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Everything posted by perfectlemonade

  1. Black Ops 2 will innovate in the multiplayer system. It won't resemble past Call of Duty's. The Pick 10 is going to be crazy. They've changed the very fundamentals of multiplayer. And the campaign? There are branching storylines. It's going to change the campaign, and Call of Duty, forever. Any Call of Duty that does not have branching storylines, Strike Force, what have you, will look inferior. Just my opinion.
  2. You never cease to amaze me, Jay. I'll give it my best shot. Favorite Map? Call of the Dead. Love the atmosphere, the eeriness, the characters, the requirement to work as a team to kill effectively. Least Favorite Map? Kino. Too dark. Crawlers suck ass. End of story. Best Part of Black Ops? Gotta agree with you here. It's No Man's Land for me. So addictive and it gives you this huge sense of accomplishment when you achieve a goal. Best Designed? Hmmm... you know, I really like Shangri La's design. Really tight corridors make for some intense gameplay. Most Fun to Play with Drunk Friends Never been drunk. Favorite Challenge? I'm gonna toot my own horn here, but Sally's on Deck was the most fun I've had with a challenge in a long time. 15 Rounds That's Easy is also up there. Favorite Moment? 50 kill Pack a Punch. Met by a horde of zombie when trying to get my Sally's. Cutback BEHIND the machine. Achieved 300 kills that game. Most Annoying Boss Preventing Success Napalm zombie. THE FREAKING NAPALM ZOMBIE. Creepiest Place Quick Revive room on Verruckt. No question.
  3. Alright I will add you today. When do you normally game. Also I need to start working on these videos. No, you need to start playing with Jay more. Stop the Netflix madness!!!!!!! Oh he's on Netflix endlessly on PS3 as well? How odd. Just messin, way!
  4. Maybe no school for you wednesday. I'm pretty sure its like tosh hashana or yom kippur on wednesday. Just sayin. Nah I was just kidding about that. That's my dry sense of humor talking hahaha :)
  5. First off, thanks a ton for posting this! It's really cool that there's tangible evidence of Treyarch listening to the community and hearing our feedback. Secondly, I am really interested to see where this goes. The setting and backdrop for the map looks absolutely awesome from what I can tell. Orange sky, fire, rust, absolute desolation. A proper zombie apocalypse. The blue eyed zombies obviously give us a hint as to where the storyline will go from here. The bus had me intrigued. Will it serve as a new teleporter? Will we spawn on it and then be dropped off at a location? Who knows?! We'll know a lot more on the 26th though, that's for sure. One thing though. I'm not sure if you can answer this, but if they all sprint like that, I have a feeling they will be faster than you. And that'll make it tougher to kite. That would be fun for a while, but for very high round attempts, I can see it being a burden. So my question is, will the zombies be faster than you? Again, not sure if you can answer this, just a worry I had from the trailer. Really, really pumped for next Wednesday. Hope I don't have a test or something that day, because I won't be able to focus hahahahaha. Thanks again Carbon! -perfect
  6. I haven't the slightest clue what you're getting at... Are you saying you don't want the bus to be like the lunar landers or what? I confused.
  7. Just because it's not Dempsey talking doesn't mean he won't be in the next game. Jussayin.
  8. Treyarch has been tweeting some pics that look pretty suspicious...
  9. But let's be honest here... This is zombies! Theyre not soposed to be humorous, it should be epic! That sounded pretty opinionated to me. Richtofen and Nikolai (and Tank at times) are figuratively bleeding with comedic relief and offensive, clever jokes that can really lighten up the mood. I think the comedic relief offered in Zombies is part of what makes it so unique amongst a small sea of other zombie games. I have yet to come across a game that has coupled suspense and terror (it's scary the first couple times you play it) with humor in such a way Treyarch has. :)
  10. I am fairly certain you guys are looking into this too deeply. I will bet brains (when they come back) that this is about the new Wunder Weapon. :)
  11. I did notice the song, but I think it was pointing more towards the word BUS, not TOWN. I'm sorry, but I think it's highly unlikely that this is Nuketown. But what if it's BUSTOWN? :D I have a feeling the name of the map will rhyme with "bran mitt". If you know what I mean. :lol:
  12. Well, considering they have been teasing us for, what, 4+ months now, I'd say we are entitled to our trailer.
  13. Whoever allowed this to go live is really not the brightest crayon in the box. That's about all I have to say about this. Hopefully this will be the tipping point. This will be a PR nightmare for Treyarch and I really think they'll give us what we want after this. Unless, of course, they did this on purpose. Which would just be so sick and demented and jimmy-rustling.
  14. Did anyone click on the link to the Zombies trailer? Because I am so jelly if it took them to an unlisted video.
  15. Window glitching to take a break is, in my opinion, totally okay. It is designed as a replacement for the pause function in solo, and since there is no such thing as that in co op, why should co op players be penalized by having to endure incredibly high rounds without breaks? I've only been to 50, but I had 1 down that game and I am certain that, if my schedule permitted, I could go to whatever round I desired. There's nothing wrong with carrying players. One could argue that the game is designed to have players carry those that are not as good as them. That's not cheating—that's just having a good gameplan. But invincibility glitches? Hell no. That one by the 74u on Call of the Dead makes me sick. Whenever I see a random trying to get into it, I just open the door because it is not fair. There is one that I am really conflicted about, though. And that is glitching the astronaut. He is manageable only until he starts to moonwalk, which is a glitch itself. It's fighting fire with fire. But I dunno. It seems wrong. Great thread as usual Jay. ;)
  16. Revamped multipayer. Combat Training. Strike Force. Yes, I will be playing the other parts of the game.
  17. I was wondering when you would post this! Awesome job dude.
  18. The Perfect-Eye Strategy: 300 Kills Made Easy tgCpySin2CA *Author's Note: Apologies for the quality. I have long since learned how to render in high definition using iMovie! Hey guys! Hope everyone's having a wonderful day; I sure am! So about a month ago, Eye decided he would achieve 330 kills on the telepad (for those that don't know, he has since achieved 330 kills with a Sidedrop/Back Pool combo). He asked me what would happen if someone ran the Sidedrop then went up to the telepad once it started taking three shots to kill. And thus, the Perfect-Eye Strategy was born. Jbird requested that I put this on Codz, so here it is! It can get pretty slow at times—which is never a good thing—but if you mimic my actions you can get 300 kills with this. This was, honestly, the ugliest 308 kill game I have ever seen. Two disappearing shots, 18 kills after the first nade (atrocious), 44 kill PaP, only a 200 point surplus when Pack a Punching, some horrible spawns, and I still got 300 kills. But what is it, Perfect? What is this strategy? Well, as shown in the video, it's simple, really. Play it like you normally would until about 175 kills. PaP your pistols, get your Jug, all that fun stuff. Start running the Sidedrop, like every other game. Aim for the feet. You know the drill. But once you start needing that second shot, you change it up. You go up to the telepad. Why? Well, I think the description in my video summed it up nicely. It's really that simple. This is far and away the easiest way to get 300 kills in NML. Hope this helps! -perfect
  19. 5 and Perfect’s Fastest Tactics: Call of the Dead What’s up guys! It’s perfectlemonade bringing you the first written edition of Fastest Tactics, a series developed by 5and5 that will innovate and revolutionize how co op high rounds are played by the masses, by us, the community. This series will open eyes to everyone on Youtube and also Codz to make high rounds, however much of a monotonous, redundant bore they are, as painless and enjoyable as possible. So, without further ado, I present to you part one of nine of our Fastest Tactics guides! Part One: General Overview The Area Make sure you keep the door from Flopper to the lighthouse as well as the door from the lighthouse to the beach closed, because you will be running the second floor of the lighthouse for the entirety of the game. Why? Because this is the only safe area on the map in which spawns are consistently fast, due to every zombie on the map spawns from windows rather than the ground. And any No Man’s Land player will certainly know that ground spawners, or ‘grounders’, are so inconsistent it’s not even funny. Sometimes they burst out of the ground like a freaking demon worm from Hell, and sometimes they’ll just take their sweet ass time crawling out. Point is, they’re not good when you’re talking about speed. So you want window spawners only. Thus, we come to the second floor of the lighthouse. It’s truly a magnificent area. It’s fairly open, pretty easy to keep a consistent, tight group, and it’s the fastest spot on the map. What’s not to love about it? How You Want to Run It So a now we know that the lighthouse is the fastest spot on the map to run a train. But how will you and your teammate be running it? Well, it’s quite simple really. As shown in the video, you will be relying a lot on player colors and the attraction zombies have to white players over blue players. The white player will be behind the blue player so he will have the most zombies. The blue player will be dodging the ones coming from the windows and keeping ahead of the white player to make his job as possible. If the white player gets trapped and goes down, it will be the blue player’s duty to revive him in as timely a fashion as possible. Once the white player has a majority of the zombies, kill them off. And that transitions pretty well into my next point… Killing Efficiently Before round 30, this should be with Ray Guns, Mustang and Sally’s, or a Scavenger (thus, Mule Kick will be needed). Be sure to not become an ‘ammo whore’ and start waiting for entire hordes to conserve ammo. At this point, you will be getting ammo from George Past that, when you start noticing the need for the VR-11. This is your best friend on co op. Shooting your teammate with the VR11 Lazarus will cause that player to gain Insta Kill capabilities for about fifteen seconds, meaning killing an entire horde with just one explosive round from an explosive weapon is, in fact, possible and quite easy. I know I’m going off on a tangent here, but I think everyone would agree with me when I say that the idea of requiring two weapons to work and function in this symbiosis that Treyarch has conceived is truly brilliant. Sorry, just HAD to say that. Okay, so once you start getting up to where ammo starts to be a cause of worry (probably the mid-30’s), you’ll want to use your Scavenger ammo more wisely. This will entitle shooting a Scavenger bolt and ‘cleaning up’ with your Ray Gun or M&S, rather than using two shots on with your Scavenger. But why do we do this? Why not just shoot your teammate with the VR11 and kill them all instantly and quickly. Well, for one, VR11 ammo is infinitely more vital to you than Scavenger ammo, and you don’t want to be using a single shot unless you really need to. Furthermore, once you do get that Max Ammo, your remaining VR11 can be used up to give your teammate up to four and a half minutes of Insta Kill, sinceVR11 shots are stacked on top of each other. Think of the damage you could cause with that! You can clear an entire round with four and a half minutes of Insta Kill! This will also free up more shots to kill George with, and with that Wunderwaffe, it makes rounds go by so much quicker as well as save ammo in the later rounds. Because, as much as you waste ammo in the early rounds on Call of the Dead, past 35 or so ammo starts to become a premium. Why is this? Just take a look at the ammo count. You can only kill 24 hordes with a Pack a Punched VR11 (compared to 42 with a Thundergun/Zeus Cannon and 78 with a JGB/Fractalizer). With this in mind, you’ll be having to recycle again and again and again even with the George Max Ammo trick. And thus, this all comes back to making the most out of your ammo. There is not a map in Black Ops in which ammo is harder to come by than Call of the Dead. On Shangri La, you have a Wunder Weapon with a ridiculous amount of shots. On Moon, you have the Hacker. And on every map before Call of the Dead, you have traps. So this map really makes you scrape for killing power and be extremely wise and methodical with your killing. Be it giving your partner four minutes of Insta Kill or using the Wunder Waffe to its greatest potential (in the later rounds, at least), you need to appreciate your ammo and never take it for granted, or you may be left with increased box recycling, which can make your already hours long game into a ridiculously long marathon of seemingly endless redundancy. Also, now would be a good time to mention that, even with George dead, there can be only 23 zombies on the map at one time. So don’t fret when you can’t kill off an entire horde George As already mentioned, George is a monumental part of this map. Not only are there perks and a Wunderwaffe to give you, but the Max Ammo trick can really help speed up rounds by sparing you of losing a hundred thousand points to the box. But, I’m far too lazy to rewrite a whole section on George so I’ll leave you guys with my George section I’ve already got from my Round 60 Solo guide from a couple weeks back, adjusted for co op, of course. Eliminating Getting Shocked You know the crazy lightning that stuns you when George does the hammer ground pound? Yeah, it's a real pain in the ass. But there's a way to prevent that! I'm not entirely sure if this is a glitch, but I'm pretty sure it's not, because just about everyone does it. Anyways, all you need to do is knife either George or an electrified zombie on Insta Kill. That's it. Your character will become shocked and George's ground pound will no longer affect you, making it possible for you to kite while he's pissed. The Wunderwaffe George offers a ton of help on Call of the Dead runs. Like I've already said, George drops a Wunderwaffe, packed with the potential to kill 180 zombies, when you kill him. A Wunderwaffe and maybe a dozen or so VR11 shots will get you through round 60. The Wunderwaffe will probably cut the time it takes to finish round 60 by a third. Why? You don’t need to wait for an entire 23. You just need 10. You can spam that bad boy and you’ll never need to worry about ammo, because you have your VR11 waiting for you when you run out. It really makes the game so much easier. Perks George also drops a random perk bottle when you kill him. It will take you about 8 rounds to get all of the perks, but when you do, it's so worth it. Double Tap, Mule Kick, and Speed Cola are all pretty vital to killing power, especially earlier on, when you’ll be using up a lot of Ray Gun ammo. Even Deadshot can make aiming with the Scavenger a lot easier and with less misses (you know you’ve done it before!). Without George, you'd just be stuck with your 4 perks, so it's a welcome relief when he shows up! Getting Max Ammos This is pretty much common knowledge, but no guide to Call of the Dead is complete without mentioning the Max Ammo trick. So, basically, what you do piss off George so that he ground pounds all the zombies around him. Once the horde is electrified, kill them with your VR11/explosion. A Max Ammo will drop 100% of the time, as long as it has been 4 rounds since the last time you've done it. This is, essentially, a replacement for dogs. And that is, essentially, all the background you need. Now it’s time to get down to business. Part Two: Round By Round Guide So I’ve already done a round by round guide for this map, but that was solo and for a different strategy. This is way different and is certainly needed to really add another element to this thread. Here we go! Round One: Knife only. I usually throw my grenades and George when he spawns because, let’s be honest, has anyone ever needed two grenades on round one? Thought so. But that’s personal preference… Round Two: Shoot eight times and knife. Simple enough. Round Three: If you get an Insta Kill or Max Ammo, you should be able to finish off the round easy enough in the spawn. If not, don’t be afraid to buy the boat to the power and grab an MPL. Shoot twice then knife. Open up the debris to the top of the boat. Round Four: Lure George back to the pool at spawn and camp with your MPL at the top of the ship. One person should watch the window while the other covers the stairs. Be sure to keep the power door closed. Round Five: Continue camping, luring George down the zipline if need be. Round Six: Finish the round and open up the power and Jugg. Just remember, at all costs, to keep the Flopper door as well as the 74u door closed. Head back to the ship, grabbing more MPL ammo (or an M16, if you want to). Rounds Seven-Nine: Keep on doing your thing. I feel that it’s best to head to a safer area than the ship (lighthouse or 74u) on round seven, but some will probably think it’s best to continue camping. It’s up to you. Just be sure to have enough for Flopper and PaP, as you’ll be wanting Mustang and Sally ASAP. Rounds Ten-Twenty: Since this is a speed run, you’ll be wanting to get those Wunder Weapons ASAP. You will need in this order: -Mule Kick -VR11 and 5k for PaP -Scavenger -Two Ray Guns -Quick Revive You’ll also want to kill George to max out your perks. I’d suggest taking the Wunder Waffe, but since you don’t need to worry about ammo this early on, it’s not a big deal either way. Just remember to not wait for a whole twenty-three; ten will do just fine! Rounds Twenty-Thirty-five: Just go to town. Don’t be afraid to waste a few shots, especially if George is around. It’s just more damage to him, and more damage = one step closer to a Wunderwaffe. You should really fly through these rounds. Keep the Max Ammo trick in mind as well as remembering to spam your partner with the VR11 every time you get ammo. You can really do some damage with four and a half minutes of Insta Kill goodness! Rounds Thirty-six-Forty: As Riley mentioned in the video, spawns can get pretty weird in the lighthouse in these rounds. Just be sure to keep safe and remember to let the white player do a majority of the dirty work, as he will be most attractive to zombies. Play for speed, but don’t be reckless. That’s the best tip I can give you for surviving these rounds in the lighthouse. Also keep in mind the Hyena shot and clean up method instead of straight up killing them with the VR11. Rounds Forty-One-Endgame: If you’ve made it that far, congratulations! This is higher than I have been on this map co op (damned connection). Continue your strategy, the blue player leading the white player as he weaves around zombies, letting the white player take them all. Get some space between the zombies and shoot with the Lazarus then shoot an Anarchy shot, Mustang and Sally shot, Hyena bolt, what have you. Just be sure you get the job done. Don’t be afraid to knife a zombie or two coming out of the window while you’re still Insta Kill. Those can add up after hundreds of hordes. And as for recycling midround, just have one of the players take all the zombies while the other player hits the box. Simple as that! You shouldn’t have much problems with points unless you have seriously horrible luck with the box, and on the off chance that you do, feel free to grab a 74u or something and make some points back. Okay, I think that’s about it for now! Thanks for reading and I’ll be seeing you guys soon for another edition of Fastest Tactics. Later! -perfect
  20. I will be answering that question tonight as a part of the Strategist Rezzurection. :D
  21. Awesome questions dude! I'll do my best to answer them as best as I can. 1) In hindsight, I probably should've done that, but, in all honesty, I didn't feel comfortable throwing a grenade at them without Jug on round 54 to keep them from respawning in front of me. That would've probably been the smartest thing to do, but I went down in a very bad place (the second floor of the lighthouse with the door to Flopper open) so I didn't want to risk trying to get to a better place to kite when I saw my opportunity to escape right in front of me. 2) Why yes! That is the point of the whole strategy! I was telling way2goo this on my video, but there is no sure fire weapon that will protect you on this map in the later rounds. Most maps have a Wunder Weapon (Thundergun, Wave Gun, Wunderwaffe, etc.) that have a legitimately good weapon that will save you. But Call of the Dead doesn't have this. Before round 34, one could argue the Scavenger can protect you quite well, but it takes a long time for the bolts to go off. And the VR11, well, it just straight up sucks in solo. So you need to be extra safe! And once the spawns get fast enough (~round 25), this is far and away the safest strategy on the map because you will get all of the zombies coming from the lighthouse, so all you need to do is run a simple cutback train in front of the door. 3) No Man's Land certainly helps, but another train similar to this is Flopper on Ascension. Check out how he runs it: This is, in a nutshell, the way you want to run the lighthouse using this strategy. It is a Zombie law that the zombies will be more compact in a small circle than they are in a big circle. A good place to try this and test it out is, funny enough, on Call of the Dead. The next time you get a chance, try running the AK on just one half of the area (it doesn't matter which one) then try running the entire area. You'll find your train is naturally much more compact when you are running only 1/2 of the area, rather than the full area. Hope this helps! Thank you so much for the comment! It really means a lot. :)
  22. You are, unfortunately, mistaken. There are secrets yet to be unlocked. Ehjookayted and I just developed a NML strategy that is, far and away, the most surefire way to reach 300 kills on a consistent basis that no one, even a year plus after the game's release, has thought up yet. KingJaq discovered the fastest strategy ever for Zombies a month or so ago. I just found a new place to run in No Man's Land that is basically an easier Back Pool. There are strategies. It just takes good, clever players to find them and to appreciate them.
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