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Everything posted by MixMasterNut

  1. Sounds like you are putting a whole lot of words in my mouth that I never said. I don't appreciate that. The Moonwalking thing is too illogical to be intended. The whole movement doesn't make any sense. If it was an actual "moonwalk" then the animation would be smooth like Michael Jackson. I've seen what the Astronaut should do a few times, and that's why I say the moonwalking is a glitch. What the Astronaut is suppose to do is moonwalk to the gersch device as if being sucked in, and once the effect of the gersch device ends, the astronaut resumes walking slowly towards you as normal. Thats logical behavior.
  2. It's not intended behavior. That's what makes it a glitch.
  3. Start hitting the jumper pads in the biodome. If you get lucky, on one of your jumps the astronaut will eventually stop moving and dance in place like this... However beware that there are several things that could set the astronaut off, so that he/she is moonwalking fast at you again. Continuing to jump on the pads can set him off. Throwing a gersch device around him will likely set him off. If you teleport to NML, when you return to the receiving bay the astronaut will now be moonwalking towards you, so watch out. IMO if the astronaut glitches out on you, your best bet is to get him to dance in place. Then at the end of the round, get a crawler on the board, and take out the astronaut. Better to have a new astronaut at full health than a glitched out unstable astro chasing you around the map. *I apologize if my advice is considered a 'glitch' in itself, thus against CoC. Seems like the only answer to this astro man glitch is neutralize it with another glitch. At this point, it's more of a solution to this gamebreaking problem than Treyarch has offered. My fav map is still broken, - Mix
  4. I have a feeling the XRay scope will add a Black Light: Retribution element to the game. COD Wiki page on the Storm PSR http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Storm_PSR pleading death to campers, - Mix
  5. ROFL @ BlindBusDrivr BBD is right. We would never never support 'terrorists'. We support 'freedom fighters' to spread Democracy... - Mix
  6. Oh I do label Ronald Reagan, George H Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld as traitors to my country. While I'm at it, lets add Admiral John Poindexter, and Richard Secord to the list. I may not have previously brought up there names, but yes I am measuring extra links of rope for them as well. Ollie North was heavily entrenched in the whole scheme, and that's why he was made to be the fall guy. But I do understand all of his actions in the Iran-Contra scandal were approved by his superiors, which make them just as guilty, if not more so, than he is. No disagreement there. Reagan doesn't go down as a shining star in my book at all. He carried a policy of denying any wrong doing and subverting the blame to his subordinates. He straight up lied to the american people about his involvement in the Iran-Contra affair, and even when he did admit it, sugar coated it with deceptive political language in a way to dissuade the public from seeing the real truth. Too bad most Americans purposefully fool themselves into forgetting these subversive actions, so that they can focus on remember the charismatic funny sides of Reagan that made so loveable. Sad more American's rather live in this fantasy land than 'wake up'. I find this image very telling.... President Reagan (right) in Robert McFarlane's office with Contra leader Adolfo Calero (left), and Oliver North (center). 4/4/85 - Mix
  7. Ollie North was directly helping to fund the Contras which were known for committing many crimes against humanity including use of death squads, torture, use of land mines, and the raping and killing of nuns, just to name a few. He also had a hand in helping the Contras smuggle illegal drugs within US borders at the same time Reagan was waging a War on Drugs. He was trading weapons for hostages with Iran terrorists. His involvement in the shadow government known as The Enterprise, his defying of the Boland Amendment, as well his involvement with Rex 84, not only work against, but work to unravel the U.S. Constitution. I do consider him a traitor to this country, and find his actions of "following orders" to be nothing short of High Treason.
  8. I have a feeling Oliver North may be a key figure in the Black Ops 2 campaign. As Treyarch's advisor for the cold war section of the campaign, I definitely see him in the game. He was at the center of the whole Iran-Contra scandal, which was the major black operation of the 80's. If he's a character in the campaign, there is a possibility he may show up in zombies the same way JFK, Nixon, McNamara, and Castro did for Five. Although I would hope not! IMO, he is a disgrace to America's core values, and he should have been hung for his treason. Regards, - Mix
  9. CHECK OUT THE WALLPAPER... It's the same wallpaper from Samantha's room Same wallpaper is in Verruckt [image courtesy of AlphaSnake] viewtopic.php?f=56&t=3440 :twisted: - Mix
  10. Peter W. Singer, author of Wired for War, in 2009 gave a TED speech to warn us about the future of drone warfare. M1pr683SYFk There is a lot of disturbing stuff presented here, and this is before adding in the ingredients of cyber hacker warfare into the equation. "Is it our Machines, or is it Us, that is wired for war?" - P.W. Singer - Mix
  11. Wow!. You have all the information right in front of you, yet you cannot read between the thinly veiled lines. As the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.
  12. I think you need to play the game again then. Specifically U.S.D.D where Mason goes into JFK's office, and the very end of Redemption U.S.D.D dw-I0JQKvf8 [4] Redemption CcHMH7vTHbs [0] - Mix
  13. You have to pick up the poster in-person from a Gamestop store. Supplies are limited. Just show them proof of your online purchase
  14. I found a couple films titled "Facts About Fallout", created by the Department of Defense's Office of Civil Defense. You may notice the brochure makes a cameo in each of these videos. zV-9690Iuiw yfqr2F3XALs fi5erYblASE More videos from the Office of Civil Defense. These ones are focused on teaching kids on what to do in case of a nuclear attack. If your parents/grandparents grew up in America during the 50s & 60s, you should ask them to recall the gov. mandated nuclear attack drills they endured. IKqXu-5jw60 n2djuNBHwrg The puppet in this reminds me of Fallout Boy Civil Defense representative unveils a Family Fallout Shelter. Gives a good view of what an actual family fallout shelter looks like. 1frSZhYwpXo
  15. I've already pre-ordered BO2 from Gamestop for both Xbox & PC. I shipped my extra BO2 poster oacross the pond to AlphaSnake
  16. My New Personal Best!!!! 315 KILLS HGBH01o2aqc It's been a long time coming - Mix
  17. I'm gong to go back to my brash statement of saying there are no zombie easter eggs in MW3 LISTEN @ 4:00 Interview asks about intersecting Modern Warfare world with Black Ops world. Daniel Suarez, vice president of production at Activision, immediately shoots down the idea of them sharing worlds. 0KRoyLeJk7Q
  18. I think the abandoned Six Flags theme park in New Orleans would make a good setting. The theme park lies in ruins after hurricane Katrina, and there are no plans in place to restore it. A bunch more photos can be found here: http://www.lovethesepics.com/2011/05/creepy-crusty-crumbling-illegal-tour-of-abandoned-six-flags-new-orleans-75-pics/
  19. Trespassing Drones should be shot on site nGgEFOD8Jlo
  20. I once met Steve Blum at a tattoo studio in Hollywood. Wolverine has always been my favorite comic book character. One of the only times in my life I've ever been star-struck. He even gave me a Wolverine line in character, and my inner child was nerding out hardcore I didn't even realize he was the voice-actor for Tank Dempsey as well :facepalm:
  21. I once met Steve Blum at a tattoo studio in Hollywood. Wolverine has always been my favorite comic book character. One of the only times in my life I've ever been star-struck. He even gave me a Wolverine line in character, and my inner child was nerding out hardcore I didn't even realize he was the voice-actor for Tank Dempsey as well :facepalm:
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