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Earth totally not destroyed


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Richtofen doesn't control the zombies

Didn't Samantha and Richtofen switch places specifically so that Richtofen could control the zombies? Wasn't that his Grand Scheme?

samantha didn't control the zombies either. Why would she? What is the connection between the aether and control over the zombies, exactly? Maxis had been building his undead army, with progress in mind control over them, long before Richtofen made his journey through the teleporter or Sam was trapped in the aether.

The zombies were always Maxis's deal. Not Richtofen's, not sam's. Richtofen's plans are the opposite, he delights in zombie destruction and seems more inclined to see them all destroyed.

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Area 51, Nevada USA/Griffin Station, Moon. Unknown date. Presumably modern time.

Richtofen and the crew are immediately teleported from Shangri La to Area 51 (via the focusing stone) right in the middle of an outbreak. Sirens begin to go off and the zombies begin to rush the gang. They take the teleporter to Griffin Station where Richtofen will complete his grand scheme. The gang finds the Artifact Richtofen was looking for, and fill the first tank up with zombie souls. Richtofen inserts the Golden Rod/Focusing Stone into the computer and attempts to power it with Vril. During the process, Dr. Maxis comes across an intercom and attempts to foil Dr. Richtofen's plans. Richtofen overrides the systems and powers the Vril Generator (Golden Rod/Focusing Stone). He brings it back to the Vril Pyramid and now fills four tanks with souls. Afterwards, he inserts the Vril Generator and Samantha and Richtofen switch places. Samantha is now in Richtofen's body and Richtofen is now in Aether, controlling the zombies. After the switch, a message from Dr. Maxis plays on the intercom. Maxis states that if the crew frees him, he can minimize the damage Richtofen will cause. They help Dr. Maxis launch three rockets from Griffin Station, which targets and destroys Earth, potentially killing all of Richtofen's zombie slaves.

*Powering up the 4 tubes*

Richtofen: "Good, now quickly power up the machine!"

All tubes are filled

Richtofen: "Quick everyone get here, finally we can confront that little brat."

*The M.P.D opens*

Richtofen: "Hello Samantha, you little brat. Your time is coming, soon. (Laughs) SO SOON!."

*Richtofen at the computer*

Richtofen: "Yes! This is all going according to plan!"

Richtofen starts typing on keyboard


Richtofen: "What is it that brought this obsession with American women? All they do is play games! No matter… Time to charge up the Kassimir Mechanism... carry the one..." (Continues typing on key board)

Computer screens turns green


Screen turns red

Dr. Maxis: (interrupts) "ACCESS DENIED... Richtofen..."

Richtofen: "What is happening? Scanning for haxors (hackers)." (Continues typing.)

Dr. Maxis: "You fool! I should never have trusted you!"

Richtofen: "Maxis… How on earth did you get into the machine!? No matter." (Continues typing)

Dr. Maxis: "I know what you are up to and I will not allow you to succeed!"

Richtofen: "You should never have kept the DG-2 from production, you should have never have tried to steal the plans for the MDT!"

Dr. Maxis: "Stop the madness Edward; we were supposed to help the human condition, not destroy it."

Richtofen: "Indeed, and now you are dead (said in mocking tone). And your little girl is going to be next... ahh... She is the source of madness! Ahh... Not I."

Dr. Maxis: "She is just a little girl Edward! She doesn't even know what she is doing!"

Richtofen: "And, delete. Goodbye, Dr. Maxis."

Screens turns green again


Richtofen grabs the charged Vril Generator.

Richtofen: "It's Mine! Finally It's Mine!"

*Blowing Up the Earth*

Maxis: "I have finished the calculations. Launch protocol initiated. Launch in 5...4...3...2...1..."

3 missiles are launched from the Moon.

Maxis: "30 seconds to impact."

(30 seconds later the missiles hit Earth) Maxis begins to laugh.

Dempsey: (while Maxis laughs) "Holy hell, I hope we didn't screw that up."

Dempsey: "Oh... That's It? Seriously? All that work and all we did is blow up the Earth? What the fuck...?"

Takeo: "I promise to destroy every last remnant of Group 935! I will destroy them all!"

Samantha: "But I want my body back! And I will destroy that evil Richtofen for taking daddy away!"

This is a highly analyzed section of a very large thread and yet, TacticalInsertion and the author himself have agreed that this is probably the best explanation for what happened regarding the Moon events. Simply put, Richtofen controls the zombies that Samantha used to control. Dr. Maxis was trying to stop that. He tried to destroy the earth in order to kill off some, if not all, of the zombies.

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Ehjookayted, what exactly is the point you are trying to get across? I did not really understand. You posted the dialogue, but did not really seem to state what it meant... are you supporting Earth being covered in 115 dust? Or is it missing a chunk? Do you support Richtofen and Sam controlling zombies? Or was it always and it still is Maxis?

*EDIT: Okay your update helps. I can perhaps go with maybe the Earth is not destroyed, but I do not think I can see any plausible evidence to state that Sam nor Richtofen Control/controlled, the zombies.

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This is a highly analyzed section of a very large thread and yet, TacticalInsertion and the author himself have agreed that this is probably the best explanation for what happened regarding the Moon events. Simply put, Richtofen controls the zombies that Samantha used to control. Dr. Maxis was trying to stop that. He tried to destroy the earth in order to kill off some, if not all, of the zombies.

maxis's manical laughter certainly makes me think otherwise. As does Takeo's vow to destroy 935; if earth was destroyed that would be a kind of dumb thing to say

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This is true. I'm sure we all know that the general consensus is that Richtofen now controls the zombies. However, I do agree that the earth is not totally destroyed. Finally, if you can show that it's been Maxis all along: mad respect to you. That would be a great plot twist and would also make sense.

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can't prove it, but it doesn't make any sense for Sam to control them. She was dropping powerups to counteract her own efforts. Richtofen has never showed any interest in controlling the undead from the beginning and was against Maxis's efforts to create the army to begin with. His efforts to develop the teleporter and beginnings of his grand scheme were before maxis's zombies really existed.

I cannot think of any reasons for Richtofen to want to control the undead.

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can't prove it, but it doesn't make any sense for Sam to control them. She was dropping powerups to counteract her own efforts. Richtofen has never showed any interest in controlling the undead from the beginning and was against Maxis's efforts to create the army to begin with.

I cannot think of any reasons for Richtofen to want to control the undead.

Guilt probably manipulated Sam into dropping power ups, richtofen will likely drop them to manipulate the group as pieces of his game....

And by the way: hmmmm how can I rule the world? Hmmmm a perfectly good mass horde of the undead that the voices in my head are (likely) telling me to take control over, oh and look at this a little girl is controlling them? Nah I can't use this to control the world, that'd be stupid.... :facepalm:

I do like the amount of research you two are putting into this, however. :D

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I still do not believe it, based on the zombies change in eye color which is directly related to the soul swap. The zombie's eye color seems to signify that some change has taken place with the zombies, and the MPD soul swap would seem to show that the change is the person/entity in control of the zombies.

However, it is interesting to think that the only really destructive points to your theory all occur within the Moon Easter Egg, further more only directly around the part in which Richtofen charges up the MPD and then swaps souls. However as it is direct statements versus maniacal laughter I still have to go with my prior beliefs.

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I still do not believe it, based on the zombies change in eye color which is directly related to the soul swap. The zombie's eye color seems to signify that some change has taken place with the zombies, and the MPD soul swap would seem to show that the change is the person/entity in control of the zombies.

Some change, yes. What that change is, no idea.

Guilt probably manipulated Sam into dropping power ups, richtofen will likely drop them to manipulate the group as pieces of his game....

guilt from what?

And by the way: hmmmm how can I rule the world? Hmmmm a perfectly good mass horde of the undead that the voices in my head are (likely) telling me to take control over, oh and look at this a little girl is controlling them? Nah I can't use this to control the world, that'd be stupid....

But he works for the illuminati, and I still have never seen the zombie hordes as part of any of Richtofen's plans, or experiments. Richtofen wanted to return to the aether, but he wasn't the only one. Someone scrawled all over the walls in Nacht, Verruckt, Der Reise and Kino, and it wasn't him.

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You know if you think about it, here is a way Aegis's alternate theory could work.

Sam never controlled zombies, she controlled power ups, and controlled the box. Samantha was getting tired of being shoved off by her father and saw what he was becoming. Upon being teleported at Der Riese, Samantha went to the moon and entered the MPD where she gained control over the power ups and the box, the more mystical elements of the game, and Maxis, somehow had his soul split, upon being shot on moon, his soul some how entered the aether and part of it resided in griffin station and then used Sam and the connection she had to ever further extent and controlled the zombies using her as a transmitter.

Sam was horrified at what her father had become and then she began to drop power ups to help the group kill the zombies. Now Richtofen comes to the moon base, and "deletes" her father and Sam is upset at how Richtofen helped Maxis with the 115 research which ended up fueling Maxis's evil desires, and then upon "deleting" maxis, Samantha freaks out because she now believes her father is dead, and even though she was trying to stop him in the first place, what daughter would want her father to be killed?

Richtofen, out of some form of twisted mindset, wanted to control the zombies himself and thought Sam was doing all of it (based on his surprise of maxis talking to him through the computer) so he had his soul swapped. Now being much more strong willed than Sam Richtofen could control the zombies, and over powered Maxis's grip (hence Eye color change). Maxis decided to enact his back up plan. If he wasnt going to control the zombies, no one will. So he convinced the crew to activate the rockets and then blew up the earth. Now Richtofen would be very upset by this point, perhaps this could distract him and weaken his control of Maxis's army. As a result he found him self being used as a sort of channel for Maxis, the same way he used Samantha. Richtofen lashes out by helping the team with Power ups the way Sam did. Sam believes her father is dead and Richtofen is in control so she swears revenge on him, and Takeo just must have finally pieced together that 935 is jsut awful, and decided he has nothing better to do than fight them at this point.

So that is my alternate theory on how the storyline takes place, with specific attention towards the relationship between Richtofen, Maxis, Sam, and the Zombies.

There is my best shot at trying to piece it together from this alternate viewpoint Aegis.

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Honestly, I just always figured Samantha and now Richtofen left these power-ups to 'toy' with their victims. It was a game to them, and they didn't think they would survive, so they would have fun with them and give them false hope before they died. Obviously that didn't go to plan.

I also figured Samantha was in control of the zombies, but not during Nacht der Untoten or Verruckt. This is where I believe the Demonic Announcer comes in. He is essentially Lucifer/The Devil, and controls the zombies during Nacht der Untoten and Verruckt. When Samantha goes into the MPD, she has control of them from Shi No Numa onwards, but not as much as DA. The connection between them I'm uncertain off, but I think it either he controlled her at times, or gave her a power she could draw from. Perhaps he is the reason she, and now Richtofen can control the horde?

I could go for far longer but I would be getting off-topic. That's my opinion anyway. But what Mega just said, about his alternate theory to yours Aegis, I can actually see that being it.

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I'm just add what I have to say into this discussion:

First off, YES, nukes can do that. Nowadays, an ICBM like the Soyuz can carry many warheads. You see, nukes are not used 1 per missile any more, that was in the Hiroshima days. Now nuclear missiles have several nuclear warheads in the rocket fairing programmed to break off and spread to hit different targets. So three packet nukes could easily create a hole in the atmosphere and destroy most of north america and europe. That's what we were all afraid of.

And What Maxis did, was not to spread 115, it was to destroy the earth if Richtofen was able to access Sam's power. Sam had been saving the world from creating devastating weapons with 115 by using the zombies, while Richtofen would use the undead to make him the ruler of the world. Maxis could not allow this so he programmed the rockets to launch so there would be no earth for Richtofen to control, ultimate sacrifice.

And the only ground breaking proof we have that earth can still support life is the fact we went back to area 51. Maxis, used to rockets to destroy kill all major populations.

One consequence of this, leaves Richtofen with almost an entire earth of the undead. BUT, there's nobody to control, just drooling zombies.

Leaves the story open for some BIG twists and turns and epicness b)

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That may be the mainstream idea, and I personally agree with it, but you cam always find ways to make the facts say interesting things. Sadly this thread appears to be dying.

Well it's pretty mainstream because it is backed the most by the evidence we have.

I hope it doesn't die, it's probably the largest description of the subject that we have. My only question with virtually no hint are, what were Maxis's targets? We know he wanted to destroy the earth's population greatly so Richtofen would have almost nobody to rule over, but where did he hit.

My best bid was he hit the largest capitals in the world to have as big of an effect as possible on Earth's population.

Imagine playing in Zombie Paris now after it's been nuked, and in a radiation suit. It could give a whole new edge to game.

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