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What could next-gen Zombies actually offer?

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so as I'm sitting here, I'm pondering, what could they actually do with the next gen consoles, that they cannot to with current gen?


There was a rumour (that may well be true, I'm not 100%) that TranZit only had the fog because there wasn't enough ram to give everything a decent texture, and keep the game running smooth.


So in future zombies, would we have an equivalent fog-free TranZit?

Could the number of zombies per train be increased dramatically? Double perhaps? 48 solo, 96 4 player?


What else can they add?


Obviously no G spawn errors would be nice.


Could they have multiple leaderboards for things separate from rounds? (such as challenges)


Could they create a non-moddable system?


Could we have a map with many maps in in? (remember at the beginning of Bo2 there was speculation at the navcards. There were ideas that you'd be able to play many maps in one go, being able to teleport to a different map.)


I've Wonder waffled enough. What is actually achievable? 

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It sounds to me like every single thing you mentioned would be feasable on the next gen hardware.


I think the main gameplay aspect should be the same, maybe with some tweaks to spawns,zombies on map at one time, etc. etc. but basically the same



I think the main improvements we'll see are from a functionality and graphical stand point.


functionality meaning more precision and less glitches/errors and graphical meaning, spectacular visual effects from wonder weapons, map environments, etc.

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They could do such things as a fog free tranzit, but why bother? We've already shown we dislike the size of the maps if they have no actual content in between. 


They'll also likely expand the customization of zombies and ranking system/leader boards. 




So expect bigger or same-size maps, 

more things to do outside of gameplay

more maps in general (likely will still be 6 main with multitude of bonus maps) 


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There was a rumour (that may well be true, I'm not 100%) that TranZit only had the fog because there wasn't enough ram to give everything a decent texture, and keep the game running smooth.

Fog was added because of the horrible draw distance of the map. The horrible texture quality is part engine part hardware fault. (mostly engine)


So in future zombies, would we have an equivalent fog-free TranZit?

hard to say.


Could the number of zombies per train be increased dramatically? Double perhaps? 48 solo, 96 4 player?

Very plausible.


Obviously no G spawn errors would be nice.

Engine problem, not hardware.


Could they create a non-moddable system?

Engine related. Even with a completely new engine and drastic security measures, people will always find a way to mod or hack the system. Not Treyarch's fault.

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Ok to be honest I don't expect too drastic of stuff yet. but i could be wrong. Go look at cod 4 or some of the classic arcade games. Look at how crazy the change is from those games to the ones on xbox 360 now. They will not use the hardware to its full potential in its first year being out...they have to make it last them 5 or more years down the road. I'm not saying that it's right, just the way it is. So honestly what I expect is...


-2 maps to start (likely one with new four, one with original perhaps? or maybe spinoff like five)

-48 Zombies on the map at a time

-A proper ranking system.

-Big maps with nice textures, but not tranzit size.

-Grief and a few other modes in the maps.


Thats it. I highly doubt we will make this huge epic jump to next gen as, activision does not want to put its best show out, then have to make games for the next 4 years that try to one-up this one. 

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