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Everything posted by aegisknight

  1. I don't camp, but I've got nothing against those who do. If its bothering you, just don't go to that part of the map.
  2. hacking all the excavators is my last achievement in Black Ops, Alawton caught me while I was running back through the power room, teleported me out to the surface, stole my juggernog, and ensured I didn't have enough air to get back inside with just 1 left to go
  3. I just noticed that the crossbow isn't on this map, but I did notice that one of the random cosmonauts is named "Alawton" as an homage
  4. round 40. To verify, my IGN on xbox LIVE is aegisjester. Dempsey please, Nikolai is starting to smell like vodka mixed with vomit
  5. That's a solid theory, except that in the original game, Dempsey didn't fight in Nacht. I've always wondered if they were the same Marines or not, but the ones in Verruckt were confirmed to have dies there. Whoever made it to Nacht came by plane, so maybe they sent two groups of Marines? I thought it was confirmed that Dempsey was from Verruckt, and captured at the end of it. But the Nazis in the pacific could have been from the expeditionary force that stole the 115 meteor deposit from the Japanese, which is mentioned several times in Kino
  6. here's what he's talking about. Firefox users see this: IE users see this: and Chrome users see this: There are missing images. Its just that for some reason Firefox doesn't load the placeholder
  7. how long did it take you? Getting to round 50 with just two players is pushing 6 hours
  8. because coop records can be verified. I'm not that great with photoshop but even I can paste together a believable "downed at round 70" screenshot
  9. ....then don't bother? It takes two seconds, and your 90%+ probably applies more to you than the general public. Of course, you're in a usergroup already, so I don't think it would even show up if you did submit "proof", since your current rank out-weighs it
  10. sucks it can't all be done in solo, I'm still having trouble getting people together for the EE. I wouldn't mind having to gamble between the QED's and Gershks if it would let me for the various steps, but I don't seem to spawn with the rod even as Richtofen in solo (and I've completed the previous eggs)
  11. not to rain on a parade, but with no new zombies on the horizon for the time being I think we're in for a long period of not a whole lot happening. There will probably be a bit more of a swell as people still just getting into zombies look for a place to take their game to the next level, but afterwards new membership will probably begin to drop off, and everything else here will likely begin to stagnate until new content is again on the horizon (unless, of course, we implement some sort of zombie leagues or something to keep new members rolling in and old ones active)
  12. Blooddrip, your sig takes up nearly a full screen for me. Is there any way you could cut it down a bit?
  13. It says that Solo isn't allowed, I take it because it can't be verified and/or the game being slightly different because of quick revive. But what about WaW maps? Either way, I've been into the 30's before but my records have been wiped. So I guess 29 is the highest I can show.
  14. new personal record This would make me 4th, but based on the people above me's claims I'm dropped right back down again
  15. There are a ton of videos out there for the EE, you can add me and we can go through it. But I only play during the daytime
  16. it would only make sense to compare the two when they could theoretically be in direct competition.
  17. it doesn't take away jug in black ops, so that argument's negated
  18. I think FIVE would be more likely to have an easter egg than Kino. I believe Kino was created for World at War, based on the DOME multiplayer level and/or the finale of the single player campaign (the Nazi stronghold where you plant the flag, its a theatre). I plan on doing a bit more research into this later.
  19. I ssee you havemt used the DG-2 in black ops? While thw dg-2 kills the zombies, the baby gun only shrinla them, and some time later return to there normal size. Well if u r stupid enough to not kill then after you shrink them yes they will return to normal size. And the JBb has a bigger clip size and ammo than the wunderwaffe. And syndicate has shrinked a whole group of zombies (30-40 zombies) and kicked them all and he didn't get downed. The little biting of the shrinked zombies are little affects that dont do much. That's why I think the JGb is better than the DG2 Stupid enough? The baby gun shrinks them, but you can still get pummeled. That kind of ruins the gun, besides the fact that it doesn't clear a path very easily. Of the new wunderweapons, I put the shrink ray at the very bottom. Thundergun was great to clear out a path in front of you, its basically a shrink ray that doesn't suck. The dolls will clear a room easily if you use them properly, the Gershk clears a room easy enough, same with Scavenger. Hell even the VR-11 is great for teamwork at the high rounds. Just think of what the wunderweapons should be used for: clearing a path out of a tight spot, and giving time/cover to revive teammates. The ray doesn't clear efficiently enough to make paths, instead you're forced to waste ammo. It doesn't kill the zombies, so if you're trying to use it to provide cover during a revive, its useless since the little shits will down the reviver/revivee before there is sufficient time for an escape. Every one of the other guns is superior in both purposes (a skilled user of the VR-11 can shoot 1 zombie to provide a distraction, then shoot the reviver/healer to ensure they can revive the downed teammate and clear a path afterwards with the insta-kill. And the wunderwaffe in Black Ops is the best by a pretty decent margin. Kills everything, they don't need to be in a straight line, gives plenty of time to revive teammates.
  20. could we get pictures/diagram of the turntables?
  21. depending on the map and style, I prefer M16 with a raygun/wunderweapon. Get flopper and use the special to clear the way in front of you, the M16 when there's a group behind you. With the skullcrusher, you can use the grenade launcher. I believe it might be the only wall gun you can pack a punch and actually make back the 4.5k it costs for ammo
  22. They look like concept images to me. Awesome ones at that, I wish I had higher rez versions. From the looks of things, the level was originally quite different. The MP40 room is quite sumptuous in this version; with oil paintings on the walls, arches where the window would be on the bottom, and more of a cafe layout around the bar instead of a big table. The outside portion seems to be changed the most. What I'm guessing is that the layout saw a huge shift after this artwork was created; there is no way that the foyer shown in that art would lead to the lowly dressing room. I'm guessing the Stage only had 1 side entrance, with 3 rows one could run down to get into the "seating" area of the theater. I think that outcropping you see on the outdoor picture is the original spot for the dressing room, with the office that is there now being shifted over, into the room on the right of the picture. The metal stairs that lead now from the alley up into that room would have been shifted over roughly were Double Tap is, leading into the office, which then led into the Dressing Room. The outdoor portion would have been much smaller than it is now, with the part past the gate omitted entirely. It also shows a door on the outside, I believe that would have led into the seating area of the stage, with a path running along the left edge of the seating, leading to the left end of the stage. Based on the third concept image, there was also a path leading to the stage from the right side too, I believe that is where the foyer with the bar and oil paintings originally funneled out to, with the square hallway with the portraits connecting the lobby and the foyer, with the opening for the bathroom omitted. Instead, the top window (near the Stakeout) would have opened up to the upper deck seating, which would have been inaccessible, and the archway pictured (now next to the Speed Cola machine) would have led to a downward staircase leading to a basement, aka the window spawn currently seen next to Richtofen's portrait. As you can see in the 3rd picture, there isn't really any room on the stage itself, the screen is huge and takes up all the space from floor to ceiling, wall to wall. So I believe there would have been instead a kind of orchestra pit where the 3 paths through the seats converged, and through it led to the metal staircase to where I believe the dressing room would have sit.
  23. I agree 90%, but sometimes you get a zombie right in front of you, and then it is useful to have the ray gun handy to clear the way while you loop. I use the wunderwaffe for this too, but that can strip your nog
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