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Everything posted by Rissole25

  1. I wish there was some mark on your profile that let you knew if you have achieved this. I know the green sparks thing or whatever, but I missed that, or didn't take notice. Take note the boarding one was a side effect of Speed Cola. Making you board windows faster. I can confirm the knife one. Every zombie I knife or killed with starting gun (shooting at their body, not head) lost its head no matter what. It doesn't do extra damage though. Still the same amount of shots as normal. And you don't get headshot bonus, still the same amount of points. So I don't know exactly what it does other than all zombie heads being gone upon death. I'm gonna look at my Theatre though, see if I can pinpoint the moment I aquired it. Dunno about the others yet for me. I will have to look out for this sign... You remind me of someone lol
  2. That's what I'm thinking Undead. Something has to be done/started/obtained when it's 00 population and the clock hand is on 0. I gotta say', I love that bell sound. It gives me this odd feeling inside that I can't help but love haha. Perks definetly have a pattern, different for the amount of players, but not related to it countdown. I believe they're related to Kills or Rounds. Jason. In Solo, Quick Revive appears immediately. After 14 kills/beginning of Round 3, the next perk will definetly appear. I'm gonna calculate the kills and round number for each 4 situations to determine the pattern though. It roughly the same every time for Solo. Also PINNAZ, get Skype man!
  3. I thought we were pass this whole CotD time problem... Yes it's the present, but from our perspective and Richtofens, they were there before Moon's events. Once Moon's events happened, we simply moved onto a different path in the time stream. A place where Richtofen is in control, as opposed to the then-current stream where Samantha was in control (CotD) I'd like to think Green Run takes place after Moon/NK Z, but there are some things that don't match. For example, Misty states she watched her father get killed by a zombie, and she can't even remember her mothers face. That honestly sounds like its been a while. But let's not forget that the obvious signs pointing towards the 60's. PS. Can everyone seriously stop calling it Tranzit? It's Green Run, Tranzit is the mode, and will be for all the DLC. It will get confusing if you refer to it or any future DLC as Tranzit itself. So please try and use the correct name for now on please. Thanks :)
  4. I honestly have no clue. I thought it had to do with the perk machines falling, but that's signaled by the siren/alarm you hear. The clock and population sign are connected though. Every 25 kills the clock hand will move up one till it gets to the top, than reset very much like the sign. I'm thinking it's a gameplay mechanic though. Something that appears on the map, or certain weapons, weaker zombies, cheaper weapons, etc. I just don't know though, and I don't think anyone does at this point.
  5. I didn't play for 3 days, and I downgraded back to regular skull, 3 strikes. Before I was Blue Eyed Skull, 5 strikes. So I can confirm that not playing will eventually lower your rank/whatever it is.
  6. Haha don't feel obligated. It's entirely up to you whether you want to or not. And great find! I would have never picked that up!
  7. I'm pretty sure CoDz is taken. Type CoDz into google, and you'll notice a clan called CoDz Sqad Alpha or something like that. I have some suggestions if CoDz is unavailable. ZCoD ZMBE - Zombie EDDY - Edward TEDY - Teddy SAMM - Samantha Maxis G935 - Group 935 G601 - Group 601 E115 - Element 115
  8. Eh I'm just gonna say it's allusion or Easter Egg like I said before. It doesn't seem right that we were in Green Run (not Tranzit, that's the mode) from the start. Don't forget that the building appeared in the WaW campaign. I think it was called Airfield, and like this version, only the bottom was open. Obviously this is were they grabbed the building for Nacht from (NdU was a last minute addition, Campaign would've been done way before it), and the campaign version is clearly not Nacht. I know it hasn't been confirmed to be in Germany, but take note. All maps that take place in Germany are named in German. Kino der Toten, Der Riese and Verruckt. I don't think Nacht der Untoten is the only exception to this rule either. So like I said, it hasn't been confirmed, but I strongly believe it did take place in Germany, and this variant we see is merely an allusion.
  9. Gold Division, Rank 76, Subdivision: Phantom One Nine I think I did good haha. But no, I love how everything is unlocked. Allowed me to experiment with the Pick 10 system and find my love Shotguns. Funnily enough I hated shotguns before, but I seem to love them now.
  10. How did you get such a great picture Pinnaz? It reminds me so much of this picture actually, which Tac is talking about. The Nuke cloud looks so similar to that, and those broadcast stations are you could say even resemble what we're doing in Tranzit for Maxis and/or Richtofen. Could Group 601 be making a return? I know this was meant to discuss the loading screen, but I think we should talk about Nuketown in general in this thread now. I got so many good pictures at the request of Shooter, so I'm going to post some of them here. What the clock looks like at the start and at 100 kills. After first kill and when the clock resets. Nevada on the world map. You'll notice the perks actually shoot OUT of the nuke cloud. And it comes out similar to a catapult, arcing upwards before plummeting. This happeneds 5 times in total, for Speed Cola, Double Tap II, Juggernog and PaP Machine. Some gameplay mechanic I noticed lol. Usually when starting, the screen is black but sounds can be heard like with every zombie map. Than it fades and starts. With Theatre, you can view the area during the black screen part. So I found that all Mystery Boxes are active, as well as all perk locations decided during this part. They all fly up high into the sky and disappear. That's when the game starts. During the fly up stage, all mystery boxes are semi-transparent along with the boxes marking it with the teddy bear. Board at start, and end of countdown. Board after reset and first kill. Your street signs Shooter lol. Your sedan crater Pinnaz. And the nuke in it's entirety. If you guys really want, I can edit the nuke photos and crater photo's so it's just one big image, so there doesn't have to be 6 different images. There's more things I want to get though, some things we haven't discussed here yet. So stay tuned for more photos Btw Pinnaz, do you have Skype? We should talk. ;)
  11. So I had the normal skull. 4 slashes. Today I played two rounds on Nuketown, and the eyes changed to blue, but 4 slashes stayed. It's now 5. Haven't done EE. I'm not sure what the forumla for it is. I first thought kills, but no, it's got to include something else. And I'm not sure what activates those blue eyes. My guess is some ratio within the stats. Kills, Downs, Revives, etc, all mixed together to create your rank.
  12. Rissole25


    Just got the sound glitch on Custom Farm Survival. Hellhounds enabled, Round 5 start and Easy. No stuttering, but after unpausing it, it was just dead silence. It's sitting on the Zombies main menu now not making a sound still, so I assume I will have to restart it.
  13. PhD Flopper Deadshot Daiquiri Mule Kick These perks have seemingly disappeared from Zombies. Not even in Nuketown Zombies will they unlock. We've been stripped back down to our basic 4 perks since Verruckt, although Double Tap is now Double Tap II. It's effects must've changed with the rename and different icon. The Tombstone perk will only be on Tranzit, and Stamin-Up only appears in Town and Green Run. No more Mustang and Sally abuse, or carrying 3 weapons, or auto headshots. Essentially, as of now, our perk list looks like this Quick Revive Juggernog Double Tap II Speed Cola Stamin-Up Tombstone I'm assuming more will be introduced in the future, as what happened with Black Ops. But with that, do you think the 3 missing perks will appear in the future? Do you wish they were apart of Green Run? If so, where would you have placed them? Keep in mind the 4 perk limit, and so far there is no way to get more. I would've placed Mule Kick in the NDU lookalike building, in the exact spot it was in in Black Ops. PhD Flopper I would've placed in the labs against one of the walls. Deadshot I would've placed in the small garage in the Diner (the one you need the Turbine to open, that has a bus part)
  14. I never believed the public opinion, hence my first post as I found it questionable. Whatever it is, it's clearly a throwback to it. The funny thing is, I found this version easier to train than Black Ops' version. That was staying inside the whole time, with another person in there and with no Jug. The controls and gameplay seem more fine tuned this time around, so maybe that's why. What I thought would've added to the allusion even more, is if when you first arrived there, 4 Nazi Zombies were just standing still there (much like when you spawn). Epic throwback haha.
  15. Dammit Pinnaz. I was going to surprise you with that picture. I was clue hunting today as well. I was hoping that was in Nuketown when I found it as well, but I don't think Nuketown even has posters. Only portraits. I was asked by Shooter to get some pictures which I've done, and I'll be posting them up tomorrow. So supposedly Round 25 is the round the change occurs. I only got to 23, so no wonder I didn't see that. I'll definitely be looking out for any changes than. Sorry I didn't answer this earlier, but I honestly just thought it was a casual zombie walking by. It's definitely a CDC suit. There are zombies in Nuketown wearing CDC suits though, and I thought that it. However it seems weird that is the only one on screen.
  16. You can also find these at the Farm where the Claymore's are in the shed, and in at the Diner. It's a shed sitting by itself, next to a lamp post. So really, all of these swap around between the Bus Depot, Diner, Farm and Town. If there's an empty place, it will definitely be in the other places than. Also, to add on to the Weapon Fridge. I can confirm that a weapon which was stored in their on Solo, WILL appear in Co-Op. But I assume you must be online when playing Solo for it to work.
  17. Nah but seriously. I'm on no-one's side right now. I feel for Maxis after what Richtofen did to him. But their is something not quite right about him. He's got a hidden agenda. And I think he's hell bent on getting revenge on Richtofen, that he'd lose his sanity (what was left of it anyway...) and even hurt his daughter (take that as you will) to get back at him. He was a terrible father beforehand (You do not give your daughter a dog and tell her she can keep it, while knowing full well you are going to test on it anyway). He was the one who caused the earth's destruction all for revenge. And as far as we know, didn't help our friends on the Moon after that. Yes, even his daughter. Richtofen on the other hand. Well it's his fault for everything. EVERYTHING, except for Maxis' faults, those were not his fault. Sure, the Vril-Ya may have chosen him to do their dirty work, but he easily could've said no, or stopped himself. Even sociopaths have some strand of humanity left in them. But I'm generally curious as to what he has planned, and whether he even know's Maxis is taking up arms against him even though he 'deleted' him. I suppose he would seeing as he Richtofen didn't send those rockets to earth, and the obvious events in Green Run. From previous event's, the worlds destruction now was not Richtofen's goal. That was Maxis, hoping to minimize the damage Richtofen would do. That right there rings bells for me on Maxis, and the reason why he'd do anything to get revenge. But the portrayal from Moon onwards was Richtofen = Bad, Maxis = Good. Which is why it makes it even more confusing. So what are Dr. Richtofen's true goals? So for now, I'm on no-one's side. Not until more information is gathered on the two.
  18. God dammit haha, I hope it works this time. Other wise I'll need help doing this whole profile switcherino thing.
  19. And yet they could've easily put Carry On by Avenged Sevenfold...better yet, they could've got Elena to sing Carrion. That would've spiced it up nicely. I honestly don't know what they were thinking trying to put dubstep in when they had a winning formula with Elena, not to mention their partnership with A7X. I don't hate dubstep, but why change something that didn't need fixing? And what makes it worse, is Treyarch forcibly removing it. I wonder what Skrillex think of that? They would've had to have had some deal to allow the song in the game, so I wonder how that will go. But yeah with those song changing abilities, they could've easily patched The One and Beauty of Annihilation in Black Ops so they didn't stop early. I mean, it was only out for 9 months before Rezurrection. :P
  20. Please read the thread more carefully next time. I don't care if you don't like her, heck, you can make an "IH8MISTY" club if you want. Just don't post it in here like I said from the start. To everyone else, I will be adding pictures momentarily, as well some quotes of hers. And Slap, there is just something about her (not her boobs) that just interests me more than the others. It might be her accent, attitude, etc. I think I like her more than everyone else because she just seems to exaggerate things alot, plus all the hate she gives Russman. Reminds me of Dempsey alot. Updated the OP with pics.
  21. You read my mind lol. And I have the perfect place. Venice http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venice This would easily give us a new setting, and we would have water instead of fire or lava! There can be a ferryman (who acts just like the Bus Driver) who will stop off at certain places and stuff. With the many alleys and small routes off the main river, you could easily get lost without fog. Zombies would swim after you (or run if we have shallow enough water). And lets not forget the bridges all around. Of course some would be cut off, along with some river ways. No idea what the easter egg/s would be, but this was just a quick thought I had. I will definitely try to cover all aspects of it soon and post it in another thread!
  22. So I had a look at it through the Theatre. Very very interesting. Compared it to WaW Nacht. The open door on the top floor (that connects the Sniper Cabinet room to the room above Spawn) is missing. But there's no noticeable outline, or filling in of the door. It blends in with the wall perfectly as if it was never there to begin with. The ground where the plane was, was level with the top floor. Now it seems to be big boulders of some sort there. There was a large dip in the ground out past the fence, however today that is replaced with the cornfield on a level ground. The little red antenna's are not there anymore. The large radio tower you could see in the distance was different to the one's here now. Windmill's/Windfarm's are now to the northwest of it up on a hill, and beside the cornfield. Just some weird small things I noticed. I honestly don't know what to think now. I'm still a bit hesitant to believing this is Nacht, but I don't know. This is not Nacht der Untoten. It is a fort that merely resembles it as a form of allusion. You think so? Everyone seems to think it's Nacht. I'm stuck in the middle honestly.
  23. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... li=1#gid=2 Tom's spreadsheet here covers it. But it's good to have just a specific thread as well, so use that as your base. Some old weapons have been renamed as well (FN FAL = FAL, M16 = A longer name I can;t remember). This is also may mean the PaP versions are entirely different, name wise OR what it gains in PaP. So lets not assume the PaP FAL is the EPC WN till we have proof.
  24. It's not the end of the easter egg. Waffles and many other people believe this. Not to mention, we have Richtofen's Easter Egg as well, but everyone's still working on that one too...
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