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Everything posted by ZeMrDark

  1. ZeMrDark


    There is no direct harm from clipping I agree.. But residual, from the people that follow in the foot steps. Explorers found amazing wonders and resources in the US during their adventures... the people that followed raped, murdered and tortured the natives to the country. As a comparison, people are having fun clipping/glitching & such.. but those out there following in the find of such glitches, will rape and pillage the leader board ;)
  2. Not so far discovered... I do feel hurt that it requires 4, should be 2 @ a limit :(
  3. There probably WAS a way to it.. then removed, Hehe..
  4. ZeMrDark


    The problem is it doesn't stop @ Exploring.. Eventually people will stand on a ledge over looking and admiring the scenery from the perspective.. then look down and realise the zombies can't reach them *DING* Idea... lol.. I agree that it's not glitching if your exploring, but my argument is that there isnt anything new and exciting... it's all work put in by the developers to keep the game as a whole, aesthetically pleasing.. But this argument could be compared to other true to life situations... Is it wrong to use cocaine just to explore or experiment with it's effects... of course not... but it could lead to an addiction that leaves you broke or in jail... I have no negative opinions of people exploring, but to make claims that they discovered a hidden part, thru this sort of exploring is false and should be understood. Let alone an individual who makes these claims should know they are wrong.. Now if and in the case an 'exporer'/glitcher .. finds a Amm'o'matic on their adventures... then you made a discovery that this WAS supposed to be in the game. However this is not the case... I do not condone clipping or any glitching of any sorts in the games I play... If the developers did not intend me to go somewhere, then what point would there be to explore? It leads to 0 conclusions, and 1,000,000 youtube exploits of how to take advantage of the game.. then leading to people using this tool of exploring, to advance further in the game... So about the cocaine... no you shouldn't do it..
  5. Yup yup! Where the mysterious 4th landing site is..
  6. Im happy others agree.. Each weapon has a use, it's weither or not you want to accept that your buddy has a pap'd ray gun and your stuck with a Revolver Hehehe...
  7. .. You know whats amazing, is he had the ability to eleborate on what needs to be done in order to properly complete the Easter Egg, but refers to the end as SOMETHING ELSE... *cough* Wow... so he must be a well connected and informed person as he says, as he told us exactly what happens.. AMAZING!!! I call BS... The THEORY is sound, as the computer warns you you're overloading the system... But personally, it sounds like some little nerd got creative with too much Red Bull one day and decided to see if he could mess with us.. EDIT: This is directed to the original poster Not the one who re-posted to show us the find... It's a good find as far as theories go, but if you found it.. in other words dug it up thru the forum, then at this point with the number of people obsessed with resolving the easter egg... it was most likely debunked by accident I have heard this theory before, of HOLDING BACK AND WAITING When the computer warns you of the system over load... Hell it could be completely possible, maybe there's even a way to supply exact power for an alternate ending... but, I still have yet to see such a fact proven, as I have failed to free the mystery man a # of times, with a few round worth of breaks in the middle of the attempts and no changes from a limited supply of energy post System Warning... *shrugs*
  8. ZeMrDark


    The people who used clipping on Kino.. What they found was a huge outter map, typically unreachable unless you clipped... very detailed, down to reflective windows... What purpose did this serve? Aesthetic appearance out windows and thru gates.... What you're seeing, is the same thing... If there is a patch to come, to allow us a furthered easter egg, I assure you... there is no seceret you will find TILL that patch and regardless, I doubt the patch will allow us access to a NEW area with in the map. It's illogical, the game was released with an original design with the direct intent of specifically avoiding strategys that could be considered glitching, easy... (as in everyone can hit 99 no biggie)... They take time... and no patch no clipping no anything is going to allow you to find a new hidden seceret place.. other than being hidden and seceret in the form of a glitch, played in a manner Treyarch would rather have you banned on Xbox live for...[if they could]
  9. Im not knocking it's impresive, what Im knocking is it's difficulty.. Kiting is easy.. it just gets dull quickly.... I like to keep it interesting and move a bit, I DO kite.. But eventually I get a little bored and try to run thru stair cases hahahaha...
  10. Eh, this is a fish to get everyone to subscribe to him... If it were real it would have been posted by now... Let alone since you need 4 to do it, you can't trust people and it would have been leaked.. hell treyarch cant even keep a llittle map from being leaked at a large corporation with security protocals... What can 4 nerds keep a seceret?.. I vote BS....
  11. Anyone who thinks it gets boring and dull, probably should stick to multiplayer COD... Plain and Simple.. the game was designed to be endless to see how far you can get, so therefore it should STAY... "See How Far We Can Get" So keep it that way I like your list...
  12. the DG is the Wunder Waffle... it was never the Thunder Gun.. no military names two distinct guns the same title and neither would treyarch.. The series is the gun being PaP'd... anything else DG would be a furthered weapon of similar design.. electricity shooting from it... If you look @ the weapons list printed out for COD:BO directly from the project file the Dg has absoloutely nothing to do with the Thunder Cannon Nuff said If you don't believe me, then go look for your self, the spread sheet is all over googles buttox ;)
  13. Stand just outside Speedy Room, heading towards down stairs and look to your immediate right, there is an object being held up by a crane... you can not miss it... beneath it, is a fire..
  14. Hehehe My problem is around lvl 28 and 29 of Kiting, I get bored and seek adventure... like near death experiences..
  15. The lander pre-dm and post-dm does nothing.. it has been done Sorry I never posted that befpre..
  16. Correct good sur!! As you will notice between Split and Solo, the textures are also different... Pap'd guns look WAY sexier with Single screen It is to reduce the amount of info the Xbox is required to render @ once.... Helps keep the FPS smooth..
  17. FLAME BURN FLAME FLAME FLAME FLAME BURN!!! I don't know if it has been tried truthfully, I certainly haven't... but the subject has been mentioned a few times So at this point I'd assume it has been unless 100% of the Zombie community is inept to possibilities.. which I doubt But good looks on keeping us on our toes, some people are blind to theory and skeptics till youtube proves otherwise... those same people, are the ones you would expect to flame... Me, I only like to be overly critical when Im @ work having a bad day and Im on the forum.... HAHAHAHA!! but today was a good day, so.. there shall be no Witch trial for you good sur!
  18. Xbow = Monkeys.. *Check* Useful Balistic Knife = Renew and or 2x/3x stab to death [window guard] *Check* Useful .... Each gun has a purpose, if you play zombies out, you'll find you run out of ammo, then you are forced to buy a gun and pap it, just to survive.. and any gun in most late round cases is a good gun. If you used the kiting technique's with the grenades, the point is moot... but most people who play with 3+ players find that at times, you HAVE to cross paths and kiting itself becomes moot. So the xbow, I love it... As a distraction tool to help fallen comrades or to drive a swarm thru a trap or towards a turret. The knife, when guarding a windows is phenominal, on top of which you are the teams Combat Medic.. someone goes down it's an instant up w/o having to waste a gersch, or ammo to fight to someone who HAS the TG or Pap'd Ray that is imperative to team survival... So everything has a purpose, and that is to either A)Kill a Zombie or Distract a Zombie so you can survive.. However, I will not disagree... HK21/RPK/GALIL/COMMANDO/RAY/TG are high demand weapons to even BEGIN to survive long enough to accumulate enough points to be in a safe zone in case you do go down or have to purchase random weapons just to continue the fight... But about the original topic of this thread... I have no idea Hybrid, LOL!!! Patch maybe? Maybe not... but Treyarch does change their minds a lot just before a release.. If it's in the game it maybe there just incase they decide to unlock the weapon for current or future maps, it saves a DLC Purchaser that more much MB of HD space from a DLC/Patch ^_^
  19. I hate to break this to you.. I really do... but firstly, let me say, great job!! Veyr impressive.. Unfortunetly, that really isn't very high for any solo game... If you play with people online even with 2, the game scales to be more difficult, same goes with 3 and then 4.. If you can get to 98 with 2 players and it's 100% legit, then I shall give you some much deserved applause... Till then... playonline Solo is lame and easy as hell, it's like Kiting in any MMO like EQ or WoW
  20. 2 but by 2 that means 2 ray guns.. or ray gun and TG or ray and Xbow or xbow and TG... Etc etc.. I did it with 3 Ray Guns 4 Players --- 2 Ray Guns were Pap'd
  21. 3 people or 4 people... Only keep 3 perks... when monkey round is done buy the 4th perk before the bottle is pick'd up.. or have 4 perks and 4 players.. but it's easier gaurding 3, keeping two people @ jug as it IS most important.. did it today.. fun fun.. till I died :/ Haha
  22. The fire is from a torch... or else it wouldnt be so intense.. However the rocket taking off, would not be possible in any sort of Dome like structure with out causing all the air to escape if a door opened up on it. So I agree with that... We're not on the moon...The monkeys, they could be explained by just crash landing on rentry...
  23. Well, I could only get 3 managable players.. however, upon looking thru the blast doors.. you'll see the platform that is just below the rocket itself, it is connected to the 'pressure plate' Maybe during launch it applies enough pressure to do something else, or just the rocket above it applies pressure.. Either way like the code guy said, it is a failure of a task.. 2 minutes? Come on.. You HAVE to have a crawler to do that, or forgo all your perks during a monkey round just to stand on it, while the little beasts ravage your machines..
  24. One thing is for sure, it's not 'new' .. this has been going on since the day Kino came out... (bought COD:BO release day). Im starting to think it may possibly be a bug, there is supposed to be a power-up but the game didn't properly render it.
  25. I think the moon is bigger, I'm certainly no genius... but maybe it's because the graphic for the moon.. was designed bigger? Hahahaha Im kidding... it's clearly just an ambience to the game.. As it certainly is not a 'current' new location, as that would mean reloading.. and I dont see treyarch getting into maps that have multiple loads based on where you are in the game. At most, it's relevance to anything would probably be as it's own easter egg to spelling LUNA or hinting towards other possibilities in future maps. But... it IS bigger because the graphic IS bigger... ;)
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