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Everything posted by cool0001

  1. I think the name Call of the Dead fits. Kino der Toten is Theatre of the Dead and Nacht der Untoten is Night of the Dead so I think it works.
  2. Official Treyarch tweet https://twitter.com/#!/Treyarch/status/ ... 7620269057 I think the name Call of the Dead fits. Kino der Toten is Theatre of the Dead and Nacht der Untoten is Night of the Dead so I think it works.
  3. How do we know the characters aren't in Sam's Realm already and they helped the scientist escape back to the real world?
  4. http://www.vvomedia.com/ links to findmakarov.com. VVO Media call themselves viral experts. They're portfolio is offline so does anyone remember VVO working for Activision or any of it's subsidiaries?
  5. There was someone pre Feb 1st who claimed to have played Ascension because he had family doing a new black-ops trailer showing the different types of player, but they couldn't find a quick scoper I think, but I've no idea how reliable this is :?
  6. This has been mentioned before but it still doesn't rule out the Isle of Sheppy or Ascension Isle.
  7. All we know for certain about Peter is he was at SNN and there is a grave marked Peter also at SNN in the grave is a Wunderwaffe DG-2. A hanging, one armed man at SNN is believed to be Peter but this is not confirmed. It's possible Peter buried the Wunderwaffe in a fake grave so people wouldn't find it and he's hiding or he could be dead and was buried with it. Only Treyarch know.
  8. If you make a password using words you usually make it in you own language. Dr Maxis is German so are we looking for german words maybe Strahlenpistole?
  9. The other zombie maps have reused parts so it's possible. The sp map fits the zombie theme being secretish while they could leave the catapult as a fun thingy. good idea
  10. lined up perfectly gives this but the words don't match the spaces but it could be the other way round
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