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Everything posted by AlphaSnake

  1. The zombie blood reminds me of the Walking dead episode Guts. They use the blood & guts of a zombie as stealth camo. To reach the truck, he and Glenn cover themselves in the blood and viscera of a dispatched walker, taking care not to get any of the olfactory camouflage on their skin. They are able to successfully pass among the walkers, shambling towards the construction site, until a brief rainstorm washes off enough of the blood scent that they begin to draw attention. ..... Not a bad theory you have going on here AlphaOmega Regards Alpha.
  2. Haha if only @OP Not sure how much of an impact I've had on the game. Only a little. :twisted: Carbon once told me they get a lot of the ideas from the community. But he would not name names. Regards Alpha.
  3. They have walking dead ones: http://www.spawn.com/toys/series.aspx?series=550 Why not for call of duty zombies. Would you buy them? Which figures would you like to see done? Regards Alpha.
  4. Are we talking actual cards here? That would be sweetness. I've been saying for a while that Treyarch should contact Mcfarlane to make some figures. Pair the cards with that. Regards Alpha.
  5. Well, the last map in BOZ was to be Paris. That is until myself & others made a lot of noise about the Moon. Treyarch love to harvest ideas from codz & put them in the game. This is one of the reasons Zombies is so successful because the developer engages the community for future maps. Take MOTD, myself & others been talking about a prison map for a very long time now. Regards Alpha.
  6. I've been storing the LSAT on Buried. It always becomes the HAMR in Tranzit. Seems if its not in the map then you get whatever is closest to it in return. Still this saved my team on Tranzit a few times. Made a lot of people think the box was at farm with this lol. Regards Alpha.
  7. There is so much to see it that short scene. Regards Alpha.
  8. Fair play on the Tank bit I'll correct that. Regards Alpha.
  9. Soooooo many answers here... Epic thread. So when you doin Origins? Regards Alpha.
  10. Perhaps, Maxis told Sam the story of Origins, the first encounter. This is where the idea for playing zombies comes from. Also who made those highly detailed action figures of all the zombies & characters? They look beyond what a little girl could make. There is a third alternative here... What if Eddie is Richtofens self projection within Sams own mind, perhaps he hopes to control Sam through an imaginary friend of sorts before she has the incident with the MPD. See Paranormal Activity 3. Oh, there are signs in both Verruckt & Der Riese that talk of Children (Plural) "Unbeaufsichtigte kinder werden umgehend an den Zirkus verkauft." This translates to "Unattended children will be immediately sold to the circus." This sign can also be found in Der Riese. Children were not treated well if left unattended in Group 935 facilities. So there could have been an American kid called Eddie at Verruckt... One half of the map is American. Thought to be used by American 935 members who may have had children just as Maxis has a child. Remember Sam isn't telling this story in 1918. It would be just before the first outbreak during WWII. Infact the demon Sam is telling this story from the present/future in 2025 from where ever the old crew went from the destroyed Moon. She is still in Richtofens body isn't she? "Hallooo, are you forgetting something? Even if your wretched daughter is still alive, she has MY body!" Richtofen in Buried. In order to continue forwards with our story they had to go back to the beginning to clear the air so to speak. So Sam is retelling the story of how her first real zombie encounters began. I.e the Alarms in the end cut scene tell of an impending outbreak. Finally could this Eddie be the result of Richtofens experiments on Sam. She starts to see this boy. Look for the teddy in the room Sam is in, it could be the stuffed toy that Richtofen is reported to have given Sam. From NZC: As we also know Dr. Richtofen had an obsession with stuffed toys & animals. He is known to have given Samantha the Teddy & Monkey, which he may have used to lure her into one of his experiments as mentioned in this Call of the Dead radio transcripts: Siberian Station Radio One: "Log entry 1471 Date: September 2nd 1945: Dear diary. Another day, another failure. This time subject N3WB just slightly improved. The Russian subject still smells like urine, even after he was given a bath und deloused TWICE. I think I might have killed the specimen from Mexico. His spleen is on the floor and and he's not moving anymore. I can verify with certainty however that the barrier is not located in the spleen. Dr M(Interference)s must continue no matter the cost. I wonder what might think of my experiments on the little girl? ahahaAHAHAHA. (An animal screech can be heard). Z NIEN!!! drop that! That's my spleen! MINE!" (Transmission Ends) Dr. Edward Richtofen - September 2nd 1945, Siberian Group 935 Research Outpost ... As we can see here Dr. Richtofen has been experimenting on Samantha, 18 days later Dr. Richtofen mentions the O.S.S team sent to rescue Peter who was caught at Verrückt, which can be seen here in the following transcript from Call of the Dead: Siberian Station Radio Four: "Entry 1474 Date: September 20th 1945: Dear diary. It would seem that the O.S.S realized that we captured one of their spies. They tried to send a rescue team into Verrückt that was (Interference) by the first batch of test subjects, Haha. I suspect that there are other moles in the organization, Dr. Harvey Yena, and Dr. Peter mckay to be precise. Dr M(Interference) include any Americans at group 935, no matter how much genius they have. Stupid Americans with their apple pies und baseball und children, but I digress (Interference). The new American test subject is interesting, und muscely, his intellect seems low but his will is strong, like the others he doesn't seem to know who he is anymore. Unlike the others, he keeps breaking the restraints und yelling at (Interference). Test Subject N3WB is still staring at the floor muttering what sounds like some kind of proverb over and over again, I think his mind may have been destroyed by the process? Oh well. The Russian subject recently begun responding to stimuli, but only after injecting him with a new serum made primarily from vodka? Perhaps this is the break through we've been w(Interference)" (Transmission Ends) Dr. Edward Richtofen - Siberian Group935 Research Outpost ... Dr. Richtofen enacted his plan against Dr. Maxis & Samantha. The fact Dr. Richtofen was experimenting on Sam before September 2nd 1945, tells me that he was using the Teddy & Monkey to experiment on Samantha secretly with Element 115 inside the stuffed toys. Samantha was like the other test subjects that were different from the ones who became zombies. However the stuffed animals for some strange reason started to come alive themselves. The personalities that Sam gives to these poisoned gifts starts to make sense. Mr. Monkey was her friend he only ever wanted to play with Sam, but evil Teddy was different, he was like Dr. Richtofen, a liar. We can see the evidence of Teddy coming to life in another of Dr. Maxis' personal entries into the Data Servant. Regards Alpha.
  11. Samuel Stuhlinger has some interesting quotes that just so happen to fall into the area that I have been researching on & off for the last 6 months maybe more. "Oh those probers ain't getting me!" "Oh I know that lightning, that prober's on the way" "When I catch you, I'm gonna probe YOU! How about that" "Do not let it in here, or we are all probed for sure!" "Oooh holy snickies It's an Alien!" "Somewhere over there someone must be getting probed" "I know what those Aliens do inside their flying discs! .. I heard all about it" "The Aliens try to talk to me at night, when I'm trying to sleep" "That's for all the times your kind probed us earth folk!" "Glowing lights, dissapearing Conspiracy Crate, alien ass-probers and whoever keeps "Me? I don't have any money. Oh but the Global Banking Conspiracy can buy themselves all the zombies they want. How fair is that?" Funny because its pretty real. "I don't have cash for a gun. But someone's paying these Zombies! Oh yeah, they're getting secret government handouts" Same as above. "You're messing with a patriot!" Alex Jones hint lol. ............. There is a serious side to this ass prober SJS talks about. Obviously Treyarch is having a laugh here. Samuel is a classic right wing conspiracy nut. Tin foil hat comes to mind. However Sam seems to be knee deep in bad things. The Flesh. This thread isn't about that though. Well maybe it is about the Flesh as you will see. It is about Cattle & Human Mutilations. To start let me outline a classic cattle mutilation before we move on: Cattle mutilation (also known as bovine excision) is the killing and mutilation of cattle under apparently unusual or anomalous circumstances. Sheep, Deer, Elk, Rabbits, goats, foxes, squirrels, badgers, mice, hedgehogs & horses have allegedly all been mutilated under similar circumstances. A hallmark of these incidents is the reportedly surgical nature of the mutilation, and unexplained phenomena such as the complete draining of the animal's blood, loss of internal organs with no obvious point of entry, and surgically precise removal of the reproductive organs and anal coring. Another reported event is that the animal is found dumped in an area where there are no marks or tracks leading to or from the carcass, even when it is found in soft ground or mud. The surgical-type wounds tend to be cauterized by an intense heat and made by very sharp/precise instruments, with no bleeding evident. Often flesh will be removed to the bone in an exact manner, consistent across cases, such as removal of flesh from around the jaw exposing the mandible. Since the time that reports of purported animal mutilations began, the causes have been attributed variously to natural decomposition, normal predators, cryptid predators (like the Chupacabra), extraterrestrials, secretive governmental or military agencies, and cults. "Mutilations" have been the subject of two independent federal investigations in the United States. Here are some pictures: (WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT) This is not limited to just animals. Human victims have been reported: http://www.crowdedskies.com/tony_dodd_mutilations.htm Tony Dodd - Human/Animal Mutilations - The Unknown Pedators. There are some incidents that have occurred over the years, which strongly point to the fact that the mutilations are not confined, to animals. The first case which came to the public notice involved an American Air Force Sergeant called Jonathan Louette who was serving at the White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico, a vast remote base where the latest US technology is tested. There are many stories linking White Sands to alien contact and captured alien craft. The Sergeant and a senior officer were detailed to travel several miles down the missile range in a military vehicle to find and recover any debris from spent missiles. At one point they left their vehicle to scout the desert. They separated in order to cover a wider area of the sand dunes more quickly. Suddenly the officer heard screams in the area of the dunes where the sergeant was searching. He ran towards the noise thinking that a rattlesnake had bitten the sergeant and as he reached the top of the dune, he saw a disc shaped craft hovering low above the ground. A long tentacle coming from the underside of the craft was wrapped around the sergeant. It dragged the screaming man into the craft and then shot away at great speed. The officer returned to base in a state of shock. When he reported what had happened he was not believed and was arrested for murder. An immediate search of the area failed to find any sign of the sergeant. Three days later Sergeant Louette's mutilated body was found twenty miles down the range. The mutilations were clinical and precise and involved the removal of the genitals, the rectum and the eyes. Typically there was no blood on the body, but the cardiovascular organs had not collapsed. The officer was released without charge. Although the story was leaked out by people involved in the incident, the military refused to confirm or deny that such an incident had taken place. Although many strange stories have come out of the Vietnam conflict, there can be none stranger than that reported at a UFO Conference in Las Vegas in 1989 by an ex United States Air Force man who was serving as a photographer in Vietnam in the late sixties. He was involved in a mission to investigate the mysterious crash of a B-52 bomber, and was air lifted by helicopter into the jungle where the plane had gone down. The first surprise was to find the plane intact, and no sign of a crash landing: it was if the plane had been air lifted and placed into position. Inside the cabin, though was a greater shock. The four-man crew were still strapped into their seats, but all had been mutilated with the typical clean-cut wounds that we see in the animal mutilations. After inspecting the plane and photographing both it and the occupants, the investigation team was ordered to burn the plane and the occupants. The most famous Human case: UFO-Related Homicide in Brazil: The Complete Story [from International UFO Magazine] By G. Cope Schellhorn If this case is authentically UFO-related - and at this time I have no reason to believe it is not - then all of us are going to have to reevaluate to one degree or another our tentative conclusions as to the possible specific intentions, moral perspectives and general agenda that some of our extraterrestrial visitors may have. There have been rumors of homicidal, UFO-related, human mutilation cases for some time now but hard evidence has been lacking. Until, perhaps, now. Brazilian ufologist Encarnacion Zapata Garcia and Dr. Rubens Goes have recently presented a series of sensational photographs, obtained from police files which mimic the wounds of countless UFO-related animal mutilation cases that have been reported in Europe and North, Central and South America since the 1960s. On first glance they would seem to be ufology's worst nightmare. What is more disturbing is that Brazilian ufologists and police have intimated that there may be at least a dozen or more cases similar to the recently uncovered Guarapiranga reservoir case. If this is true, it is somewhat doubtful that any of this potential new material will ever see the light of day, given the official attitudes now prevailing in Western power circles. But we can be grateful for fortuitous disclosures, and the Guarapiranga case and it's accompanying photographs seem to be just that. A great stroke of luck, albeit a dismaying one. Obviously if the Guarapiranga data is legitimate, then it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain the position that all visitors are demonstrating a relatively friendly attitude toward humans, regardless of what their specific agenda(s) may be. The Guarapiranga situation indicates that there is at least one group of alien visitors to the planet who have a complete disdain for human sensibilities, who, in fact, could care less about the value of human life. When I learned of the Guarapiranga case through Brazilian ufologist A.J. Gevaerd, who first published the related photos in his magazine UFO, my interest was stimulated and I quickly made plans for a trip to Brazil. In Sao Paulo I met Encarnacion Garcia at the home of well known ufologist Claudeir Covo and talked with her later at length. Then I traveled to Campo Grande and questioned Gevaerd. He was kind enough to supply me with second generation photographs (the best available) of the Guarapiranga reservoir victim having himself become thoroughly convinced that the evidence supporting the case was authentic and that the case was UFO-related. I came to the same conclusion because all other alternatives were neither supported by facts nor good logic, whereas the similarities to numerous cattle mutilations which I had studied in the United States were startling, exactly paralleling what I have seen many times before. The specifics of the case are as follows: Encarnacion Garcia learned from her friend, Dr. Rubens Goes, that he was in possession of some rather "odd" photos which had been given to him by his cousin, police technician, Rubens Sergio. These were official photos of a body that had been found near Guarapiranga reservoir on the 29th of September, 1988, of an unnamed male who was, however, later identified. The name of this man has been withheld from all media investigators, including UFO investigators, at the request of his relatives. After studying the photos, Encarnacion Garcia was impressed with how similar the wounds of the body were to those found on the carcasses of so many UFO-related mutilated animals, knowledge which the original investigating police officials and medical doctors involved with the case did not possess. Surprisingly, Dr. Cuenca, head of the primary investigation, offered his files on the case. This is the stroke of luck which I previously mentioned and for which we can all be thankful. These included the all-. important autopsy description to which I will momentarily refer. The initial police report, however, was not extraordinary in nature except for the recognition that the body, although extremely mutilated, had not met with unusual violence; that is, there were no signs of struggle or the application of bondage of any kind. It was the autopsy report itself which was most revealing, especially when we compare the remarks made there with what we have learned from animal mutilation cases elsewhere. It is imperative to remember, as I have stated previously, that the individuals conducting the autopsy had no knowledge of similar animal mutilation cases. This makes the official remarks of the report all the more revealing in retrospect. Encarnacion Garcia received copies of seven photos. I have included the five most revealing ones here with a description and commentary. The work of the perpetrators of this atrocity: the kinds of cuts made, the precision of the cuts, the removal of whole internal organs through small apertures, the lack of bleeding, the failure of the body to smell or decompose rapidly - all these are hallmarks of UFO-related animal mutilations. These peculiarities would seem to rule out Satanists, revenge- seekers or casual mutilators and go beyond even the capacities of a modern Jack the Ripper. Photo #I: Face and upper torso photo. The body was in perfect condition. Rigor mortis had not set in and it was estimated that the victim had been killed approximately 48 to 72 hours previously. There were no signs of animal predation or putrefaction which might be expected. Strangely, there was no odor to the cadaver. Bleeding from the wounds had been minimal. The black coloration found in the face area and in other places within the photo is partly due to low light exposure when this photo and others were taken. It is also partly due to coagulated blood in the wound areas. As can clearly be seen, flesh and lips have been excised around the mandibles, as is common in cattle and other animal mutilations, the autopsy report noted that "the eyes and ears were also removed and the mouth cavity was emptied." Removal of these body parts, including the tongue as here, is common enough in animal mutilation cases. As Encarnacion Garcia rightly recognized, if a comparison of the victim with animal mutilation cases is made, "You can see they are the same - and that is also the conclusion of experienced doctors." The doctors drew their conclusion only after they had been shown photographs of similar animal mutilation cases, cases with which they were not previously familiar. The autopsy report states: "There has been a removal of extensive tissue along many parts of the face, head and neck of the victim... There has also been extraction of ocular tissue, eyes, auditive internal and external organs (ears) and entire parts of the head. The tongue and several muscles were also extracted." The kinds of cuts on the cadaver are what we have come to expect in UFO-related animal mutilation cases. Of primary interest is their precision. The "surgery" (or butchery, if you will) was done with agility and care and probably with speed. The lack of profuse bleeding suggests the use of a laser-like instrument producing acute heat, thus cauterizing almost immediately the edge of the wounds. This is a speculation on my part, however, although there are numerous precedents. Many of the cases studied by Dr. John Altshuler in the United States exhibit this kind of high heat, rapid surgery. Whether it would still be possible to test fragments of the flesh from the victim's wound areas is doubtful. Suffice it to say the wounds appear to be exact replicas of cases studied by Dr. Altshuler, Tom Adams, Bob Pratt, Ted Oliphant, Linda Howe, Colman VonKeviczky and myself. Photo #2: (Above) Face and upper torso with arms outstretched. Perhaps it is best to begin here with several quotes from the autopsy report. "The axillary regions on both sides showed soft spots where organs had been removed. Incisions were made on the face, internal thorax, abdomen, legs, arms, and chest." As Garcia observed, the doctors stated that these wounds were quite uncommon. The report also observes, "Shoulders and arms have perforations of 1 to 1.5 inches in diameter where tissue and muscles were extracted. The edges of the perforations were uniform and so was their size. The chest had shrunk due to the removal of internal organs." In other words, internal organs were removed or sucked somehow through these small circular incisions. Why such a technique? Some doctors today are using a similar method to remove diseased tissue and organs from their human subjects - but this kind of procedure injures those organs in the process. Did the "surgeons" who worked on this victim care whether the organs were injured or not? What kind of specimens were they looking for? What kind of research is this? Wouldn't it be easier and more medically expedient to abduct a human specimen and study it live, including its anatomy and physiology, in a properly equipped laboratory? It would appear that the perpetrators of this act did not care if the man's life was lost nor did they care if the body were found. Here we have strong indication of a total disregard for the specimen and, by extension, for human life in general. The body was left as trash. What does this say about the perpetrators and their attitudes? The photo clearly shows the symmetrical holes in the man's arms. One arm clearly shows the sunken area near the perforation clearly, demonstrating where muscle has been extracted. The shrunken chest area also indicates a similar process of internal extractions. It is significant that the police and medical examiners were convinced the holes found in the head, arms, stomach, anus and legs were not produced by bullet wounds. Photo #3: Close up of the left side of the victim's head. Here we see that the ear is cleanly excised. As the report states, "auditive internal and external" matter was removed The photo does not show the small holes discovered in the cranium. These were detected, however, by the medical examiners. How much, if any, of the brain tissue was removed is not stated. Photo #4: Close up of lower torso including thighs. The stretcher, pants and cord that are visible belonged to the rescue team. The autopsy report continues, "You also find the removal of the belly button leaving a 1.5 inch hole in the abdomen and a depressed abdominal cavity showing the removal of the intestines." Brazilian doctors who later viewed the evidence were left nonplused by the hole in the umbilical area where, it appeared, "a great amount of internal organs were extracted. The edge of the hole was perfect and shows a precision cut. Also, the abdominal area of the body was very shrunken because of organ removal." The original autopsy report notes that "the scrotum was also removed by a 3 x 1.5 cm. elliptical incision." Strangely, the penis itself was left intact although it appeared to have been stretched to about twice its normal length. Why excise the scrotum without taking the penis? Human logic is defied by such actions. We are aware, however, of the great similarity here with other animal mutilation cases, particularly female cattle where it is not unusual to see anus, teats, vagina and uterus extracted. But why exactly this is done is as big a mystery as who the exact perpetrators are, although there is enough strong circumstantial evidence to implicate UFO involvement. The hole in the left leg duplicates in size the umbilical hole and the arm hole previously discussed. In the words of the autopsy report, "It was an... elliptical incision of about 3 x 1. 5 cm...The penis was stretched and had no signs of being cut. The testicles were extracted with a precision cut." Rather startling is the lack of pubic hair, as if the victim had been readied for surgery. Early on in the investigation, Brazilian official investigators considered the possibility that the castration of the victim was an act of revenge. They soon rejected this theory, however, because it could not account for the remaining wounds and the other peculiarities related to the body. What is more, revenge seekers who castrate usually excise the penis, not just the scrotum. Photo #5: Victim lying on his stomach. The autopsy report specifies: -"Removal of the anus and a hole between the second and third toes...The anal orifice of the victim was extracted with a large incision about 3 by 6 inches in diameter. The rectum and other internal parts of the human discharge system were also removed. It is probable that even some of the internal organs of the man could have been removed through this incision." What is most compelling about the anal incision and the extraction of anal and digestive tract tissue is that it is a carbon copy of the surgery we have seen in so many UFO-related animal mutilation cases. Are we supposed to believe a revengeful human or a group of Satanists are capable of such precise, difficult, surgical techniques/procedures which leave even medical professionals perplexed as to how they could have been done? I think not. Has the Brazilian and/or American government staged a little demonstration at the Guarapiranga reservoir to frighten UFO investigators and the general public into fearing all extraterrestrial contact? In other words, are we faced with a gruesome, carefully orchestrated display of misinformation? Possibly, but probably not, and my reasons for believing this are several. First, it would seem a fortuitous turn of events that ufologist Encarnacion Zapata Garcia had the right friend(s) in the right places at the right time. If our government, and presumably the Brazilian government, has kept a lid on similarly sensational material in the past - and I have no doubt there is more than ample evidence supporting such a contention - here we have an accidental bubble that has, against all odds, escaped the pot. It is our good fortune, you might say. The photos are definitely causing a stir; causing many people, including some UFO investigators, to do some new thinking. But the powers that control lids will be carefully double-checking in the near future to make sure the pot is as secure as possible. Thus I would not get my hopes up that additional homicidal, UFO-related human mutilation cases and graphic photographs accompanying them will surface in the near future. If we discard the possibility of the Guarapiranga case as a piece of misinformation, we are left with several intriguing alternatives. Is this the infrequent act of a rogue extraterrestrial group which from time to time enjoys indulging themselves in a pathological blood sport at the expense of humans? Perhaps. More likely, I think, we are indirect witnesses to an intentionally contemptuous act by a group or species of extraterrestrial origin who would like to give other visiting species a bad name and, as a bonus, harness mankind into a greater fear-mentality than already binds it. But these are only speculations and we will have to wait until a future time for a greater truth when more thorough revelations, and evidence that supports them, become available. Do we have any precedents to the Guarapiranga case? Yes, we do. At least one good example and the rumors of possibly another. The case of Sgt. Jonathan P Louette, who was stationed at White Sands Missile Test Range in 1956 and whose mutilated body was found on the Range three days after an Air Force major had witnessed his abduction by a "disk shaped" object, bares a striking resemblance to the Guarapiranga situation. Louette's genitals had been removed, his rectum cored out with surgical precision and his eyes excised in a manner quite similar to the incisions made upon our Guarapiranga victim. And then there is the rumor of the Texas mutilation case which occurred - and was quickly hushed up - in the mid '60s. I have had verification ofthe legitimacy of this by two intelligence agency personnel, one active and one retired, but have not had time to investigate further. At present, the rumors of human body parts found on at least one crashed UFO in the 1940s, body parts found in a barn in the state of Oregon several years ago or the rumor of a mutilated Vietnam War B-52 crew will have to remain just that - rumors, until the lid accidentally, albeit infrequently, comes ajar again and we have some solid evidence. But there is no denying that the Guarapiranga reservoir case has taken us far beyond rumor. The evidence is unmistakable and it is sobering. On the one hand, it points stunningly in a UFO-related direction. On the other hand, I believe it would be wise of us to draw a tentative conclusion if other less violent cases have not already led us to do so. We should not, in most cases, generalize about our extraterrestrial visitors; neither about their motives , morals nor research agendas. And one addendum also seems advisable: In an age when almost anything has come to seem possible, if not probable, either cosmically or here on earth, the wisest course might be to let our extraterrestrial visitors demonstrate their friendliness before jumping to conclusions about their philanthropy and opening the door too wide. After all, Little Red Riding Hood, nine times out of ten, is no match for the wolf at the door. We have seen in the past, especially in Brazil, many cases where Human beings have been attacked by UFOs and their occupants. This is an undeniable reality that many researchers do not want to face. The Fenomeno Chupa-Chupa or "Suck-Suck" phenomenon which occurred in the Amazon and northeastern part of the country in the '70s and '80s produced hundreds of injured people and ultimately some fatalities. These mostly impoverished people were usually attacked by small probes (3-6 inches in diameter), probably unmanned, little UFOs which emitted strong, burning beams of light. Many of the victims suffered not only burns but a significant loss of blood (thus the "suck-suck" appellation) during their encounters. Some, such as Luiz Fernandes Barroso, suffered appreciable mental as well as physical incapacitation. Barroso's mind was reduced to that of a two-year-old long before his death. In North America, reports of brutal manhandling by UFO occupants are much rarer. If homicidal, UFO-related human mutilations have taken place they have either gone unrecognized for what they really are or have been adeptly covered up by official intervention. Whatever the truth may be, the Guarapiranga reservoir case and the startling photos which accompany it should give us pause for thought. I, like ufologist editor A.J. Gevaerd, came to the conclusion after reviewing the evidence that UFO-related mutilators were most probably the perpetrators of the abominations revealed by the photographs of the Guarapiranga reservoir victim. And I believe Gevaerd is probably right when he says most extraterrestrial visitors seem neutral in their attitudes towards Earth and earth humans, some are friendly and some could care less. We had better learn, I think, to discern the differences. It might in the long run save our world culture and our very lives. [end] The Human Mutilation Factor by Don Ecker In the last forty years of UFO research, one of the most baffling questions that have plagued researchers has been "Is the UFO Phenomenon dangerous to humanity?" Over the years, there have been numerous cases where the phenomenon has figured into human deaths, but as a rule, most cases have been officially ruled accidental. When speaking of cases where death has resulted, usually most assume cases where military pilots have died as a result of "chasing" the phenomenon. One of the most famous of these military chases that is discussed when ever the subject of death and UFOs is raised, is the famous "Mantell Case". This case is so well known that I will not discuss it here, but there are many others. In one of the less well known cases, during the mid 1950's, a military jet interceptor was observed on radar being "absorbed" into a UFO over the Great Lakes. No trace of pilot or aircraft was ever found. In another case reported in the excellent work "Clear Intent" was the case of the "Cuban MIG Incident". In this case a Cuban MIG was locking on his weapons radar when the aircraft exploded in mid*air. The wing man was certain that the UFO had fired some type of weapon, but other than the jet exploding, no other smoke, flame or other obvious weapon firing was observed. The matter of either overt or covert hostility on the part of UFOs has always been treated warily by serious researchers. On the one hand, if the enigma is hostile, then several questions must be faced. What if anything should the powers in authority tell the public? Is the government capable of handling a threat of this type? Is the public ready to face an issue as potentially terrifying as a "possible threat from somewhere else?" Other than incidents involving military involvement, have there been cases where civilians have been injured or killed during some type of UFO encounter? Is it possible that the reported cases of UFOs and their occupants abducting unwilling humans for some type of medical or genetic experimentation could be true? Now, if any of this is factual, then what ramifications do the Human Race face in light of the above? According to Mr. Phil Imbrogno, during the research that led to the writing of "NIGHT SIEGE The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings" by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Philip Imbrogno, and Bob Pratt, Imbrogno has stated that on several occasions, Hynek specified that he wanted no mention of the dozens of human abductions that they had already uncovered at that time, to be mentioned in the book. Hynek was afraid of the adverse publicity if word of this aspect leaked out to the public. After Hyneks death, Imbrogno stated publicly on Compuserve and other public forums, facts of abductions, animal mutilations, and EVEN several cases of mysterious deaths of humans, that he indicated COULD possibly be linked to the UFO Phenomenon. While researching several stories for UFO Magazine, I interviewed a number of prominent UFOlogists, over the last several months, and in each case, the question of human deaths, in connection with animal mutilations, invariably was raised. Most readers of this text will be familiar with Mr. John Keel, who many regard as the last of the Great UFOlogists. From the earliest days of modern UFOlogy, Keel has been a force to reckon with. The author of numerous books that address various aspects of UFOlogy, and magazine articles too numerous to mention, Keel has a unique slant on the subject that most will never experience. According to Keel, the phenomenon has always had an unexplained hostility towards humans, that have led to untold numbers of deaths. While Keel will be the first to explain that he rejects the ET hypothesis, he does not doubt the phenomenon a bit. In what many UFOlogists consider as one of Keels best works "The Mothman Prophecies", E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc. 1975, Keel related report after report of animal mutilations involving cattle, dogs, horses and sheep, and also related what were called "vampire killings" of four humans in Yugoslavia, where the victims were "mutilated and drained of blood". After having spoken to John Ford, the Chairman of the Long Island UFO Network, for a news story for UFO Magazine, I became even more convinced that the aspect of potential UFO hostility should be investigated. Ford relayed a numbing number of animal mutilations, human disappearances, human abductions, covert Federal involvement in areas that suffered high numbers of animal mutilations, and even armed military helicopters that chased UFOs over civilian communities. Ford, who is an officer of the Federal Court system, did investigations into the disappearances of mostly young adults over a year period, in areas of high UFO overflights, and after having several personal friends who were police officers of the local municipalities look into the situation, came to the conclusion that the facts were being suppressed. The reason given was that there was "no need to panic the public." Although no iron clad proof can be made for direct UFO intervention, the circumstances are extremely suspect. After growing up in an age where the entire human race can be decimated by nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, the human race somehow manages to keep slogging on. I have seen more people "panicked" over a shortage of gasoline than imminent nuclear holocaust, yet somehow when the subject of UFOs crop up, the government doesn't want to panic anyone. It really makes me wonder what they know, that I should. I really don't think that they are going to talk to anyone soon, as you shall soon see. In January, 1989, it came to the attention of the MUFON State Director of Idaho, Mr. Don Mason, that cattle mutilations had occurred once again in the southeastern section of Idaho. After an investigation by a MUFON investigator, the facts were as follows. The animals ( two cattle, same night, but each owned by different ranchers ) were "somehow" killed, sexual organs removed, body fluids drained, patches of hide "surgically" removed. All the appearances of what is today considered to be a classic case of animal mutilation. As of this date ( February 15, 1989 ) the final lab reports are not back yet, but already the Sheriffs Department has labeled it a "cult killing." No tracks, tire or human, around the animals even though it had just rained, no unusual activity reported by the ranchers that evening, and one animal was found next to an occupied house. One of the ranchers admitted that this was the second time he had been "hit" by the mysterious mutilators. The last incident had only been a bit over a year previously, and they were worried enough that all had their "deer rifle" within easy reach. After having been personally involved in an investigation of cattle mutilations as a police officer back in 1982, I was very familiar with the "cult" theory of perpetrators. The Idaho Department of Law Enforcement drags it out every time there is a new rash of mutilations. The problem is, and every one is aware of it, that no one has yet been brought to trial, or arrested yet for these crimes. Out here in the west, people know that you are flirting with a ranchers bullet if you are caught fooling around with the ranchers cattle. They are his livelihood, and he will defend it. Yet, the mutilations keep occurring, and no one is any the wiser, or are they? With the subject of animal mutilations fresh in everyones mind, I was once again speaking to Don Mason, when he informed me that the investigator that had been assigned to the above mentioned case had come across a very mysterious death of a man back in 1979. According to the report, two hunters in the Bliss and Jerome area of Idaho had literally stumbled across the nude body of a man that had been hideously mutilated. The body was in the literal middle of nowhere, nude except for a pair of underpants, his sexual organs had been removed, his lips sliced off, and several other classic mutilation cuts. Although he was in very rugged country, his bare feet were not marked as if he had walked in that terrain, but yet no other tracks, animal or human were evident anywhere. After the police were notified, an intensive search was mounted, and miles away, the mans possessions were recovered, yet no one yet knows how the body ended up where it was found, or even more importantly, what happened to him. It should be noted that this area also had over the years, many unexplained UFO reports and cattle mutilations. Now I must explain that I had very mixed feelings about whether I wished to attempt to explore this subject any further, or allow sleeping dogs to lie. On the one hand, I wanted more than anything to discover just what was occurring, and on the other, I realized that this had the potential to backfire on someone that disturbed the status quo. I was familiar with reports of human abductions and mutilations that had surfaced in the last several years in reports such as the Lear documents, Grudge 13 reports and others, but yet I was not sure what I believed, or even if there was anything to believe. I ran across a friend that was still employed with a police department in this area who was a detective. I had mentioned to him the recent cattle mutilations, and what I suspected in the above mentioned case of a human that had been mutilated. Scot had also been involved in the last several years with several cases of mutilations that he had been called upon to investigate, always with negative results. He was as curious about this phenomenon as I was, and since he was still an active duty police officer, he had access to the department computer, to access the NCIC system that is maintained in Washington D. C. by the FBI{ext. link} . After giving Scot the criteria for a search of unexplained human deaths, that involved factors of mutilation, I asked that the search go back to at least 1973, involving this area of the Northwest. Scot ( not his real name ) ran the request through the department computer. As he mentioned at the time, he had expected to get realms of reports back that we would have to wade through, to get to the reports that would be are further study. Scot ended up requesting that the inquiry be run back to 1970, and involve not only Idaho, but also Utah, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington states. Because of the magnitude of this search, Scot stated that it would take about one week to get the results back into his department. As a side note, for anyone that is not familiar with the NCIC system, it is a national data bank for Law enforcement agencies all across the United States. It is maintained and controlled by the Federal Burea of Investigation, at FBI headquarters, in Washington D. C. On the 14th of February, Scott contacted me in person, and appeared very troubled. His exact words were that "something is really screwy, Don." "I got the request back from NCIC on Monday, and there has gotta be something wrong. They told me that they had NO unsolved murders at all, zero, that met that criteria. THAT ANY FURTHER REQUESTS WILL HAVE TO BE MADE BY VOICE, TELEPHONE CALL, WITH PROPER AUTHORIZATION. Somebody is sitting on something, big as Hell." I also knew that something was as screwy as hell. After all, anybody that has had any dealing with law enforcement knows about the "Green River Killer" in Washington state. This serial killer is credited with at least 30 to 40 murders of young women, and to this date, the case is as big a mystery as ever. Many of the killings showed some types of mutilation, and if nothing else, at least some of these homicides should have shown up. Once more, as a side note, I had been warned by a prominent UFOlogist, that there was a lid "screwed down tighter than you would believe in regards to human mutes." I also was warned that in order to break through the secrecy, was going to be a long and sometimes weary job, but that if enough persistence was applied, then it was possible to get to the bottom of this facet of the UFO enigma. Do I think that this can be solved, along with the rest of the puzzle? Yes, I do, because I think that the secrecy can only be maintained for so long, and then no longer. I also believe very strongly that only if the entire UFO community works in concert will this be accomplished, and the infighting and arguments MUST CEASE for the good of us all. On the ParaNet system and on Compuserve, I wrote and uploaded a file entitled LIGHT.TXT, and in UFO Magazine Vol. 3, No. 5 I called for a UFO summit to be held in order to get the UFO community organized and to present a unified front. Only by a unified front, and calling for Congressional hearings, will this lid ever get torn off, and the truth that is suppressed be brought to the light of day. Any help from the members will be greatly appreciated, and I can be reached at ParaNet RHO at the following number: 1-208-338-9187 in the USA. Also I can be reached on Compuserve by EMail, and my user number is: 74270,3360. Anyone with ANY INFORMATION is requested to contact me at the above addresses as soon as possible. The secrecy game has gone on long enough. It is past time to get to the bottom of this. Forty years IS LONG ENOUGH. Don Ecker The Secrecy Game by: Tim Swartz Copyright ©1997 Tim Swartz Are UFOs responsible for mysterious human mutilations? Researchers of the UFO phenomenon have openly speculated over the years that if UFOs do represent extraterrestrial visitors, why do they operate in such secrecy? Alleged UFO contactees say that the aliens are friendly and are here to help mankind. However, evidence that extraterrestrials have a sinister, hidden agenda when dealing with Earth's inhabitants tells a different story. The most obvious example of nefarious UFO activity has to be the mutilation of cattle. The evidence is mostly anecdotal that UFOs are involved with cattle mutilations, but the unusual circumstances surrounding this mystery seem to point to UFOs, or at least UFO-like activity. Over the years, strange attacks on animals and humans have been recorded and attributed to predators, other humans and even vampires. What makes these incidents similar is the general lack of blood found on the bodies. Primitive man believed that blood was sacred, the source of life in all creatures. When you lost your blood, you lost your life. So it made sense that the life force must be contained in blood. The Old Testament is a good example of ancient beliefs regarding blood. Leviticus 17:14 states, that "the life of every living creature is its blood." The verse goes on to say that it is forbidden for anyone to eat blood because it is the source of all life. Because of these early beliefs, man has always had a superstitious horror when dealing with unusual attacks that involve the loss of blood. Throughout history, there have been numerous reports of strange attacks and mutilations that seem to go beyond normal animal predators. In 1874 near Cavan, Ireland, for several months something killed as many as thirty sheep a night, biting their throats and draining the blood. In 1905 at Great Badminton, Avon, sheep were again the target for attacks. A police sergeant in Gloucestershire was quoted in the London Daily Mail, "I have seen two of the carcasses myself and can say definitely that it is impossible for it to be the work of a dog. Dogs are not vampires, and do not suck the blood of a sheep, and leave the flesh almost untouched." In a single night in March of 1906, near the town of Guildford, Great Britain, fifty-one sheep were killed when their blood was drained from bite wounds to the throats. Local residents formed posses to hunt down whatever was killing their livestock, but nothing was ever caught, and the killings remain a mystery. Events of this kind have probably occurred regularly throughout history. The cases that have received media attention, are those involving a large number of deaths, but there are probably hundreds of smaller attacks that have gone unnoticed over the years. These strange livestock attacks are eerily similar to the recent attacks by the so-called Chupacabra, which means "goat sucker." Confining itself chiefly to the southern hemisphere, the Chupacabra has been blamed for numerous attacks on small animals. The animals have had their throats bitten and their blood sucked out by the creature that reportedly stands on two legs, has large black or red eyes and is about four feet tall. Unlike past killings, the Chupacabra has been seen by shocked eyewitnesses whose descriptions seem to describe an animal that superficially resembles the "Grays" of flying saucer lore. As in past cases, attempts to track down the Chupacabra has met with failure. If history is any indication, the Chupacabra will never be caught, and the strange events will remain a mystery. It is as if the mystery mutilators appear out of thin air, do their damage, and then, just as quickly, disappear again. The mutilation of cattle seems to involve a different set of circumstances then past vampire-like attacks on livestock. While cattle mutilations almost always involve the complete draining of blood, physical mutilation of the flesh is so apparent that seasoned ranchers are shocked by the unusual nature of the deaths. No one really knows when the first unusual cattle mutilations began. Records show that in the middle of 1963, a series of livestock attacks occurred in Haskell County, Texas. In a typical case, an Angus bull was found with its throat slashed and a saucer-sized wound in its stomach. The attacks were attributed to a wild beast of some sort, a "vanishing varmint." As the attacks continued through the Haskell County area, the unknown attacker assumed mythic proportions and a new name was created, "The Haskell Rascal." Whatever was responsible for the mutilations was never caught, and the attacks slowly stopped. Throughout the following decade though, there would be similar reports of attacks on livestock. The most prominent of these infrequent reports was the mutilation death of a horse named Lady, in 1967. Area residents of southern Colorado reported UFO activity the night before Lady was found dead, and the consensus was that the unknown craft were somehow responsible. In 1973 the modern cattle mutilation wave can be said to have begun in earnest. It is interesting to note that a huge UFO flap was occurring across the country in 1973, with many sightings taking place in the same areas that cattle mutilations were happening. In November of 1974, rumors began to connect the sighting of UFOs with mutilated cows that were being found in large numbers in various Minnesota counties. Dozens of UFOs were reported in Minnesota and dozens of cattle were found dead and mutilated. Although the sightings and mutilations were never correlated, many felt that the number of sightings was added proof that the UFOs were somehow involved. In 1975, an unprecedented onslaught of strange deaths spread across the western two-thirds of the United States. Mutilation reports peaked in that year, accompanied by accounts of UFOs and unidentified helicopters. By 1979, numerous livestock mutilations were also being reported in Canada, primarily in Alberta and Saskatchewan. In 1980, there was an increase in activity in the United States. Mutilations have been reported less frequently since that year, though this may be due in part to an increased reluctance to report mutilations on the part of ranchers and farmers. In the 1990's the mutilations have continued. In the United States, over ten thousand animals have reportedly died under unusual circumstances. Because of the strange nature of the killings, wild stories and rumors have surfaced over the years in an attempt to explain what is really going on. Chief among these are stories that aliens are harvesting cattle at night for their evil purposes. The extraterrestrials' preoccupation with cattle is apparently due to the fact that the ET's absorb nutrients through the skin. The blood that they acquire from the cattle is mixed with hydrogen peroxide, which kills the foreign bacteria in the mixture, and is "painted" on their skin, allowing absorption of the required nutrients. Supposedly human blood is preferred by the aliens, but cattle blood can be altered to serve the same purpose. While it may seem far-fetched that animal blood could be used in place of human blood, recent scientific discoveries seem to confirm that animal blood can be altered for human transfusions. According to The Observer, a respected weekly paper in Great Britain. The scientists who helped engineer the first cloned sheep are reportedly close to generating human blood plasma from animals. PPL Therapeutics, the Scottish firm that helped Edinburgh's Roslin Institute clone a sheep, is developing the means to replace the plasma genes of sheep and cows with the human equivalent. PPL told the paper it plans to raise herds of the animals and manufacture plasma from the proteins extracted from the animals. The Observer quoted Dr. Ron James, the firm's managing director, as saying. " Only 5 percent of Britain's population regularly gives blood. Genetically modified animals could produce 10,000 times more plasma a year than a human donor." In 1991 DNX Corp., a Princeton-based biotechnology firm, announced that it had developed genetically engineered, transgenic pigs that produce large quantities of recombinant human hemoglobin. When commercialized, DNX's blood substitute could provide a cost-effective, virtually unlimited alternative to the human blood supply that is entirely free from the threat of contamination by infectious agents that cause diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis. In addition, DNX's recombinant hemoglobin-based transfusion product will be universally compatible with all blood types, eliminating the need for blood typing and cross matching, and will have improved shelf-life and storage characteristics. DNX's announcement was made to the 1991 World Congress on Cell and Tissue Culture in Anaheim, Calif., by John Logan, vice president of research at DNX. Perhaps the wild stories are not so far-fetched after all. If the stories are true, some would ask why aren't the aliens catching and mutilating humans instead of animals? The truth could be that human mutilations and deaths are occurring on a regular basis, but that the stories are too horrible to contemplate. If murderous, UFO-related human mutilations have taken place, they have either gone unrecognized for what they really are, or have been adeptly covered up by official intervention. Thousands of people worldwide disappear every year, never to be seen again. A majority of these disappearances can be attributed to homicides or other more comman situations. However, some disappearances are so unusual and unexplained that more disturbing scenarios must be examined. In 1956 at the White Sands Missile Test Range, an Air Force major reported that he had witnessed a disk shaped flying object kidnap Sgt. Jonathan P. Louette. Louette was missing for three days when his mutilated body was found in the dessert near the test range. Louette's genitals had been removed and his rectum cored out with surgical precision. Like many cattle mutilations, Louette's eyes had been removed and all of his blood was missing. The Air Force filed a report stating that Sgt. Louette had died of exposure after being lost in the dessert. The late Leonard H. Stringfield, a former Air Force intelligence officer wrote in his self-published book, UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report No. 6, about the testimony given by a "high ranking Army officer" whom Stringfield says he has known for several years and who is allegedly a "straight shooter." The officer claimed that while he was in Cambodia during the Vietnam war, his Special Operations group was involved in a fire fight with aliens, whom the soldiers came across sorting human body parts and sealing them into large bins. Subsequently the unit was held for several days and interrogated under hypnosis. The officer claimed that he and his men were given cover memories which only began to surface years later. The implications here are staggering. If this story is true, then the possibility exists that military and government officials are aware of the aliens interests in the physiological makeup of the human body. In 1989, the mysterious death of a man a decade earlier came to the attention of the MUFON State Director of Idaho, Don Mason. According to the report, in 1979, two hunters in the Bliss and Jerome area of Idaho stumbled across the almost nude body of a man that had been hideously mutilated. The body's sexual organs had been removed, it's lips were sliced off, and the blood had been drained. Although the body was found in very rugged country, it's bare feet were not marked, and no other tracks, animal or human were evident. After the police were notified, an intensive search was mounted and the man's possessions were recovered miles from where the body was found. No one knows how the body ended up where it was found, or even more importantly, what happened to him. It should be noted that this area over the years, has had many unexplained UFO reports and cattle mutilations. In Westchester county New York, in 1988, several morgues were broken into late at night. Fresh human bodies had undergone mutilations involving partial removal of the face and total removal of the eyes, stomach, thyroid gland and genitals. An assistant medical examiner who had broken the silence concerning the case, stated that checks were immediately run on the employees who were on duty at the morgues. No links connecting morgue employees with the crimes were found. While there is no evidence that UFOs were responsible for the bizarre incidents, once again we see human bodies being mutilated in the same ways that cattle and other animals are being mutilated. Another interesting case that has received little publicity in the United States is the Brazilian Guarapiranga reservoir case. Brazilian ufologist Encarnacion Zapata Garcia and Dr. Rubens Goes uncovered a series of sensational photographs obtained from police files. The photos are of a dead man whose injuries are similar to the wounds of countless UFO-related animal mutilation cases. The body had been found near Guarapiranga reservoir on September 29, 1988. The name of the man has been withheld from the media and UFO investigators at the request of his relatives. After studying the photos, Encarnacion Garcia was impressed with how similar the wounds of the body were to those found on the carcasses of so many mutilated animals. The initial police report noted that the body, although extremely mutilated, showed no signs of struggle or the application of bondage of any kind. The body appeared to be in good condition. Rigor mortis had not set in and it was estimated that the victim had been killed approximately 48 to 72 hours previously. There were no signs of animal predation or decay which might be expected. Strangely, there was no odor to the body. Bleeding from the wounds had been minimal. In fact, it was noted that there was a general lack of blood found in the body or on the ground around the body. Police photos show that the flesh and lips had been removed from around the mouth, as is common in cattle and other animal mutilations. An autopsy report stated that "the eyes and ears were also removed and the mouth cavity was emptied." Removal of these body parts, including the tongue as here, is common enough in animal mutilation cases. The "surgery" appeared to have been done by someone familiar with surgical procedures. The lack of profuse bleeding suggested the use of a laser-like instrument producing heat, thus immediately cauterizing the edge of the wounds. The autopsy report states that, "The axillary regions on both sides showed soft spots where organs had been removed. Incisions were made on the face, internal thorax, abdomen, legs, arms, and chest. Shoulders and arms have perforations of 1 to 1.5 inches in diameter where tissue and muscles were extracted. The edges of the perforations were uniform and so was their size. The chest had shrunk due to the removal of internal organs." The autopsy report continues, "You also find the removal of the belly button leaving a 1.5 inch hole in the abdomen and a depressed abdominal cavity showing the removal of the intestines." The report also noted the victims scrotum had been removed, and that the anal orifice had been extracted with a large incision about 3 to 6 inches in diameter. It is significant that the police and medical examiners were convinced the holes found in the head, arms, stomach, anus and legs were not produced by bullet wounds. What is most disturbing about the anal incision and the extraction of anal and digestive tract tissue is that it is a carbon copy of the surgery seen in so many UFO-related animal mutilation cases. While no evidence linking the Guarapiranga reservoir mutilation case with UFOs has been found, Brazilian ufologists and police have hinted that there may be at least a dozen or more cases similar to this one. In fact, Brazil has had past incidents where UFOs have reportedly attacked people, and possibly taking blood from them. The July 12, 1977 edition of the JORNAL DA BAHIA reported that, "A fantastic story of a flying object emitting a strong light and sucking blood from people, circulated from mouth to mouth among the population of the counties of Braganca, Vizeu and Augusto Correa in Para', where many people fear leaving their homes during the night so they won't get caught by the vampire-like light from the strange object which, according to information, already has caused the death of two men. No one knows how the story started, but the truth is that it reached Bele'm and grabbed headlines in the local newspapers." Months later, on October 8, the newspaper O LIBERAL launched the first in a series of reports, about the Chupa-Chupa (suck-suck) phenomenon. "Sucking animal attacks men and women in the village of Vigia: A strange phenomenon has been occurring for several weeks in the village of Vigia, more exactly in the Vila Santo Antonio do Imbituba about 7 kilometers from highway PA-140, with the appearance of an object which focus a white light over people, immobilizing them for around an hour, and sucks the breasts of the women leaving them bleeding. The object, known by the locals as "Bicho Voador" (Flying Animal), or "Bicho Sugador" (Sucking Animal), has the shape of a rounded ship and attacks people in isolation. One of the victims, among many in the area, was Mrs. Rosita Ferreira, married, 46 years old, resident of Ramal do Triunfo, who a few days ago was sucked by the light on the left breast, and passed out. Increasingly it looked like she was dealing with a nightmare, feeling as if there were some claws trying to hold her. She was attacked around 3:30 in the morning. Another victim was the lady known as "Chiquita," who was also sucked by the strange object with her breast becoming bloody, but without leaving any marks." Compared to reports of mysterious animal attacks and mutilations, reports involving humans are somewhat rare. The probable reason is that many such incidents involving people are not recognized for what they are. The possibility is that a massive cover-up by officials world-wide exists to hide the fact that something is preying on humans. If we consider that extraterrestrials are visiting Earth, the likely reason for such visitations is scientific exploration. Consider that with billions of galaxies and the likelyhood that there are multitudes of different kinds of life scattered across the universe, the Earth is just another source of specimens for extraterrestrial scientists to gather and study. While man's ego would like to think that we are special in the universe, the hard reality could be that we are just curiosities to be collected, studied, and possibly exploited, and then finally pickled in a jar someplace with the notation: HUMAN, MOSTLY HARMLESS. ........... I believe this is what Samuel is talking about. Well that's it for now folks, sweet dreams. Regards Alpha.
  12. I was thinking along the same lines. However I now believe the younger Eddie is the one trapped in Teddy. The reason being the voices. By that I mean the actual voices of the characters. Nolan North is our Richtofen the one we play, which means that the Richtofen in Origins is also the older Edward Richtofen as he is voiced by Nolan. The younger Eddies has an American accent. Treyarch would fail like this in terms of canon if they are trying to say that this is our Richtofen. So what options are left. Like we have been talking about here he could be his son. Or, Is it possible that Edward Richtofen has been messing with his own timeline? By this I mean, did he go back to his younger self & change his own past. Maybe the younger Eddie is a boy who Richtofen possessed just before the Der Riese outbreak to infiltrate Maxis' inner circle. Remember that once your in the Black Pyramid on Moon your presence becomes omnipresence. He is everwhere at all times. Time space is not linear in the aether. A good visual example of this can be found in an episode of Red Dwarf. "Timeslides" is the fifth episode of science fiction sit-com Red Dwarf Series III,[1] and the seventeenth in the series run.[2] It premiered on the British television channel BBC2 on 12 December 1989. Written by Rob Grant and Doug Naylor, and directed by Ed Bye, the plot deals with Lister's desire to change his life by going back in time and changing his past. The episode was re-mastered, along with the rest of the first three series, in 1998. Lister (Craig Charles) is bored - bored with Scrabble, bored with table golf, bored with Durex volleyball - even bored with Junior Angler. He tells Cat (Danny John-Jules) and Rimmer (Chris Barrie) that he hates his life on Red Dwarf. During the conversation, Rimmer reminisces about a former schoolmate, Fred "Thickie" Holden, who despite being one of the stupidest boys in the class went on to earn an immense fortune with an invention called the "tension sheet", which, as Rimmer states, is merely bubble wrap that has been painted red with the words "tension sheet" written on it. Meanwhile, while working in the ship's darkroom, Kryten (Robert Llewellyn) accidentally discovers that the developing fluid can make photographs come to life. The same thing is possible with slides, and soon the crew are stepping into photographs and back in time. The only problem is that they can't move outside the borders of the original photo. Lister goes back in time, thanks to one of Rimmer's old pictures, to Germany standing alongside Adolf Hitler (where he shouts "Ignore him, he's a complete and total nutter, and he's only got one testicle.") before accidentally foiling Claus von Stauffenberg's assassination attempt on him.[3] Lister decides to go back in time and change history by giving the "Tension Sheet" invention to his 17-year-old self. Going back in time, the four encounter a teenage Lister who is convinced that he is destined to be a rock star despite the fact that he is hopelessly crap and only has one song which consists of him saying nothing but 'Om' (titled, appropriately enough, as 'The Om Song'). Teenaged Lister is at first disbelieving of his older-self, continually calling him 'crypto-fascist' and cannot believe that his future does not involve him being a rock god. Despite this, Lister hands over the tension sheet to his younger self with instructions to take it down the patent office to register as his invention. Returning to the present, Lister disappears as the timeline changes... only to be followed by the Cat and Kryten, as without Lister the Cat race never existed and Kryten was never rescued. Now Rimmer is alone with Holly (Hattie Hayridge) for the rest of eternity.[3] Deciding that this is not on, Rimmer visits Lister, hoping to persuade him to come back to Red Dwarf, claiming "it is my duty. My duty as a complete and utter bastard!". Lister, however – now living in a mansion with a supermodel – fails to recognise him, and tells the butler to throw him out.[4] Rimmer decides to take it upon himself to restore the time-lines to normal, and travels even further back in time to give the secret of the "Tension Sheet" to his younger self. Upon returning to the present, everything is put back exactly the way it was. Lister, Cat and Kryten re-appear and Rimmer waits to disappear to fame and riches. However, nothing happens as Holly explains the "Tension Sheet" was invented by one Thickie Holden - who, as Rimmer's bunkmate, overheard him explaining the plan. But for unexplained reasons, one thing is different; Rimmer is now alive, not a hologram. Delighted, he rushes out into a corridor, slams his fists down on top of some innocuous-looking crates and accidentally blows himself up.[4] Regards Alpha.
  13. Eddie could be Richtofens son. Eddie could be the one who eventually gets trapped inside Teddy. Makes sense if you think about it. Richtofen & Maxis worked together if they had children they would have played & stay at the same place. +1 to IRurG. Regards Alpha.
  14. Multiplayer has cost me around six pads in total. Last one I ripped it in two by twisting it so hard... :evil: NEVER NEVER, will I be playing BO2 Multiplayer again now that I have all the trophies I needed. I do like Multiplayer, but not with all the problems that come with BO2 online. Zombies still rules. I never rage with zombies. Regards Alpha.
  15. I've been calling him the Huckster, Berryboy & Finnmeister. As per the achievement - I'm Your Huckleberry. Window licker if he gets in my way. Regards Alpha.
  16. Return to Castle Wolfenstein (RTCW) is a reboot of the early first-person shooter Wolfenstein 3D. It includes a story-based single player campaign (which uses certain themes from the original game), as well as a team-based networked multiplayer mode. In the campaign, Allied agents from the fictional "Office of Secret Actions" (OSA) are sent to investigate rumors surrounding one of Heinrich Himmler's personal projects, the SS Paranormal Division (also see Ahnenerbe). The agents are, however, captured before completing their mission and are imprisoned in Castle Wolfenstein. Taking the role of Blazkowicz, the player must escape the castle and continue investigating the activities of the SS Paranormal Division, which include research on resurrecting corpses, biotechnology, and secret weapons. During the game the player battles Waffen SS soldiers, elite Fallschirmjäger (paratroopers) known as Black Guards, undead creatures, and Übersoldaten (supersoldiers) formed from a blend of surgery and chemical engineering conducted by Wilhelm "Deathshead" Strasse. The end boss is an undead Saxon warrior-prince named Heinrich I Regards Alpha.
  17. With one map to go there are still many unvisited chapters in Zombies. There is still plenty left for Treyarch to play with. Regards Alpha.
  18. I would be open to the idea. Expanding on that William Cooper statement: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOCbUrTtHH4 gOCbUrTtHH4 & http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH_U3sXCSmU iH_U3sXCSmU Regards Alpha.
  19. Its good to be back mix. I just have to know whats happening with our favorite zombie killers. cL6jRxalBXc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cL6jRxa ... r_embedded Alien Deception: 1917 to Present Day. Skip to 6:25 for 1917 mention. But all the info in this video is interesting to say the least. 1917 Origins. aZ9QBdNs8pM https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=p ... Z9QBdNs8pM Regards Alpha
  20. The connection is well known between the Richtofens. But how did we ever miss this: 1917 • Germany, Bonn: The flamboyant fighter pilot Baron Manfred von Richtofen, known as the Red Baron not only shot down 80 enemy planes for the Germans during World War I, he also was the first human in history to gun down an alien spaceship! That's the fascinating claim of former German Air Force ace Peter Waitzrik, who says he watched in astonishment as the deadeye fighter pilot shot a UFO with undulating orange lights out of the sky over Belgium in 1917. Then, Waitzrik says, he stared in disbelief as two bruised and battered occupants of the downed craft climbed from their spaceship and scampered off into the woods -- apparently never to be seen again. "The Baron and I gave a full report on the incident back at headquarters and they told us not to ever mention it again," the feisty, 105-year-old retired airline pilot recently told a reporter. "And except for my wife and grandkids, I never told a soul. But it's been over 80 years, so what difference could it possibly make now?" The aging Waitzrik said he and Baron Manfred von Richtofen -- the renowned Red Baron -- were flying an early morning mission over western Belgium in the spring of 1917 when the UFO suddenly appeared in a clear, blue sky directly ahead of their Fokker triplanes. "We were terrified because we'd never seen anything like it before," recalled the easygoing great-great grandfather of five. "The U.S. had just entered the war, so we assumed it was something they'd sent up. "The Baron immediately opened fire and the thing went down like a rock, shearing off tree limbs as it crashed in the woods. Then the two little baldheaded guys climbed out and ran away." Waitzrik said he assumed the glittering silver spaceship was some sort of enemy invention until the flying saucer scare that began in the late 1940s convinced him that his buddy had shot down a UFO. "The thing was maybe 40 meters (136 feet) in diameter and looked just like those saucer- shaped spaceships that everybody's been seeing for the last 50 years," the awed oldster said. "So there's no doubt in my mind now that that was no U.S. reconnaissance plane the Baron shot down, that was some kind of spacecraft from another planet and those little guys who ran off into the woods weren't Americans, they were space aliens of some kind. • Portugal, Fatima: Such phenomena include disks, like an "aircraft of light," described exactly in these terms by the witnesses of the fifth apparition. Also observed were double supersonic detonations, light protuberances, electro-static charges, and moving "stars," mysterious white flowers or snow that dropped down from the "aircraft of light," but disappeared when it made contact with the ground. These descriptions of "snow" or mysterious white "flowers" are quite similar to the descriptions of "angel hair" that are well known from some famous UFO cases. This was accompanied by additional unexplained aerial phenomena, in the form of glowing spheres and disc-shaped objects. A UFO sighting had taken place before a crowd of somewhere between 50,000 - 100,000 people! The story given was that a silver disc appeared just as "the rain stopped and the clouds rolled back, the sun dimmed out and everything took on a gray, opaque appearance". The disc then dove in an erratic, zigzag pattern at the crowd, stopped just above their heads and then slowly maneuvered back into the sky. As it faded from view, the sun brightened and began to shine again normally. A local reporter took a photo of the disc. • USA, Colorado, Salida: Minister and family use a telescope to watch a silver UFO shaped like a wagon wheel. Regards Alpha.
  21. http://johnkettler.com/ufo-downed-by-wo ... chine-gun/ UFO Downed In 1917–By The Red Baron! UFO Killer Manfred von Richthofen Image Credit: C.J. von Duerthen via Wikimedia Commons Yes, you read that correctly, but even I find it hard to accept. It is so out there I doubt Hollywood would even buy it. As the saying goes, though, truth is stranger than fiction, as this UFO story convincingly illustrates. This is a tale of how a routine dawn patrol led to The Red Baron’s strangest kill–a UFO–in a storied career ended by a single bullet, whose origin is hotly disputed. It is March 13, 1917, and Rittmeister (Cavalry Captain) Manfred von Richthofen, commander of Jasta 11 (Fighter Squadron 11) is conducting dawn patrol over western France, following takeoff from an airfield in Belgium. His wingman is Rittmeister Peter Waitzrik. Based on his rank, he was likely von Richthofen’s executive officer, number two in Jasta 11′s command structure. The pair is seeking prey, such as reconnaissance aircraft and enemy fighters. It instead encounters something thought to be a new American weapon. It is not. It is a 125′ diameter UFO! Doubtless taking advantage of the sun’s rising behind him, the Red Baron, in his trademark red triplane, pounces on the huge UFO, described as “bright silver and shaped like a saucer,” which he erroneously believes to be some strange new weapon flown by the newly arrived Americans above the war-torn, shell-cratered trench lines below. Interviewed years later, von Waitzrik said “We were terrified. We’d never seen anything like it.” Firing with deadly accuracy from close range, The Red Baron somehow manages to down the slowly moving, possibly hovering UFO–with what a gobsmacked senior Liberation Forces (positive ETs/EDs (extraterrestrials/ extradimensionals)) commander bluntly characterized as “archaic weapons.” An investigation is currently underway by the Liberation Forces to research this previously unknown UFO shootdown. I get the impression that losing such a powerful craft to a veritable peashooter was so upsetting and confounding as to be almost incomprehensible. Additionally, there is a view emerging that this case may be unknown because a coverup was performed over this incident. UFO Downed! Now What? That this incident occurred has been confirmed by highly sensitive terrestrial sources, but much is still unknown. The UFO, however improbably, was shot down, perhaps while hovering, and it did crash. It was observed falling straight down through the trees, shearing branches as it went. Two bipedal survivors, described as being child sized, were observed by von Richthofen to leave the craft, and escape into the woods. A search was conducted by Imperial German troops, but the UFO’s occupants were never found. That much, we know. We do not know where in western France that UFO was downed. Nor do we have any information, even at highly classified levels, as to what happened to the shot down UFO. Unless it happened to come down near a river or railroad, it would have been a nightmare to move it, for there were no tank retrievers or heavy trucks to carry off such a prize, which would likely have been utterly incomprehensible to even the best scientists and engineers of the period. This UFO seems to have vanished from history altogether, leaving no trace of what became of it. Also, there is a disconnect in the data. UFO Shootdown Done By The Plane That Wasn’t While highly sensitive sources repeatedly talk of the Red Baron’s downing the UFO while piloting a”Fokker triplane,” the available records indicate otherwise. You see, there was no Fokker operational yet. The Fokker Dr.I, the earliest Fokker triplane to see combat, did not do so until August 22, 1917! This is confirmed by the Red Baron’s kill list, which shows no Fokker kill until that from the pre production Fokker Dr.I prototype on September 1, 1917. It therefore appears that the Red Baron downed the huge UFO with a Halberstadt D.II, armed with one fixed, forward-firing 7.92mm machine gun! UFO Shootdown In World War I–Peter von Waitzrik’s Closing Comments “There’s no doubt that what the Baron shot down that day was no U.S. reconnaissance plane. It was some kind of craft from another planet. Those guys who ran off into the woods weren’t Americans.” UFO Shootdown–Epilog Shortly before this post was made, the previously mentioned Liberation Forces’ senior commander got back to me. As I suspected, the downed UFO was hostile and belonged to the Grays. Nevertheless, he was appalled that such a thing had occurred. He said careful combing of available files had revealed the craft was having problems, but also that the arrogant Grays never bothered to switch on the shields, believing their craft invulnerable. Bad mistake! He said he had no information on where the craft was downed or what happened to it and the survivors of the crew. John Kettler is the author of Extreme UFO Crash Recovery and UFOs, Antigravity, Vimanas & Mystics. Regards Alpha.
  22. Well, this is more like it. Love it. Regards Alpha.
  23. Wilhelm II or William II (German: Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albrecht von Preußen; English: Frederick William Victor Albert of Prussia; 27 January 1859 – 4 June 1941) was the last German Emperor (Kaiser) and King of Prussia, ruling the German Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia from 15 June 1888 to 9 November 1918. He was a grandson of the British Queen Victoria and related to many monarchs and princes of Europe, two notable contemporary relations being his cousins King George V of Great Britain, founder of the House of Windsor, and Tsar Nicholas II of the House of Romanov, the last ruler of the Russian Empire before the Russian Revolution of 1917 which deposed the monarchy. Crowned in 1888, he dismissed the Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, in 1890 and launched Germany on a bellicose "New Course" in foreign affairs that culminated in his support for Austria-Hungary in the crisis of July 1914 that led to World War I. Bombastic and impetuous, he sometimes made tactless pronouncements on sensitive topics without consulting his ministers, culminating in a disastrous Daily Telegraph interview that cost him most of his power in 1908. His top generals, Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff, dictated policy during World War I with little regard for the civilian government. An ineffective war leader, he lost the support of the army, abdicated in November 1918, and fled to exile in the Netherlands. The Kaiser as stated by Nikolai.
  24. Some very nice finds. I have been looking into this area also. I shall have to take a look at the extraordinary league of gentlemen see if there is any mention of giant metal soldiers. Chapter one is set against a backdrop of London, 1910, with Halley's Comet passing overhead, the nation prepares for the coronation of King George V, and far away on his South Atlantic island, the scientist-pirate Captain Nemo is dying. In the bowels of the British Museum, Carnacki the ghost-finder is plagued by visions of a shadowy occult order who are attempting to create something called a Moonchild, while on London's dockside the most notorious serial murderer of the previous century has returned to carry on his grisly trade. Moonchild is a novel written by the British occultist Aleister Crowley in 1917. Its plot involves a magical war between a group of white magicians, led by Simon Iff, and a group of black magicians over an unborn child. It was first published by Mandrake Press in 1929 and its recent edition is published by Weiser. In this work, numerous acquaintances of Crowley appear as thinly disguised fictional characters. Crowley portrays MacGregor Mathers as the primary villain, including him as a character named SRMD, using the abbreviation of Mathers' magical name. Arthur Edward Waite appears as a villain named Arthwaite, and the unseen head of the Inner Circle of which SRMD was a member, "A.B." is theosophist Annie Besant. Among Crowley's friends and allies Allen Bennett appears as Mahatera Phang, Isadora Duncan appears as Lavinia King, and Mary D'Este as Lisa la Giuffria. Cyril Grey is Crowley himself, while Simon Iff is either an idealized version of an older and wiser Crowley or his friend Allen Bennett. A year or so before the beginning of World War I, a young woman named Lisa la Giuffria is seduced by a white magician, Cyril Grey, and persuaded into helping him in a magical battle with a black magician and his black lodge. Grey is attempting to raise the level of his force by impregnating the girl with the soul of an ethereal being — the moonchild. To achieve this, she will have to be kept in a secluded environment, and many preparatory magical rituals will be carried out. The black magician Douglas is bent on destroying Grey's plan. However, Grey's ultimate motives may not be what they appear. The moonchild rituals are carried out in southern Italy, but the occult organizations are based in Paris and England. At the end of the book, the war breaks out, and the white magicians support the Allies, while the black magicians support the Central Powers. Sam is the Moon child, is she not. Regards Alpha.
  25. Outstanding thread... I've been listening to John Lear over & over again recently. He has lead me to look into cattle mutilations, human mutilations which lead to the skin walker ranch. Robert Bigelow & John B Alexander. MMN, do you ever get the feeling that we've crossed a line here. Regards Alpha.
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