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NaBrZHunter last won the day on January 10 2021

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  1. I can't have played AW Outbreak more than 20 times...and I'm back in Der Riese. Some things grow old fast. But some things never grow old.

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    2. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      wait so the survivor evac is not an optional second mode? wtf are they thinking? And it looks just like the bland infinity ward maps too. treyarch is the only dev that gets "Atmosphere" and vibrance!

    3. DeathBringerZen


      The map is basically laid out like your typical AW MP map, so it still does not feel like a zombie map but credit where credit is due, the map size is nice and big. There is a lot of redeeming features about the map also, but it is still lacking that little bit of magic that comes with Treyarch zombie maps. It's not as awful as my first impression percieved it to be, but I just don't feel it to be honest. Still hate the evac thing. It is going to become a real nuicence in this map.

    4. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      i understand why they would want to diverge from the treyarch model and carve their own niche, but it continues to show (to me at least) that the treyarch niche, is the one that i love and always will love. any variation on it will just not hit me in the sweet spot

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