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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. woah I didn't see him ask that...lol I totally skipped over it, but yeah, Covert's got ya covered on that part and yes, welcome to the forum
  2. yeah, it's in the Site News, right here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3
  3. On the old site we were only a few away from 4,000 members Well lets hope we can topple that total! as soon as BO comes out, and we see whatever that new co-op is, I'm sure we will boom.
  4. Phantom


    yeah i figured, as soon as i saw it, i was like, "aww, he's thinking about me" :P
  5. no Arcklez, you do fly it, they've said it in their demo's.
  6. Phantom


    I knew what fatal meant, it took like 20 seconds to quote from dictionary.com, so why not?
  7. that guy's not Teejoh they're speaking in 3rd person.
  8. carbon's not answering those types of questions, and the chat is down to preserve the bandwidth that we are using a lot of, it's a temporary fix to the issue until we figure out what to do permanently
  9. cinder Treyarch browses the forums frequently, and Carbon has already given Josh a link to it.
  10. this topic needs to be locked....mod please?
  11. please don't post so many brains, that is considered spam yes it's for PC
  12. well i guess mine would be (since I don't really have "weird" moments) would be joining a random search game, and seeing a couple of people who I knew because of they were friends of a friend of mine, but they didn't know my GT (they did know me in real life though) so I just say "Hey Shane! Lucas! Keith!" They FREAKED, it was hilarious, it wasn't exactly "weird" for me, but it was probably weird for them. lol, i eventually told them who I was, and how I knew it was them and they laughed after :P
  13. The MW2 drop-shotting is crap, it barely helps at all, actually, I don't think I've ever had a time where it has helped, if I drop-shot and kill people, it's because I shot them first, or was more consistent with my shots (or it's a UMP). But if I get killed and I was drop-shotting, I'll watch the killcam, and according to them...I was still standing straight up, even though on my screen, I was laying on the ground. The only people who can drop-shot is the host...unless you are able to be laying on the ground for about 3 full seconds before you die.....that's about how long IW's crappy servers register that you layed down.
  14. Phantom


    ahh...you know I was going to say that you made me sad now :P
  15. Phantom


    fa·tal-causing or capable of causing death; mortal; deadly: a fatal accident; a fatal dose of poison. dictionary.com told me. :P
  16. Phantom


    well, shri showed me the pic while we where in chat...so I would thank shri, I just put it to the rest of the community :P
  17. Phantom


    "fatal" mistake hmm?? what you gonna do...kill them lol jk welcome to the site :D
  18. those head shots carry on through prestige Johnson
  19. Well theres a difference between a try hard and a person thats trying to good (Sounds stupid i know.) A try hard would be a person that drop shots, uses the MP40 w/ dual mags, uses juggernaut and martyrdom and does good. But if that person was using the kar98k, stopping power and fireproof and did good,they would just be a person that was trying to do good. A try hard is a person that uses the cheapest setup, and does whatever they can to do good. I have no problem with a person thats trying to do good, but a "try hard"?... don't get me started. I snipe...pretty much always...I still get called a try-hard. It's not like I'm using OMA with noob-tubes
  20. Phantom


  21. that's pretty nice dude, thumbs up for you ;)
  22. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=664 Carbon doesn't like excessive sigs, so we can only have one in our sigs
  23. That's why i play search too, there can't be spawn problems...cuz you don't spawn till the next round lol
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