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Everything posted by Tac

  1. Someone say filing cabinet? Paging @Tac Haha I forgot you knew about my Zombies cabinet xD
  2. I'm hesitant to call that shadow a zombie, I believe it's something else personally, like machinery.
  3. Tac


    Welcome to the website, we're glad to have you! I do have one incredibly super important... story or gameplay?? Answer wisely! Hehe just kidding If you have any questions about the site or anything else, don't be afraid to ask!!
  4. That's kind of what I was thinking, that it's just a different version from a different time. It could be the newest or it could be the oldest, I suppose it just depends on what the full blueprint has on it and what time period it's related with.
  5. It's certainly possible, he's just so small and seemingly unknown. I can't imagine that graphic artists inside Treyarch would commission a no-name kid to make something so simple. My only explanation is the kid either got a job and proposed it to them or is family and gave it to a staff member as an idea or something. Or the page is a dummy page, I have no idea.
  6. I've seen a lot of Group 935 logos across the maps and I don't recognize it, but that's not to say it hasn't appeared. He may have copied it from somewhere, but I don't where he would have seen a clear enough version that he could make out the words and stuff when none of us have ever encountered it.
  7. Milo pointed this out to me, but it's worth everyone looking at. The Group 935 logo showed at the top right is different than every other one we have ever seen. It's cleaner, simpler, and different. If you searched for the logo, you'd find the following one, which is identical. The dots, the words, the everything is there. So, why is the logo different? Things are starting to be similar, but different, as if 935 went through a rebranding haha. But really, it's peculiar. What's even more interesting? This image below was posted in July of 2013, a year and a half ago, and now it's being used. I've looked up the individual who made it and nothing seems peculiar about him, so I don't know if they just asked him for the rights to the image or how the heck he made it, perhaps there's more to him than we think. His DeviantArt profile: http://abiigbadwolf.deviantart.com/
  8. Hmmm, fair enough. It's likely they aren't under the paper then. This could either be a scrapped concept loading screen from the past or one they'll use for the future, and I'll opt for the latter now.
  9. Just noticed the letter too, it makes me wonder if this was a concept, but why would the signature be there? I wish I knew. It could either be a concept from before or concept to the future. Perhaps Richtofen signed off on the blueprint and then they either changed or slightly altered the signature? @Nightmare Voyager, if you notice, everything tat was once farther left has been pushed right. In the original two, the "teleporter" words and utensils weren't that close, the piece of paper and "scissor" things were farther left. So perhaps, because the paper looks to have moved, the word Germany and orange dots may have been there all along under the paper.
  10. @Lizizadolphin, it's interesting because in the World at War loading screen, there are letters next to the teleporters (A, B, C), then in the Black Ops one there are no letters, then in the new one there are letters again, but in different places. And yes, the signature also looks different to me.
  11. Yes sir, @yourmapper! October 2, 1962. It's interesting how many maps are portrayed in this. Mob of the Dead afterlife image, Shangri-La rotating statue, and Moon advertisements.
  12. They're close, but the Shangri-La one was a bit longer.
  13. For simplicity sake, I think we should post in one thread. Either this one or this: http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/178522-future-zombies-treyarch-hints-from-dice-chat/
  14. That statue on the left of the bottom picture I posted appears to be the rotating statue from Shangri-La to me EDIT: the bottom segment that rotates looks a bit different, but I think it could be the same
  15. The documents on the underneath of everything is about the atmospheric nuclear explosion at Johnston Island. You can see the nuclear explosion in the middle left of the first image and the date (Oct 2 1962) at the bottom left of the second:
  16. Just as a heads up @xACE_OF_AWSOMx, edit your previous post and add to it instead of triple posting A Zombies campaign would be pretty cool once the story has been completed and figured out, but I don't think it should happen before. It would be cool as a tribute game with every map completed and no future ones (with the same story) to be added on.
  17. I think a Berlin Wall map would be awesome, it's such an intriguing time in history they could do anything they wanted!
  18. Honestly you're right, because there's no expectation to answer questions. I do expect something controversial, or at least something for us to go off of.
  19. Welcome back!! If you have any questions be sure to ask
  20. Tac

    Herro Dere

    Welcome to the site! If you have any questions, please be sure to ask!!
  21. Haha man it took almost four and half years to get it so yeah sure!! I'm lookin for new colors anyway
  22. Haha that would be awesome!!! Make the banned people black
  23. What about Welcome to New York by Taylor Swift? Perhaps America by Imagine Dragons? Wait no I've got it... Do My Thang by Miley Cyrus. I could most certainly do my thang (kill zombies) to that song. But in reality, I want a Linkin Park song. That would be badass.
  24. Haha Mars theorist in the house! But that's really interesting @Rissole25, good work finding this.
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