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BLOPS 3 - Zetsubou No Shima EE complete (SPOILERS)

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Hey all, for those of you who don't know the Zetsubou No Shima Easter egg has been complete (very quickly) and seems somewhat simpler than Der Eisendrache's. 

The rest of this post will contain spoilers so I've hidden it :)


The gist of the easter egg involves:

Obtaining the wonder weapon

Obtaining the special weapon

Upgrading the special weapon

Getting rainbow bucket/water

Finding parts for and making an elevator work

Finally you have to 'fight' a thrasher type boss which is behind bars (disapointing). Am I the only one who didn't want to see a boss fight at the end? Also I'm very unclear as to if the huge trasher at the end is Takeo mutated?


Does anyone have any thoughts/updates on this?

Edited by AntBirch90
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I haven't experienced it myself as I have an Xbox one but it's seen it from start to finish and it's very disappointed and the boss fight looks easy compared to Der Eisendrache. My explanation above was the 'gist' of the Easter egg like I said so it's not a guide in any way it's just a this is basically what happens. Yes there's loads of videos of the ending and now even the boss fight. If you want to see Takeo's fate then YouTube it :) Finally, yes it's doable on solo. 

Edited by AntBirch90
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12 minutes ago, Smok3y said:

I only want to know one thing.

is it soloable !?!? 



17 minutes ago, Tac said:

I don't feel that this is at all disappointing, personally. Loving how fast it all is getting done.

Not me. We've solved a lot of the ciphers and figured out the entire easter egg in 24 hours. Remember we aren't getting another map until July... Sure there's plenty of other questions to ask, but all in all, I feel like this map could use a little more content that MEANS something. 

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Cheers for the response mocking, appreciated.

maybe there are a lot of unsolved smaller side quests that will add more lore in this map, kinda like the plunger but with a bit more intrigue or info attached. Either way looking forward to playing it next month. 

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46 minutes ago, AntBirch90 said:

Kind of sucks that Xbox has to wait for dlc for 1 whole month. I'm excited to play this map now but sadly don't own a PS4 ... Damn exclusive deals

Actually it's a bit better really. Now we get excited halfway through the DLC releases. We didn't care at all when the DLC released on PS way back when, it was just about a month and a half of boredom before the next DLC info dropped. (not that we didn't care about the PS guys) 

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10 hours ago, Stop Mocking Me0 said:

Actually it's a bit better really. Now we get excited halfway through the DLC releases. We didn't care at all when the DLC released on PS way back when, it was just about a month and a half of boredom before the next DLC info dropped. (not that we didn't care about the PS guys) 

I didn't like it when either consoles receives dlc later than the other. It ruins it for me as I like to me amongst those searching for Easter eggs which are all found by the time we get the dlc now.

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