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General Dempsey

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Everything posted by General Dempsey

  1. the new perk doesn't suck i find it very usefull not have to scope down your gun and auto aim to the head. the V-R11 doesn't suck either it makes human monkey bombs and if romero is rageing it calms him down and if you shoot a teammate there invincible for 30 seconds 60 if pap ed. the scavenger is awesome i dont know what your talking about its like a wunderwaffle but better. also how could you hate the song, avenged freaken sevenfold? they made a better hiddin song then elena her only good one was 115. the map was ment to be hard since kino, five, and ascension were to easy there were so many places to camp on cotd you can camp but only for a short time before romero comes and gets you. I like this map being hard dont know about you. plus if they added guns like the AK47 and the M60 than if would be to easy since the M60 would have like 200 rounds and would probably take 4 shots to kill a zombies then that would be to easy, no. and I think we do just fine with just the dolls now we can have a challange to revive people and will teach people to be carefull. its just my opinion believe what you will.
  2. wouldn't that be a good thing? if he's glitched in a wall or just gone than he wont be in the way. I find surviving is more important on this map if george is glitched or gone than "thank the lord all mighty"
  3. same with me but with me is danny and robert then rooker is ok and gellar doesn't fit
  4. rooker does try to hard to be funny and clever but he's ok to play as.
  5. I thought of my own strategy that works well for me so i'll share. once you start in the beginning split into teams of two one team goes to the power and the other works there way through the lighthouse now it would be best to send your best players yo the power since the boat is more cornered so there is a more chance of dying and i send the best, since its me and my friends i always got the boat with my friend jared. and the team that goes to the lighthouse dont open the lighthouse right away go down the Phd room and work your way to the part of the ship with a square walkway and hold off to get points for juggernaut since that perk is very important of this map, also the power team the lighthouse team will have the first door open so once you get the power on just go on the flinger to meet up with the other team at juggernaut. once you aquire the perk work your way up the lighthouse and hold off on the top two on windows two on stairs. the one window that goes far off from the door just stand next to the door and shoot that comes since if things get harry everyone needs to jump on the zipline quickly as possible. when that happens make sure the door to the mp40 is open then jump down the pathway that goes to the beginning and if you want get quick revive if not done already then run to the boat and use the flinger to get back to the lighthouse or use the cave. then repeat the cycle and your garranted to survive a long time as long you have good weapons and juggernaut and a good team. perks- all you need is juggernaut, quick revive, Phd flooper, deadshot daiquiri weapons- a good box and wall gun, and it wouldn't hurt to have a scavanger optional- semtex, claymores, sickle, matryoshka dolls, pap ing guns
  6. Yeah. Got the combination. Purple: 6 Yellow: 2 Orange: 7 Blue: 4 We figured out that the color of the dials corresponded to scraps of paper found throughout the map, as indicated by the portraits in the room with the our heroes are in. On these scraps are single digits. You can read the whole thing here: viewtopic.php?f=62&t=10928 Now, we just have to figure out how each dial affects the others so that we can input the proper combination. Once we do so, we should be able to give the crew the golden rod and finish the easter egg. DISREGARD THIS. WHILE I WAS MAKING THE POST SOMEONE WAS ABLE TO CONFIRM THAT IT DOESN'T WORK. I know those dials dont do anything with the easter egg so what could they do, we need to figure out the code.
  7. DhPhSiN6bb0 watch this it shows the whole easter egg even to get the golden rod
  8. So who do you think is the best character and worst IMO Sarah is the worst since she doesn't try to say one cuss word and she try's to act cool and fail and, here's a shocker, every game I have played in there have been little kids constanlly teabaging her which makes her serve as a destraction. And the best character is Danny Trejo. no question about it he is badass he is basically another Dempsey and come on you got to love his quote "you messed with the wrong mexican". he even looks like a true badass although when a game started some random guy said since your trejo YOU GET TO DO ALL THE WORK!! BITCH and I'm like ooowwww then they wouldn't buy anything but guns but I dont mind doing all the work really. but any way who do you like and hate
  9. I dont mind george but he can be very annoying when your trying to camp, reviving some one, useing the box and he's right in front of it, and getting in the way when shooting a hoard of zombies. besides those I dont mind him.
  10. I've edited it the best I could is there anything else I missed? let me know so I can put it up.
  11. sometimes it glitches and it wont spawn right away so you would need to wait a bit or do a few rounds. or its in a different room thats all I know.
  12. good luck with cracking the code I will try it may self soon.
  13. I already have that cause of keyzersoze88 but thanks for trying.
  14. HOW DARE YOU CALL THE MP5 RETARDED IT BETTER THAN THE AK-47 BY A LONG SHOT!!!!! RRRRAAAAGGGGEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How do you know if its better if the Ak-47 isn't in the game son. Regards Cachorro 1. its a wall gun so you can buy ammo 2. it will pop a zombies head off quick without wasting to much ammo 3. its an smg so you can move faster with it 4. its very powerful so you dont really even need to pap it 5. its just way cooler there are my reasons.
  15. I thought only the scavanger could? oh well I would like to try this. thank you.
  16. I already have that up there but thank you for contributing.
  18. I can already tell 'almost' everyone on this forum has played call of the dead, if your on the xbox, so lets recap what we found: weapons: Olympia, M14, MP5, MPL, M16, MP40, PM63, M1911, Commando, AUG, FN FAL, Famas, Ray Gun, RPK, AK74u, HK21, G11, Death Machine, China Lake, M72 Law, HS10, Stakeout, Gallil, Spas-12 CZ75, CZ75 Dual Wield, Python, Ballistic Knife, Dragonov, L96 Wonderguns: V-R11 - V-R11 Lazarus raXHS6eo7GA Scavanger - Hyena Infra-dead EgBwgMdGtjA Gadgets: Semtex, Matryoshka Dolls, Claymores 1wHpfD8WJT4 Perks: Quick Revive, Juggernaut, Speed Cola, Double Tap, Phd Flooper, Stamin-Up, Deadshot Daiquiri Song- Not Ready to Die-Avenged Sevenfold activated by looking for the 115 rocks, like kino, around the map rock 1- at the start on a barrel to the left of where you spawn rock 2- in the lighthouse in the Phd room under a table with a clock rock 3- on the boat in a dinning area on a chair MqNZflaAil4 power is located on the top on the ship 9uyPvnClZF8 Quick Revive located at the beginning Double Tap located near the room with the MPL need to move debri 1000 9ZJYoEa9Yf0 Phd is located in a building near the lighthouse Ad_1lMeSVc4 Stamin-Up located in a remote building behind the lighthouse HXr6V09X8DQ Speed Cola located in a Cave behind the lighthouse sKZGEIblq9U Deadshot Daiquiri located in top of the lighthouse g7jWImjui3s& Juggernaut located below the deck of the ship QdrHN6HilqQ note: it would be best to get Juggernaut first on this map even before the box for this map can be hard. big easter egg start located below the Phd room note: there are no traps on this map must make wise use of ammo note: romero is impossible to take down do not atempt with the savanger and he must be in the water so he doesn't chase you note: the Pack-a-Punch moves like the box the lighthouse is your guideing system once there is power there are also horns scattered around TtWTg5oRFaw there is also to infront of the lighthouse and i think one at the beginning but thats all I know. there is only two ziplines and a flinger note: can have gun out while on the zipline note: the flinger can kill zombies but not romero SbgnBClG02s QlUMlNscPSQ Enemies: Zombies, Romero note: once romero goes mad run to the water as quickly as possible to calm him down WFEArG0lib0 note: if romero slams his hammer near zombies the electricity will flow through them and have electric punches, do not knife. note: this list is made for PS3, PC, and XBOX users who do not have the map and will know what to expect to see before thanks to keyzersoze88 heres some more. thanks to yeahyeah513 I've been able to find the radios thanks to racerten I got the broken radios up. thats all I have right now let me know if I left out anything.
  19. going into solo to watch the cutscene then "the hunt" for those sneaky easter eggs begin.. first on the list aquire the V-R11, second find the song, third use the V-R11 on romero etc. etc. :mrgreen:
  20. yeah thats what I think to its probably on the release date the leveling up will come. IMO i want leveling up for three reason. 1. we'll know ahead of time to see how well people will do 2. maybe make zombie emblems so we can have them on our guns, just for the fun of it. 3. it would be a nice challenge to see what we would have to do to level up 4. I just think it will be fun
  21. IMO Romero might go with the big easter egg, if theres is one, and you would need that new wonder gun (V-R11) since it dose this xhs_CTRyIjM so maybe you bring him back to life so he can guide you through the easter egg, IDK what do you think. EDIT: damn video wont work on codz so you'll need to go to youtube.
  22. I do believe we are all expecting this to happen in many different ways. I would love to see what the 2 year old would do.... "rrrruuuunnn she has cudies".
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