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Everything posted by Shooter

  1. Reading the comments it looks like everyone that's uploading it is getting it taken down due to copyright claims. Maybe it leaked early??
  2. "Shangri-La "In the J..." "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Activision Games Inc." DAMN Find someone with a 360 and watch it immediately!
  3. You can't have such high expectations IMO. Of course the W@W trailers will always be the best. That was zombies in it's prime and comparing the new trailers to those it's just no comparison. I thought it was a pretty good video.
  4. BTW SIR You should be recieving a down pour of brains very soon, I wouldn't of seen it unless you said something. I actually had to go through the Video Marketplace browser to find the video, it didn't show up on the main page. One more thing, I think they did an awesome job on this trailer. "In the Jungle" FTW!
  5. The Monkey Bomb and new fucking claymores hell yea!!! Sorry my for my language!! Oh and people dismissed when I said that the zombies we're standing still because there was a monkey bomb. I'm so stoked to see the Takeo Bomb is back!!
  6. Ahh yet another Mitsubishi ad that makes absolutely no sense.
  7. I can help out on the Youtube side of things if you guys ever need some extra help. I've also got a capture card if we need something recorded indepentently or anything like that. I know my way around Youtube pretty well, uploaded a few things before, but never made my own channel. However, I am well aware of how to do so. Pretty good with video editing software as well. I always thought a promotional video for CoDz on Youtube would be cool. Showcasing all the great aspects of the site (Teammate finder,Afiliation with Treyarch Devs,Help solving Easter Eggs,Strategy guides, Media guides, Contest, etc.) I think if people were aware of all that this site really had to offer, we might get some more members coming in. I'd offer to help with Twitter as well, but I'm not very experienced on that end of the social media spectrum. Let me know if there's anything I can do guys!
  8. Shooter


    Welcome to the site bro! Seems like you've got a great attitude towards the forum and life in general. I feel ya on the loving life man! We gotta make the most of what we got in this crazy, mad world. Here's some brains for making the proper introduction!!
  9. Don't know if there's any signifcance to it or just a cosmetic detail. Can anyone translate that jibberish to anything that makes sense?
  10. I got everybody beat... Just kidding.
  11. This is not true of Takeo. He still remembers what happened and what Richtofen is up to. His memory starts to come back to him during Ascension. Some Takeo quotes on Ascension support this (Quotes are made during Pack-a-Punching)... "I think Dempsey is like a ghost, he wake up in new world everyday. I don't think he remembers anything from before." "Nikolai's presence brings me dishonor. He tries to drown the past. It will consume him one day. I do not think he remembers anything." "Richtofen, his evil is great. But not as great as what we fight today. One day, when the time is right I will make him pay for what he has done!" Takeo is much more important to the storyline than most people think, it's just not evident yet exactly why. Like Takeo said himself, maybe he'll kill off Richtofen one day Hahaha :lol:
  12. I don't believe either of the new zombies we've seen in the trailer are bosses. Like the achievement list suggests, they are the new Napalm and Shrieker zombies. I think they're just different classes of zombies.
  13. That isnt a bad idea when they are up in your face and you have a ballistic knife. So YOU'RE the dude that's always killing me with a damn Ballistic Knife when i play MP!! I always feel so salty after getting killed by a freakin Ballistic knife.
  14. The statue you're referring to is the green piece on the top the the gun. Looks like a dragon. There's another topic talking about this gun as well. It definately looks like the larger stone dragon statues through the map, but much smaller and colorful. Someone mentioned on the other thread that maybe you have to find this piece for the gun, like an Easter Egg gun upgrade kinda thing, but who knows
  15. WHOA! Good eye man I never really noticed this. It's like they're standing as if someone just threw something to distract them....LIKE A MONKEY BOMB?!!?!?
  16. So TWO George Romero type bosses in this map? YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! One was bad enough.
  17. And I thought I was the only one that thought of Alien Vs Predator when I read about this map! I don't know if it's gonna be like that, but it'd be sweet if it did!!
  18. All of which has been common knowledge here on CoDz for the last month You're new though, so your cool. Welcome to the site! Here's some [brains] for you! Edit: I'm waiting for more brains ATM, I'll come back and get you though!
  19. I think it's got something to do with the Easter Egg. Just my opinion. Is that the same statue though?It kinda looks smaller. You might be right, it might not be the same one now that you mention it. I really gotta stop blazing before I come on here.
  20. Here's a post I made earlier today on the New Shangri-La Video Discussion thread.. I think it's got something to do with the Easter Egg. Just my opinion.
  21. It's a thing that we gamers like to call "balance." Something you really don't understand. Have you not heard the waves of people complaining about it? The Famas and AUG are just as effective up close as it is at long range. An assault rifle shouldn't be able to compete with an SMG up close, yet these two guns can. What you call "realistic" the entire world calls "overpowered". How many people do you see using a Mac11 or Skorpion or PM63 compared to an AUG or Famas, or any assault rifle. They completely defeat the freakin purpose of having an SMG class. I know I've said this before, but it's true. There's no point to use any SMG over the Famas. And you talked about mobility. All you need to do for Famas is slap on Lightweight with Dual Mags. And NOW it's an SMG that kills at long range. But if you use that on a gun like Mac11, PM63, Kiparis, Uzi, or Skorpion, you run out ammo. Call of Duty has never been about realism. If you want a realistic war game, play Battlefield. Call of Duty is about going Rambo against hordes of enemies. Ask anybody and they'll say Cod is not about realism. Edit: Here are some statistics to prove my point about the Famas SMGs 40dmg X 750 RPM = 30 000 dmg/m - ak74u, mp5 30dmg X 937.5 RPM = 28 125 dmg/m - mac11, uzi, pm63, mpl, spectre, kiparis 50dmg X 750 RPM = 37 500 dmg/m - skorpion 20dmg X 750 RPM = 15 000 dmg/m - ak74u, mp5, skorpion 20dmg X 937.5 RPM = 18 750dmg/m - mac11, uzi, pm63, mpl, spectre, kiparis ASSAULT RIFLEs 40dmg X 750 RPM = 30 000 dmg/m - ak47, commando, galil, 35dmg X 937.5 RPM = 32 812 dmg/m - famas, aug 50dmg X 650 RPM = 32 500 dmg/m - m14, fn fal 40dmg X 450 RPM = 18 000 dmg/m - m16 35dmg X 750 RPM = 26 250 dmg/m - enfield 35dmg X 525 RPM = 18 375 dmg/m - g11 30dmg X 750RPM = 22 500 dmg/m 25dmg X 937.5 RPM = 23 437dmg/m 40dmg X 650 RPM = 26 000 dmg/m 30dmg X 450 RPM = 13 500dmg/m 25dmg X 750 RPM = 15 750 dmg/m 25 dmg X 525 RPM = 13 125 dmg/m if there is a overpowered gun in this game it is the FAMAS and the AUG, better than the SMGs in CQB and better than the 40damage assault rifles in every range #update, if you divide those numbers by 60 you will get a dmg/s, that shows famas/aug have a 10%advantage over the 40dmg rifles Famas just as good as an SMG in CQ!!?? Are you fucking nuts? Gimme a 74u or Kaparis and you take the Famas and we'll do some one on one battles inside some of the buildings in MP. I guarantee I will win 90% of the time with an SMG. Give me a shotty and it's gonna win 95% of the time in CQ. Maybe it's not the SMG at fault, but the player that's using it. Just sayin'.
  22. WOW How stupid could Treyarch be. You lower your stats for a gun after the games been out for freaking 8 months! Just because people bitch that the Famas is too good? Thats extremely stupid. If it's so great then learn to use it yourself, and stop complaing. People use that gun for a reason, so stop complaing because it's not your favorite weapon. So what now? People will just bitch about the Aug being too strong after the Famas is downgraded. Then the Aug is gonna get downgraded and people will bitch about something else. It's a never ending process, and it's pretty illogical. SMGs were way overpowered in W@W and pretty much dominated the MP, and now there's one AR that might be overpowering and everyone moans about it. And quit talking about "balance". The SMGs are still way better in CQ. If you don't agree throw a rapid fire and grip on your 74u, and duel it out with a Famas inside a house on Nuketown, the SMG will win every time. A Famas doesnt stand a chance in long range either (compared to Snipers). It's best used in mid range combat, but not well in close and long range. Sounds pretty balanced to me.
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