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Everything posted by piepwns

  1. This soviet... is complete. But for Richtofen, maybe Der Kommissar? Well, I guess Falco's Austrian... But still.
  2. Your probably right. I'll talk to Vodstok about it, I recall him saying something about the ascension thing. He said it could be done on Xbox, and I think he was talking about the same thing :? I dunno, I'll talk to him and get back to you tomorrow.
  3. I heard that two people can get a thundergun/ Winters' Howl this way. I have not heard that it is proven. but I saw a youtube video that said to do this in the description in order to get two thunder guns on ascension, but all the video showed was a four player game where two people had thunderguns. That's all I know. I have only heard that you can do the same thing on five from the call of duty wikia, and you know how reliable there info can be sometimes :roll:
  4. I have a correction: Two people can obtain the Winters howl at the same time, as well as the Thunder Gun. Once one person has the Thunder gun/ winters' howl, another can get it if they hit the box during a fire sale. May take a while, but it has been proven.
  5. That doent say he is dead. It could also just be a cover to pretend like hes dead. He could have survived and reached kino before te group. He may just investigated the place and while hes doing that he might got attacked by a zombie from brhind because u can also hear a door opening sound so maybe the zomibe came through that door It could be possibl Excuse me if there is proof thsat peter wasnt on kino. But this is what i think That's what i was thinking a while back. Anyone up for researching if that could be plausible?
  6. Oh yeah, because of me, you now have 100 brains!
  7. I doubt it, but hey, you never know what treyarch might do next.
  8. I have no clue what happened to their sound. In cod5 the sound was crisp, clean, and phenomenal. On black ops, if I'm standing next to a player who is reloading a python, to me it sounds like he is reloading an M1911. Whoever did the sound in CoD5 had better come back in CoD9.
  9. Thanks, Richtofen. I thought there was something that didn't look right. I guess that's what that was missing
  10. I'm sorry, I couldn't tell, did you mention the Mustang and Sally in there somewhere? Because it's kind of important.
  11. I still love Nikolai. There's this whole guy, shrunk away. He has done amazing, terrifying things, but is always acting happy (mostly because he's drunk) but inside, he's terrified. He always sounds upbeat, and actually admires Dempsey (unlike the other characters) but his morale isn't boosted from Dempsey always ignoring him. The only thing Dempsey ever said to him was "Shut up, Nikolai" How would you like if you and your idol were some of the last people alive, and all they did was ignore you? It would kind of suck, wouldn't it?
  12. I'm sorry, Kino is where all of the noobs play. It's all of the people who are new to CoD and haven't bought the map packs. For instance, I played with four people on kino once. One of them was OK, the other was about as good as me, and then, there was the other guy. We went down on round 22, and by that time, this guy had 32 kills and 39 downs. :facepalm:
  13. Whenever I try to loop, I need to either a) go fast or be able to clear my front The riot shield does neither of these things. I agree with you. You can use it to draw fire while a teammate destroys the enemies, though. Other than that, it's a useless piece of junk. I completely agree with you.
  14. I must have gotten wrong info then, thanks Killallzombies. iB Proto, don't forget my [brains] Thank you for your cooperation. Let me know if you have anymore questions.
  15. You can only give brains once per day, if you didn't already know.
  16. you can crawl under it if you go prone. It lasts about 30 seconds, but I'm not sure what the recharge time is. Keep in mind that crawlers can get under it.
  17. The flogger train is the easiest place to train. running inside of the huts is too narrow and dangerous. either run outside or in the main two-story hut.
  18. They didn't base Nacht on the story line. They started out with Nacht and based the story line on it.
  19. I've known about this since late '09. Most people think it's 115. I don't know if Treyarch had Griffin Station planned out at the point of Der Riese.
  20. Would you count the Widow Maker (PaPed BAR) as a wall weapon? It's off the wall in the other maps. Also, PaPed Type 100 has 60 rounds per mag, and does an extreme amount of damage.
  21. NDU was originaly made as a fun bonus mode without any story. That is why are there Nazi Zombies!They did not know how far will this mode go!!! No offense, but every map somehow ties into the storyline, one way or another.
  22. I did some testing on kino last night with a PaPed FN FAL, and it's pretty beast. It never ran completely out of ammo and was extremely effective. Good call there, Turkey.
  23. Interesting... Very interesting... and most helpful. Are you going to make a youtube video demonstrating this? It's been a while since you've uploaded anything to youtube.
  24. Perk1: Juggernog Perk2: Speed Cola Perk3: PhD Flopper Perk 3: Mule Kick Weapon1:M&S Weapon2:Wave Gun Weapon3:Awful Lawton
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