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Everything posted by DEFCON 1

  1. I'm looking for 3 people to play moon right when it comes out to look for anything thing like what the Main Easter is (obviously),Hidden song, Radios and anything else. Must be from Canada because of the time difference. You must know the whole zombies story line or most of the story line. You must be fairly good at zombies. You must have lots of free time so we can look around the map lots. Must have a mic. Gamertag is nightm4RE19. PM me if your interested. Not on Xbox live I wont be on at all until the 22nd so PM here. My Timezone is Mountain time, if you don't know what that is it means I posted this at 9:00 PM. That's everything, I'll edit this when I have 3 people so others who are interested won't keep sending me messages.
  2. Kill George for good? Are you saying they should add a way to kill George for good or they did add a way?
  3. Larry king? no I have no idea
  4. DEFCON 1


    Not the picture, the body in the lab of the basement, the face is very similar to him. I got the video too load now I see what you mean.
  5. DEFCON 1


    Well I forget how Roebuck dies at the end of W@W but the US could have took his body back and studied it.
  6. I didn't see this posted anywhere so I thought I'd post it, a part of the moon loading screen is on the left side of the Shangri-La loading screen behind all of the other pages from the previous maps, It would be pretty hard to figure out what that was if you haven't seen the loading screen for moon though. That is all.
  7. Round 45 Points 179800 Kills 2765 Head shots 231
  8. It seems that not many people on this forum knows that nova gas is real so I thought I'd post all the information I could find about it and from what I've read, the black ops storyline seems more accurate than I thought, anyways, here goes. Nazi's did develop Nova gas, it had a green color, When inhaled it causes Blackening of the skin, coughing, vomiting and can kill the victim in about 25 seconds. After the war was over the Russian's refined it and it then became a more orange color, the affects of the refined version is pretty much the same other than that it causes the victim to bleed from their eyes and will kill them much faster than the Nazi version. If someone is near the gas but not actually standing in it and inhaling it, it will not harm them, much like in black ops. As far as I know it was not created by Friedrich Steiner Because he is a fictional character. If I find anymore information I'll post it here and if anyone else finds any information about it tell me, I'll add it, and make sure that person get's credit for it. Sorry if something like this was posted before and sorry if everyone knows this already.
  9. There, I edited out all the stuff about dual wielding.
  10. I just seen the new perk logo and I thought I'd give my opinion on what I think it made do. I think that It might give your weapons a little bit more power and make them do more damage because on the logo it looks like a gun and behind it, there's a gun that's faded. The normal gun would stand for your gun, the faded gun would stand for the small amount of extra power it would give you. Second theory: (The most unlikely). It lets you keep one of your weapons if you go down and don't get revived. The Normal gun stands for the gun that you keep, the faded gun stands for the one that you lose. What do you think of these ideas?
  11. I just noticed that if you kill a monkey that stole your power up at the right time it will drop a perk, so my question is, is it possible to get all of the perks from the monkeys or will they stop dropping them after you reach four. Off topic: Just passed my 115th post!
  12. Yes that's probably what it was, The letters werent very polished and were hard to read so I must have mistaken the "m" for a "t". [brains]
  13. I remember reading somewhere on this forum that the remastered versions of the W@W classic maps won't have WWII weapons but instead they will have the black ops zombie maps weapons. I searched it up on google but I can't find anything about the weapons so can someone tell me if it's true or false.
  14. Museum sounds cool, if it showed the background of every zombies map in each exhibit and it showed the types of zombies on each map. Then when the timer runs out the screen goes white and you here samantha laughing.
  15. When you spawn go up the set of stairs on the right, open the door and go over to the next room where the portaits are, go to the barrier and look at the left side of the wall and look down a tiny bit but keep looking at the wall, you should see Shoe marks that are made in blood and it looks as if someone was walking back and forth ON the wall. This is a little wierd because I'm pretty sure humans and zombies walk on floors not walls and gas zombies don't wear shoes. Does this mean something or is it just a random decoration treyarch put in the map. Post your thoughts and sorry if this was posted before.
  16. Takeo Said "Mabey what was,but is no more but shall be again". It could be a someone that died but I don't have much of an idea. As for the rest of the stuff you said I don't really know anything about volks wagons or berlin.
  17. What if there was something you had to do to make it low gravity and that would be the only way you can get to the PaP, like if it's at a high place and there's not a ladder or stairs to get there. Like you have to flip some switches or something like that.
  18. Thanks [brains] s for you. and to the person who made this poll there are actually 64 achievements not 61.
  19. I got 58 with 1230 gamer score from it. I can't unlock date night cause none of my friends accept my game invite. Also can someone tell me how to explode a zombie with the V-R11
  20. It could be referring to the shieker zombie because when it comes up to you, you see it then it screams and you dont see it. I thought the phasing zombie was just a rumor. I guess will just have to wait and SEE. (get it)
  21. Not George I said an astronaut the SIZE of George.
  22. they are adding the black Ops weapons to the W@W maps but I dont think it was necesary to call him dumb.
  23. Wow when I squinted at it a I seen a monkey or a zombie face.
  24. He teleports a certain amount each round depending on how long you take in each round, he will still be walking while the round is going but if you take like 15 minutes on a round he'l teleport 1000 km. Also there will be a number next to the screen that tell's you how many km's he is from you. Im still working out the kinks.
  25. Eh. MW3 will be trash. Just like you said moon would be trash. I think moon is gonna be great, dont make assumptions about things you dont really know about yet untill you actually had a chance to see them, like another person on this thread said, your judging it by a few screen shots. I don't understand why this thead isn't locked.
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