the DG2, this staff launches powerful blasts of energy into hordes of zombies, it also can be used to power pumps and set off traps, as well as confuse the panzer soldat making him forget his primary target and head for the next one: Player or pump. While energized the lightning can spread to other zombies... However this does not hurt the PS, only confuses him. Upgrading it allows the player to confuse the PS to even hurt zombies around him and shock zombies using lightning from the sky (useful for killing far-away crawlers) Recharge time: 15 sec. for the map-shot, 5 for the DG2 blast. Ice: My favorite gun: Slows both the zombies and the PS, killing the zombies, but not the PS. Firing it at the ground has the same result as the seliquifier: Slippery ground! Upgraded it gains the ability to fire a secondary, more concentrated, beam of ice that CAN kill the PS and kills zombies easy. It's recharge time is 2 sec. NO-Man's Land: - In game this is NOT the place to be at ALL! There are risers out the wa-zoo here, the robots can pass this point, and will NOT hesitate to step on you! Also there are mines across the ground, they won't kill you, only cause the same ditz-ification as the subsurface resonator, but still! The only reason to be here is to collect a fire gem.. other then that... take the tank! French trenches: Much like the german trenches, only the zombies eyes here are orange, and instead of a laboratory, they have a much larger "village" area. There is also a second pump station here with the same rules as the first one. it will power on the french trenches as well as turn on the perks in the town and the other french areas. There are two perks in these trenches in one of the barracks: Stamin up and double tap. The village: In the village one can find three stores and an ally-way with a weird door in the back. The three buildings are: The church, the INN/Pub, and the town hall. The church contains a puzzle involving light-refractment and mirrors throughout the town, by lining them up properly one can shine it through the chandelier in the church, unlocking the bell tower. Leading players to the resting place of the air-gem. The Inn/pub contains speed cola on the lower floor and on the upper floor a build -able: Basiclally you can craft a shield using screws, handles, and a shield. The shield can be found inside of the inn, the handle in the courthouse and the screws in the back-ally room. The courthouse contains a similar layout to the one in buried, only the box in the back is replaced by a simple closet with bowie in it, and the mystery box will always spawn above in the back area. You can find a handle in here as well as a control panel you can use after powering up the pump. The back room here can't be accessed now, but once all three panels have been activated, one can return to this room to find a primitive teleporter (and semtex). The use of which will be discussed later.... The excavation site: This particular area is VERY weird, as the zombies eyes are a faint purple! It should be said that chain-mail zombies act like the armored zombies in Die Rise, taking slightly more damage then normal. In the actual site one can find juggernog in the main bay, and by taking elevators and bridges down, one can find the third pump and Mule kick. Like wise part-way down one can build another item: The zombie blood. Crafted from zombie flesh found on the ground, a detonator, and C-4, this special weapon will create a shock-charge like equipment, that when thrown on the ground and triggered by a player or machine, will pop and out will flow zombie blood. If it is triggered by a player, that player gains a 30 sec. invisibility from zombies (but not PS). If thrown in a pump, the pump will automatically start up and work. If thrown at the box, it will re-roll it. If thrown in a PS, it will corrode the inside and cause the PS to be immobile for a lengthy period of time. By powering this pump, the perks and tunnels will light up and one tomb will (permanently even if the power goes down) open, revealing a large blue 115 meteor with circles and whatnot on it that apparently "sings" to richtofen... But don't dawdle! Get to the panel up at the entrance to the excavation site! Those PS are NOT to be toyed with! The panels: The panels you've lit up now will now permanently keep the three pumps rolling, unless a PS attacks one, but it won't shut off easily, and you don't have to do the WHOLE process over again. It's just a mater of powering the pump.Perks BTW do not stay lit if the power is turned off! SO make sure you keep that pump in the Excavation site PS free! But by turning on all those panels the back door of the ally behind the courthouse will open, allowing one to use the primitive teleporter.... The sky: You are zapped up and once you think you're getting somewhere you fall.. Directly onto a blimp! Crawl down into it to find it's being manned by a radio with the exact voice of "teDD" On the blimp one can find a room with TEDD's AI and a room with bi-planes controlled by german-technology. There's also a perk here: Soothing syrup: A special perk I sadly do not even have the slightest clue what it would do, and I'm too tired now to think of it, maybe tomorrow when I upload my easter egg... Climb into one of the bi-planes and fly on over to the final area: A robot it's self. Entering the robot will show the player that the robot is... All a part of the rest I will finish uploading tomorrow! Sorry I have two big test tomorrow and I NEED the sleep. Good night and be sure to come back tomorrow to finish! AND we are BACK! Moving on you find the robot isn't even of german engineering... It's of french.... Remotely controlled from the most inconspicuous tower in the world: The tower we ALL have been waiting for: THE EIFLE TOWER! Sadly you never gain the ability to visit this tower, only a small group of TVs will tell you that... It should be noted that PACK A PUNCH can be found here... And after a few minutes of exploration, the PS's WILL attack like brutuses on the bridge! But non-stop... Enter the giant's brain to find the source of the giant's overheating system: The ice gem, which upon removal will corrupt the giant and cause the entire machine to over heat! Get out by entering one of the PS's extraction tubes... Once one removes the gem, the robot will occasionally slow down, making traversal of the area easier. And the gem will never return to the robot's circuitry... And that is the map! Into and out of the horrifying BEAST known as ORIGINS! Now onto my FAVORITE part: E*A*S*T*E*R* *E*G*G*S*! MAXIS: Now, as you can tell MAXIS is involved in this map in a PARALLEL way as FUTURE Richtofen is! The french area is under maxis's control, the german area is under Samantha's and the Excavation site is under the control, faintly, by richtofen.... You will need to have done the maxis easter egg to proceed here.... To start off one must first slow the robot (meaning one trip to the robot and at least remove the ice crystal.) When you return to the ground level you will hear Samantha singing: Come and find me DADDY! You will now need to head to the german laboratory a small box will be glowing orange, you need to turn on the electric trap and simply kill with that, and only electric weapons, like the staff of lightning. Eventually it will ding and an orange light will escape the box... You must power it with orange-eyed zombie kills for it to work, one zombie pushes it forward about 20 feet and you need to push it all the way to the tank and wait for it to pass by. It should also be mentioned these are ORANGE zombies only, so one would need to first gain a good horde of orange zombies and then take them to the german- field. Once at the tank, it will carry the tiny orange light it's self all the way to the french town where it will then need to be pushed into the teleporter. After so, the light will flow INTO the giant's system and on the screen on can see the Eiffel tower turn brilliant orange and give off similar radiation. Now you should be able to hear maxis state: Ah- HA! I have FOUND you! Prepare for the gates to open! All I need is for you to unlock the door... DO IT! Now all the faint-purple eyed zombies will have become nonexistent, they are all the same yellow or orange eye'd zombies.... Head to the excavation site's meteor. You will need to kill zombies near this meteor to supply it's node with power... Fairly simple... Next is the harder step... You will need to visit the labs and pull the switch there.. This will set the entire map into a weird world-portal puzzle... Only one solution will lead you away from the labs and one needs to reach the french courthouse on the other side of the map... There a second switch can be hit fixing the world and illuminating an orange wire from the excavation site to the labs, and from the labs to the court house. One will then need to head to the french barracks and have a PS fallow a player into the orange -light-feild, once done the PS will change course and head into a previously non-reachable area of the map: the top of the wall... Where it will illuminate another light from the courthouse to the barracks, and from the barracks to the meteor. Last step of the major node: Using the staff of ice, freeze the machines in no-mans land, the edge of the french trenches, and outside the labs. This will stop them, one will then need the staff of wind to change the direction of the machine's purpose and finally the lightning staff to turn the machines back on. This will cause a large white hole to appear in no-mans land, place 4 shields around it, throw in a zombie-blood and fire in different weapons and what not until you here the audio Que.: This will cause a WHOLE lot of dialogue to draw forth: Maxis: You've done it! Samantha! I can now release you from your chains! Come to me my little girl.... Sam: Daddy? You've come to save me? Maxis: Of course i have child... come and we'll AAARRRRRRRGGGG!!!!!What... WHat are you? Sam: AHAHAHAHA YOu sTuPid old FoOl! YOU KNOW as well as I do now that I am NOT your daughter! MAxis; Arrrggg... What? No... You ARE my daughter.... Sam: NO! You FOund me! DISCOVERED me! You KNEW of my POWER and MY abilities! You care-ed NOT for me, but for my potential USE! Maxis: Samantha... No... I... I.... Richtofen: You know as well as I do maxis she tells the TRUTH! Sam: YOU! After all these years! I will DISPOSE of you! Richto: Yah... Yah... Im SURE you will... But you're forgetting one thing: IM in YOUR body... Killing me will only cut your connection to the aether entirely... In short... Killing you will end BOTH of our existence's.... And before you get any ideas you have my body, and if you kill that, then you and I both die as well.... It's ironic just a tad isn't it? Maxis: Samantha.... DESTROY HIM! I should have done it while I had the... Sam: EXACTLY you should have! Then I would never have to live with this AGONY of a man and my so-called father.... YOU KILLED FLUFFY, YOU KILLED MOMMY! I will NEVER let you harm another person for as long as I EXIST! GOOD BYE DADDY!!! MAxis: AAAARRRRRRGGGGGG!!!!!!!! (bleeps out for the final time) Richtofen: Talk about a dysfunctional family... then again, I AM me.... Sam: Oh I'm not done with you either Richtofen.... Richtofen: Oh yeah? Well as long as my body stays in argartha hooked up to those strange memory-reality things.... I'm not going anywhere.... I think I'll return to my original plan now: steel a body and use it for my own purposes! And now that I get a good look at things.... OOOHHHH! I have a GREAT IDEA! I'll use my own! Sam: WHAT?!?! Richtofen: Oh this is hilarious, now not ONLY do you not have you body, now you don't have ANYBODY! AHAHAHAHAA! Sam: And how do you plan on escaping the memory simulator? Richtofen: Simple, I simply have to let the transmission end in the proper way... I do this right and EVERYTHING will go BOOP! AHAHA! Now for the final step of the easter eggs: half the zombies are blue, and half are yellow.... For this step each player must do EXACTLY what they did back in the real 1918... Tank will have to position himself on a tank, takeo in the no-mans land, nikolai in the plane and once the others are in position, richtofen can perform surgery on the corpse in the spawn room.... This will freeze everything in black and white, zombies included... Richtofen will then remove the brain and place it in the jar... Takeo and nikolai will then be taken hostage by black and white- interpretations of german officials..... Tank will then also be saved by the french.... After being brought to richtofen nikolai and takeo will be knocked in the head by the soldiers and become "awake" from their so-called sleep, in a room like no other on the map (technically its a room under the map only reachable by this method)... In it is a dark room with odd purple lights... the zombies still frozen, richtofen will then need to find Dempsey and kill along side him... Effectively the two will become separated by falling off the tank. Sending tank into the room with Nikolai and takeo.... From here the other three will then: Have to each hold X on their own tables... This will cause this: Richtofen: Oh good, now we can proceed! All we have to do is let THIS memory play out and We'll be out of here! This must be very confusing to all of you... Oh well, should have payed more attention to my rambling! Oh, WHERE will we go when we get out? What will we do? Who will I play with? Maybe that guy... Whats his name? Sherman? Sebastian... Whatever... WE CAN DO WHATEVER WE WISH! You will then receive all perks, including mule-kick-plus! Achievement unlocked: Little lost girl: In origins free Samantha! This will also unlock the special secret survival map: Dead-ops arcade 2! HAve fun with that! __________________ Richtofen: This easter egg can only be done after pushing richtofen's button as well... You will also need one trip to slow the robot too.... To start off, all your first clues will be fed to you through the voice of an ancient templar zombie with purple-eyes... Simply head to the tank and ride around on it until one reaches a small blue light in the road... Don't get off the tank, and just keep on riding until the tank until the blue ball becomes big enough and floats off into the robot and manifest it's self into the Eiffel tower screens.... Now richtofen can speak to you directly: Oh its YOU guys again! WHAT FUN! Listen: I'm breaking you guys out of here! Don't ask questions, and above all do NOT inform my younger self of my requests... That could cause MAJOR problems with the fabric of time and space.... Simply do as I say and don't tell ME! It should be noted richtofen can NOT hear richtofen.... Also at this point all zombies are yellow or blue eyed... For this next step, one will need a player with the fire-staff upgraded, you will need to simply strike the three machines between the labs and french barracks again to create a blue light illuminating in the opposite way from maxis... Now this time instead of completing the full tri-angle, simply head to the spawn room and grab the film real that would have appeared on the floor. Take it to the labs and put it in the machine near the satellite dish... This will spawn in a PS which will need to be guided here, and will then walk the length of the blue line.... You MUST take it out with speed! Failure to do so will make you start over... Simply kill the PS after it's in the barracks other wise it will simply be of no use... With it's energy contained you can move on to the last node: Radio-hacking... Around the map are four radios... One will need to turn the nob on them to make a four digit number: found by bringing zombies near the meteor and killing them.. this will bring up a group of 1-5 dots on the floor near the meteor, each side of the meteor represents a different radio... Once the radios are done the screen will fade into a black and white animus-like version of the map briefly, then fade back... Richtofen will then speak: You're probably wondering what that was... Think nothing of it... It's simply you're little link to the future that I'm manipulating so YOUR past effects MY future! It's quite simple really... Sam: Rich...to...fen... You... Wretch... Richtofen: oh Samantha! is that you? How AWFUL to see you... how you're even here is BEYOND my understanding of the universe it's self.... Sam: I... will.... Richtofen: How you're able to manipulate the aether from MY time is beyond me, not even I have that power... Must a part of that memor... Sam: WHERE IS MAXIS? WHERE IS MY DADDY! Richtofen: Gone... just like you wanted him... Don't lie... You found out about his little secret here already didn't you... mmmhmmmm... How delirious! You fumble over that, I'm working on very important work right now sweetie, and don't be so cruel... I AM trying to save you aren't I? Next step involves a complete dis-reguard to the fourth wall... You will actually need to push the button indicated by the color of the meteor (for XBOX it's red is B, Yellow is Y, Blue is X, and green is A, it does very for PS3 players) the catch is, this must be done in the room behind primitive-tedd, the spawn room, the meteor room and the tank! One player will need to watch the meteor, if the meteor is red and the circle to the left of the entrance is glowing, the player on the blimp needs to push B, and so on and so forth with the other buttons... This is the case for the whole group for about 20 strait button-pushes. This will cause multiple buttons to start flashing in the labs... Hitting a large switch on the wall will cause a robot in the distance to stop what it's doing and it's eyes will turn blue. The same will happen with another robot, but with yellow: SAm: Richtofen you FOOL! This is MY world! I control the aether's energy here! Richtofen: Sadly we are at stalemate until one of us is victorious... Hmmmm... In that case, HAVE AT THOU! The two distant robots will start fighting, one will need a ray gun, and rpg, and one of each staff to be assembled upon the top of the blimp.... Shooting the robot with all of these weapons multiple times will cause the next-to-last audio quote to start: Richtofen: AHA! You've lost little girl! Sam: No! YOu kILLED DADDY! AND EVERYONE ELSE I LOVE! Mother... Richtofen: MAXIS KILLED YOU'RE DAMN MOTHER, IT WAS MAXIS WHO KILLED YOUR DOG TOO, I TOOK NO PART IN IT! NOR DID I EVER CARE! You will then have to do the exact same step you did at the end of maxis's EE with the frozen zombies.... When you get to the room do the same thing, and richtofen will say: Great! NOW I have a BODY and a way out! Tank you all for the help! (all players receive all perks and DOA 2!) I hope you enjoyed this good night! :D
  11. Likely just some trench gameplay... New guns, maybe the tank, robots maybe... Nothing we don't already know....
  12. I would be expecting a replacers trailer... But mlg? Ok....
  13. I do that, public matches i mean, occasionally I get a troll. I simply troll him back, don't react and play the game the best i can... You can't get to a higher rank by leaving every game you get into because some little kid wants to harm you for you tube... Just do the oldest trick in the books: Tranzit: He gets Emps? Hit the box twice and let his amo de-plenish, then get EMPs and troll him back... Or just take a weapon (hammer/mark 2/ Idk...) and buy the M-16 from the tunnel and run there... Usually the noob little kids don't like that place and will spend countless minutes trying to find where you are.... Die rise:Trample steam seliquifier combo? You got tramps too... And trains, play your cards right and he'll lose that seliquifer... MOTD: Always save a plane part, ALWAYS, nobody can leave without you then.... As for the free blundergat, just dont collect the skull on the roof and the sunset strip and then wait for it in the room (with them) act puzzled when it doesn't appear and tell them that they picked it up, they'll leave thinking you're an idiot and you can grab the two remaining ones and take the gat your self. Buried: Deliberately down the player with the time bomb if you know he's a troll, you will succeed in either making him set off the timebomb, or making him lose the time bomb. Or simply play along with letting the rounds reset, you get more kills either way... Nuketown: There really isn't a way to troll here... Only a way to be a complete cheep-ask and save all your points for the box while everyone else opens the doors for you. Just ignore this, a player who isn't able to share won't succeed in the game either-how. Aside from this, you can just hope that they leave, they likely will if they aren't entertained by their "trolling arts"...
  14. Tranzit was awful because it was too repetitive: get here so you can build/buy this, to get this, to go all the way back to town to do this, go to the power station to do this, so you can do this.... The jet gun was by far the worst wonder weapon to date, being the ONLY one incapable of taking out trains of zombies from one stationary location. Pack-a-punch was impossible to open in solo without making at LEAST two trips back to the bus depot. It's buggy and laggy as IDEK in the fog, lava was a horrible nuisance, and above all, the denizens were a horrible parasite to the map... While origins looks to be as big as tranzit and laggy still, it does look like the denizens, jet gun, lava and repetitive back-tracking are severely diminished.
  15. Well, given you didn't even need him to work with you for that one... You just put in 3 codes, grab the drops, and hop on the plane in afterlife....
  16. Pablo MArinus suniramolbap (backwards) Still couldn't find anything....
  17. In this particular times, inferred from the letters, Germany was the only "side" that wasn't common: Russia, America, and Japan were ally's at the time I believe... IDK my memory on ww1 is a bit fuzzy... They may have spared richtofen because he surrendered...
  18. Tank Nikolai and takeo seem to be compleatly clueless to me... However tank, thinking of his Mision, knows the Germans are bad and the Russians and Jappaneese are neutral at the time... Richtofen on the other hand seems, almost in pain or worry (not a good look for him) and does have that sense of deja vu. He looks arround and then up at the robot before even noticing the light...
  19. EI'VE thought about this too... My thoughts are that either the inside of the tomb is shielded from sam's control, the outside of the tomb is the only place POWERED by sam's contol, or the inside of the tomb is not even our own time period...
  20. This we assumed der reise was the origional outbreak... It's likely the O4 thought this too, as they wouldn't remember the events before their injections...
  21. No need to be rude, he found the image process and he decided to share it with us...
  22. I came up with the ideas of flingers (tramplesteams) and the time-bomb not too long ago... Somebody else came up with the idea of vulture aid
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