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Everything posted by YourdaWince

  1. The real Riese? I honestly hope that someone else doesn't know what the "key" is in the red section. Because if not, that means Im missing something. Haha! But kudos to you, German! Good translations!
  2. LOL Wonderful introduction there, Zombinator! Well Im YourdaWince; I guess you can just call me Wince. Welcome to the site!! Im not a Mod, but I've worked my way around the edges to know a thing or too more so if you have any questions don't feel stressed to PM me or any actual Mod on the site. Haha. :)
  3. You always go to the Mystery Box at lvl 4. LOL. Everyone knows that.
  4. I think that's something to be discussed elsewhere? o.o' And yea, I guess you can say that.
  5. Respect the other Members; it's a key rule anywhere. And if someone says something, the worst way to reply is "IDC." It's disrespectful, very rude, and just shows that you don't care about the members or the site enough to respect those on it. So if you are gonna talk like a douche, then please be my guest and leave because no one wants to deal with it.
  6. Is it really illegal? o.o LOL. But yeas, welcome to the Forum!! And it's always good to have someone who can translate things. But yes, welcome to the site friend!
  7. YourdaWince


    :] Welcome there, Legion! It's always good to have more minds discussing the Zombie situation.
  8. YourdaWince


    LOL Well welcome late, Johnson! Haha. And I enjoy the reason that you have the username. Heh!
  9. On Shi No Numa, when you are standing on the pool of blood and maggots, if you look up and right a bit, just above the hanging man, you'll look over into the room on your right that has a broken ceiling, and on the pillars you'll see a parachute. And yea; I think the DR hanging man was just a teaser. I mean come on now; two legs?! Haha. Thats completely screwed up. I wonder if that was supposed to be a person but they didn't want to give it away by giving away a uniform or anything, but idk.
  10. Wait. Are we discussing Shi No Numa hanging man? Or Der Reise?
  11. I currently have Castle Crashers.
  12. Yup yup friend. We've all seen Mr. H Man. I actually shot him in the foot like six times last night because I was showing someone. Haha. But whether he kicked over a chair that we cant see anymore, jumped from the barrels, or even fell from the floor above and got caught on something and died, we'll never know until something reveals itself. :]
  13. ^ Has it right. I've seen the logo before, and it's like the 935 Logo or whatever. Or was it an atom? Hah
  14. Ha! It's always good to have another brain on the forum! Even if he is a lil haxxor. ;] I kid! But welcome to the forums friend!
  15. I very much like this post. I give it my thumbs up; it's well said, gives evidence of what is being brought up, and for moreorless, wasn't a boring read. Plus it was pretty much almost [YourdaWince English, anyways LOL] great in terms of English writing. Haha. Kudos on your find, friend!
  16. Maxwell! I remember you!! Hehe. And thanks! Its a good feeling to be welcomed back by old friends! :)
  17. "Press and hold [X] for the Ray Gun"?? o.o And we have found those before; or at least the Illuminate photo. Along with Dr. Maxis. But idk.
  18. I guess nothing is wrong with the UMP; it's like every other gun, but it's pretty much the ultimate "Marathon, Lightweight, Ninja" class rape gun. People are always using it because they can flank and spray you to keep themselves safe. It's annoying, but at the same time it's just how people play the game. It's like people whining because they got "hard scoped" when if you think about it, people are just too BK to admit that quick scoping definitely came after hard scoping and everyone is still too BK to admit that they'd rather spray and get effed over because they don't know how to quick scope than get yelled at because they hard scoped. People just need to grow up. It's a video game.
  19. Hhaa, those are definitely fake my friend. :)
  20. Ugh, I can't even stand 9v9! LOL.
  21. LOL, I love you too, James. But at the same time, it's like, welcome to the forum! It's good to actually have someone that I know on here.
  22. Hahaha, thanks Demon! It's good to see you again!
  23. Hey Hitmarker! Welcome to the site!! :D Lots of talk going around nowadays, so try to keep up! Hehhe.
  24. I think talking about getting the brains behind Nazi Zombies drunk is a pretty stupid idea. Ha. But either way, Im just interested in Zombies. So anything that happens is good for me.
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