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Please Treyarch, PLEASE no more of these errors...

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So I just needed to come on here and have a little vent, after yet ANOTHER potential solo run to 100 was just cut short.

So I was playing Moon for several hours today using my recently discovered Recieveing Bay strategy.

Round 33 I went down, I had to kill a glitched astro at 31 and at 33 he blocked my path as he spawned, but after getting back up from a QR I recovered pretty easily (that's the great thing about this strategy, you almost never have to use the teleporter so you can pretty much set it up so that Juggernog will be there for you the next time you teleport).

All went swimmingly 'til round 52, was out of ammo, threw a few Gersch Devices. Dropped something off the last one, but the astro also glitched out on me, tried to kill it with the M&S but it was too strong to do it quickly enough. Went to the dome, no ammo, flopped for about 10 minutes, dropped a Firesale and lead the glitched astronaut away, came back and hacked it to a Max Ammo. Killed the astro, finished the round in the dome and went back to my spawn strategy. Awesome recovery.

All was going very smoothly again, was getting my hacked Ammos without a hitch, was on round 63 getting ready to call it a day to continue towards round 100 tomorrow.

Then I can't quite believe what I'm seeing... this:


Really, Treyarch? You've robbed me again? Really???

Why the hell was it even trying to connect to Activision Matchmaking anyways???

Please make sure these stupid errors all of us high rounders have to experence over and over are not present in your next game guys, I'd really appreciate it. It is your duty to your paying customers after all.


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My biggest request for the next Treyarch game, is to simply fix all the errors and glitches that plague this game. I don't really care for new stuff as much I want all the broken parts of the game to be fixed.

Moon is by far my favorite map, but I've completely given up on going for a high round ever again. It's just not even worth trying anymore. Every time some heart-breaking glitch happens beyond my control, that just completely ruins my otherwise perfect game.

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My biggest request for the next Treyarch game, is to simply fix all the errors and glitches that plague this game. I don't really care for new stuff as much I want all the broken parts of the game to be fixed.

This. The more features Treyarch spend time on implementing, the less time they'll have to properly test and correct these errors. I'd rather have a simple, flawless game than one with lots of features that's likely to screw up a good game in various ways, allow glitchers to cheat their way to a good place on the leaderboards, waste my time trying to find a decent game on their terrible servers... could just go on...

I guess I'm kind of lucky I play on PC and have the game on my hard drive in digital format - as much as I love this game, if I was on a console, I'd be inclined to rip the game out of the disk tray, urinate on it and send it to Treyarch in an envelope filled with my cat's feces.

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I guess I'm kind of lucky I play on PC and have the game on my hard drive in digital format - as much as I love this game, if I was on a console, I'd be inclined to rip the game out of the disk tray, urinate on it and send it to Treyarch in an envelope filled with my cat's feces.

Then you are a bit.... extreme. It's not all that bad on the console.

I feel for you, though. Spending god knows how many hours only to glitch out is just awful.

Just have to wonder, why do you do the high rounds, anyways? They're kind of... boring. I won't judge :)

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You know, it's inexcusable. Really, it is.

There was a study that found a single Playstation 3 contains more power than the computers that dictated the Apollo missions in the 60's and 70's. For the most part, those missions were a complete success.

And we can't prevent errors from happening? With all that energy—so much compacted in one spot that, for most of the people that have ever lived, it could be described as well, indescribable—and we seriously can't go 10 hours without games crashing? REALLY? We can talk to people across the world, we can go into space, we can destroy entire towns, entire cities, entire populations with just a turn of a key and a press of a button, but we can't make a video game that is durable?


That's what I want to know.

It's a load of crap. And it's disappointing. It is truly disappointing. I'm just... wow.

Sorry, dude. I've found high rounds don't really rely on your skill, they rely on how long your system can hold out. Let's just get through the next 6 months, then our focus will turn to the new game. :)

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I think I should say here that alot of gliches are simply caused by the fact that the Xbox and PS3 Hardware isn't developed to handle all of the stress of high rounds, hopefully for BO2 they can optimize things somehow.

However, for PC errors, I'm not sure what the problem is with that, PC's should be fine to handle higher rounds easier.

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I guess I'm kind of lucky I play on PC and have the game on my hard drive in digital format - as much as I love this game, if I was on a console, I'd be inclined to rip the game out of the disk tray, urinate on it and send it to Treyarch in an envelope filled with my cat's feces.

Then you are a bit.... extreme. It's not all that bad on the console.

I feel for you, though. Spending god knows how many hours only to glitch out is just awful.

Just have to wonder, why do you do the high rounds, anyways? They're kind of... boring. I won't judge :)

You misunderstand me I think mate - I weren't slating just the console versions of the game, I mean these errors are present on all version of the game, I was stating that I don't have a disc for the game as it's in digital format through Steam. If I did have a disk, I would be tempted to cover it in mine and my cat's bodily waste to send it to Treyarch in hope that they'll get the message.

As for why I go to high rounds... yes, it can be tedious. But if I didn't like doing it, I wouldn't ;) I'm driven enough to keep going to get a good score for personal gratification. It's a goal of mine to reach 100 on as many maps as I can before the next game comes out, although my last 3 attempts have been foiled by poor programming (Der Riese at round 92, Verruckt at 88 and now Moon at 63).

Anyways, to get back on topic... if this was any other product, things would be different. If it was a car that kept going wrong, the customers would not stand for it. If it was a TV that kept switching itself off, the customers would take it back for a refund. Yet, video game developers get away with it. It's an incomplete product, we wait and wait hoping each problem will be fixed in the next patch, yet they seem to concentrate more on fixing exploit-type glitches rather than fixing the things that really screw up your games.

I think I should say here that alot of gliches are simply caused by the fact that the Xbox and PS3 Hardware isn't developed to handle all of the stress of high rounds, hopefully for BO2 they can optimize things somehow.

However, for PC errors, I'm not sure what the problem is with that, PC's should be fine to handle higher rounds easier.

This proves exactly my point, it's all down to poor programming. Maybe Treyarch should hire skilled players as a test team; I'd jump at the chance to get paid to go for high round runs to see what errors creep in at round 60+ :lol:

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Ok, you do realize youre using steam, one of the most unreliable, unkempt, uncaring corporations EVER, second don't criticize trey arch, they actually put effort into their games unlike the dunces at bungie, sledgehammer or ValvE.

(60+ on pc on all maps, wow, I'm actually shocked)

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I will be honest i and say i don't really understand this

I don't have cod on pc and can only share my experience on Xbox

If your signed into live and for whatever reason there is a disconnection

from the xlsp gateway it will boot you out of the game

I don't know what that error code is but there could be many reasons

of why you got booted and there are other reasons outside the game

or even the network itself

The internet is not infallible and just because your internet

doesn't disconnect doesn't mean that the server or pc/router

wont timeout and boot you

I'm not saying this is what happened and im not saying your wrong

or i know better as i more than likely know less than most

What i am saying is sometimes it is impossible to trace a fault let alone

pinpoint the source

I don't know much about testing or bugs but i imagine to find a bug

then you need to be able to recreate it and know the steps to have

a starting point to trace and fault find an error

I can see two initial problems with zombies even in a console

(for standardization) closed monitored network environment

1.Its an endless wave game there is no end

only HW/SW breakdown or human error/fatigue

2.The Variables of the environment are endless, is it even possible

to recreate and test everyone many times that can be calculated

within the game?

Now i will agree with Strwrsbob and say that current console tech

could be a little outdated but lets be honest if a nextgen console arrived

on are doorsteps tomorrow we would still find fault at some point however

small and want improvement that is just human nature and the inability

to know everything

But i personally believe that network infrastructure is a

bigger problem when it is involved

Here in the UK is interesting i mean you could say that the UK network

needed major work before it was privatized and broken up and that

reinvestment never really happened like it should of done and even

today the government is pouring money in where it can

If i traced my line though the junctions down to the exchange

i imagine i could find some components that are older than me and then some

Now saying that you could live right next to a ISP with the best

fiber optic connection which is next to a platform gateway an

connecting with an approved router on a standardized console

and it still times out even though you had decreased the margin of error

Now in the UK you could draw a 100 mile radius and the quality

of connections within that area is frankly unbelievable

And you could have two connections roughly the same distance/ping

and BW and have a garbage connection and a good connection

I haven't even mentioned connecting to other countries

Now you could say dedicated servers could help solve some

of these problems but they are not a win/win situation

For a start you have to regionalise servers which maybe not be

a problem in the US if everyone wants to play with US players

or suffer having a lower response time by playing on a server outside the us

Here in Europe it can cause more problems because of population numbers

and language barriers

If it is a dedicated server and that is where the game is run from,

how does splitscreen/solo/LAN work ?

Does this mean two separate engines?

Also there are questions about how and if platform OS tools are integrated

when not within a p2p platform network

Dedicated servers also cost resources and these would need to be found

from somewhere and it seems to me you would have to reinvest in tech

that is already established and working

P2p has a lot longer life you can still play old p2p games online

but it is not the same story for dedicated

Now I'm going to talk about elite because i think its relevant as they way

i see it the reason for it was to add some features that you would get

from dedicated servers but keep within a p2p network

Most people (including me) liked the fact you had some basic stats for

zombies with waw and missed them in BO

Now from what i can understand the freedom to integrate servers

within p2p console networks was limited

This is changing but it will take time and resources

Saying the waw system was overloaded is an understatement to say the least

If we want the game to progress we have to accept change

Ok elite had its problems and lead time was probably allot

shorter than the developers desired but it was released and proto typed

It was a move forward

The fact is they have split the stats from the game and added

new features and this has to be accounted for as new features increase

use and extra infrastructure is needed

Moving towards networking clans was another needed feature

because general matchmaking doesn't work for all players and

there needed to be some sort of system because of the

anarchy within the community

This feature is optional

Security is another issue the more features added the more places

can be attacked again more people and infrastructure required

and major gripe of most players is security

The more that can be shifted external to the platform network that allows

more features in the game but doesn't impose departmentalization

problems the better

The zombie map because of its nature, more than likely takes more

production time and resources than all four MP maps

Add the fact (i may be wrong) but i see game companies constantly

trying to recruit giving me the feeling the required skills are not

meeting demand of expansion

Now the way i see it is either we have elite or we have less features

Now i do not pretend to know anything about these issues

and all what i said could be wrong but i leave it open with as much

understanding as i can

I may be wrong but just owning a product and throwing it

back at its creator and expecting it to be fixed and returned

in a new version without any fair constructive feedback seems wrong

If this was the general attitude with open source or custom maps

then nothing would be developed that thought outside the box

and rate of refinement would be retarded

I might feel different if 3arc was telling me this is the best it could be

and i will never have any issues ever but this is not the case

I'm going to loop back to how this started and talk about high rounds

Now in the Waw zombie days i did a few solo high rounds i enjoyed it

but there is a cut off point for me and it seemed as though i was in

a race for mainly endurance and a game that was once fun was

starting to feel like work as after a point there wasn't much change

Black ops arrived and i played a lot of Kino it was a good map

it didn't feel to different circuits got smaller eventually i figured

out you could just run round the turret and only need to buy skullcrusher ammo

I liked playing five but the exploits put a lot of players off

and it was difficult to get a decent game

A lot of players couldn't grasp the concept of moving down

to the four windows as fast as possible and holding that area

Also that you could control when the PT spawns and kill him

easy the first 2 or three times just with claymores

When ascension was announced and it said it was in B&W

at the start i didn't even dl it (its a great map btw)

I bought cotd and i liked it but its a map that grows on you

but in playing it solo i found i killed the buzz

I worked out you could kill George with flopper on the ramp

And at that point i was thinking when will that end where will this lead

and how many cl*ster***** solo games am i going to have to play

to reach my goal whatever that was

At that time i had a bad net connection and cut my line and dropped

zombies like a hot potato

It was 3arcs fault for failing with the maps and they had ruined

zombies by stupid mistakes

I was wrong

The end of the day the game is driven from the community when

the community fails so does the game

I will use five for an example

If players didn't use exploits there wouldn't have been bad feeling

If players just played the map and didn't worry about players

using exploits there wouldn't have been bad feeling

Maybe if this bad feeling wasn't there then this map wouldn't

have been shunned and more players would get use to change

I mean that seems to be problem in general we don't like change

But without change the game stagnates and it gets boring

Now in no way am i saying that you shouldn't do high rounds

or downgrading them in any way(i actually like the content that is driven by it)

but the game is mainly about coop

The main reason i started playing solo was to learn circuits

and find the quickest way to kill zombies so i could transfer it to coop

This thinking seems semi redundant now

Now the problem is that a lot of players don't seem to be advancing

because they do not like change and this prevents the developers

from cranking the difficulty up and players who like the challenge get bored

I mean Im looking at the BO's map playlist on Xbox live 16000 people

9000 of them are playing Kino

So all i can gather from this is the more experienced players want it

to stay in its current form and all dev time spent on refinement

and the general player population want the safe waw static style maps

If they had stuck with this line of thinking then maps like shangri la and

moon would have never been made or NML or new weapons or objects

And i have yet to hear a good explanation of the astro on moon being

a glitch not that i wont accept it isn't

But think about it if that didn't happen the map would be even easier

and you would get bored even quicker

Didn't the head being blown off and the zombie still walking start life off as a bug

Teddy may be a liar but the biggest liar is us to ourselves because

we only see/hear what we want to and that goes for me to

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The internet is not infallible and just because your internet

doesn't disconnect doesn't mean that the server or pc/router

wont timeout and boot you

This doesn't happen on PC. Even if you're signed in and you suddenly completely lose your internet connection, you'll simply go into offline mode on Steam, it won't kick you out of a solo game. So it had nothing to do with connections, it was an error.

There's no getting away from the fact that the coding in the 60+ rounds in this game is poor, any consistent high rounds player will tell you this.

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No one checked and pulled the cable on xbox

Im a liar it doesnt reset your game

So its possible the game had a fatal error in code for an unknown reason

Would it still try to connect to steam for end of game stats as you still have a shell to display the error or would it fail?

Just saying its not all clear to me it may be my ignorance or miseducation or misinterpretation

I think there should be more focus on the more exciting side of zombies ie running and gunning destroying everything in your path playstyle like in nml

You may have converted me i might start playing on the pc again

I would be insane to say i dont want 3arc to make sure the game never crashes

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