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Status Replies posted by TheNathanNS

  1. So I got a message from the Youtube Partner Program, inviting me to join. I'm not exactly sure what this means or why I got it. Any help?

    1. TheNathanNS


      I get them all the time, I know another YouTuber who joined a program and he said he regrets it as they tell you what to upload and when to upload, as well as forcing their adverts on your channel.

      He's changed partners now though. But be careful.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. So…. My Xbox has been acting weird ever sense my sister left it on all night after watching net flix. It makes sounds when the disc is put in, like if something inside it that reads or turns the disc has been broken, I feel like this may begin to destroy my discs, so until then I will only be playing downloaded games, dishonored should fill the void.

    1. TheNathanNS


      Mocking, use Boot Camp and install Windows!!!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Been play tested a custom zombie map that will literally change the scene forever! UGX Requiem will leave you breathless and will definitely give those who play customs that new DLC feeling.

  4. Football season is back

    1. TheNathanNS


      Wtf is that emoticon?

      On my screen it says



      WTF is it? I see it posted quite a bit. :/

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Just got Mass Effect 2. Let's see if it's as good,. I only got ME2 as it was the cheapest. lol

  6. what kind of a coward shoots down a fucking passenger plane? 300+ people dead, and for what? So unreal.

    1. TheNathanNS


      Some people are really fucked in the head.

      It hasn't been a good year for Malaysian Airlines.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. Anyone who uses glitches against other players on any game should be banned.

  8. Poor decision of the week: Go out on a Tuesday night with old high school friend. = Way too tired and hungover to be at work today :'(

  9. Met de grond gelijk gemaakt !!! >:D

  10. Samanther will soon face her deadliest foe yet....E3

  11. Flower crowns are important.

  12. Rest in peace Rik Mayall, comedy genius. Better known for his role in the young ones - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-27770266

  13. I'm still about tfolk's just not posted anything recently. Busy working on a few project, work, kids, life in general has been a little hectic the past few days. Anyone needs anything or spots anything, drop a message to me or post in the relevant forum.

  14. Seems like TAMB is getting the majority of the nominations so far, be sure to make your own nomination in site news. ;)

  15. Any Dead Rising Fans?

  16. Frontpage has been updated with new tidbits. ;)

    1. TheNathanNS


      Why is Naitrax's name underneath the "Zombies Ranking System 2.0" title, right next to Zombiesblood3?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. what's all this "soon" "prepare yourselves" shtuff on twitter right now? we getting a CoD 2014 announcement today or something?

  18. what's all this "soon" "prepare yourselves" shtuff on twitter right now? we getting a CoD 2014 announcement today or something?

    1. TheNathanNS


      Nah, I think COD will be dead in a few years.

      More and more gamers are leaving COD for Battlefield, GTA V, Fifa etc.

      Also, should the new COD be XBone and PS4 only... well, they've lost a lot of money.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  19. what's all this "soon" "prepare yourselves" shtuff on twitter right now? we getting a CoD 2014 announcement today or something?

    1. TheNathanNS


      New COD announcement in that time it looks like.

      IMO it looks like another Modern Warfare.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  20. Waffe-Craft is up for download! It's easy to use, fun, and it allows a whole new REALM of possibilities for custom zombies maps!

    1. TheNathanNS


      I'd loved to help and try it out, however I can't play Minecraft on my PC yet. :/

      Once I can run it, I'll give your Waffe-craft a try.

    2. (See 36 other replies to this status update)

  21. My boys xbox has just red ringed - I cannae be arsed redoing the heat sink and GPU. Looks like I'll be buying something I wasn't wanting to buy.

  22. Darn all of you with gif avatars. Hurts my eyes.

    1. TheNathanNS


      I use some gif blocker in Firefox.

      I hate gifs, very annoying.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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