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Chopper's 10 step NML program.

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1 - have realistic goals, this will save you controllers, tvs, cats, girlfriends etc.

If you have never hit 100 don't have a goal of 150, it leads to too much frustration. Baby steps are important.

These steps are almost goals.

2 - learn a consistent yet slow PAP method.

3 - learn to kite the whole area of NML with pistols out, don't worry about shooting.

4 - learn to get Juggs from using the PAD.

5 - complete a game on the PAD, you are now above 200 kills.

If you try too copy what you see in various YT videos before doing this you are in for a long and painful road. I've been on that road, it sucks.

6 - speed up the PAP first, move onto a different method. I'd go with Super's hybrid.

7 - after getting pistols kite the entire hoard, make sure you have them all. Work on finding a good spot to shot one bullet and continue a circle until you recover, then shoot the other one. Do this twice you have Juggs pretty much.

8 - get pistols and Juggs, get a hoard and then spend some time in the side drop and back swamp. You want to learn mainly how dogs can react to your movements, and where they can trap you in these areas. Learn this in the relative peace of a full hoard, with no pressure to kill them quickly.

9 - use 6, 7 and 8 together to complete a game in either the back drop or side. You should be getting closer to 300 now.

10 - 2 things left to learn, the rush PAP strategy and becoming quicker between pistols and juggs. For the rush watch my PAPs, I'm probably averaging around 50 kills and guns in on 86 seconds. This can go as high as 57 for me, and I know Mato has done 60.

Use 10 with 8 and you are as far along as talk can take you. It's all about frustration, tears and practise now.

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This is very easy to follow, and I really like what you've done here with the "don't imitate YouTube" warning.

Guys, this is the program I used when No Man's Land first came out. I remember that Chopper was doing his amazing thing, pulling off crazy times with low kills.

You do not have to shoot for the crazy times. I took it really slowly and beat our NML Champ here to 250 kills. :D

If that's what you're going for, a nice, solid 250, then take it slow initially, and then begin to pick it up. Not rushing the game gives you more time to make calculated decisions and still lets you hit that 300 kill game with enough practice.

Take your time to PAP. Don't rush; don't feel pressured to get a 90 second PAP with 45 kills, just try to get the pistols and take your time. If you're over 3 minutes before you're PAP, you should restart, but anything less than that, then you can take your time and get a nice 200 kill score to build confidence like Chopper's said.

Listen to this man. He's been where we've all been and he's risen to the top, the World Record PAP holder. Great work man.

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Very practical guide. Thanks gentlemen.

Sometimes it depends on the player, I somehow cannot execute Pad strategy, but can run around by PAP.

Advice from a noob: don't go out of character, do what you are comfortable with.

Practice practice practice.

This is good advice Jay. The only thing is to really make serious improvements you will at some point have to go out of character. But first find something that works for you, and work on your confidence.

I don't know if this will help you but I struggle with my confidence from time to time. This was from last night -

[00] Chopper Nator: its drving me crazy got 247 with 17 + 12 left on side drop and still dont know how i downed. not confident in my controller and it's making me play differently :(

[00] Eye (Paolo): aw man :(

[00] Eye (Paolo): I hate games like that man!

[00] Eye (Paolo): That would have been a very nice game you think?

[00] Eye (Paolo): Least a 325

[00] Eye (Paolo): Before I got my new controller, those things would happen

[00] Chopper Nator: i dont know matw tbh it's been a while since i completed a game. i died on 7 minutes in that game

[00] Eye (Paolo): Maybe you should just complete a game?

[00] Eye (Paolo): No matter the score, just take it easy and get that confidence

[00] Eye (Paolo): Probably a 290-310 for you

[00] Chopper Nator: i need a 300

[00] Eye (Paolo): The go do that!

[00] Eye (Paolo): It's not difficult as I thought before

[00] Eye (Paolo): With the spawn control, I may have used it before I even knew what it was!

[00] Eye (Paolo): I attributed it to luck, now I realize, that isn't so

[01] Chopper Nator: thanks mate 305

[01] Chopper Nator: 307 died with 4 left

[02] Eye (Paolo): nice work once again

[02] Eye (Paolo): so feeling better now?

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Very practical guide. Thanks gentlemen.

Sometimes it depends on the player, I somehow cannot execute Pad strategy, but can run around by PAP.

Advice from a noob: don't go out of character, do what you are comfortable with.

Practice practice practice.

This is true... to an extent, you will need to try another strategy at some point (ex. Pad to back pool) in order to broden your skills.

My advice: learn from your mistakes. there will always be another jugg, or another fast spawn. If you die knifing dont sweat it, try a different tactic next time.

Its how we get better ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very practical guide. Thanks gentlemen.

Sometimes it depends on the player, I somehow cannot execute Pad strategy, but can run around by PAP.

Advice from a noob: don't go out of character, do what you are comfortable with.

Practice practice practice.

This is good advice Jay. The only thing is to really make serious improvements you will at some point have to go out of character. But first find something that works for you, and work on your confidence.

I don't know if this will help you but I struggle with my confidence from time to time. This was from last night -

[00] Chopper Nator: its drving me crazy got 247 with 17 + 12 left on side drop and still dont know how i downed. not confident in my controller and it's making me play differently :(

[00] Eye (Paolo): aw man :(

[00] Eye (Paolo): I hate games like that man!

[00] Eye (Paolo): That would have been a very nice game you think?

[00] Eye (Paolo): Least a 325

[00] Eye (Paolo): Before I got my new controller, those things would happen

[00] Chopper Nator: i dont know matw tbh it's been a while since i completed a game. i died on 7 minutes in that game

[00] Eye (Paolo): Maybe you should just complete a game?

[00] Eye (Paolo): No matter the score, just take it easy and get that confidence

[00] Eye (Paolo): Probably a 290-310 for you

[00] Chopper Nator: i need a 300

[00] Eye (Paolo): The go do that!

[00] Eye (Paolo): It's not difficult as I thought before

[00] Eye (Paolo): With the spawn control, I may have used it before I even knew what it was!

[00] Eye (Paolo): I attributed it to luck, now I realize, that isn't so

[01] Chopper Nator: thanks mate 305

[01] Chopper Nator: 307 died with 4 left

[02] Eye (Paolo): nice work once again

[02] Eye (Paolo): so feeling better now?

Never saw this! Glad to see Skype penetrates into the forum.

Really though, I pulled out three 290 games before my 312, and it really helps your confidence. Even if you take 2 minutes to PAP and then up until 3:30 to get Jugg, it's okay, as long as you complete a game and get over the 250 kills. For me at least. It's a great confidence booster. I'm sure Hands will tell us all that he completed a bunch of games before his final run.

Chopper has obviously, and it's always nice to get a solid resume of games to go along with your one high score. 8-)

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