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Covert Gunman

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Everything posted by Covert Gunman

  1. Requirements for prestiges 7 and 8 have been tweaked slightly.
  2. It's one of those ones that other users can nominate you for. So if other users see that you are very careful about grammar or you tend to correct other user's grammar, then, if they so choose, they can nominate you for the medal. :)
  3. I think we're much closer this time to actually launching with something you'll all enjoy. There are just a few last and small tweaks to be made, then we can launch. There's also a few other small features we've thrown in which I think all of you will enjoy. Hopefully you're all as excited as I am. I do have one quick question though. Would any of you be opposed to having the avatars and user information located on the right side of posts rather than on the left like how it is now?
  4. Here's a couple new ones. The changes shown were implemented just yesterday.
  5. Here is a fantastic piece with loads of new info about Black Ops II. Go check it out in the following link, or you can view the article I have pasted below. http://kotaku.com/5906838/everything-we ... ack-ops-ii What are some things that stood out to you guys?
  6. I don't know what you guys are all on about, but I think it looks great. I definitely can not wait to see more.
  7. I posted this earlier... I kid. This was just a thread to see how people are viewing it SO FAR.
  8. Guys, all I'm going to say is to relax. Treyarch knows what they are doing.
  9. Feel free to get in contact with me. :)
  10. Huh? B-O-I-Y-Z W-Z-Q-O-H Both sets of letters have two letters in common: Z and O
  11. It's looking more and more likely that the number 23 has some sort of significance. It seems to be popping up a lot more often now in several of the images. Any speculation as to what it could be referring to?
  12. Letter's that stood out: B O I Y Z Here are the individual images Credit to Phillsphan14
  13. I almost always grab the stakeout whenever I can in a zombies game. It just works so well in the beginning rounds. But like you guys have said, it just can't hold up to some of the other weapons. I'm not so sure about the points per pellet thing, simply because it might be a bit more detailed than it really needs to be. Either they could just increase the number of points a shotgun kill receives, or like mentioned before, increase the starting ammo for shotguns.
  14. Always good to have old WaW player here on the site! Enjoy your time here. :)
  15. Welcome back, and good to have you here again! :D
  16. Good to have you here! Let us know if you ever need help with anything. There are plenty of people around who will be glad to help. :)
  17. Definitely good to have you back on the site mate, even though I've seen you around on Skype. :P
  18. Both of those things are located in the User Control Panel which can be found along the top of the forum. Along the left hand side of the page there are two tabs in particular that you are looking for. One is titled Private Messages which will allow you to send messages to any user or group on the site. There's also the Friends & Foes tab which allows you to add a user to your friends list, if you so choose. Anyway, you should check out this great guide that will show you everything you need to know about the site: viewtopic.php?f=93&t=19005
  19. Welcome to the site bud! Always good to have new users. Let us know if there's anything you might need assistance with. :)
  20. There's a particular reason as to why there wasn't a MW3 Prestige edition. ;)
  21. Liam's post is not a leak. A leak is constituted by gameplay material that has been unrighteously leaked from insider sources specifically about the game. If the developers did not want us to see something, they would not have released it. Obviously, Activision allowed for the creation and distribution of these cards, so they would have expected them to end up on the internet at some time.
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