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Everything posted by Xieon

  1. I'm sure that 3arch will continue to hide things that would require a sniper, or no clipping to find, but I think the fact that a lot more people know how to do that now, and the fact that people will tear apart their code if they try to hide things in side the coding (as seen with Mystery Man egg), so it's likely that they would just hide things in plain sight, such as a texture, people wouldn't normally bother looking through. You can never really take anything 3arch says too seriously, but I would assume the "shoot everything" isn't that big of a secret. I initially thought of something like the walkways in Discovery.
  2. Why did you choose to describe it as a Swastika? I'm assuming it's read counter clockwise, outward in. So that could give a Swastika symbol is traced, but sort of a leap no?
  3. My Xbox RROD, I sent it to Microsoft (under WARRANTY!) and they said it looked like I had opened it and voided the warranty. They refused to send me a picture, and I am not paying to get it fixed, so I'll wait for it to come back and fix the rrod myself while bitching at mircrosoft until they give me something free. I've had to send it there, and back, and lost all that time. I should at least get a credit for time or something. Anyway, Things I haven't seen, is the thundergun? Can anyone confirm that this gun is there? So far I've seen the vrill (I don't care if that's not what it's called. Vrill sounds like krill, which are little fish things, and that looks like a bad ass seamonster thing, so krill works.) or I guess we can call it the portal gun. There's the ray gun, death machine, the crossbow x sniper rifle, the dolls. The wunderwaffe obviously. Haven't seen from gameplay, or clips, the Thundergun, Winters Howl, or the gershe devices.
  4. Thats very possible....and probably true. But I still don't understand the Takio Death Date thing. These guys are all from WW2 which means they were alive in 1939-1945 at least. Then they teleported to the 60's. So if Takio's date of death is in the 70's that means they survived Ascension and either teleported back in their original time and grew old, or they just stayed in the 60's and Takio just died in the 70's of natural causes or killed by Richtofen. Or they teleported to the 70's to somewhere else and he died in a zombie map. But those are just some ideas. There's endless possibilities to what could have happened. Thats the "old" way people thought about time travel. With the ten dimensions, theres a dimension, of all other dimensions, which are dimensions of all possible actions and consequences of that dimension. With evolving physics ideas, its more likely that you're dead, and alive at the same time (Schrodingers cat), you're no where, and everywhere at the same time, and you can't change something that happened, just jump somewhere else. For example: Taken is schelduled to die in 1970, but unless they teleported to somewhere on the same line, they would jump to a different line. This would make it possible for Takeo to live past that date, or he could still die that date, or any number of possibilities. So it's just misleading when you talk about time travel the way I quoted, it's not that clear cut
  5. My Xbox just red ringed this week, so I didn't purchase the map pack, and traded in black ops to use the money for a while. So I'll have to buy a used copy of the game, and then I only have 300ms points, so I'll need to buy 1000 points there. The game is looking fun, and different, but I'm not sure if that will make me pick it back up before picking back up portal 2
  6. Yup. The most obvious one is looking at the Jug machine, turn left, and there's a cork board. On it most of the papers are blurred out, but on the right you can tell there is one paper that is actually completely written out. It's obvious looking at the board, even without a sniper, that there's only one paper with words on it, the rest is scibbles/blur. This is the one that talks about being transferred to White Sands. Next location is the room under where the mystery box first spawn, over on the desk near the talking doll there are some other papers. Lastly, if you go to the room right below the sickle/sleight of hand, and shoot the cardboard boxes you can get papers to fly everywhere, and some of them are written out, although I haven't spent too much time looking at them, and they could just be random duplicates.
  7. I like the way you articulated this! It really highlights the angle of your reasoning, which so many users fail to do these days! I'm undecided if the map will be in area 51, but the signs are stacking since Der Riese. [brains] for you! Ah, thank you. They would not spend the time making things that were not at least planned at some point,
  8. Alright, so there's always been a lot of talk about Area 51, and it's relation to zombies, but nothing came of it, here's my reasoning why I believe it's Area 51. Kino Der Toten did had the rocket in it, but it wasn't really a black ops map, it should've been in WaW. Five also had the rocket, and it had the magazine talking about the monkeys. Following that trend, lets look at what's in Ascension. There are two types of papers in Ascension, the first being papers that have nothing on them, it's just scribbles, and squily lines, and Treyarch spammed them all over the place, clearly no importance to them. The second group of papers though, are actually written out in full. There are sections that are smudged, or blocked by other papers, but someone had to take the time to make up a texture/object for those papers, and actually type out what is on them, these papers are in various locations across the map. The easiest way to view these is to get a sniper rifle from the box, and upgrade it, then zoom in with the scope. Obviously using a capture care/no clipping, and then enlarging the image on the pc would make this much easier. One example of these papers is located in the Juggernog room. If you look at the jug machine, then turn to the left, you'll be facing a cork board with various papers on it. On the left side of the board there is a paper which appears to be a memo. It is addressed to the people working at the Ascension project, and informs them that after they have completed whatever task they are working on, they will be traveling to "White Sands", where they will meet up with a US operative and be briefed/debriefed on their next mission. This being said, I believe that White Sands/Area 51 will likely be the next map, or third map. Someone had to write in the information about white sands. There is more papers, and more to this paper, but I can't remember everything, if someone could get a blown up version that would be great. -Dave/Xieon
  9. I haven't posted on codz in a while, I've been busy working with gamebattles. Additionally I've been playing the multiplayer and have not played zombies in weeks, got really boring, however Give me the code and I'll happily go line by line through the entire ting, multiplayer, single player, campaign, add one whatever, and I will happily prove that there is NOTHING left. As I said several times before the only possibility is the clientnotify function. The code can't be "hidden" because we know exactly where it's going, to clientnotify. I know how to program in html,c++,java,visual basic, perl, and php and I've NEVER seen a time where you can call a function and have it go somewhere else. You can't write clientnotify("sia") and have it go to the function DoSomethingElse(variable); NEVER. If you call clientnotify and pass it "sia" that means that there must be a function called clientnotify and it must be expecting at least one parameter. So, really simple. Take all the code, and search for clientnotify. Doesn't matter where it is hidden, it will be found. Then we can see what that function is for, and answer this once and for all.
  10. sorry to be a bummer, and being a bum who's been sick a lot lately and have not been on really much at all. There is no next step to the egg.
  11. Why don't people let the easter egg go. There's nothing else.
  12. Yea, it's the either the client notify class of function, not sure what it's calling. Either way it's clientnotify("sia"); The only possibility is that the clientnotify is able to modify the map in a way outside what's created and deleted within the egg functions.
  13. hahhahaha, Video #1 is the best pwnd FTW
  14. the story isn't better because I'm not making it up. We had no plan after getting the death machines so I didn't have my iPhone ready to take a pic. I'm going to try it again today the same way that reproduced the 2 orbs. I know what I saw and you can get on live and ask me all the interrogative questions you want but me (PiousEyes) and Evilandarkness both saw it. I have no reason to make this up. I'm 26, and I'm a Chair Lift mechanic with a gaming habit. i fix xboxs on the side and know a thing er 2 about electronics. Fuck the code it's not conclusive. We both saw it from 2 differnt angles. And if a Character comes later named Jenny I'm gunna say i told you so. Again all i want is someone else to try to reproduce this too. Our experience: we spelled I.L.U.N.A, only had one Ray gun, one thunder, we threw 2 gersch devices and all three dolls. I jumped into the hole, teleported close by then ran back. Try that and see if you get the 2 orbs. It could have been a glitch but I made this account just so I could let you all know what we saw. I'll try it again with my camera ready but the first attempt last night didn't get it.. Send me a pm or friend request and I'll talk to you one on one. I'm not a little bull shittn kid lookin for "brains" or credit. Just hooked now that we saw something new. I have the day off so im gunna be online. wow...kutos and [brains] no need to be a dick danotheegghunter. he found something and posted about it. i think what happened was you used two gersh devices and the weapons you used have splash damage and the dolls spread out so both the devices absorbed the damager and ended up getting enough power. That's what I was thinking, but it would just be a glitch in the coding somewhere else. In therory if you could do this you could do it with as many black holes as you wanted, it would just keep recreating the same events over and over a few second apart and overwriting each other. If would be cool if it happened, but nothing more than a weird coding bug
  15. The weirdest quote to me is when Dempsey says he remembers seeing Richtofen before Shi No Numa. Could Depmsey have been a subject, released, and then ended up back at Shi No Numa trying to rescue Peter or whoever and end up bumping into Richtofen again Also, I think the quote about Takeo is saying he was very respectful even when being tortured.
  16. I sent you a friends request, when you get one more i'm down to play. Me and my buddy are about to try it again the same way that produced us the 2 orbs. they were about 3 feet apart and one was about 4 feet higher than the other. Gamer tags: PiousEyes & evilandarkness
  17. It's possible. If you threw two black holes, you could end up just making a split in the code, The only difference is it would spawn two orbs, although they should be right on top of each other? Everything else would happen at the same time. Unless you could get one to happen slightly after another, then youd get one orb, another orb, one death manchine, another death machine, sam scream, sam scream again, black and white, black and white again. Although i don't think it's possible from the code, but didn't look at that. I've message you several times and posted in your other thread, I said I'd try it, but no response yet.
  18. I keep telling people, there is nothing else to that egg. It may unlock a new egg, or something else, but that depends on the clientnotify class/function. As far as the actual mysteryman code goes there is nothing more.
  19. Sorry if I already posted this, but why can't we see the whole code. We got the egg code, but nothing else? Whoever got that should be able to get the rest. I want to read the clientnotify class/function. That is where any answers would be if there were any. I've been trying for days to decrypt the files off an xbox usb stick, but they are encrypted in a weird way. So far the only thing I've found was a list of all the possible characters the xbox displays in any of the data in it So I know for a fact that the code contains numbers and letters from the English language, as well as every variant of every letter there is, such as the mu symbol, and all those vowels with things on them, and AE that are together, but so far I haven't beeen able to read anything. I'm usuing a pretty bad approach though. I mean, could someone show me what the directory looks like on the computer and I'll go through it?
  20. There's papers all over ascension, I've read some of them. It talks about the scientists who worked there being transfered to White Sands/Area 51. As for the death machine thing, nothing else happens. Someone needs to find the clientnofity class, that is where the answers lie
  21. I have noticed that it stops spinning, probobly because you could run circles around it forever w/o ammo and keep winning rounds
  22. Have you seen the video on the website your sig is from. I was like damn !
  23. I mean it's cool that they do it, but I feel that the time could've been spent somewhere else better. I would have no problem if they just changed the character models. I don't know, I'm getting very depressed with playing zombies anymore
  24. It has been said before, and I generally do agree with you. There's a big problem though, if they keep progressing. Eventually they'll remember that they should pick up a gun and shoot back at you. Then you could have someone with a PC mod the character models of training grounds and ta da, zombies...not. Rolly polly zombies, fine. zombies getting boring, like training ground, not finel.
  25. A lot of this is symantecs. I have a problem with people saying that there is more to this Easter Egg. There isn't. Now try to follow me here, I'm one of the most outspoken people when it comes to everyone thinking there is more to this Easter egg, because first and foremost, you are speaking incorrectly. Everyone needs to let go of the fact that there is more to THIS EASTER EGG. However, the only possibility of this egg doing anything else, is if it leads to other eggs. Now, thinking about that, I'll play devil's advocate and say think about the dolls. One pops out of the other, and out of the second dolls pops another doll. Lets pretend they are the eggs. You could have eggs popping out of eggs. It could be correct to say that there are more eggs or dolls hidden inside the first egg, but incorrect to say that they are hidden inside the last egg. Therefore, if there is more eggs, you have to realise we are actually working backwards. This will go over the heads of some people. I'll put it into a code form too: Step 1 begin step 1 code step 1 end step 2 begin step 2 code step 2 end step 3 begin step 3 code step 3 end. The coding starts out by calling step 3 begin. It then executes step 3 code, and on step 3 end it calls current step-1 begin. Or, the code would look like this step1(step2(step3())) See, we're actually working backwards in the code, since they are called "nested functions", want to know something else thats funny, those dolls, are also called "nesting dolls". So do you understand how that if there is anything else on this map, it has nothing to do with "this egg". Step 3 is already completed. We would have to move onto step 2, or the next highest function.
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