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Apothicon Servant Quest, in relation to the Placement of, "Gateworms"! *Updated*

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"A place for everything and everything in its place. Even WORMS"!

"For every "Key" there is a "Lock", hmm A Lock."

~ Nero B.


* Update 2 *



I would like to propose to you guys, an idea I've recently had. The "Transference of Energy", if you will. So what I'm thinking is this. When we place the "Gateworms" in the PaP chamber, they begin "Emitting a Beam of Energy". 

Now we know once we acquire the, "Apothicon Egg", upon filling it results in the "Zombies Energy", being absorbed. So what if all this "Different" energy needs to be "Transferred". 

For instance, when I place down the first "Gateworm", resulting in no "X" appearing. I immediately go to the corresponding areas statue and begin filling the "Apothicon Egg". Once completed, go place another Gateworm, and repeat.

Not too dissimilar, what if we need to fill the "Apothicon Egg" in a single location first, then grab that Districts Gateworm, and place it in the PaP Chamber. Pretty interesting nonetheless. I'll see what I can come up with.


So I made a post at the end of the Thread, but decided to go ahead and add it to the O.P. since it appears to be relatively important, pertaining to the O.P. in its entirety.

So I ran 5 games consecutively, running each of them, "Exactly" the same. In 4 of the 5 attempts, the result was the same. Upon placing the First "Gateworm" in the PaP chamber, the Big Red "X" did not appear, possibly meaning, something was done "Correctly". Every time was the same "Gateworm". The fourth one in our inventory, Waterfront District. 

This also leads to the "Fire" that surrounds the Gateworms, turning "Purple" as opposed to a mixture of "Blue & Red", like normal.


Now, onto the "Final" game I ran. In this game, I followed everything "Exactly" the same, as the Previous 4. However Once I placed the First "Gateworm", immediately the Big Red "X" covered the Symbol.

Ok, so then it was indeed a "Glitch" and I've disproved my own "Theory". Well not exactly. See in this game, I got myself into a "Sticky" situation. Being that I don't run with Quick Revive, I had two options. Use the "Apothicon Servant" or "Die". 

I went ahead and took a "Chance" being that was my only option, other than certain Death. As soon as I fired the "Apothicon Servant" the "Upgrade_Ready" Audio Que was Triggered. It was at this moment, I knew I had fucked up. I continued to the end of the Round, where I could begin placing the "Gateworms". 

The result was the Big Red "X". So completing certain tasks, before you get the "Upgrade_Ready" Quote, may be Important. One thing I will point out, for future reference, as well it's good to know. Once you've built the "Apothicon Servant" as long as you never Shoot it, resulting in us actually "Feeding" it. The "Upgrade_Ready" Audio Que, shouldn't Trigger.



~ Ragdoll 




* Update *

So I just wanted to give an update real fast. I'm currently paused in-game, where I've created this same thing for the "Third" Consecutive game (safe to say it's not a "Glitch"). I don't know.

However, what I do know. Once I activate the PaP "Altar", upon completion, the Big Red "X" appears on the Symbol. Furthermore, the "Purple" fire surrounding the "Gateworms" also disappears. Turning back to the "Blue/Red" fire surrounding them, you normally see.

What I believe is happening here, pertaining to the Quote, "For Every "Key" there is a "Lock", A LOCK." I believe this statement relates directly to the "Summoning Key". Now each of the "Rituals" Highlights a different "Symbol" on the "Summoning Key".

I believe each "Symbol" has a "Lock" or certain "Task" we must perform in-game, before we are to complete the "Rituals". These could be anything from, Upgrading the Lil' Arines, Upgrading the Trip-Mines, Upgrading the Shield, etc.. etc..

Well I believe I've achieved "Waterfront Districts" Lock, if you will. Thus why I'm not getting the Big Red "X" when I place it. However, once the PaP Ritual is completed, because I'm missing the other "Locks", this results in the "X" appearing. It would also explain why the fire surrounding the "Gateworms" go from "Purple" to the usual "Blue/Red". I'd be willing to bet, if we had all the "Locks" completed, the fire would stay "Purple", possibly resulting in the "Blue/Purple PaP Swirl".

Something I did notice, that may be of importance. I noticed on the Waterfront District Altar, when picking up the Gateworm, the Altar is full of water. I also achieved this in the Junction at Neros Altar, as well as the PaP Altar. However, the Ruby Rabbit Altar and the Black Lace Altar were bone dry.

This would explain why only the "Waterfront Gateworm" didn't have the "X". The second Gateworm placed is the Canal Districts, being that I hadn't completed whatever task was needed for the "Lock" for this District, resulted in failing. Thus, why we see Big Red "X" marks, meaning "Incorrect" (God only knows, I got enough of them in high school).

So I ask anyone who reads this, that attempts to recreate it, or not. When your picking up your "Gateworm" look in the Altar & see if its full of water or bone dry. If it does happen to have water in it, try to remember any tasks you completed beforehand, or write them down as you go along. 

And just remember,

"A place for everything, and everything in its place, even Worms!"


~ Ragdoll ~




* Original *

So yesterday (1/19/2016) I had something rather "Odd" happen to me, I wasn't sure what to make of it, I asked a few respected members opinions, and they responded with, "It's more than likely a "Glitch". However, is there any way you can try to replicate it". 

So me being me, sure why NOT. All I've got to do, is play another game, and run it the "Exact" same way. Upon doing so, this in fact gave me the "Exact" same results. That of which being this; 


Now as you can see, I have placed the 4 "Gateworms", however the first one I placed did not get the Big Red "X". This is not the only thing that changed however, I'll get into that a bit later. 

Before we get started let me walk you through "Exactly" what I've done in two seperate games now, both having the same result. So grab some "Popcorn", kick-back, relax & enjoy the ride.


So it begins, reading through various Threads yesterday, I stumbled upon one in which, @Schrödinger had mentioned the "Summoning Key" let off a particular "Glow" during different "Rituals". Already in-game, quickly I ran over to where the "Summoning Key" rests awaiting the inevitable, for us to come along and pick it up.

As I back away, I notice a particular "Glow" I had seen mentioned, here. Upon further investigation, the Symbol giving off this strange "Glow", was none other than "Servant". Immediately, I'm reminded of another Symbol that has a very similar effect, "Apothicon" located at the center of the PaP wall, that eventually breaks.

After this revelation, I decided I wasn't going to complete a single "Ritual" (Apothicon) nor was I going to pick up the "Summoning Key" (Servant). Until once I had finally acquired the parts needed to build, (yup you guessed it) The "Apothicon Servant".


However, that's not the only thing that I "Carried Out" during this particular game. Progressing through the Rounds, upon picking up any "Ritual Item", immediately I would place them at there corresponding "Altar". I did in fact do these in a particular order, that of which being;

  • Footlight District

  • Junction/Rift

  • Canal District

  • Waterfront District


Now I'm not saying this matters, all I'm doing, is being as accurate in my recollection of events of the past two games, as possible. So at this point all of the "Ritual Items" have been placed at there corresponding "Altar" & I've yet to pick up the "Summoning Key".


Now in my opinion, this is the most "Important" part of the entire Thread. Once the Items were placed at there corresponding "Altar", I was definitely NOT holding the "Summoning Key", and I left the "Sword Altar/Chamber" Closed. 

I continued by progressing through the Rounds, until I acquired all the parts needed in building, the "Apothicon Servant". I didn't actually build it right then, instead I waited. I waited until an "Elemental/Parasite" Round, where "Maggie" (Margwa) spawned in. Once I devoured all the "Meatballs", leaving only "Maggie" & "Parasites". I swiftly made my way over to the "Footlight District" and built the "Apothicon Servant".

The entire time "Maggie's" right there breathing down my neck, I never shot her in the face, furthermore I never once fired (feed) the "Apothicon Servant". I started the Rituals in the same order in which the Items were placed;

  • Footlight District

  • Junction/Rift

  • Canal District

  • Waterfront District


In each of the Rituals, I had the "Apothicon Servant" equipped upon activation & completion. As well as "Maggie" & her 3 heads, breathing down my back. 

Except this time upon completion of each Ritual, I left the "Gateworm", I did NOT pick them up. Once I completed the final Ritual, in this case the "Waterfront District". I began collecting the "Gateworms" in Reverse order;

  • Waterfront District

  • Canal District

  • Junction/Rift

  • Footlight District

Once I gathered the final "Gateworm" I made my way towards PaP, still holding the "Apothicon Servant", as well as "Maggie" still breathing down my neck. When I entered, I placed the first "Gateworm" in the Front Right "Altar/Basin" upon entering. This one is the one in which the Big Red "X" does NOT appear on. 


Another thing I noticed once I finished placing the "Gateworms" is the fire that surrounds them, is actually "Purple" now, instead of the usual Blue/Red flames.

A quick side note, both times I managed to complete all of that, without once ever receiving the, "Upgrade_Ready" Quote. In the first game I screwed up and ended the Round and ended up getting the Quote the following Round. Once I completed the PaP Ritual, the fire surrounding the "Gateworms" had changed back to normal. 

In the game I'm currently playing, I have it paused, about to activate the PaP Ritual.


This is the second game, where I was able to replicate that which happened in the first.



Now the first game I didn't really think about it until after the fact, but I made sure to get a shot of the "Purple" fire surrounding the "Gateworms" (it's a lot more noticeable in-game). I've got another image, but my attachment Que is at 99% and I'm not aware of how to clear it.


This image is the "Altar" in which I placed the "First/Correct" Gateworm in. The "Purple" flames are a little more Clear. You can see the Two "Blue Streams" from the outer 2 "Gateworms" as well as the Bridge to the right of the image.



"For every "Key" there is a "Lock", A LOCK!"




Thanx to @83457 for his opinion on this.

As well as @Nightmare Voyager for his opinion, as well as helping me with a name for the Post, because I had no clue.


~ Ragdoll ~

Edited by Ragdo11706
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@Nightmare Voyager

Unfortunately, when I unpaused the game "Maggie" got the best of me. I knew I should've ran with Q.R. Ohh well you live & learn I suppose. I started another game, I'm just waiting on "Maggie" to spawn in, then I'll begin the Rituals. 

@83457 How ironic would it be if the Quote, "For every Key, there is a Lock....A Lock". Actually means, the "Gateworms" are the Key, and I've just discovered the first step of 4, being the Waterfront District "Key". 

Really it makes sense though if you think about it. Before we complete the Rituals there's a "Chain of Events" we must set in motion. Figuring out what links to each individual one, is going to be the hard part.


I would imagine Lil' Arnies would be part of it, as well as the Devil-O-Doughnuts , & possible the Sword as well. As I haven't touched on any of those in the last few games.

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I forgot to mention this in the OP.

Now I'm not particularly sure, how common knowledge this is, being that I play Solo, (not by choice btw) while Escorting "Maggie's" Long-Winded ass, I realised something. That of which quite frankly, I had no idea was even a thing. Especially given the fact I'm normally all for turning those 3 faces into Parasites. Quick, fast, & in a hurry!

When I finally began to complete the Rituals, I noticed upon completion of the Second Ritual and of the Fourth Ritual, no other "Maggie's" spawned in the map. I'm taking it the reasoning for such an occurrence, is because I already had one without a "Head/Face" Missing.

Nonetheless, this may not be "Important" for anything in particular. It just struck me as "Odd". Like damn you really do learn something "New" everyday.

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On that last part, that's been patched online.

You can take a one-eyed one in to pap, do the ritual, then no margwa will spawn either.

Ovum steps too. Or maybe you get only one if you have one, and should be getting 2. 

Again, this is all patched for us onliners.

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Do u mean parasite = zombie? Because in your picture there is a zombie not the wesp you weite about. ..

1 Maggie Alive = 1 sign without a cross


So 2 Maggie = 2 signs? ....

Maybe place the Worms when 4 Maggie Alive? No problem if u Play Co... maybe it's Worth a try? 

So maybe a cross means u "lost" the worm and did something "wrong"...

Another pic where the pap is Active would be nice and Shown that u Placed all 4... because if u don't Pick the Worms up it didnt cross if u know what I mean? The pictures don't Show that u Placed all 4 or even Pick it up... i'm Sorry but I want to be secure... u can pause the game and make a picture that is Not the Problem(ps4) in Single-play... just saying the picture tell another story...

Edited by Nieno69
Very Bad english
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9 hours ago, Nieno69 said:

Do u mean parasite = zombie? Because in your picture there is a zombie not the wesp you weite about. ..

1 Maggie Alive = 1 sign without a cross


So 2 Maggie = 2 signs? ....

Maybe place the Worms when 4 Maggie Alive? No problem if u Play Co... maybe it's Worth a try? 

So maybe a cross means u "lost" the worm and did something "wrong"...

Another pic where the pap is Active would be nice and Shown that u Placed all 4... because if u don't Pick the Worms up it didnt cross if u know what I mean? The pictures don't Show that u Placed all 4 or even Pick it up... i'm Sorry but I want to be secure... u can pause the game and make a picture that is Not the Problem(ps4) in Single-play... just saying the picture tell another story...

This is true, but to be fair, if you play Solo, you will in fact notice the "First" worm you place is "ALWAYS" the Waterfront District, or the 4th Gateworm (the one that didn't have the Big Red "X").

This I have confirmed a while ago, as well as other members here have confirmed this same thing. I'll get a better image really fast.

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First, i still think it's just an inventory glitch.

Second, i will happily be wrong about the first.

Third, i never save a margwa, yet often get a missing X symbol. So you could rule out saving the first margwa through everything. I also get it doing early pap, before round 10, so you don't have to have the AS or wait many rounds for a missing X. I'm not saying this to discourage, but to keep you away from unnecessary steps of this process, if it is more than a glitch. Also, i only ever see 1 missing X, because if how it glitches. Show me 2 or 3, and I'll drink the koolaid with you.


Side stuff: the red circles no longer go off if you kill with a nonpap weapon after pap, when the circles light up. This was changed. Not related to above, but you know how i was riled up over them red circles.


I saw the GQ Cthulu critters video and she gave you a shout out. Yer mah heero! Har. But that's cool, none the less.

But, I almost stopped the video after the third 'meeeeethos', in lieu of mythos.

I'm sorry that I'm a grammar person, I try to avoid being the Nazi type, but 'meethos' is not a word. Myth-ohs is normal, my-thohs is acceptable, meethohs isn't a word at all. Please pass this on to her.

She did so much damage to the community with her 'gwanash' is 'zornash' and 'margwa' is 'marza' gaffe, that i still have to facepalm regularly, and my face and palm are getting chafed.

Now there will be legion puppets saying 'meethohs' because she doesn't consult a dictionary, and neither will they.

She's cool, i like the majority of her stuff a lot, I'm not dissing her, but the damage she's done is real. :)

Remember all the illiterates saying 'get the leaper', in Extinction?

Leper, pronounced 'lepper', is never pronounced leaper. From the word leprosy.

/end grammar lesson.

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Haha. You crack me up. Yea I will pass it on. The "Meethos" had me like, uhh WTF. But yea, I gave her a majority of this information about a month ago, maybe a little longer. If you look at my past profile updates, you can see. My cover image is of the "Apothicon Servant" inspiration. My previous Profile Picture, was literally the face from the "Mystery Box".

Although I did think it was just a little fucked up, how she waited to do the "Shout Out" at the end of the Video. When most of the time she does it at the beginning. Just made it seem as if she was acting like she found all this shit, when in reality it was handed to her on a "Silver Platter" (or in this case, I slid in them DMs on Twitter). Either way regardless, this wasn't the first time, I gave her information, that she benefited from, significantly



In regards to the OP, I still feel like this is definitely "Something". Maybe, not even the "X" being missing. Although I thought you said it happened to you when placing them down fast, as I literally just walk in and place it in the Front Right Altar every time.

In 3 consecutive games I've waited to complete the Rituals until after I've built the "Apothicon Servant". Left the "Gateworms", picked them up in the Opposite order in which they were completed, and every time I've gotten the exact same result. No "X" on the "Waterfront Gateworm". As well as the "Gateworms" being surrounded by a "Purple" flame instead of "Blue/Red" flame. Seems like much more than a "Glitch" to me. I'm going to try and get a picture of the "Normal" Gateworms Flame compared to the "Purple" one. Also whats the deal with water in some of the Ritual Altars, but not all.



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1 hour ago, Dr.Z said:

DAMN Ragdo, you stay putting in work! 10 points to slytherin with those dm skills I see you! (Sorry that this isn't SOE related, I'm just pumped that you got in glitching queen's dm's)


Haha! I have been "Grinding" the F**k out of Shadows, in all honesty, I do this with pretty much every map. Once I finally hit Round 100, normally that's a wrap. With the exception of "Shangri-La" my favorite map, Round 84, & CotD my least favorite map, Round 50.

Yea, the day I seen this Pop up on my Twitter Feed. I was like, "OHHH SHITTTT"


She's really down to earth. Super dope chick, I thoroughly enjoy talking to her and going over different theories and seeing what we come up with. Did I mention the fact she's smokin'.....


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She's really together for a youngen. Her and our own BlindBusDrivr have done the most for helping me figure out the Apothicon language.

I'm jealous of all the custom zombie maps that she gets to check out.


On no X: always that waterfront one.

What i meant by 'placing them fast' was in regards to the worm holders by the pap, i drop one immediately after the other and tend to get the 'no X', but that may just be coincidence.

Hmmmm. There is more to this map. So far, the languages have been useless, there must be something they're there for. It can't just be 'we made up our own language just so we could write "zombie head gather" on everything in sight for no reason'.

Please don't be TranZit²...


Sadly, this week i can't get past round 20 without derping to death. I've had no time and no game.

I'll be snowed in this weekend. Sounds like zombies to me. Must gather heads...

Edited by 83457
They're not their
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Yea, in 4 consecutive games now, running the exact same way, no Big Red "X" on the "Waterfront District Gateworn".


So I've got an "Idear" that I'm getting ready to try out. Basically it goes something like this.

It's all about the "Transference" of "Energy". So what I'm thinking, do everything up to placing the "Waterfront Gateworm", no Big Red"X". Now his time instead of immediately placing all the rest, boom. grab that, "Apothicon Egg" & take that sumbitch straight to the Waterfront District, & "Fill" it with "Energy".

While the "Gateworm" is expunging all that "Energy" into the PaP. The "Blue Energy Beam" that hits the PaP stone. Same color "Blue" as the "Apothicon Egg". Once completed, pick it up, go place the next "Gateworm" and repeat. Should be interesting to say the least.

:: Mind-Officially-Blown ::


Will add to OP. Sometime....

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Great stuff as always @Ragdo11706


I have tried doing the rituals in various orders, different rounds and while using various weapons and tacticals but I just cannot keep up with the trigger sounds due to my (expensive) headset deciding to stop working after just 3 months so have to rely on listening to the TV audio which sucks when you have a lot going on in game.


Anyway, love reading what you and @83457 have been posting on this possible upgrade. You guys are really putting some work in here. Bravo gentlemen.

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DBZ, put effects on 8, voice on 10, and music 5 (or off), that helps to hear the voices.

I'm more concerned with effects on game now, because the voices haven't gotten us anywhere.

We need:

1. Confirmation from treyarch that they definitely didn't siht the bed on this upgrade. Make it clear that it is in the game or being fixed.

2. Fill that head counter on the swords. It's the only clear avenue that we have.

3. Solve mysteries: missing inventory X, confirmation sound while killing keepers at Black Lace during the ritual, coin sounds, why 2 Trip Mine upgrades (?), purple symbols in 360 black lace altar (if anything, they've dropped stuff from 360, but this is clearly added, so why?).


At Ragdoll: i just realized that you, playing offline with version, must have the speed zombie loads, right? Where windows vomit out a stream of zombies at once? That was hilarious/easy/annoying all in one. I would have all the zombies behind me, then cross into another district, and they would all disappear and then get vomitted out of the nearest window. 

When it didn't randomly freeze, it was fun. I might have to delete the updates and play like that again some day. At least I could upgrade the apothicon servant without waiting for Trollarch to fix their game. I have no faith in their abilities.

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Ok so I just quit the game I was testing this out on, because when I placed the First "Gateworm", I got a Big Red "X". 

However, not so fast. I ended up getting myself into a predicament, where I ultimately either Die, from playing without Q.R. or take my "Chances" and Shoot the "Apothicon Servant". Which leads to "Feeding" the Apothicon Servant, which normally leads to 1 of 3 "Upgrade_Ready" Quotes. 

I went ahead and took my "Chance", if I don't get the Audio Que, great. Unfortunately at that moment, Ragdoll knew he was Fucked. As once I shot the gun, indeed the "Upgrade_Ready" Audio Que beast Triggered. Pause, EndGame, Que "Forest Cutscene".


In 5 consecutive games, only one of them resulted in the Fourth "Gateworm" receiving a Big Red "X". Now in 4 of these 5 games, the "Upgrade_Ready" Audio Que, was never triggered. In this past game where I did receive, "Upgrade_Ready" Audio Que. The Big Red "X" appeared Immediately, just like normal. 

Not Having and having the "Upgrade_Ready" Audio Que Trigger, was the only difference between the games. I kind of did this just to see if it would indeed affect the outcome, as I suspected it would. Indeed it did, which makes this that much harder.



Yeah, haha. This is indeed correct. I can have an entire hoard of 24 Zombies chasing me, and with my sensitivity on 12-14, do a 360, and everyone of them will respawn. So damn irritating. Especially how fast they "Bitch Smack" you. The Keepers, are pure Savages.

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Those speed loads were easy, if annoying sometimes. And funny to watch.


Last night, finally had some play time.

Nero, opened Nero's, opened waterfront for bk round 1. Then opened footlight for jugger. Then opened canal. Did train, got egg. Completed all rituals on 10, including pap; Nero's, Anvil, RR, BL, in that order. First worm dropped was altar right, it took the canal worm (first in inventory, third ritual done), no X. Dropped the other 3 worms, still no canal X until pap was done. I think this is the first time I've gotten a left (inventory) X.

After pap 2(!) Margwa spawned in. The round ended during the ritual. They seemed to take longer than usual to spawn, then began to spawn as i crossed from Footlight to Junction, and a second spawned in. Now, it's probably just a round 11 margwa + pap ritual margwa, but the late spawn seemed weird; the pap one does spawn late, but why would the round 11 margwa wait until over a minute into the round? Would pap delay his spawn too?

I had egg (subway statue done), bk, krm-262, weevil (random box hit), trip mines DO upgraded, jugger, dt2, SU, QR, at the time.

Make of that what you will. I hope it helps with your theory.

Happy gaming! I'm snowed in, so hopefully I'll put some work in.


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Ok, so a quick update real fast. So its round 28, and I finally upgraded the Lil Arnies' & acquired the Margwa Mask. I went ahead and gathered the "Gateworms". Upon picking up the first one "Waterfront" I noticed the Badge "Flashing" in the top left corner. So I continued gathering the rest. 

Once I acquired all 4 "Gateworms" I then made my way to the PaP Chamber. I placed the First one as usual, it was the "Waterfront" in the front right Basin. So I made my way to the Left side of the room, placed that "Gateworm", no "X". Finished placing the other two. 

Now the weird part is, the "Gateworms" weren't "Purple" how hey usually are when I get no "X" on the Waterfront "Gateworm. The only reason I can imagine why, that wasn't the first one I placed down. Why would there be a difference in the "Fire" surrounding the "Gateworms", if there were nothing else.

Other than that I'm at a loss. I know normally when I do the Rituals I'm holding the "Apothicon Servant" as in this game. However, when I picked up the "Gateworms" in this game, I no longer had the "Apothicon Servant". Whereas normally I'm holding the "Apothicon Servant" when I acquire the "Gateworms", therefore that could've messed something up.


Another thing I've noticed in this game, that I've made mention of before. When it pertains to placing the "Apothicon Servant" in the Mystery Box, then not receiving it again. When I first acquired it, immediately I bought the Vesper (don't think that matters) off the wall, so I wouldn't trigger the "Upgrade_Ready" Quote. 

Since then I've spent at least 100k on the box, not once have I seen it. So I'm not sure what I'm missing here, I know in the Coding it mentions,

IDGUN_quest remove_IDGUN_from_box

My only guess would be since I didn't trigger the "Upgrade_Ready" Quote before I got rid of it, that could've possibly started the IDGUN_Quest. I know if I've already received the "Upgrade_Ready" Quote, I always get the "Apothicon Servant" back from the Mystery Box.

Just wanted to go ahead and mention what I think is going on. Seems like quite a bit left to discover in this map. Mainly regarding once you've built the "Apothicon Servant",  played a while without triggering the "Upgrade_Ready" Quote, and achieving certain tasks.

Not really sure, further testing to be done. Until then happy hunting.

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On worm placement: the worms set down in a seemingly random order for me every time.

That's my issue with them; that there is no set pattern that i can find. If i use the same character, do rituals in the same order, place worms at the same pedestals, in the same order, yet they come out of inventory in different orders. I've even done eggs statues in the same order to rule that out.

I figured there would be a set order, or an order for each character, but no. It varies every game on 360 and/or because of the updates.

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7 minutes ago, 83457 said:

On worm placement: the worms set down in a seemingly random order for me every time.

That's my issue with them; that there is no set pattern that i can find. If i use the same character, do rituals in the same order, place worms at the same pedestals, in the same order, yet they come out of inventory in different orders. I've even done eggs statues in the same order to rule that out.

I figured there would be a set order, or an order for each character, but no. It varies every game on 360 and/or because of the updates.

It very well could be because of updates, however I cannot answer that 100%. Being that I play on the original build the game was shipped with. The only question then why on Xbone or this build it goes 4,1,2,3. 

Hadn't you said in the past, that the Waterfront was indeed the first one you were placing down every time. That means they've changed this through an update, and means while playing on solo we do in fact need to leave all 4, collect them one at a time, and place them. 

This would also explain why the 4th "Gateworm" (Waterfront) doesn't get an "X" and the "Gateworms" appear "Purple" because this is"Correct". If this is NOT the case, than I have no idea. Still none of this explains the difference in color of Fire surrounding the Gateworms.

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On 'no X':

Try this: after you pick up the last ritual item, but before you place the last one, look at inventory and allow the flashing icon to finish flashing.

See if that stops the 'no X'.

Items flash in inventory. If you don't look for a while, the last item only will flash, when you do look. The game holds that 'flashing icon' in memory, but instead of looking, we replace that saved 'flashing icon' cue with a worm icon. Then, once the worm icon is removed, the X is superseded by the 'flashing icon' cue.

Sometimes i can catch the icon still flashing, after i set the worm, then there is no X.

It will always be the last ritual item that has this glitch. No matter the order.

I'm fairly certain this is correct, but check it out and i will too.

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3 hours ago, 83457 said:

On 'no X':

Try this: after you pick up the last ritual item, but before you place the last one, look at inventory and allow the flashing icon to finish flashing.

See if that stops the 'no X'.

Items flash in inventory. If you don't look for a while, the last item only will flash, when you do look. The game holds that 'flashing icon' in memory, but instead of looking, we replace that saved 'flashing icon' cue with a worm icon. Then, once the worm icon is removed, the X is superseded by the 'flashing icon' cue.

Sometimes i can catch the icon still flashing, after i set the worm, then there is no X.

It will always be the last ritual item that has this glitch. No matter the order.

I'm fairly certain this is correct, but check it out and i will too.

You may very well be correct, I noticed this just a minute ago. Still I don't understand the differentiating of color, regarding the "Fire" surrounding the "Gateworms". Also why would me doing nothing different as I had in 4 previous games, other than getting the "Upgrade_Ready" Audio Que, make the "X" appear immediately. 

If this is indeed a "Glitch", F**K Treyarch & Tranzit 2.0....

Fix your F*****G Game. You've had 3+ years now. 



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