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Everything posted by deathb4di2h0nor

  1. 4z4 huh. Well there are only so many things they could do with this. 1)One group trying to live longer and get more points than the other, on duplicate maps.(The same map, just cloned and used side by side.) 2)Both groups are on the same map at the same time. Both groups are going against zombies, but if you die you become a zombie and can attack either group. No respawns. The game ends when everyone is a zombie. 3)Both teams shoot each other to try and win, and when someone dies they turn into zombies. No respawns. The game ends when everyone is a zombie. 4) Survivors vs. Zombies. (I can picture an overwatch control, similar to Strike Force) There probably is more, but I can't think of any at the time. Just food for thought.
  2. I really do appreciate all the feedback. I always liked reading all of everyone elses threads on this forum. I myself have always been more of a reader on here. It's nice to see good feedback from something I rarely post. Thank you
  3. I like the way this map looks. Busted up buildings, demolished cars. If you mix in the zombies, this map looks apocalyptic. I could care less where it is (at the moment), the whole big city being overrun is what the story needs. We never see the overall devestation that zombies bring along with them. Most of the maps seem secluded and in another world (so to speak.) This map brings the reality to the picture. Honestly, this map (as far as story goes), could be the best one yet. Think about the fact that we are starting Black Ops II with the biggest map to date. There has to be plenty of gameplay additions. Everyone seems to forget that Treyarch scraps the things that don't feel core or messes with the core gaming experience. I would like to add that WaW is not the core gaming experience. Zombies started there, yes, but it does not mean that every map has to be the same. The core zombie experience includes movement, zombie A.I. (which could be altered slightly), the story, no cut-scenes, first person shooter, high frames per second, and I am sure there is more. On a side note, has no one else put two and two together about the diners. I believe the majority of you are right, that the diners are simply something for a reference. However, has everyone forgotten how we get info for dlc's. The diner. We always get a video including a diner of some sort and they may be incorporating that aspect into the gameplay. Not positive, just thought I would throw that out there.
  4. You are absolutely correct. If people don't have the skills to do the work in "No Man's Land", their gameplay will be normal. For those of us who CAN,(or at least for myself) you can't start Moon without getting everything in "No Man's Land." Because you know you can. If you go there without it you feel like you missed out on a chance. That's my opinion anyways. Now that I think about it, having another map with a NML type area would be awesome. NOT EVERY MAP, just another one.
  5. This. I would like to add that Moon's "No man's land" can make the gameplay extremely easy. If you manage to get jugg and pack a punch, then empty the gun before going to moon, you will end up with more than enough money to make it all the way around the map. You can buy the knife and get flopper, and it will still be round one. I hate "Five." Not a bad idea, just very complicating and without cooperation during the thief rounds, you can consider it game over. The box locations (as mentioned above) are in such tight quarters, and nearly impossible to hit mid round. The freeze gun is garbage. If the thief actually takes your good gun, you can kiss it goodbye, unless you aren't playing with randoms.(which I always do) COTD is fun for me because of the amount of things they allow in solo. That is it. I hope more maps allow for solo eggs, and a way to get all the perks without an egg. No need to make them permanent or anything,(quick revive on solo) just a way to get them. Shangri-la is one of my favorites because it is the only map I can camp, successfully, on solo. Sitting at the mouth of the cave by the bridge, I could go forever. If I get overrun, I simply circle half the map and make my way back to the cave. The monkeys are unreliable for me. I can get max ammos no problem. It's the perks I can't get.(not even once) In conclusion, I would like to see at least one map,(or a few) that have a layout similar to shangri-la and the solo gameplay of COTD.
  6. That's what I was thinking. When the storm rolls in, is when the fun will begin for me. Don't get me wrong, I love the whole map. (I made it... ) I just love the thought of darker gameplay with rain distorting view slightly, and thunder crashing with lightning casting shadows everywhere. I think the burial vault would be one of the creepiest areas on the map. Only a skylight for lighting. Random morgue drawers opening and the sound of the storm outside. Very cool. I hope Treyarch is reading this one. I almost like this one better than my Agartha map.
  7. Thank you. I take pride in the maps I create in this forum, and it is good to see someone who appreciates the hard work. I would definitely incorporate the story line into the easter egg. It wouldn't be as complex as some of the other one's. Just enough to make it right. I want this map feeling eerie. I feel like a long drawn out egg, with only flopper as a pay off, would spoil the atmosphere. I don't know, we'll see as the day goes on.
  8. Back story: Located in New Orleans, the grave yard is an above ground cemetery. It is a real place and is actually called "city of the dead" by many locals. In the 60's, the people had a hard time burying their deceased, because of Louisianna being nearly below sea level. Dig a few feet down and it becomes soggy. The graves would literally float out of the ground during heavy rains. "Enter the cemetery gates, and you will be greeted by rusty decorative ironwork and blinded by sun-bleached tombs. Crosses and statues jutting from tomb surfaces cast contrasting shadows, adding to the sense of mystery." -clipping from a site dedicated to it. Buried here are politicians, pirates, and voodoo queens.... Setting: The majority of time spent in the cemetery, it will be sunny and colorful. During random times it will become cloudy and a thunderstorm will unleash it's fury, causing some of the graves to block paths. The rain and thunder will only slightly change the difficulty, so that the overall feel is enjoyable, yet creepy. Size and Layout: This map will actually take place over three separate cemeteries, connected by narrow path ways, that are lined with rusted old iron fences. A burial vault will be located to the north, and a funeral house toward the entrance (south). The cemetery in the middle will be oval in shape and the outer two will be rectangular. The map will be larger in size, Leaving it looking something like this: The Funeral House: This is where everyone will spawn. Two entrances to choose from, one leading to the main courtyard cemetery, the other leading to the outer cemetery. In this room, there will be five zombie spawns; four windows and a hole in the center of the floor. The zombies won't spawn from the hole until round 5. Quick Revive will be located here as well as two spawn guns, each costing 500. Oval Cemetery: In the middle of this courtyard, there will be a gothic style fountain portraying a fight scene between man and zombie. The ground will be lacking a path, allowing for the caskets and zombies to seemingly be coming from random spots. This room will contain no perks, but offers a M4A1 on the wall for 1200. Four doors to choose from here, one to each direction. Zombies spawn from the ground. Two Outer Cemeteries: These two will be identical in size and shape. The only difference being the pathways between burials, and the one on the left will have jugg while the other has Speed Cola. One will also have a large tree with branches that tower over everything, yet stretch to the ground. Each cemetery has two entrances. Zombies spawn from the ground. The Burial vault: This room will be larger than the funeral home. On the walls are morgue style drawers to hold the newly deceased. In this case however, the drawers will open from random places at random times. Two things can spawn from these drawers. Nova 6 crawlers or random power-ups. The drawers can also trip you up if you aren't paying attention. The power switch will be in this room, which will turn on lights around all the pathways, as well as turn on the machines. This room however, does not contain lights. It offers only a skylight that is only useful when it is not raining. The room will still be darker than the others when it is sunny. Double tap will be located here as well as two more choices of guns, both of which 1000. Boss round: Similar to Shangri-la, two different types of zombies will spawn at random times. The Voodoo Queens and the Pirates. The Voodoo Queens will be slower than all the other zombies, but have the ability to control the zombies. Depending on who attacks her, she will stop all zombies on the map, and send them after one player. The curse will not be lifted until she dies. When she dies she explodes with souls and spells, killing everything around her. The Pirate will be moderately paced and does not kill you. It simply grabs you and steals half your points. Similar to the astronaut, he will not stop until he dies. None of that quitting his chase after everyone was grabbed stuff. Easter egg: I decided to add the easter egg steps before the UK members get on. No need to keep people wondering. This egg will begin after the second storm. Regardless of rounds, a bolt of lightning will strike the ground, similar to what we are used to in Der Riese and Call of the Dead. THIS bolt, however, will be purple with color and will strike the fountain, bringing to life voices within. "Nothing like a shock to open your eyes."-marine one "AAAAaaaAAAEE(zombie shriek)...what....the....fuck.."-marine two "Whoah you don't look so good. Your eyes are lighting up."-marine one "I knew this shit would happen...(shriek) I told him we should have left."-marine two "Dempsey knows what to do marine. Never doubt your brothers."-marine one "Well where did he go then, if he's so noble."-marine two "Why don't you ask HIM, He's right here."-marine one As you can see, the voices within are two of the marine's from Nacht der Untoten. As the story goes on we learn that one of them didn't make it, and marine two is badly injured by the zombies. Marine one will not lose another one so he asks our heroes for some help. He mentions that the tree in the side cemetery contains vril in the fruit. Upon searching for the fruit, the player realizes the once dead tree, is now full with leaves. The next time the storm leaves the fruit appears. Once you obtain the fruit and make your way back, you hear deep zombie roars, and cries for help. It seems marine two has become a vril infused zombie with the same power as a juggernaut. The zombie figure on the statue begins to crack and crumble until marine two busts through. Wearing shredded marine uniform, and extremely pumped up, marine two will make martyr's look like sheep. Defeat this zombie and return to the statue for more directions. Marine one is broken up, but promises to avenge him in life. When suddenly a voice from above screams out:"OOOH Dempsey! I see you found your friends...And one of them died...Oh well! And YOU! I thought I left you to rot in Germany. How did you make it here? Nevermind, I'll have none of it. You will never get free! And more importantly, DEMPSEY IS MINE!" With the final words, a rumble will shake the entire map and the number of zombies per person will double for a round. Richtofen agrees to free Marine one, but vows the crew will die before they leave.(obviously) Marine one says his goodbyes and raises the fountain to reveal PHD Flopper. Regardless of how many perks you have, you can purchase Flopper, and it will never go away. The other perks, however will go away when downed. Allowing for this egg to be done in solo. While playing solo, the only playable character will be Dempsey. Disclaimer: I wish no disrespect toward any of the deceased in New Orleans. This idea just struck me as good for zombie gameplay and atmosphere.
  9. Yes, cordyceps are used as a treatment option in medicine. This only proves my point. They have already begun testing the potentials. Not to go all Takeo on you, but as the yin yang stories go: Everything bad has some good, and everything good has some bad. I believe this to be true. When is the last time you made a pros and cons list, and never had anything on the cons side. Even if it is something as little as losing an hour of sleep. Pros normally outweigh the cons, but the cons are still there. Getting back on topic, this is exactly the way this works. Cordyceps are recently being used as medicine, showing there are positive sides to this fungus. The negative side boldly stands out in my eyes, however. If I were a government scientist, given the task to create a virus or something of that nature, that could control the human body, I would start with something that already does these things on other species. If science has taught us anything, it is that things on a quantum scale can always be scaled up. It is just a matter of technology being advanced enough. This is all speculation and hypothetical situations, I know. But hey, that's what we do right? Theorize about the unknown. Cordyceps may (and probably will) be used in medicine for the rest of man's time here on earth, and never be used as a "zombie maker" of sorts. But I thought the title was Real. Life. Zombies. My Thoughts... Well these were mine.
  10. I would like to see more Verruckt style maps. Not so much for the WaW feel, but the overall gameplay is much more fun, when you split up the players. I would make it so no matter what you get separated. I find that when you play two player, you never get separated. I would also like to see more maps like COTD. George really isn't that big of a problem, especially since they added Mule Kick. Example: Clearing gun: M&S Point racker: AK74u George gun: L96A1 Also, COTD is the only map to allow players to get all perks while playing solo, in a reasonably easy manner. With the above mentioned setup, you could get all perks, trade the sniper for a VR11 and the rest of the game is a breeze. I love COTD and hope they add something similar. As far as the characters and overall feel, it's ok. Not the best, but the game-play features these maps introduce are awesome.
  11. I too at first though of it as a rather "simple loner" of a game mode. Not much to it, so why do it? Boy was I wrong. I lost internet recently and grew tired of playing solo traditional maps,(crazy I know) so I jumped on DOA. Made it to the novas and died. Tried again and made it to the engineers. Before long I had battled zombies in launch sites, jungles, dogs, martyrs. I was truly blown away. Honestly and truly BLOWN AWAY. I couldn't believe the drastic changes my eyes were seeing. The gameplay only gets better online. (If you are good) Free choppers and tanks falling from the sky. The furthest I have made it on solo is 38 because the jungle grass is so thick it becomes hard to make out where the zombies are. Then you add branches hanging over the map..... I still had nukes and speedboosts too. But anyways, yeah DOA2 is a must. Before I lost my internet, I might have said: "Eeh I'd rather have a new traditional map." NOW HOWEVER.... DOA2 IS A MUST. EDIT: Anyone wanna play DOA right now? My info is right here>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  12. I posted this before but... It would be cool if for at least one of the 8 player maps, it played out like Verruckt. Four players on each side and only the power dividing you. It would leave the game feeling normal. In the event you are playing with all eight, everything would seem crowded, but cheaper. With solo everything would be roomier but normal price. All the way down to the zombies. Everything would even out really nicely. SIDENOTE:Has anyone else noticed that Shangri La could have been split down the middle in the power room with a fence that only opens with the power on. If that were the case it would have drastically changed the gameplay, I think for the better. Think about making your way all the way around one side and flipping the power switch, only to realize the other one is out of reach. It would lead to scenarios of two teams fighting there way around, just like Verruckt, with way better gameplay. Or one hell of a challenge in solo.
  13. Face it, it's only bugs right now. But don't you think if I know about it, some top secret government scientist has seen it before. The parasite already completely takes over the brain and controls the body to do whatever it wants. It does that on it's own. No tweaking or changes. You don't think they are changing and altering the hell out of this thing to see the potential. I'm not saying the government would be the reason for something like this getting put on mankind, but if one person has the power, another one wants it. I mean think about it. The government alters it and tests it on life sentence prisoners. They of course die off after their task is complete. Some other government hears of the success and hires spies, which lead to covert ops, which lead to war. In the midst of that destruction and mayhem, the parasite containment gets breached and becomes air-born. Or worse the parasite is still contained but taken and put into the wrong hands. Far-fetched? I think not. I'm sure the governments of this world have had their hands dipped in a little of everything that could have potential for controlling humans. The nazis broke the ice. I'm sure, while all the other governments were shaking their heads and frowning at Germany for what they did in that time, there were plenty of heads turning and ears listening in awe of what they proposed. A Super-human army and anti-gravity propulsion.... Don't think I am shooting your ideas down. Mad cow disease is in this same book. All of the above mentioned points are possible in this scenario. All I am saying is, this parasite already makes it's victim a "zombie." In all aspects. It just has a different task for it's victim. THAT wouldn't be hard to change.
  14. I know a lot of people on here already know of me and have had intelligent conversations with me, but I feel I should formally introduce myself to the newcomers. My name is Tim and I am from JAX FL. I am 23 and employed with the schoolboard. I currently game on the XBOX 360 and pretty much the only games I play are COD games. Not so much for the "name brand", I just view COD as the best FPS as far as movements and graphics. You will most likely find my posts in Black Ops II forums, but I also frequent the member lounge and site news boards. I specialize in common decryptions and decoding. If you ever want to game with me, (you will go far), my gamertag is H3ADxHUNT3RxFTW . I have all the maps and I play more with randoms and people I meet online, than anything else. Aside from solo. Here is my unofficial solo leaderboard. Nacht-20 SNN-30 Verruckt- ~30 Der Riese- 38 Kino-42 Five-20 (I hate that stupid thief, POINTERS?) DOA-38 (died in the jungle cause I couldn't see the zombies) Ascension-37 COTD- 32 Shangri La-40 Moon- 38 To be continued and updated once my actual leaderboard reflects my skills. As I said I normally play with randoms and so my leaderboard scores normally reflect everyone else dying off and me trying to make it to 30+ alone. It never works. Thanks for reading. ;)
  15. Yes, the brain would eventually die and the body would eventually decay. Before that happened however, (in the case of cordyceps) before that happened, we would have thousands of people suddenly climbing skyscrapers and high trees. Before you know it, the air would be filled with cordycep spores, and there would be nothing the military could do, except kill off innocent civilians in mass quantities. The point that the zombies mentioned in this thread, would not be the zombies we know on tv has already been brought up. This is merely to put the realistic "zombie" type illnesses into perspective. Obviously in the game and on movies the zombies are limited to arms reach, and only have one main form of attack. That is why everyone loves them, just sit back and shoot with nothing shooting back. If one person wound up with a cordycep fungus parasite, no one would know until it was too late. He would look like an adventurous person who felt like climbing. Before you know it 20 people are infected, then 100, then 1000. It would spread like wild fire. The military might have precautions taken for "zombies" as we know them. But nature has loopholes. Air-born spores would be very hard to control. JUST THINK ABOUT POLLEN. It affects everyone on the planet negatively, (aside from plants) and there is nothing to be done. Nature created this, and there won't be any kind of man made thing that could stop it. The only thing stopping RIGHT NOW AS WE SPEAK, is mutation and adaption. It is only a matter of time.
  16. I think I have found something that could mutate to attack humans and take over their brains. Also, might I add it is on earth currently, and attacking any species population that grows too large in number, in the Amazon jungle. It is a parasitic spore based fungus called CORDYCEPS. It attacks any species from ants to lizards. It completely takes over the body and uses it as a means of transportation. The ant (or whatever the case may be) then is forced to climb higher and higher until the back of the head explodes with spores and the cycle repeats. I know it's not your typical zombie, but as you said, if there were zombies, they wouldn't be the movie zombies we all know and love. Here is a video on it. After further research you would find bigger animals it has attacked. As I said, it only pin-points species that have high population numbers. Once they die off enough, it moves on. Think about that. XuKjBIBBAL8
  17. Exactly, see this guy gets me. It would balance out so well, you wouldn't even notice a change. If this isn't the case for all the eight player game modes, I hope they do at least one like this. I'm so happy we will either have a bunch of maps, or a bunch of ways to play one map. Anyone can argue confirmation, but really, what other options are there? 4-6 maps stock with 2-3 maps in DLC (or) 1-3 maps stock with 1 map in DLC and each one has 3-4 different ways of playing said map. The numbers could fluctuate, sure, but all in all I think we can expect a lot of maps and input as far as timeline and overall location.
  18. I expect the error messages and hosts ending games to be a thing of the past. As you said they have had ample time, and with zombies going to the muli-player engine, that is what I expect. I can't wait. LOW.....GRAVITY....SO MUCH....FUN...BUT MUST....STOP...TYPING.
  19. Again, NO. But I would like to see some new animations similar to some newer horror movies. Glimpses of something that scatters off. Zombies twitching and sounds of bones breaking with every twitch. Really creepy zombie stuff.
  20. I think solo leader boards WILL be in Black Ops 2 because ELITE will be implemented fully. The leader boards themselves get hacked, yes, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to see where you stand. So what if it's off by 20-30 because of some A** who decided to cheat there way to the top. I personally would LOVE a steady solo leaderboard as well as other stats. Zombies has already been confirmed to be taking it's own path. I wouldn't mind seeing a map or two set in the future though. As for things I don't want. HOST ENDED GAME (player name) HAS TIMED OUT. (when obviously still running.)
  21. I can see where your worries are justifiable, but I think it will be fine. Looking at Moon, I see a season finale with one heck of a challenge as well as a cliffhanger. The oxygen levels and what-not were map specific I think. They wanted Jugg in No Man's Land for the solo leaderboard. They couldn't have the teleporter in use constantly with half the crew on earth and the other half on Moon, because the game couldn't handle it at the time. I'll admit, by his quote it does sound like they think more is better in zombies. But hey, it's Treyarch. I would imagine the stock maps will have story additives with small additions as far as gameplay goes. By the end of the game, yes, something big and lots of it is coming. But don't let that ONE epic ending of the game ruin it for ya . They will deliver. Everyone seems to forget that not only does Treyarch see our ideas, they see the criticism that goes along with it. I'm sure they take all pros and cons into account and decide frome there. Never Fear My Friend. Black Ops II Will Be The Best Cod To Date. -Mark those words.
  22. Ok... What I just thought has me excited at the moment so you will have to excuse me. So far we have confirmed that there will be 8 players, various game modes, as well as the original game modes. This leads me to believe there will be not only more maps for zombies upon release, but in each DLC. There are differences between each aspect we have confirmed, that will depend on different maps. I'll explain. As STRWRSBOB said on a previous topic, The original zombies mode could not be on the same map as any of the others, because it would be too easy. Also IMO it would be hard to incorporate eggs and other story effects into say, a multi-player type map. Now, on to the eight player maps. I know it hasn't been confirmed that 8 players will be in the original mode, but if they are, these maps would have to be larger and require more doors and other things to be bought. They might be able to find a nice medium between 4-8 players, but I feel the 2 player matches would be left too expensive. The increase in zombies will help but, I don't know about it. Now onto the game modes. The game modes couldn't possibly run on the same maps, could they? The majority of zombie maps have choke points in one spot or another, meaning running as a team of eight is out of the question. I realize none of the zombie game modes have been announced as of yet. I still think they would use different maps. Summary: Ok so the way I see it, we will either have multiple ways of playing zombies on every zombie map to be released, or we will have multiple zombie maps released on each DLC. Either way, I just felt the number of maps/ways to play them, was overlooked. This is what we have been screaming for, for a long time. Yes, I know they could possibly use the multi-player maps, but they said themselves. "It's own universe." Your thoughts? EDIT: Just blew ny own mind again. What if all of the original game mode maps are split like Verruckt. 4 players on each side and each side costs the same as a normal map. It would be the same as playing a small map no matter how many players you were playing with. If you want to play with two, it would be like solo. Eventually the whole map would be open and everyone could choose their spot to begin.
  23. All I have to say is one thing, that every one seems to be overlooking...on second thought...look for the TOPIC.
  24. I like this one, but all of the stuff about 4v4 and playing as a zombie, I'm not for that at all. Not to be rude, but blunt about it. I don't know if you have played any of the other games that have had game modes like that, but the game mode itself sucks. The humans always have more of a chance and normally win. Also, if someone shoots off your arms, it would kinda cut back on the feel of it. You would run around slapping people without any kind of animation on screen at all. I realize a lot of people will want this, and Treyarch can pull almost anything off. But I will not be playing 4v4 zombie player game modes, if they are on the game. Unless they have some sort of egg or story significance, I'm out.
  25. I think using the multi-player maps would be good as long as they were dulled down and more gloomy. It wouldn't take much disc space to change small aspects of a map to make it more like zombies. In all aspects, I like the idea of this game mode and I think it is closest to what will actually be on the game. I know some people want to run around as a zombie slapping people, but I wonder if any of those people ever played a game like that. It sucks, believe me. The humans always win, and the upgrades are never enough. I like the idea of all the game modes being different variants of a survival game. Not two teams of four trying to kill each other. Good idea man.
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