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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. It wasn't assisted suicide. It was a normal suicide. The kill tracker said "mistakes were made" and I didn't get a kill towards the hacker challenge. Also if you payed attention, you would see that he shot my C4. no, dude, watch your video again. It was an assisted suicide, it even says the words "Assisted Suicide" it doesn't show "mistakes were made" in the kill feed, it does however say "Commander034" then the C4 picture, then the other dudes name. Make sure you actually pay attention, and watch your own video before making a comment about it.
  2. well death is yellow.
  3. what did we get to? 19? lol that was my first time ever playing Dead Ops...I kept running into the freaking lightning pole things...it was so annoying :evil:
  4. idk, i kinda like reaper, and most my friends like jester.
  5. as i posted later, my bad, all i read was "Black Ops New GLITCH/SPOT found by me!!!" when it was originally posted, that's why i said that. When Johnson pointed out that Vahn said it was implemented on purpose, i admitted a mistake.
  6. i just listen to the game, music messes me up at times.
  7. We don't condone of glitching/modding/hacking of any kind.
  8. lol it's just a bull with smoke coming out of it's nose, it looks a lot like a sheep though, i admit.
  9. Gun Game > One in the Chamber > Sharpshooter > Sticks and Stones With my fast trigger finger, I get a fast start on Gun Game, and it's gives an advantage.
  10. there's no need for that, seriously, we don't accept flaming on this site.
  11. when you make a link, you have to make sure that you use all of it, the "http://" has to be included with the link. you can also do this [url=http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php]TEXT[/url] and it will show up like this: TEXT
  12. Uhh not really, im 16 years old and im actually quite old enough to know all this type of things there are people who can be in your family that are under age 16 you know, i have 1 sister that is 9, and a brother that is 12, we all play as a family together from time to time, and we mute people so we don't have to hear cursing, and when someone kills you and you see their emblem on the bottom...it's not right.
  13. yeah, a couple times, here's a thread already about it viewtopic.php?f=16&t=3281
  14. are you saying they're "faking"? if so then i disagree, I can completely believe the OP because of how many times this has personally happened to me, it is incredibly annoying when the party ends, when it just takes forever to find a game, or when you lose connection in game.
  15. But if your family is there watching, or even playing (because of amazing split-screenness ) then it's inappropriate.
  16. Did I say that it should be locked because of YOU Commander? No, it's other people, I didn't get any of those quotes by you btw.
  17. I'm sorry but I'm reporting this topic, I hope it gets locked, all this was was a flame war waiting to happen, and it did, I said stop arguing, it ensued, so I'm reporting this now.
  18. Can we please not argue about sniping, people will have their opinions, and others will have theirs. Lets just agree to disagree, as to the original topic, people are going to dislike things about a game, just let them. Criticism is good for a game, how else are they going to know what to fix? And as I said before, this is A GAME, it's primary purpose is fun, making everything incredibly difficult isn't going to appeal to everyone.
  19. n00battak3r found this during the opening cut scene for "five", the guns seem a little out of place with all the other "normal" weapons on the wall. He was going to post it, but had to leave, so here you go.
  20. The problem is that the sniper doesn't always know that someone is getting close to them especially when scoped. They won't have time to switch to their pistol. Thats their fault for not checking if no one is coming I'm sorry but I can't see through/around corners, so i kinda can't check if there's someone coming at all times, I do always use pistols with my snipers, and I pull it out as soon as i possibly can, but if someone pops out from around a corner, or is sitting in a room camping, then it's quicker to try to quick scope them, and as soon as i shoot i pull out my pistol in case of a hitmarker/miss.
  21. you have to press the thumbs up to the right of the person's post, the thumbs down takes away brains (used for a bad post)
  22. why would this post get 2 thumbs down? are you kidding me? she's completely right, calling it "autistic" jumps is messed up I did it on accident because I saw this after the edit. I apologize. ok, that's what I figured someone had done, i accept your apology :)
  23. I have the problem where I join a random private match, or a different gametype all the time, it is very annoying, these are the only ones I have seen or heard about however. And as I have said before, that is what patches are for, don't worry, Treyarch will fix it.
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