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Robert McNamara quote about the Moon.


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I was playing zombies on Five today and upon putting a 12 gauge shell into a zombies forehead i hear McNamara says "To the moon with you zombie!"

So obviously Moon and Five take place at the same time!

Also that means that it's a US operation (Obvious because of Area 51 but just bonus confirmation)

It also means that the zombies were around before Five took place (Obvious because of the time in which Der Riese took place)

It's starting to look a lot like Five may play more importance than we thought :o

Don't wanna get off topic tho, but maybe our heroes from Five were having a meeting about escaping the zombies, or ridding them forever? That explains the rocket on Ascension and why they were calling, and Maybe CotD just shows that the infection really was spread throughout the world.


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I am in full support of this idea!

In the video for Five, they were all consulting basically what had happened in campaign, then the zombies struck. Right away the characters were all like 'zombies!' blah blah, but they spoke in an almost not too surprised of a way. Like a 'ive heard of this and it was bound to happen eventually' type of thing.

I like to think that it was a double jointed meeting. To talk about the catastrophe that almost happened, then to consult ablut the zombie onslaught.

Edit: I'd give you brains if I could but it's been too soon since I've last given 'em out. Remind me to later! Like an I.O.U :P

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Well, I do like this, but I have heard that Ascension and FIVE take place at the same time, and if this is true, Moon cannot be at the same time as FIVE.

BUT! I honestly think that at that time, they knew Zombies were on the Moon (maybe they were trying to get to the moon so fast to stop the vastly growing Zombie population?)

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Well, I do like this, but I have heard that Ascension and FIVE take place at the same time, and if this is true, Moon cannot be at the same time as FIVE.

BUT! I honestly think that at that time, they knew Zombies were on the Moon (maybe they were trying to get to the moon so fast to stop the vastly growing Zombie population?)

Why can't they be at the same time?

If you can time travel can't you technically be in 2 or more places at the same time?

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I always assumed that quote was a reference to the late 1950's show The Honeymooners. You know, that infamous line "Bang, zoom, straight to the moon!" They were around the same time period so that just always made sense to me.

This is a another possibility though.

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Well, I do like this, but I have heard that Ascension and FIVE take place at the same time, and if this is true, Moon cannot be at the same time as FIVE.

BUT! I honestly think that at that time, they knew Zombies were on the Moon (maybe they were trying to get to the moon so fast to stop the vastly growing Zombie population?)

Why can't they be at the same time?

If you can time travel can't you technically be in 2 or more places at the same time?

they havent actually traveled into the past aside from shangri la. but aside from that only future travel has been achieved.

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Well, I do like this, but I have heard that Ascension and FIVE take place at the same time, and if this is true, Moon cannot be at the same time as FIVE.

BUT! I honestly think that at that time, they knew Zombies were on the Moon (maybe they were trying to get to the moon so fast to stop the vastly growing Zombie population?)

Why can't they be at the same time?

If you can time travel can't you technically be in 2 or more places at the same time?

they havent actually traveled into the past aside from shangri la. but aside from that only future travel has been achieved.

Yeah but everyone is saying 3arc went above and beyond to finish the storyline off. And i never meant at the same exact time i meant in the same time era, like same year/consecutive events you know?

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I guess, but why would they go back in time to finish a storyline? because last I checked they were somewhere in the 2000's

Maybe they're going back to finish it before it started? Who knows? Nobody. But all of our destinies bring us to enlightenment on Tuesday.

I'll see you at the crossroads my friends.

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Wow....you guys are so off. It's not rocket science, obviously, Treyarch were planning on (or already developing) a zombie map in the moon, so that quote is a reference to a future zombie map. Just like in Kino where there's a rocket flying off the table at the pack a puch room (reference to Ascension).

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Wow....you guys are so off. It's not rocket science, obviously, Treyarch were planning on (or already developing) a zombie map in the moon, so that quote is a reference to a future zombie map. Just like in Kino where there's a rocket flying off the table at the pack a puch room (reference to Ascension).

That's the point of this whole thread?


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I guess, but why would they go back in time to finish a storyline? because last I checked they were somewhere in the 2000's

Maybe they're going back to finish it before it started? Who knows? Nobody. But all of our destinies bring us to enlightenment on Tuesday.

I'll see you at the crossroads my friends.

I wish I had xbox, I miss playing der riese with others. but it wont be the same without my mg42. seriously who thought it was a good idea to get rid of the WWII weapons. they are awesome. better than the CW weapons IMO

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[brains] to you for establishing a plausible connection to a map everyone assumed had little significance to the storyline.

Treyarch is always hinting towards future maps, and more is better. But when you think about the time and setting in Five, think for a moment: these leaders are debating over something. What exactly? The Soviet Union's and America's Space Race. It's not evident entirely, but bear in mind it IS the Cold War era, and with your observation of McN's quote, Moon was already set to be a zombie map anyhow.

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Wow....you guys are so off. It's not rocket science, obviously, Treyarch were planning on (or already developing) a zombie map in the moon, so that quote is a reference to a future zombie map. Just like in Kino where there's a rocket flying off the table at the pack a puch room (reference to Ascension).

That's the point of this whole thread?


There needs to be more evidence before you can conclude. Like a date.

Each map has clues to future maps (Der Riese - Call of the Dead picture - does call of the dead, and der riese take place in the same time? Nope)

Five was just a fun map to make up for the lack of zombie maps on the disc. Black ops was in development for 2 years, and we only received "2 zombie maps" However, in 8 months, we currently have 4 EXTRA zombie maps.

Reddeadviolet's been drinking too much of that Vodka.......jus kiddin

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Wow....you guys are so off. It's not rocket science, obviously, Treyarch were planning on (or already developing) a zombie map in the moon, so that quote is a reference to a future zombie map. Just like in Kino where there's a rocket flying off the table at the pack a puch room (reference to Ascension).

That's the point of this whole thread?


Your reply post to me is as gibberish as your thread you've created.

You're linking Moon, and Five with a very mis-guided quote. Please note, each map has clues to future maps (Der Riese - Call of the Dead picture - does call of the dead, and der riese take place in the same time???? Hell no)

Five was just a fun map to make up for the lack of zombie maps on the disc. Black ops was in development for 2 years, and we only received "2 zombie maps" However, in 8 months, we currently have 4 EXTRA zombie maps.

You realize that 3arc could have shipped 4 zombie maps with the disc right? They had Ascension, Kino, a unknown map, and a diff version of CotD designed as a MP4 for WaW, and this was confirmed by Skylark in a playdate for Aggregame.

The thread simply was made for the quote, as per the title says. And i got a little off topic and then apologized for doing so. Whoever you are, keep your negative opinions on the subject to yourself or feel free to just kinda disappear off of the forums.


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dude Ron youre coming off as pretty dickish man. çalm down. also five took place at the same time as ascension so there's a connection. also it's probably there to establish the fact that some Nazi research has been taken by the Americans and they are using it to further their developments in science only to recreate the zombie outbreak that happened in Germany so many years ago. so basically its telling us one side of what happened to the research and devlopments of our precious group 935.

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Negative? Exactly how am I being negative when I'm simply trying to put a different perspective for the quote you've provided???? What's wrong with a different opionion? I actually had some facts to back my statement.

I apologize if my earlier posts offended you btw.

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Negative? Exactly how am I being negative when I'm simply trying to put a different perspective for the quote you've provided???? What's wrong with a different opionion? I actually had some facts to back my statement.

I apologize if my earlier posts offended you btw.

Hahaha what facts?

No, you came in here flaming and trying to completely negate everything i had said

Nothing to see here folks, move along
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dude Ron youre coming off as pretty dickish man. çalm down. also five took place at the same time as ascension so there's a connection. also it's probably there to establish the fact that some Nazi research has been taken by the Americans and they are using it to further their developments in science only to recreate the zombie outbreak that happened in Germany so many years ago. so basically its telling us one side of what happened to the research and devlopments of our precious group 935.
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Negative? Exactly how am I being negative when I'm simply trying to put a different perspective for the quote you've provided???? What's wrong with a different opionion? I actually had some facts to back my statement.

I apologize if my earlier posts offended you btw.

Hahaha what facts?

No, you came in here flaming and trying to completely negate everything i had said

Nothing to see here folks, move along

Regarding the "Been drinking too much vodka....nothing to see here folks....just trying to put some humor into this thread.

Facts? Every map has clues for the next map. For example, der riese had call of the dead's picture. Kino had Ascension's rocket. Call of the dead had the elephant noises.

Finally, I extremely doubt that Ascension, call of the dead, and an uknowm map were ready for WAW. That was over 2 years ago. They likely had concept art, and ideas, but that's it. The guy likely lied to you, just like last week an "IGN Tester" played moon, and gave all these false statements.

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dude Ron youre coming off as pretty dickish man. çalm down. also five took place at the same time as ascension so there's a connection. also it's probably there to establish the fact that some Nazi research has been taken by the Americans and they are using it to further their developments in science only to recreate the zombie outbreak that happened in Germany so many years ago. so basically its telling us one side of what happened to the research and devlopments of our precious group 935.

The dude said:

"So obviously Moon and Five take place at the same time!" (end quote)

He based that off of one mis-guided quote from the map Five. Seriously???? I just shared my opionion, and he gets mad at me? Who does he think he is with his 700 posts???

Id advise you to really rethink that statement. Dwellers here on CoDz are some of the highest ranking members, and they're dwellers for a reason. They've put more time and effort into this site and the zombies storyline.and theories than most everybody. They deserve respect here on CoDz, as they most definately earned it. And you'll notice he has ove 2000 brains, which is much more important than the number of posts. We're about quality here, not quantity.

Feel free to state your opinions buddy, just dont catch an attitude when you do it. I stated my opinion earlier in this thread, and I didn't get flamed or picked apart. And that's because my tone is not all know-it-all like.

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Negative? Exactly how am I being negative when I'm simply trying to put a different perspective for the quote you've provided???? What's wrong with a different opionion? I actually had some facts to back my statement.

I apologize if my earlier posts offended you btw.

Hahaha what facts?

No, you came in here flaming and trying to completely negate everything i had said

Nothing to see here folks, move along

Get back to me when you find the date on five, and the date on the moon (and they match). Then, you've got some legit evidence, and I have no problem with you concluding:

"So, obviously moon, and five take place at the same time"

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dude Ron youre coming off as pretty dickish man. çalm down. also five took place at the same time as ascension so there's a connection. also it's probably there to establish the fact that some Nazi research has been taken by the Americans and they are using it to further their developments in science only to recreate the zombie outbreak that happened in Germany so many years ago. so basically its telling us one side of what happened to the research and devlopments of our precious group 935.

The dude said:

"So obviously Moon and Five take place at the same time!" (end quote)

He based that off of one mis-guided quote from the map Five. Seriously???? I just shared my opionion, and he gets mad at me?

Id advise you to really rethink that statement. Dwellers here on CoDz are some of the highest ranking members, and they're dwellers for a reason. They've put more time and effort into this site and the zombies storyline.and theories than most everybody. They deserve respect here on CoDz, as they most definately earned it. And you'll notice he has ove 2000 brains, which is much more important than the number of posts. We're about quality here, not quantity.

Feel free to state your opinions buddy, just dont catch an attitude when you do it. I stated my opinion earlier in this thread, and I didn't get flamed or picked apart. And that's because my tone is not all know-it-all like.

It's late...I've had too much vodka...... Red, I apologize for my tone, and I appreciate your contribution to the best game - nazi zombies. People like you are the reason zombies is as good as it is now. Peace out.

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