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Strange/Unused quotes from Call of the Dead

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Ok, so all credit should go to CjDog23 for uploading the quotes. There's another post about this topic recently posted, but it's lacking of information, so I thought it make it easier for you guys to read. Here's some interesting one's I found while listening to the videos...

FILE NAME: egg_dolls_0-5

SMG's quotes:

"Right back at you cutie pie!"

"Uh, that's not very nice!"

"I hope she's nothing like you!"

"It's not deliberate, I'm just trying not to drop you!"

"Aw, aren't you cute."

"Have we met?"

Robert Englund's quotes:

"Oh,oh that's really sweet. You are talking to me right?"

"I know I know, my heart really isn't in this."

"Oh really? Well your family can't be much in the looks department."

"I'm not! Oh, hold on. Maybe I should move my finger a little bit."

"What's so funny?"

"Hmm, there's something familiar about you..."

Danny Trejo's quotes:

"Watch your mouth little man!"

"I don't think you got room to talk"

"Shit. Really!?"

"Would you rather I broke you in two"

"Hey what are you laughing at?"

"Hey you look familiar. Ever been to Tijuana?"

So it sounds like there use to be an alternative Easter Egg in CotD. It's possible that there's another EE still hidden within the level, but it's doubtful. More likely they scratched that idea, but left the sound files. The dialog is between our characters and a Man (according to Trejo) and apparently we've seen him before. This man also talks about an unknown female ("I hope she's nothing like you" is a response from SMG). The filename states dolls, maybe the Matryoshka dolls had something to do with it. I always found it odd that the dolls are the only special grenade for the map.Perhaps Treyarch saved this EE for the last BO Zombies map? Only time will tell.

FILE NAME: turret_active_0-2, turret_inactive_0-2

SMG's quotes:

"Turret, powered up."

"The turret should hold them..for awhile."

"This outta take a little pressure off."

"Umm, you know that turret? It kinda ran out of steam!"

"Turret's down!"

"Turret's out, we're on our own."

Robert Englund's quotes:

"Got a turret up and running!"

"I hope these things pick the right targets!"

"Turret, Activated!"

"The turret's out of ammo!"

"Turret stopped. Hit it again!"

"Well that didn't last long!"

Danny Trejo's quotes:

"Bring it on zombies! I got something for ya!"

"We're bringing out the big guns now."

"Stay behind the turret, let them come to us!"

"The turret stopped firing!"

"No more turret, it's just us now."

"The turret was fun while it lasted."

Earlier plans for CotD may have included Useable Turrets on the map. These definately could have been helpful on the map, but I could see how it'd interfer with George and cause a bunch of problems. Or maybe there's still a turret in the level that's yet to be discovered, but again I wouldn't count on it. Either way, it's interesting to here these quotes none the less.

FILE NAME: wpck_tesla_0-2

SMG's quotes:

""A toaster? Huh?"

"I swear, this stuff gets weirder by the minute."

"Wait, are we getting someone's wedding list by mistake?"

Robert Englund's quotes:

"Oh oh, did I win the raffle?"

"Now why would I want a wafflemaker at a time like this?"

"A strange device for sure. You know you'd think Id be use to it by now."

Danny Trejo's quotes:

"I think I won first prize!"

"Someone rip this shit out of an electric car?"

Now I'm gonna grill me some meat!"

The weird thing about these sound files is in the name. We know Tesla is probably a reference to the Wunderwaffe, but the WPCK part of the file name seems to be referring to picking weapons from the mystery box. Maybe an early version of the map had the Wunderwaffe as a pickable weapon from the box.Boy would that have been nice. Probably removed after making it a reward for the Paradise EE.

Anywho, just some pretty cool stuff I found interesting. Big Thanks again to CjDog and AlphaSnake for getting these quotes up on CodZ! You guys are the reason CodZ is as strong as it is!

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Thanks to them for providing the archives and to you for posting it here!!!

Now I have to be mad with Treyarch! :evil:

Why can't they just keep the map with their initial ideas?!!! I don't mind the turret being out, but why make the Wunderwaffe just a reward? Plus, having two easter eggs or just one with an extra person included in? That sounds interesting.

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Oh Dude, those wpck_tesla_0-2 They say those when you get the Wunderwaffe. I've heard Danny say the "Electric Car" Crack a bunch of times.

Also I too thought the Matroyshka Dolls had something to do with those Qoutes, so I tried Cooking them. You can Hold them like you would Cook a Frag, but they didn't say anything.

BTW: Brains For You.

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Oh Dude, those wpck_tesla_0-2 They say those when you get the Wunderwaffe. I've heard Danny say the "Electric Car" Crack a bunch of times.

Also I too thought the Matroyshka Dolls had something to do with those Qoutes, so I tried Cooking them. You can Hold them like you would Cook a Frag, but they didn't say anything.

BTW: Brains For You.

I don't pick up the Wunderwaffe that much, but that solves that mystery. Im still unsure why the filename wouldn't be powerup_tesla and not wpck_tesla. Hahah I wonder if Treyarch was just too lazy to rename the files after they decided to just make the DG2 a Powerup instead of a box choice. But that Electric Car quote cracked me up when I listened to the files, there was quite a few funny ones I hadn't heard before or recognized. They've got a pretty good sense of humor up at Treyarch.

As for the egg_dolls file, I have not a clue. But brains to you sir for trying that out. I played for quite some time earlier with the dolls trying everything with them, but could not produce any of the quotes that we're suppose to be said. Most likely they dropped that idea?

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I heard them say those conversation quotes when killing a large group with the Matryoshkas.

Really, the egg_dolls_0-5 file quotes?? Do you remember what you were doing with the dolls? I get the dolls pretty much everytime I play CotD, and have never heard any of these quotes when using the dolls. Whether I kill all 25+ zombies with the dolls, or half the zombies with the dolls, or whatever, I do not here these quotes. There are seperate audio files for quotes when you pick the dolls from the box, and also when you kill zombies with the dolls. I here these quotes all the time, but never any of the quotes under the egg_dolls_0-5 files. All of those quotes I've never heard in-game before. Could you be a little more specific on when you heard what quotes? It seems like those quotes are responses from a conversation with someone. I seriously doubt the zombies we're saying anything but SAAAMMM to you. Personally I think there was an alternative Easter Egg on CotD that got dropped before the final version was released. I think the word egg in the filename is clear evidence of that.

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Remember in Ascension with the character matroyshka dolls, I think they were going to do the same thing in COTD by the look of the quotes.

Yeah, I just find it too much of a coincidence. I mean you could activate the dolls in Ascension, but they did nothing. And in CotD the dolls are the only special grenade. And now there's audio files names egg_dolls. Something strange is going on with them damn dolls I'm telling you.

But thanks for the input! Ill be sure to come back tomorrow and brains you as I'm all out of brains and im waiting on that Max Ammo :lol:

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I heard them say those conversation quotes when killing a large group with the Matryoshkas.

Really, the egg_dolls_0-5 file quotes?? Do you remember what you were doing with the dolls? I get the dolls pretty much everytime I play CotD, and have never heard any of these quotes when using the dolls. Whether I kill all 25+ zombies with the dolls, or half the zombies with the dolls, or whatever, I do not here these quotes. There are seperate audio files for quotes when you pick the dolls from the box, and also when you kill zombies with the dolls. I here these quotes all the time, but never any of the quotes under the egg_dolls_0-5 files. All of those quotes I've never heard in-game before. Could you be a little more specific on when you heard what quotes? It seems like those quotes are responses from a conversation with someone. I seriously doubt the zombies we're saying anything but SAAAMMM to you. Personally I think there was an alternative Easter Egg on CotD that got dropped before the final version was released. I think the word egg in the filename is clear evidence of that.

Hmm, I see what you mean. Probably another step they cut out.

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I don't pick up the Wunderwaffe that much.

I officially stopped using the Wunderwaffe after what happened to me one time in a game. I was trying for 100, got to Round 59, got the Wunderwaffe. Used up all the Ammo and.....It didn't Go Away. I was stuck with a Empty Wunderwaffe and a Sickle. It was like stabbing someone with a Toothpick.

Anyway, I think it was a Unused Step for the Easter Egg. If not why the "Egg" in the File Name? Whats odd is, if it is the Dolls, how the hell would they fit in the tube? Maybe they were for something else. The characters each say something positive, negative, insulting and familiar.

Got to love Treyarch. They put the effort to put something in a game, decide not to, leave stuff for it in the file and then were spend half our brain power trying to figure what its for that actually has nothing to do with the story anyway.

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The egg dolls quotes were obviously supposed to be used for the character dolls that were all over Ascension, if you walked up to them and pressed "X" they would talk and your character would respond to them.

They were obviously meant to make an appearance in COTD hence the quotes about whoever looking familiar.

The character dolls were little mini easter eggs so that would explain the word egg in the file title.

Just a question but where are the Michael Rooker quotes???

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The egg dolls quotes were obviously supposed to be used for the character dolls that were all over Ascension, if you walked up to them and pressed "X" they would talk and your character would respond to them.

They were obviously meant to make an appearance in COTD hence the quotes about whoever looking familiar.

The character dolls were little mini easter eggs so that would explain the word egg in the file title.

Just a question but where are the Michael Rooker quotes???

OBVIOUSLY these egg doll quotes are much different then the ones in Ascension. Its even different voice actors from those quotes. Why would audio files from CotD be the ones from Ascension's doll Easter Egg. They already have specific quotes on Ascension for this. These are all new quotes from all new voice actors. So you're saying the egg doll quotes were just left over from Ascension? Yet they had the celebrity voice actors record them for

a map that was already out? That doesnt make any sense. Obviously theres no activatable Dolls on CotD, so the fact that there are specific audio files for them is strange. Its much more likely there was suppose to be an alternative Easter Egg on CotD that involved using the dolls, but was dropped before the final cut.

BTW I know CJ mentioned something about having a problem with Rooker's quotes. Something about not getting the full audio working. It'd be nice to see them.

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The egg dolls quotes were obviously supposed to be used for the character dolls that were all over Ascension, if you walked up to them and pressed "X" they would talk and your character would respond to them.

They were obviously meant to make an appearance in COTD hence the quotes about whoever looking familiar.

The character dolls were little mini easter eggs so that would explain the word egg in the file title.

Just a question but where are the Michael Rooker quotes???

OBVIOUSLY these egg doll quotes are much different then the ones in Ascension. Its even different voice actors from those quotes. Why would audio files from CotD be the ones from Ascension's doll Easter Egg. They already have specific quotes on Ascension for this. These are all new quotes from all new voice actors. So you're saying the egg doll quotes were just left over from Ascension? Yet they had the celebrity voice actors record them for

a map that was already out? That doesnt make any sense. Obviously theres no activatable Dolls on CotD, so the fact that there are specific audio files for them is strange. Its much more likely there was suppose to be an alternative Easter Egg on CotD that involved using the dolls, but was dropped before the final cut.

BTW I know CJ mentioned something about having a problem with Rooker's quotes. Something about not getting the full audio working. It'd be nice to see them.

Where in my post did I even begin to imply that these quotes were left in from Ascension...???

What I was saying is that there was more than likely meant to be character dolls of either SMG and the new team or the regular team hidden around COTD, and these quotes were meant to be used when the new characters interacted with them.

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The egg dolls quotes were obviously supposed to be used for the character dolls that were all over Ascension, if you walked up to them and pressed "X" they would talk and your character would respond to them.

They were obviously meant to make an appearance in COTD hence the quotes about whoever looking familiar.

The character dolls were little mini easter eggs so that would explain the word egg in the file title.

Just a question but where are the Michael Rooker quotes???

OBVIOUSLY these egg doll quotes are much different then the ones in Ascension. Its even different voice actors from those quotes. Why would audio files from CotD be the ones from Ascension's doll Easter Egg. They already have specific quotes on Ascension for this. These are all new quotes from all new voice actors. So you're saying the egg doll quotes were just left over from Ascension? Yet they had the celebrity voice actors record them for

a map that was already out? That doesnt make any sense. Obviously theres no activatable Dolls on CotD, so the fact that there are specific audio files for them is strange. Its much more likely there was suppose to be an alternative Easter Egg on CotD that involved using the dolls, but was dropped before the final cut.

BTW I know CJ mentioned something about having a problem with Rooker's quotes. Something about not getting the full audio working. It'd be nice to see them.

Where in my post did I even begin to imply that these quotes were left in from Ascension...???

What I was saying is that there was more than likely meant to be character dolls of either SMG and the new team or the regular team hidden around COTD, and these quotes were meant to be used when the new characters interacted with them.

Ohhh my bad man I see what you're saying now. Your first post was confusing me. I thought you were saying these were quotes were somehow from Ascension, but you were just describing the dolls fom Ascension as example. Again my bad bro, brains for you my friend.

But I wonder why they decided to take that egg out of CotD after going through the trouble of recording those quotes and all. If anything more Easter Eggs the better IMO

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Totally agree with you, its one of the things I'm beginning to miss about zombies is all the little touches to look for.

Now at the beginning of a game anything that is hidden in the game announces its presence to you.

Don't know why they would have taken them out, after all the bomb dolls are still present as well.

Also, sorry if I sounded like I was being an ass ^^^

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But their quotes sound like they are holding them in there hands. Sara's and Roberts for sure. And each one says they look familiar. So its a chance the dolls look like the actors. But seeing how Egg was in the Audio name. Again, it probably was a Unused Step.

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They would still be eggs.

The term easter egg normally refers to a little something hidden by the developers to make people who find it chuckle. Like in GTAIV they hid toy dolls of characters from the previous games

The easter egg as we call it, isn't really an easter egg in the usual sense, we are told its there, or attracted to it by strange noises you don't hear anywhere else.

The character dolls were/are easter eggs.

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I just think it was stupid they took it out if it was another Egg. If anything they should of kept both. Have the Paradise Egg as sort of a distraction to a cooler, harder egg. Even if it was insignificant like the Dolls in Ascension, why bother to take them out ya know?

Like you said Latt, its pretty crappy when they tell you about the egg during the game (like the Mystery man from the start of Ascension or the Gang from CotD) I like the mystery surrounding them, it'd be a lot cooler if the Gang didn't give us such detailed instructions and we had to figure out the steps ourselves. Its the equivalent of telling your kid where you hid the easter eggs before you start the annual easter egg hunt. The fun is in the hunt.

Treyarch, start making harder Easter Eggs already!

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