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Everything posted by CLAYMORE

  1. i just spent 2 minutes of my life watching your picture :lol:
  2. yes thank you i hate when people go around hattin on the same guy like the guy above yeah and i bet 99% of the replys are from you hes just a noob for christ sake and also killerrussian [brains] ohhkaay okaay ima noob Nacht- 28 solo Verruckt- 31 solo Shi no numa- 78 Solo Der riese - 39 Solo Kino - 50 Solo Ascension - 61 2ppl COTD - 41 2ppl Shangri la- 28 solo Dont ask for video proof because you dont have to believe me if you think im lieng
  3. umm GUNNS4HIRE came up with the exact same theory not trolling or flaming, just putting it out there..
  4. Video explaining a possible confirmation of what the QED is capable of! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odqRZb5YiSo so about the phase zombie, it has been confirmed that it is capable of being seen, than disappearing, when i read this it reminded me of the hint from the loading screen "now you see him, now you don't" So obviously this zombie was planned from the beginning, just a quick note on that Also, The map Drive in from Annihilation has some very interesting photos of monsters, one of which is in Shangri-La, pretty much been confirmed by me(;. Its the one from the sea, in Shangri la, you hear a radio, in that radio you hear Gary get pulled into the Water by a creature i have identified above, and there is a picture of a monster supposedly on the moon. Ohh and a quick note i for some reason believe Moon might be before Ascension, im not saying this is my theory but from the looks of the SL loading screen it just makes me think.. Oh and does that "Only 25cents" pin on the bottom left of the SL loading screen make anyone else think tht this all might be an actual comic book, because if thats the case Zombies is dead to me CLAYMORE
  5. Thank you so much! I've been thinking this for a long time but did not want to have an even worse reputation on here! [brains] To you for no apparent reason!
  6. Wow way to kill the mood, just let people thinkk
  7. Are you blind, it says right there under the pic, " heres the scoop from developer Treyarch" My god everyone heres a bunch of ignorant know it alls, Pshhh when really those same people know absolutely nothingg!
  8. Hahaha, this is not your idea, i saw this on COD forums, hahahaa BITERR
  9. Sorry heres the link http://forums.xbox.com/xbox_forums/b/co ... st-23.aspx
  10. "The undead have transformed Area 51 into a No Man’s Land, forcing our fearless heroes to escape to an abandoned top-secret moon base where they will face their ultimate challenge and bring an end to the Zombies menace." confirmed by Treyarch So what? How did they get from Area 51 to the moon? oh and on the terminal from black ops it says Groom Lake has 115, In Hangar 18 it clearly says "Greetings from Groom lake" and Hangar 18 is in Area 51, so that explains why they were there the article also explains something about mines, and a Phase zombie that (confirmed) disappears and re-appears! CANT WAIT! but ohh wait... i have PS3... -__- so ill have to..
  11. YOU ARE SO DUMB YEAS I SAID IT YOU ARE SO DUMB, that's exactly why they would put new weapons, actually think, i said that richtofen was going to the moon , and i got trolled and wat happened we got a moon map, so dont be an ignorant troll and actually think :evil:
  13. they are putting new weapons, and your dumb to think otherwise
  14. Okay so we all wanted this boss, we thought Ascension would bring it to us because of the Space theme, but if you look at the Moon picture, you can see a creature right over the zombies finger, it looks like a large Gorilla, it looks like it might have fists but i doubt it, and its hunched like a Gorilla, idk im SIKED! Oh and i noticed that on the the Verruckt Picture the guys holding a Skorpion, so this leads me to belive that the maps from WaW will have a new SMG - skorpion - Assault Rifle - AK47 - Shotgun - Possibly KS-23 (from Campaign) Sniper - idk a Ptrs-41 from WaW, and i am almost 100% we are going to get new weapons from Multiplayer, andfrom WaW zombies, i mean come on, last map pack, Go all out, and i think maybe well get some of the new perks from Black ops, if anything they will put PHD, i mean if they were to put all 8 perks (including the one from Moon) than the whole map would be ruined, unless they made Dogs drop a Perk and a Max ammo, oh and im pretty sure the new perk wont let u hold 3 guns
  15. Okay so most of us know that in Der Riese there was the Billboards that Shocked us all when we saw Kino, and Gave us Heart attacks when That glimpse of Call of the dead released, but now we see Five, you look at that Huge Screen in the First room, a picture of Area 51, (which WE ALL KNOW, will be a map eventually) and we have a Jungle like theme in another screen, and than we see the pentagon, this could very well be our hints to upcoming maps in Black ops 2 orHIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY, 99.9% sure UNLIKELY Map pack 5, oh and there are billboards with Area 51 on them soo yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah -ClayMore :!:
  16. Yeah we know its been known for a LONG time + that picture in the first room is not Shangri la, it might be another billboard type thing from Der Riese
  17. Rlogin dreamland User-Vbush password- majestic1 Youll see all these pictures


    Thanks captain obvious.. jk your "relativley" new here as am i, sort of well to reply, its done, nothing left, Dempsey even says it in COTD -ClayMore :!:
  19. okay so me and my friend are playing, round 36 and im diving off the stairs that lead to the barrier next to PHD, but in the air, out of no where we here Samantha laugh and im dead, and within 1 second, im out, my friend doesnt even get the chance to try to revive me for some reason, I lost my Zeus's Cannon my Porters x2 ray gun Jugg, PHD, Revive, stammin up, and Speedy cola Sickle and my Pride.. :evil: Because of this we died at an early round of 51, well to us is early kuz weve gotten to 57. IDK someone explain this crap to me, i was thinking maybe because when i dove i went to high and it was considered a glitch and just killed me.........
  20. Well at spawn C if you go in that shed where most people snipe from, if you go in from the jeep side to the very Left there is a table you can jump on, shoot it,and it will bleed!
  21. Yeaa i know about those as well, also there are mystery boxes within the map, and the please wait signs from PaP, And the table that bleeds
  22. The game is enjoyable because of the challenge. When you glitch you take the challenge away completely. If you have to glitch to have fun on zombies, then you just must not be very good in the first place, and it's just too challenging for you to survive on your own. Oh, and I don't see how sitting in one place waiting for Zombies to pile up is more fun than trying to survive against the horde without cheating. That sounds extremely boring to me, standing in one place for 30 rounds and all. Not to mention the Leaderboards are pretty much irrelevant thanks to all the glitchers on there. Not that I care that much, but some people take it very seriously. If you wanna cheat, go ahead and cheat. But you'll have much more fun playing the game the way Treyarch intended it to be played. Well sometimes its way funner to be outside the map while killing zombies with ease
  23. Okay let me just say, i know im starting to get probably the worse rep here, but its fine, i just had to share this, Okay so if you go on Firing Range and you go to the wooden building, (by spawn A) and you go to that crate right next to the stairs and window, you see a little can, that says Treyarch, okay big woop, who cares, but if you look closely, you can see a rounded rectangle around E-Y-A-R, the only word i can make out of that is R-A-Y if you read it backwards and i already looked up EYAR, and RAYE and got nothing so yeahh idkk, and on top of those letters there are devil horns, and below those letters is a devil tail.....OMFG, was my first reaction, oh and behind the word Treyarch, there is some writing, i cant really make it out, oh anddd, you know that shed that says, "Next time bring beer" Wellll if you look a little bit above it, you can see more writing that is, unfortunately, covered by a rag type thing, could we we be mistaken by thinking Hangar 18 was Treyarch's hint of an Area 51 map? Could Firing range be the next map? Ughh only time will tell
  24. Just a quick note, the same face in the blood from Kino, is back in Ascension, i dont know if people have alredy come on to his but i just found out so Yeaaaaaaahhhh, *!CLAYMORESTATUS!*
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