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Everything posted by RuskieMoneyMan

  1. 1.Nacht 2.Veruckt 3.Shi No Numa 4.Der Reice 5.Kino 6.Five (Optional) 7. Dead Ops. So even if you dont count Dead Ops theres still already 6. Im pretty sure it has been confirmed that this means for us to watch out for the nova 6 gas zombies.
  2. I was thinking that. Especialy with all the recent evidence. But its been awhile since Prototype came out and the story definitly pointed at a sequal. And the jacket reminds me alot of the Alex Mercer jacket. And all the posters with faces seem like Alex's new victems. At the same times they could go along with the Hitman franchise.
  3. Ok so this just happened to me today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76HMlsTavuE I would just like to say the biggest problem with the Black Ops multiplayer experience is the spawn system. If this is fixed it would make for a truly better game. (I wouldnt mind the G11 getting a little tweak though)
  4. Oh yea well this is my first amazing spawn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76HMlsTavuE
  5. Oh wow, I had no idea! Why not make COD 100% realistic. You now have to aim slightly above the target, bullet spin, wind, and gravity can screw up your shots, your gun's can now randomly jam and then take an hour to unjam, and when you're killed you don't respawn, ever. That's right you die in one match you don't ever get to play again. You won't always get that pistol out in time like I said earlier and you may not be able to dodge his gun. Why should I stop arguing, I'm trying to prove a point and if I stop that point won't get across. Normal snipers have also complained about the method to stop quickscoping because it forces them to be constantly scoped when most look far out unscoped for a little bit of movement and then shoot. The pistol takes like half a second to pull out. and with that one perk... scout pro i think its ridulas. u can pick up an smg and stil pull put faster then it takes to throw nova gas.
  6. The game has been out for a week and u think we found all the fualts in black ops? i doubt we have found half. most people are only level 30 and have only unlocked half the guns and maybe 10% of attatchments. Those glitches from MW2 took about 6 months to find.
  7. When i found out woods and hudsen died i actually cried a bit
  8. I can tell you what to do about this but take it seriously.Go to Best Buy.Buy a new xbox 360.Take out the internals of the new xbox 360 and the old internals and switch it and return the "new"xbox back.They will give ur money back and probably wont inspect it until its too late.I have done this before. hmmm, good to know i might have that option. can anyone do it? or will a moron like myself just mess it up more? a year ago my 60gig ps3 got the fked up. it could not read blu ray disks anymore. We tryed cleaning the camera but it didn't work. So we went and got a an 80gig ps3 switched the internals and returned it after a week. it was easy enough to do for ps3 but im not sure about the xbox. and if u do try it make sure to pay cash.
  9. Go there and make up some sob story like you where at ur brothers daughters funureal or something like that. Trust me they wont hold ur game.
  10. http://googlefight.com/index.php?lang=e ... 2=facebook PWNED. And dont ask for brains plox...
  11. Depends. Do you use ur IPOD for games or music more. If music then get sum songs. If games there are plenty of more addicting long term games like angry birds out there that will last longer. But If u r a hardcore zombie fan then its the way to go for sure.
  12. 3 of those 80k are friends I got to go on here. I know, I know hold ur aplouse, but they havent made an account yet.
  13. Really? Thats the first time I have seen fully zombiefied scientist and zombies eating sombody.
  14. As of 10-29-10 Gknova6 has been updated again. This time on the right you can see zombie chowing down on someone and in the bottem right u can see fully zombiefied scientist. Post ur findings.
  15. In the words of one of my favorite youtubers: SURPRRIIZZEE BITCH!!!
  16. I think David Vanderhaar just confirmed it will be on PSN and XBL eventually.
  17. WHOLE SENTENCES DAMMIT. Sorry for being a grammer nazi. Lol get it with the nazi? No? FUCK U.
  18. In a recent video the guy showed you have to shoot ur unsilenced weapon first.
  19. I loved the EMP. With Black Ops new focus on red dot sights and the new equipments like the camera the EMP would be a much more usefull 15 killstreak.
  20. Prestige 14?!! That's going to take forever :x Technicly it will take as long as getting to 9 prestige in MW2.
  21. You guys have it a little wrong. As you level up you unlock category. Basically at level 5 or so you unlock custom classes and weapons and perks. You are now free to buy what ever you want in those areas. Attachments and cameos(most) can be bought as soon as you unlock the weapon. At level 10 or so you unlock killstreaks. Now you can buy the specific killstreak you want. Im not sure when you unlock emblems and titles but im sure it works the same. After that leveling is basiclly over and now useless until you prestige. Prestiging now gives rewards to. Like the only one known is a golden cameo at prestige 14.
  22. :evil: :evil: :evil: :facepalm:
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