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Everything posted by TheHeckz

  1. There is a new game mode on Black Ops if anyone isn't aware! And if you haven't already figured it out, it's called Nuketown 24/7 Obviously from the name, it is a mode where you can play TDM, Free for all, Headquarters, Demolition, Domination, and Search and Destroy on Nuketown. I'm not sure if it's on XBOX, but it's on PS3. Leave your thoughts and comments below on the new game mode.
  2. It's just treyarch's poor character making skills. Another thing treyarch loves to do is steal original character designs from Infinity Ward. Tell me Kravchenko doesn't look anything like Imran Zakhaev.
  3. Can someone post all of the available weapons in ascension for me? I'm doing research on it for me and my ps3 buddies :roll: I mean every weapon in the box, Special grenades, guns, perks, knives, all that stuff. Thanks :D
  4. Oh this is going to be one hell of a map, if we get all the wonder weapons, I will just go start masterbating now... We won't though, it is treyarch xD How can we assume it is richtofen though? Just physical face expressions?
  5. I SOOOOOOOOOOOO wish they would do this.... I would gladly pay 20 even 25 dollars to get these maps on my black ops disc.
  6. So, we all know that wager match, sticks and stones. Some call it a pastime, tradition. And others call it a mistake, disgrace. I lean far toward tradition. I play sticks and stones LOTS and am a raging beast at it. Now for my petition, MOTHER F*$!ING KNIFERS! Some people only go around using the melee. Melee gives you 25 points while tomahawks give you 10 and bankrupt the person. I HATE THIS Tomahawks are so much harder to do than melee, I can do both excessively well, but I just prefer tomahawking more. Can we please make a tomahawk kill more points than a melee? Because it is just plain ridiculous. And also, I feel like a dirty little sinner when I have no ammo and i'm forced to go around using melee, plus it just takes way more skill to tomahawk. If 3arc can change grim reaper to RPG in gun game, i Know 3arc can do this....
  7. WOODS!!!!! Woods, was AMAZING!!!!
  8. Can you imagine getting a double headshot with 2X points on? 400 points a zombie For the Win :D
  9. First of all, DAMN, THAT IS ONE BA VIDEO! Second of all, great findings. All are relevant. I really think Treyarch doesn't want us to know who that third person was is. Might be a knew character. Might not though, it could just be takeo or dempsey. How sweet would it be if it were Reznov or Woods. Gotta wait until March though... makes me wonder why treyarch hates everyone that got the right console... :roll: :lol:
  10. A man can dream right?! I want a flamethrower that's called "The hellraiser" It shoots out purple fire, has 10 clips of about 500 or whatever and looks like an M2 flamethrower from W@W but with a huge upgrade. Badass Amritie? ;)
  11. Well the attachment box would be kinda cool, But we already have dragon's breath... Upgrade the olympia :mrgreen:
  12. If it's the EXACT same blackboard as the one in der riese, can we imply that rictofen and maxis were doing the same thing in der riese as they were in kino, but with different variables? :idea:
  13. Alright, I notice how everyone keeps refering to "The Giant" but we confirmed that Der Riese IS the giant. It was confirmed from the radio in shi no numa in the main room, and der riese in German is The Giant, so Maybe Kino And Der Riese are connected as to why the roof shakes.
  14. You are really testing my patience. Don't ask for brains before posting. Don't bump. Ever. We made a freaking button for it. Don't post every single emoticon on one line. It's pointless and irrelevant. I doubt you read the forum rules. Go look them up. Now, I think the stage's upper wall is for something big to make it's so called "special show" since they are in a theater. I feel that whatever it is, it was made by rictofen and maxis, but things (as usual) got out of control and they used the wooden board to keep it out of the stage and theater.
  15. First of all, welcome to the forum And yes, i see it. It looks TO ME like it has sunglasses on :? Yea, idk It can walk on 2 legs, looks like it wears clothing equivalent to the ancient people, idk it's hard to make out completely.
  16. First of all, [brains] For the Original Post. But IF Woods is going to be a character in the zombie game, Dempsey will probably get dumped. I think he will get dropped from the story because of the fact that he is just starting to find out what is happening, and he serves a minor part in the story. The only reason i think he is leaving and takeo is staying, is because i think that treyarch won't want 2 americans in it. ;)
  17. Thundergun in NDU? Winter's howl in verruckt? Damn i wish i got the hardened edition :cry: They should have it as DLC for people that didn't get it....
  18. Well yes those theories could be true, but i'd like to know why one of the pods are on the ground and have nothing in them. Did the zombies revolt against the doctors producing them?
  19. 1) As we all know, there are pods filled with what we believe to be are nova 6 zombies placed around the stage of the theater. What I came across, is that on the side not ear the teleporter, one of the pods seems to have fallen over and the zombies inside it wasn't there. Since the pods carry nova 6 zombies, is it safe to assume that the zombies were undergoing testing and they revolted against the people training them? 2) In the room with the MPL and the trap that makes the floor catch fire, there is scribbling on the wall near the room leading to the alley. It looks barely ledgible, but I think the first word was "Brimstone". If someone could please make out the other two words for more possible theories, that would be great. :D
  20. Just because rictofen said it really fast doesn't mean it was rictofen in the picture. Think of this, one thing TAKEO says when you hit the action button on the blank painting is "A fallen ally yes, but might possibly come again!" Treyarch LOVES to use foreshadowing when it comes to the story of zombies. Going back to what Takeo said, this means that the person in the blank painting might make an appearance. Now rictofen said the quote above like he was trying to hide the person in the blank painting's existance. But who would he want to hide and why? 2 people come to mind, Maxis and Samantha. He would want to hide maxis because it would expose his experiment 935 plans. He would want to hide samantha's existance probably because if the heroes found out about him teleporting a little girl, for the sole reason that he wouldn't hesitate on teleporting the heroes far away. But the painting obviously doesn't look like a little girl. So the painting leads to Maxis and the character quotes point to maxis making an appearance. It's just my thoughts and theories. They aren't always correct. :mrgreen:
  21. Yeah, we know what the giant is. Der Riese is The Giant in German. And really, I hope Treyarc never makes an Area 51 zombie map, because its called "Zombies", not "Zombies & Aliens". But that giant teddy bear through the door is a theory I've never heard before, so it may be reasonable. I never said it was a teddy bear. The teddy bear in samantha's room was most likely complete symbolism for something that was going to e unleashed upon the heroes.
  22. I would laugh if this is like an easter egg for something silly like juggernogx50 But it probably does nothing. :roll:
  23. Well one thing that is in samantha's room when it's all nice and not red and looks like it got attacked, there is a board with the four heroes and a HUGE teddy bear on the board (Huge is relative to the heroes) This may be important due to the fact that on the stage, over the box is a large door where something looks like it is supposed to make an appearance. Remember in shi no numa, the radio that had coordinates for area 51 said that the giant must be contained at all costs. Now, symbolism may be applied here. What was the person on the talking about when he said "the giant must be contained at all costs"? What did the bear symbolize in samantha's room? And whatever it is, was it going to make an appearance at the stage for it's "appearance"? I apoligize in advance for sounding like a noob if everyone already knows what the giant is. But yeah, these are the blanks I am trying to fill in, if anyone has anymore info, just poast below. :D
  24. Call of duty. The place where zombies apparently look like aliens. :roll:
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