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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/2016 in Posts

  1. Hey fellow zombie lovers, Tac here with what I believe to be an incredibly important undertaking. If you noticed the title, there’s a few things I need to point out. “They Are, They Exist” is taking a page out of the book of Rene Descartes, in which he goes through the process of doubting everything he believes in order to rebuild and find things that are absolutely true. He says that anything which can be doubted, even in the slightest, is not knowledge and therefore can not be counted. Knowledge, to him, is when it’s indubitable and can not be doubted. While I’m referring to the zombies in the title, the first piece of knowledge he finds is that he existed, which he puts as “I am, I exist”. The very goal of this thread, of this project, is to find everything about zombies that is certain and can not be doubted. This knowledge could be anything from dates to character information that are obtained in various ways, either through quotes, terminal information, and the like to create this list. I ask that you please put something that you believe we can take as absolutely certain and we will put it to the test by seeing if there’s absolutely anything that allows doubt to seep into that belief. If no such thing is found, the belief will be added, which we’d now call a fact. Remember how I said Descartes found that he existed? Well that knowledge, or absolute truth, was something that he used to build further beliefs on. We will do the same thing. Over time, we will branch out and once we find zombies knowledge, we will extend the list to things we are almost certain of, using reason and the facts. You can think of the facts as level one knowledge, in which it’s certain, and the farther out we increase, i.e. levels two, three, etc., the less certain we are of it. We, as a community can decide the cut off level as the time approaches, but let us start with level one knowledge. I want this to serve as a bibliography of sorts, and a great resource for everyone interested in the Zombies Storyline. Level One Knowledge Level Two Knowledge Level Three Knowledge Level One Knowledge Level Two Knowledge Level Three Knowledge Level One Knowledge Level Two Knowledge Level Three Knowledge
    1 point
  2. Hmmmm... you can have 3 beasts if you play solo... If you Talk about the swordaltar... after you open it the next round the signs are back in place - you can zap them but nothing happens - so to my question: how do the signs in the Windows look in beastmode? Do they change? About the purple signs(beast fire) turn Red - That's a thing i never give attention to... is there a District where are only 3 fireplaces? E.g. junction are three if you take the Starting room the one at the stamin up and downstairs in the underground The District with the ruby rabbit are 4? (2 at ruby rabbit 1 at the entrance to the District and 1 at the lion heads) Same as canals(boxing)- there are 5? the burlesque i count 3? One at the entrance 1 at the kn44 and one where you get the piece for the robot.... But if u use all 3 in one round....nothing happens right? Maybe you need the right Moment to do this...after the Quote maybe?
    1 point
  3. So I keep trying to wrap my head around why there are actually "3" different "Cocoons" you can possibly find. Wether or not that be "3" different locations or "3" ways in obtaining one. I'm starting to think it's actually just "3" different locations on the map, in which they can spawn. So I have "3" in my head, and thinking of everything to do with "3", why's this significant. _________ I seen something, going back to the screenshots I had taken of the recent patch notes, that caught my attention. Now it's been theorized the Upgrade_Ready Quote; "Zornash, Na'orujja, Zornash"at in fact be translated to, Altar, IDGUN, Altar. So as we all know of course typical "TrollArch" at its finest had to include a shit load of different Altars in Shadows, to make this that much more difficult, as if it weren't already. So how any different types are there exactly, Ritual Altar Sword Altar Beast Altar Why is this important, 1 of 2 reasons, there's a chance the "Cocoon" could spawn at one of these "3" locations, or out of the "3" only 1 is important. __________ Now with the Sword Altar, Nero has a quote upon placing the Egg back in it to the effect of, "Eggs must've been in mind during the design of this Altar." As you know we have to obtain "3" Symbols from a specific location in order to access this. We also have to use the "Beast Altar" to access it. The important part of this I believe, is figuring out what the "3" Symbols mean, as there are 9 of them, which is divisible by "3", then applying that to a specific "Beast Altar", which there happens to be 15 of which again is divisible by "3". Now the combination of the "3" Symbols we obtain on the Tram is astonishing. I have an entire sheet full of #'s 1-9, of every game I've played and obtained these "3" Symbols. Only a couple times, have I ever got the exact same #'s, Even then I'm not sure if the Windows were the same. _________ I noticed earlier while playing, after obtaining the "Upgrade_Ready" Quote, the more I used the "Apothicon Servant" upon firing, there seems to be Red mixed in with the Purple, but why. Now, going off the "3" rule, we can have a max of "3" Beast uses at any one given time, where we can use "3" different "Beast Altars" in the Same round. Those of which, turn from "Purple" to "Red". If "Noire Mode" somehow is involved, it makes sense being that once we use a "Beast Altar" we see color once again. There's a certain trigger, (I would definitely have to test further upon), which nullifies this affect, making even the Beast, Colorblind. There's also an ending to "Noire Mode" which we've yet to find. Which I think consists of "3" possible coordinates (however I can't be for sure). *I used to call them Basins, but as you can see they are indeed "Altars". *Does anyone know what this particular visual issue could be.
    1 point
  4. I'll try now and see what happens, I may even try in Reverse order.
    1 point
  5. I forgot to post this, which is what i came to post. After several games, different characters, i keep getting them to say 4 different 'worm placement' sayings, no repeats. This only happens if you set the worms in the 'flag step/keeper order'. That is, match each worm to the holder which would get that district's Keeper during the flag step. In short: take worms, one at a time, to the pap room and set them in this exact order: Standing at Trap, facing PaP, looking over Altar: Canal/Cop worm Altar right. Footlight/Dancer worm PaP right. Nero's Landing/Magician worm PaP left. Waterfront/Boxer worm Altar left. Every time that i do this, i get 4 seperate sayings. Nothing negative sounding. If you do them in a different order, you get repeat sayings on some of the worms. Not sure if this matters...
    1 point
  6. @Ragdo11706 I did look at some info regarding the eye of Ra, nothing specific I can really add but as with the scarab beetle, there are a lot of links to rebirth. That's what I found really intriguing about the scarab beetle. Not only do we have the statues in Shadows that link to this Egyptian mythology, but the amount of links to rebirth, transformation, and larvae which are incorporated in the Apothicon language/ Apothicon Servant. And also links to keepers of the underworld or 'gatekeepers'. The Scarab was seen as a way to help guide souls through the underworld and into the afterlife.
    1 point
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