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C cipher solved


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I'm having reservations, second thoughts, something in my gut.
Something doesn't feel right. I've worked with the CIA for a long time, you longer.
When I requested transfer to Requiem, I thought I knew what I was getting myself into.
I knew this dog and pony show the smoke and mirrors, but something feels different.
Sorry, this is coming via an encrypted message, but I'm just not sure who I can trust these days.
I keep noticing discrepancies, minor deviations from our stated mission.
Sure, there's nuances to any black op, we both know that all too well.
But I cant shake the feeling that there's a hidden agenda at play.
And what about our director? What's his goal? Come to think of it.
Do you know his name? Ever remember seeing it on a dossier or overheard in conversation? I couldn't tell you.
I got close to him once or who I think was him, not sure.
And you know what I heard? I heard him speaking Russian!
So I ask you... What the hell is going on here?!


Cipher type: Nihilist
Periodic key: Verdict
Solved by: Me (Richkiller) and Coldstone. 
How it was solved:
I recognized the cipher type almost immediately but I wasn't completely certain. This cipher has the beautiful property that most of the periodic keys simply don't work when trying to decipher. By looking at the set of the valid keys I got a periodic key that is somewhat equivalent to the actual one, and from there I got the plaintext, without the actual keys. Then to get the actual settings of the cipher, coldstone joined in and got the keys.
As a side-note, this is actually a very solid cipher compared to what we've seen so far in CW, requiring some cipher work (as long as the keys won't popping up in the map in one way or another). I think this was supposed to be a medium-hard cipher but we solved it fairly quickly.
@Carnage Evoker I also think someone was reading your cipher challenges from a while ago. 
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13 hours ago, RichKiller said:

@Carnage Evoker I also think someone was reading your cipher challenges from a while ago. 

I think they're getting desperate since you tend to rip through these within a few hours of a map's launch, hahaha! I sincerely hope they're not looking at my ciphers for inspiration, I tried some stupid things and messed most of them up to a degree that required my interaction to fix

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