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Everything posted by Jeager1999

  1. Well, after trying a few times, it hadn't worked again. I guess it was a Glitch. However I did get another Green Burst, it was during boarding windows on the Bus. Funny, in Tranzit now, I hardly use the Bus. So I don't know what Upgrade you get for Boarding X amount of Windows.
  2. Samuel = Richtofen Misty = Dempsey Russman = Nikolai Marleton = Takeo Yep, that sums it up right.
  3. Don't put to much Brain Power to one theory dude, you'll blow a brian cell. Best way to answer this is to look Back. In World at War, the setting was in 1945..as was Zombies. Black Ops, 1960's, as was Zombies. Black Ops 2, 2025..as is Zombies. The Missiles hit Earth in the 1960's, hense why everything is set in that time period. The Power Station area look far to advanced for 1960's era but look at Griffin Station, that was built before 1943 by Richtofen's Group. The Time Period for Green Run is 2020's. Best proof of that is Russman, he has a Quote that reference his Child Hood. Judging by his age, he would of been a Kid when the Bombs Hit.
  4. I think there is something wrong with the Emblems/Leaderboards. Just a while ago, I got to Round 39 and had at least 2000 Kills 1300 Headshots. I'm ranked at 230 in the Tranzit Mode but I still have the Blue-Eyed Skull with Dagger. The #1 Player still has the Emblem you first have. WTFM?
  5. It's not, I would occasionally warp to a street light where I'd previously had already created a Warp Tunnel but still. It's all random. But... I have a feeling that something could happen if all the street lights had Portals under them.
  6. I guess it was just a crack at stamin-up. I actually ran the whole map with Stamin-Up TWICE Nothing. Not of course I have yet to get the EE caught up. Could really use some good players. Anyway, I got to thinking. You all probably know that when the power is off and you can use the Turbine to activate the Street Lights so you can lure a Denizen under it to make a Portal. You can remove the Turbine and the Portal still remains..Till you use it of course. I was thinking, after completing both Maxis and Richtofens Mission, create portals under all street lights. With and Without Power. C'on, it can't hurt.
  7. Okay, forget what I just said. Last thing we need is people dieing trying to find some hidden spots in lava pits. I do have another theory. Has anyone Ran around the whole map. Just run around it one. No Warp Tunnels, No Bus. Started from the Station than to The Town and Back? I don't think I have...anyone else?
  8. Well.... There are two area's that have large lava pits. Between the Farm and Corn Field, and then there's the Pit between the Town and the Bridge. Also the Traffic Light in the Town is not directly under the Pit in the Middle, so that might not be what he is talking about.
  9. Okay. I got one found on the side of the Bus Station. Everyone here pretty has that, right? So let me get this straight. He died, had to wait till the round was over to respawn, and he had one. Maybe that's step to getting a Card. Stupid but Maybe. BTW what round was it and did you or anyone else by chance did any of the steps to the Easter Egg (Richtofen or Maxis Side)
  10. Right now, mine is Blue Eye'd Skull with dagger at an Angle. I think it has to do with how I play the Game. I'll play Co-Op and would do far better than the other three for one thing. Also I don't think The Ranking System counts in Local. You have to play the game in the Xbox Live or PSN for the Ranking System to work. Play SOLO and notice you have your Emblem next to your Name. In Local, you don't. So Try this. Go to Xbox Live, SOLO, Green Run Tranzit. Get 1000 Kills. See what happens then.
  11. The Turbines will always Breakdown, no matter how new it is. All the Items you build are not infinite Use. Think about it. How easy would the match be if you had a Invincible Electric Trap and Turbine? I get the Turbine and Items Breaking apart but do you really have to go through all that trouble just to get to a Machine? Why does Treyarch always makes it a Challeng to Pack'a'Punch a Weapon?
  12. You can drop the Turbine through the hole too. Stand at the edge and them Drop. Also its best to get a Fresh Turbine.
  13. I usually just run in a circle at the Diner near. It's a little trick to do when the bus drives through but at least you don't have to worry about those little bastards
  14. THE CHURCH! I can't believe I forgot, I was playing around the the Film Editor and I flew around the Map. I did see that Church and I examined It as best I can. I'll go back and look but I think there is a crack in the wall that will alow you to look in. There is structure inside. Maybe you can gain access, not to mention I don't think I've ever been attacked by the Denizens right at the Church.
  15. I won't say that the Jet Gun is only meant for Richtofen's Step, but I just think that a little wierd. Use the Jet Gun on a Blinking Traffic Light? But if "Stand By Me" means to get near it, then I'm betting you can actually touch the Traffic Light while on the roof of the Bus.
  16. Walter Sobchak......LMAO. It's even funnier since there is a Bowling Alley in the Town. (The Building across from the Bar.)
  17. If you asking is getting to the P'a'P machine a One Time Use Only Thing? No. You need the Turbine at the Power Station to get the Door in the Vault Opened. If the Turbine Breaks, the Door Closes(After you Leave the Vault) Just go get a new Turbine and do it over again. At least the Second Time, you don't have to Rebuild The P'a'P machine again.
  18. Okay, so I was playing a match about an hour ago. I have a very basic plan in the match. Go to Bank, get points, grab Jug, Bowie Knife and then hit the Power. Well this match something happend. I placed the Turbine and Got Jug and then took my Turbine Back. The Icon was still solid...I still couldn't believe it. So I went to the Bar and got Stamin-Up, the Icon was faded once I took the Turbine Back. Again, I haven't yet turn the Power Off. Yeah, I know. You wan't Video Proof. I died and went to my Recent Games to look back, but its not there. I tried again, same routine but this time the Perk was Faded. It could be a Glitch or it could be what we were talking about with the Revive Time Boost. The last game I played befor this one, I went for 1 hr strait racking in at least 30000 points with at a ton of Kills. I don't know, it could of been a Glitch. I'm just pissed It didn't save the Game in my Recent Games list.
  19. Yep, your right. The Gauge Drops when not fired, just takes a long time. And Yes, the weapon does have to be equiped in order to "Cool Down" But here is the one problem with this Gun. You Don't Get Points for Kills With This Gun. I'm sorry, but my opinion, the Jut Gun Sucks.....wait- Aww, you know what I mean.
  20. I have been giving this a fair bit of though myself. I would listen to many of Sam's Quotes.(For the Record I Think we should refer to Samantha as Samantha for now On Many of his quotes mention him Hungry, or Hunting Dinner. Now, I know this sounds Crazy but...I think he eats Zombie Flesh. I know, Crazy. But it does make some sense as to why he is the only one who hears richtofen.
  21. I tried it on Easy Mode...don't work. However, you can go through Xbox Live/PSN Network - Solo Play and you can store cash and weapons and they can be used in Multiplayer.
  22. I noticed something they Overlooked. The Bus drives directly under that traffic light. I think its within touching distance if you climb up on the roof. I also noticed how the street lights change color too. They should try making a portal and Use it under those street lights. Something could happen. Also, why is it that Spider don't have a Nav Card himself. Could I see one Video with all four players with a Nav Card next to their Points.
  23. Sigh...Nevermind. Saw that NexGen Tactics Zombies video...Step 25 I think. Turns out nothing happens. You can do both sides so I guess that not a bad thing. They did bring up something else that might be interesting to try. But First I want to get that Achievment Done. Help Me Out DUDE'S. Gamertag: Jeager1999
  24. okay, we all know there is two ways to get the Tower of Babble Achievment, Right? Richtofen's Way requires the Power on. Maxis way requires the Power Off. So lets say you complete Richtofens Way....what happens if you turn the power off? Does Maxis say anything to you? Does he even know you helped Richtofen? Or does he say the same thing he says when you turn the power off for the first time? So basically I'm asking. After completing one Side of the Easter Egg, can you do the other side?
  25. That is a very good question. Who know's? The real question is. Can other things be Upgraded? Say for example... Sprint for So & So miles in one Match of Tranzit to be lighter. (Like the Lightweight Perk) Again that's just an Example, NOT a fact.
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