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Everything posted by MysteryMachineX

  1. That's not a dumb idea. In fact, I can see a situation in which it would be useful. For example, when you are running a circle in the Pig room on "Five", you often have to jump through the two windows. However, what if you have not broken them yet when you need them? Well you just dolphin dive through the window and shoot while doing it. Sure, you could shoot and then jump but with the zombies you might not have time. :P
  2. Yes, you can listen to your own music, but the music that is really important is official Zombie music. Music that is about Zombies. About the story.
  3. I also H.A.T.E. when people are wrong! It doesn't work. When the volume is too loud, it maxes out the audio. It becomes flat. If you've ever edited audio, you'll know what I'm talking about. You lose the quality. And no matter what you adjust the volume to, you will still get the obnoxious screaming, and you aren't able to tell the words from the screaming from the music. Plus, why should I have to have customized sound settings for an in-game song? If I set the music volume down for that particular song, it reduces all the background music as well. So I have to constantly adjust it? That's hardly fair. And saying that you aren't apppealed to is just downright wrong. Are you saying that you should be favorited because you usually aren't? Two wrongs don't make a right. As an analogy, Jews have been exterminated much in history, but I'm not going to make video games that appeal only to them to make up for it. In short, various genres should be made to appeal to everyone. If you disagree, then you are being selfish. I don't tend to like rap, but I think it'd be good if they made a rap one just to appeal to a different audience and have variety from the normal metal. And btw, don't try to say your genre isn't picked often. My favorite genre is parody; so I know what prejudiced bias is like.
  4. My point was not to rate the songs to be debated. My point is that they have become progressively more and more metal. More and more loud. More and more noisy. More and more unintelligible. I don't like any of the the songs anymore except for the earlier ones. They need to broaden their genres and stop just appealing to one particular group. It is not fair.
  5. I'd +1 if it'd let me. That's something I say all the time that rarely others really agree with. There's a reason for everything, and if you can't think of one, then it isn't true.
  6. The music is not rock. It's hardcorde metal. Lullaby for a Dead Man was nice. The One was cool. Beauty of a Annhilation was alright. 115 was not that good. Abracadavre wasn't good. Paraedolia was awful. Coming Home was despicable. My opinion anyways. Every song just gets so much more loud, unintelligable, metal, and noisy. Can't we just have a coherent song? I think they should do various styles depending on the setting of the map. If you do various styles, then you can appeal to everyone, and not just the current metal-liking people.
  7. 1. Nuketown was the most popular multiplayer map in Black Ops. 2. Richtofen's books are found most predominantly in Nuketown. 3. Nuketown is a small map, which makes it easier to convert. 4. Nuketown had a lot of unused yet built, unreachable areas. 5. Nuketown has a unique setting that sets it apart from the other maps, which makes for a good storyline.
  8. Honestly, anything but the usual death metal would be an improvement. This, not necessarily my first choice. But like I said, anything would be an improvement. But I think original songs specifically for Zombies is better than re-used ones, like the Eminem song on "Five".
  9. I believe it really is just a joke. Richtofen himself says he is just kidding. I think it is making fun of how many fans of the game overthink a lot of the story-related aspects. So the developers, via Richtofen, brought up the Antikythera Mechanism to throw people off completely. We already have the Casimir Mechanism, so another Mechanism would be quite a surprise. Not to mention that most people don't know what the Antikythera Mechanism is, off the top of their heads. So here is how it goes: 1. Player triggers quote. 2. Richtofen mentions the Antikythera Mechanism. 3. Over-analyzing player realizes what he just said and freaks out. 4. Richtofen says he is just kidding. 5. Player emotionally retreats. 6. Richtofen says to look it up. 7. Player looks it up and sees what it is. 8. Players see the absurdity and laugh. It is possible however that players already know what it is and immediately laugh, like I did. Or perhaps players still take it seriously after looking it up, which I don't advise.
  10. I find that offensive, honestly. I loved using the RCXD and I believe I will use a drone unless I see a better option. There is no such thing as spamming a killstreak to death. You pick which one you want. You kill people. You get the ones you picked. You use them. Just like you, Mr. High-Killer-Pro-Guy, might "spam" Chopper Gunners and the like, others will continue to choose their favorites. I stuck to my favorites for the entire game. I always used RCXDs. Why? They were fun. It was a remote-controlled car with a bomb. It just sounds cool thinking about it. I wasn't thinking "Hey you know that guy who is in 1st place? You think he is getting annoyed by my cars?" No. I think the killstreaks are quite balanced. And if some people who don't have the skill level to use the higher killstreaks often want to monopolize on the smaller ones, then so be it! It's the trade-off of using a lesser killstreak. And by the way, that is much less offensive way of saying someone does not have the ability to get higher killstreaks, not that they wouldn't "dream of it"; such dreams would actually be rather petty.
  11. I suppose you're right. Time travel does complicate things. But I just don't see Treyarch implementing the idea of alternate dimensions. We have the one, Aether, but that's it. *shrug* By the way, Aether's existence is the proof of establishment of alternate dimensions, not Richtofen's quote. You have to take quotes with a grain of salt. He was merely referencing the idea of alternate dimensions, adding to his cryptic personality, kinda like when he was joking about the Antikythera Mechanism.
  12. This is a cool idea, but you've overcomplicated it I think. There's no need to add in the controversial and convoluted idea of multiple dimensions. But you can achieve the same thing by just using the already established time travel. Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Samantha could go back in time to try to stop Richtofen. No, there'd be no paradox because you're creating a whole new timeline. However, Richtofen would not comply. He would still try to accomplish his goals. So the whole point would be that you were chasing and following Richtofen's new path. His new path would be the destruction left behind him as he tries to achieve his goal a different way. So the 8 characters would be Tank 2, Nikolai 2, Takeo 2, Samantha, Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and that 8th new character we saw on the poster that they'd pick up along the way. I think it is amusing, but I don't think it likely. You could go the alternate dimension route to keep Richtofen in the party, but then we might as well just go to the alternate dimension made of candy. Because with alternate dimensions, anything that can be IS.
  13. I'm sorry, but how exactly do you go about choosing? Btw, what crappy choices. Not one of them is tangible in the most remote sense. 1. Woo, an image of a fake helicopter on my Xbox that I will never otherwise see. 2. Woo, a 1/100000 chance of seeing the developers (once) at an event. 3. Woo, a 1/100000 chance of getting a headset. I don't know. To me, it is not a matter of which is better. It is "Which is not so crappy?" With the second or third one, I'm pretty much guaranteed not to get it. I'd be better off getting the stupid avatar. But it's that small chance that gets you... But this is a ridiculous "bonus". It'd be a bonus if they gave us all three things; they cheaped out. The first pre-order, the poster, was cool. It wasn't fantastic, but it was the first one, but it was still better than this. The second one was an actual map; now that is what pre-orders are about. I want Zombie map pre-orders like last time. EDIT: Maybe I was a bit harsh. Just saw Nuketown Zombies.
  14. It's nice. But here's some advice. First, DPS isn't exactly a useful statistic in Zombies. It's only real use is for camping up to round 20-30. Also, the cost - revenue graph is interesting, but it can be a bit misleading. You made them all at Round 10, but I think you should also make others for comparison. Or you can just overlay it on one graph. For example, the blue bar is for Round 10. A red bar can be for Round 20. A green bar for Round 50. And a yellow for Round 100. (The higher the Round the less points you will get.)
  15. No offense, but this survey's a bit biased... this IS a Zombies forum after all.
  16. Yup, it's just like the Astro Zombie. Comes back every couple rounds and never goes away. That's not true. The Excavators are quite buggy. I've had many games where they simply stopped coming, having 30 rounds of no Excavators. I figure at a seemingly random point that the game bugs out the respawning event of an Excavator. Btw, if you ever get in that situation again, the one where you're stuck in the Receiving Bay with Quick Revive with both Excavators down, there is one way to get to the other side. Survive long enough to get attacked by an Astro-Zombie without getting killed. It'll teleport you somewhere, possibly the other side. Then you get Juggernog plus the Hacker, go to the Receiving Bay via Teleporter, hack the terminals, and you're good.
  17. Wow there were four times in that reviving scene where I probably would've died. Oh thank you :)
  18. I had two really good encounters. The first was where I was playing "Five" with three other people. Turned out that two of them were splitscreening, but they each had their own profile. Turned out that they were husband and wife. That's awesome; I hope one day I can get a wife to play Zombies with me. But anyway, they were really nice. Sure, they were a bit superstitious (Don't kill the Pig!), but they meant real well. They would also never leave a teammate down. Unfortunately, something came up that I had to do immediately, which took roughly 20 minutes. This is unusual for me to do. I hate it when others do it, and I hated that I had to do it. But they actually left a crawler and waited for me! We died the next Round, but I added them, and they introduced me to their group, where we'd get together and play matches often. Unfortunately, we haven't played much lately. Another time was when I was playing Verruckt with this kid. Yes, kid. Most people hate the kids, but it is just stereotype. This kid turned out to be very nice and smart. He knew how to play the game better than many adults, and he is always open to suggestions. We play sometimes, and if others berate him, I always stick up for him. The only downside is that he still has a bedtime :P
  19. Your reasoning seems sound. Although I can't imagine No Man's Land being decades old. The sirens, the Teleporter, the hangar... it all just looks... new. And functioning. And not rusty. Although I'm pretty sure we're not going forward in time to Moon after No Man's Land. After all, when you blow the Earth up, you can tell the difference when you go back to No Man's Land. Plus, if they just time traveled every single jump, what are the odds of them going back to the same time every single time?
  20. Your reasoning seems sound. Although I can't imagine No Man's Land being decades old. The sirens, the Teleporter, the hangar... it all just looks... new. And functioning. And not rusty. Although I'm pretty sure we're not going forward in time to Moon after No Man's Land. After all, when you blow the Earth up, you can tell the difference when you go back to No Man's Land. Plus, if they just time traveled every single jump, what are the odds of them going back to the same time every single time?
  21. The problem is that Richtofen and Samantha switched bodies. But personally, I think it'd be awesome to play as an adult Samantha. Maybe in the game, you play as her. But how did she get her body back? Maybe in the backstory in that game you have to find out what happened between Black Ops 1 and 2 that led to that point. *shrug* It'd be cool.
  22. Hm. That's interesting, but Rissole's thread suggests otherwise. As it stands, the possible window, 1960-future, is pretty broad. His thread suggests it be narrowed to the future. This one, well, you know. But they can't both be right, and they both seem to have evidence. So I was just wondering what your thoughts on this were. What do you have to say about the formations on the Earth as seen from space in conflict with this thread? Do you think that they are merely a mistake on Treyarch's part?
  23. Hm. That's interesting, but Rissole's thread suggests otherwise. As it stands, the possible window, 1960-future, is pretty broad. His thread suggests it be narrowed to the future. This one, well, you know. But they can't both be right, and they both seem to have evidence. So I was just wondering what your thoughts on this were. What do you have to say about the formations on the Earth as seen from space in conflict with this thread? Do you think that they are merely a mistake on Treyarch's part?
  24. I don't know if that's entirely accurate. I just mean, are you sure that the location really made a difference? All it did was half it. The difference may not be Biodome vs. Receiving Bay. It may be whoever's skillset vs. Superhands's skillset. I just think the user's skills would make more of a difference in total time than the location (well this set of location; obviously there are counterexamples to location in general).
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