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I've been sitting back on this since I haven't done the Side Mission first-hand yet. But I just wanted to reaffirm what Shooter said.

To call Maxis evil is to subjugate everything Maxis has done up to this point. You're ignoring his goals, his purpose, for the sake of classification and justification alone.

EDIT: Also, Maxis never lied. He said he'd rid the world of the undead. Just turns out the not dead too.

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I've been waiting for someone to use the old "its like getting bit and taking fate in your own hands" line, now let me tell you why maxis screws that argument. The real statement maxis is giving is more like this "the apocalypse is coming, everyone might as well kill themselves now without even trying to survive." Think about it, with richtofen you get life and still have the option of get bit kill yourself. Maxis gives you 0 options.

And if speculation on the future could make out maxis to still be "good" ( gonna start using this term loosely), by notactually blowing up earth and everyone in it a second time, then who's to say someone won't come along who'll be smart enough to match wits with richtofen and stop him completely? If you choose richs side and live, who knows if another *real* hero won't come along?

Sorry bud but you guys are talking about siding with the guy who would kill everything for his daughter, there must be a word for that kind of crazy. I feel it's more maxis vendetta against rich and his using getting Sam back as his justification.

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Sorry bud but you guys are talking about siding with the guy who would kill everything for his daughter, there must be a word for that kind of crazy. I feel it's more maxis vendetta against rich and his using getting Sam back as his justification.

Maxis may be selfish and hellbent on saving his daughter and getting revenge on Richtofen, but these things do not make him "evil" (especially when compared to Richtofen's action.)

I'm glad you agree that Maxis isn't just doing this to be evil. That was the point I was trying to make. Richtofen has malicious intent, Maxis does not.

You can say Maxis is just as bad as Richtofen, but your reasoning is flawed.

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Maxis is still worse than rich, his intent could be called holy if you will. Look at the crusades, Christians went around massacring everyone who didn't accept our religion, and anyway you spin it that was evil. The intent was good though (to save peoples souls, etc). For the last time its the motive vs the result. Motive wise maxis, but the end result will forever paint maxis as the villain and by comparison make richtofen look like a good guy.

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I've been sitting back on this since I haven't done the Side Mission first-hand yet. But I just wanted to reaffirm what Shooter said.

To call Maxis evil is to subjugate everything Maxis has done up to this point. You're ignoring his goals, his purpose, for the sake of classification and justification alone.

EDIT: Also, Maxis never lied. He said he'd rid the world of the undead. Just turns out the not dead too.

He actually does lie. Immediately in Buried he says he'll heal the word, turns out he's going to destroy it to get his daughter back.

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