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~Inception~ (Discussion thread)


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Alright folks, we have yet another TWO more players on board, Eddiethehead, and Faust have submitted their profiles and the have been added to the main thread. ;)

Oh this is going to get complicated, like Heroes all over again! :D I can't wait!

This gives me a chance to post again, I'm thinking that more and more Victors becoming some sort of masterminded courier :P Bringing them all together ;)

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Wholly-moly! That's 10 players now! I seriously didn't think it would've got this many people, and it even still might grow.

Perhaps Rob and Faustus can meet up with Eric/Erich and Maximus? Than Victor maybe? That makes two groups of five! Than when we meet up, it'll be a crowd haha!

I have a feeling Victor and Faustus will get along fine. :lol:

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EDIT: Read Faust's bio; Is this finally a character who is on the bad guys side? As his bio and power (fear manipulation - not so good against zombies, but very good against Alex and the others ;)) I think Victor may come acroos him sooner or later, but untill I know Fausts intentions on which side he's on I don't want to change anything!

SECOND EDIT: @ Rissole, I'm not sure as I said above whose side Faust is on, and Victor is not returning to anyone he has already met untill they call/need for his help (i.e. at the next location)

All I ask is that they (as in Eric (and possibly Max) and the original 5) are all together when they need his help (they don't need to call either, merely get into a bit of a pickle). ;)

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Keep in mind folks, not everyone necessarily HAS to meet up right away, we can have a few lone wolf characters for a bit if anyone so desires to. Also, as far as Good and Evil goes, it's always completely up to you where your character actually goes. For an example, even those who are already in the group or have met up with any of the others, we all basically just met still, things can go the wrong way or have an unexpected twist, just like they do on TV series haha so, you just never know! :)

Edit: IF everyone does meet up, I do like the sounds of Rissole's idea. Since so far, those characters are a lot more dark and mysterious, it leads to two different kinds of groups. ;)

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@Rissole: In regards to Tia, I was thinking somewhere along the lines of that she soon discovers, just how she can heal wounds, in absolute anger or frustration and when her power is at its fullest, she can also absorb the pain all the pain she has taken away by healing people, and inflict them into a person all at once.

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Looks like my bio is good to go, and I must say I am looking forward to playing with you fine gentlemen.

Great, hope to see your writing style :P Firsly though, care to comment on this?:

Is this finally a character who is on the bad guys side? As his bio and power (fear manipulation - not so good against zombies, but very good against Alex and the others) I think Victor may come across him sooner or later, but untill I know Fausts intentions on which side he's on I don't want to change anything!

Just so I can create a meeting with your character :D Obviously after you've made your first post however!

And nice post from afro!|Really clever idea to explain how he was abandoned at the facility and why :D As well as bringing in some internal conflict.

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What did you mean, "Alex and the others." Is he the leader or is he not part of the group?

Plus, I like the psycho duo idea. :twisted:

Alex and the others; as Alex would be more affected by fear manipulation than the others, his mind is fragile, he's already had a knocking from Voice, and he's unstable, just a young man/teenager while the others are much more experienced (i.e. Kasady) or older, oh and the fact he's insane :D

I thought that you'd propably like to take that approach judging by you're style, but I might be wrong ;)

Remember this is only if Faust says he's not on our side :P

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Stay on topic.

I'm against the idea of being around people, and instead of becoming a helpful distortionist, I'll take the path of destruction. Once I learn how to distort light and dark, I'll be a dangerous force, but I won't care about anyone except myself. Whether we're on the same team or not, is yet to be determined. :twisted:

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Stay on topic.

I'm against the idea of being around people, and instead of becoming a helpful distortionist, I'll take the path of destruction. Once I learn how to distort light and dark, I'll be a dangerous force, but I won't care about anyone except myself. Whether we're on the same team or not, is yet to be determined. :twisted:

So your character (Max) will be unaligned and will pretty much be working towards an individual goal rather than helping others?

Sounds great :)

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I like that, allready the point I was making with my character's apathy was that he was seperate and had sepereate motivations and aims, working to keep things in the universe working while observing events, yet as this is such an important event he gives them as much info as he deems necessary and will try to keep them alive (although only becuase it makes his aims easier - let them fix the problem they cuased :)) Due to the fact he is apathetic he won't do much anyway, as you have seen he's also got other things to do as the grand architect of bringing everything (or shall I say, everyone?) together :D

I feel like this would get cluttered with 10 characters together, so any other groups would be cool, adding not only space but a deeper plot and rivals to face :D That is the main reason why I'm quizzing faust, I want to know what he is planning with his character (also not having to post anything I'm pretty bored and posting a lot here!)

EDIT: forgot to mention, although most know, that Victor will eventually work wit hthe group, due to bonding (he hasn't had much chance to bond with people - especially those emotions Hellhound :D ) yet he's still got other jobs to do and so probavbly will vanish (a plot device mostly, as to not be a Deus Ex Machina with his powers.)

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