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Everything posted by TheBSZombie

  1. If you hated die rise because of the insta death glitches, then well they patched those If you hated it because of the elevator speed then well they now have a bank/vault to help speed the game up But since the topic wasn't posted to change your mind about die rise but rather if the seasons pass is worthit, il get back to the topic. The season pass offers you all of the zombie maps for bo2. So you would get nuketown as well. And motd is great so you would love that. Buried is ok. and is a fun experience. Origins looks badass from what I have seen. But lets looks at the prices. Buried 15 Motd 15 origins 15 nuketown priceless :roll: The season pass is $50 so if you consider nuketown to be worth the $5 and you don't want to deal with buying each one individually then the season pass is awesome. AND if you want to fully enjoy origins you need to have done the easter egg on Die Rise so you would need the map. So my final answer is yes as long as you didn't buy any of the other maps before now.
  2. All Persistent-Upgrades can be found Here Anyways... I can still help you The persistent upgrade called half-off, or 2x as refered here, can be earned easily and be lost just as easily. All you got to do is get 3k points during a double points. You will hear a sound indicating that you earned the persistent upgrade. Afterwards you will have to wait to use it. Once you get your second double points, the PU will be active. EVERYTHING will be half off (exclusions are the bank and possibly the booze/candy) which means you could spend as little as 5 points on the box if their is a fire sale, OR you can save big by buying the galva knuckles for 3k. So after the double points is up, you will lose it no matter what you do. If you gained 10k, don't spend money, or do anything you will still lose it (not 100% sure but iv tested it a lot and I always lose it). So to get half off again you will need to get two more double points. All points count except for the bank and possibly points from leroy. Sooooo, TLDR step 1: get double points step 2: get 3k while having double points Step 3: wait for the second double points Step 4: during the second double points most things are half off. Step 5: You lose it when the second double points wares off. Step 6: Go back to step 1 to get again.
  3. If ur stressed for money, wait on origins. If not go ahead and get it cus it will provide you with some fun till origins is out
  4. I knew I was decent went I got to 38 on cord solo. I new I was good when I was in the 40s moon with 1 or no downs. I knew I was awesome when I got to round 100 on two maps . Hopeful I can get to master or elite status soon.
  5. That's actually a fantastic compromise to the whole "Bank" issue. The main issue with me over the bank is that you can get to it right off the bat for free or even just 750 points. Giving the door to access it a hefty pricetag would prevent the endless Round 1, but would make late game recoveries possible. In transit make that door super powerful and only taken down by symtexs. Make it take 32 symtexs to breach, or 1 monkey bomb. Or put c4 in the bank and make it cost 5k. 1 c4 blows up the bank.
  6. Same reason you don't put all the Xmas presents under the tree till the day of. If you know the size/weight/amount it spoils some of the surprise. I rather be fully surprised the day its released then spoil some of the surprise. Also senior year of high school starts Monday and this is my schedule -AP stats -ap calculus -12 English -ap gov't and politics -physics -ap microeconomics -cross country So I need to slowly put games into my schedule so I don't get overwhelmed since school is most important to me atm.
  7. I prob will not watch this cinematic and avoid the forums for the next week.
  8. Plus if you hit the button you could have 4 guns IV been meaning to ask you this for a while but never seem to find a good place to ask. And I'm to lazy to ask in a pm. But I have all three des done with richtofen. If you want to send a friend request to 'The BS Zombie' and we could push the button whenever as long as I have time.
  9. I always looked down on the people that did the jet gun glitch that made it not heat up.
  10. IV gotten it a few on die rise... but not on damn transit.
  11. I play solo mostly and if I don't get 50 its not a good game . I was soooo pleased with 38 on cotd sol. And my 48 on moon with 3 players was great. I would have a lot of 40s on coop if I had a teammate that stuck around. On bo1 you didn't lose 90% of your motivation if a teammate lagged out.
  12. There is no possible way Moon can take place in 2025, Nuketown debunks this as Nuketown has to take place in the 1960's, due to the fact above ground Nuclear Testing was banned after the 1960's, and Tranzit takes place shortly after Nuketown. Its 2025, nuclear testing could be in unbanned, they might not have been testing nukes, they may have just not been listening to the ban. Russia had missiles that could destroy earth on moon, we couldn't test above ground missiles?
  13. I couldn't agree more. I just didn't want to put my opinion in the op in case I swayed someones mind. I still think that the paralyzer is better. i never disliked the jet gun till I heard 99% of people COMPLAIN, COMPLAIN, COMPLAIN about it. I always saw the challenge it brought. Learning how to use it and use it effectively was a Challenge that brought something new to the game.
  14. I have heard countless people saying that the paralyzed is EXTREMELY op (its ok to be kinda op in zombies but this gun is so op that it makes buried boring) while the jet gun sucks... Why is this? Why is it that both of these maps are labeled boring because of its gun? Is it the infinite damage? Or did treyarch just try to hard to help us and made buried to easy for the paralyzed after seeing the community's reaction to the jet gun?
  15. You make a good point here BS, and it shows the other reason why zombies is too easy now. What was one of the main complaints about Mob of the Dead? Too many doors that are too expensive its too hard! Exactly!! thats how it should be. thats what made der reise great and the blops 1 maps great. in der reise you had to budget points appropriately . you had to make a decision to hit the box and risk getting a Panzerschrek or getting a sure thing off the wall like the thompson. the bank and lack of doors is what has poisoned zombies. Hopefully Origins is bank-free and involved lots of barriers to clear with points... not buy giving moonshine to an oversized redneck and I hope the last of the bank has been seen with buried. maybe make it a custom option only, but with a bank, its just too damn easy I kind of agree with you. Motd brought back some of the fun of point budgeting but it wasn't as bad because there was the laundry room. It all started on moon where you could set up on round 1 if you were good enough. Got easier over time where in transit all you would need to do is wait for the bus or know how to work a teleporter or jump over lava. Transfer over to die rise postpatch and all you need to know is the location and on buried all you need to know is how to knife two zombies. I hope they bring back the multiple doors before you could access power.. I remember the days of Kino budgeting my points and remembering exactly how much points it took to get the bowie knife. Or in Kino how much it would take to get to the mp40. Good time good times. BUT, I also like how the maps are designed in bo2. If you know the map well enough, then it rewards you greatly. so balance it treyarch. Reward the good players bit still make it a little difficult. If I had to point whore for 6 rounds and then be able to access the bank then it would be more fair.
  16. Yep that's misty's quote. Men have deep voices and are stronger. She is just making fun of the stereotype.
  17. Some other character does some funny quote also. I don't know if it was mareleton or Samuel. Its been so long since I played buried... sych low replayability...
  18. I wasn't as big into the storyline in bo1 so I don't know the answer to this. But why do we think that moon took place in 1960?
  19. I don't think the knife pu makes knifes faster. The bowie is still a 2 knife kill on round 10
  20. The emp was awesome if you knew how to use it effectively. The denizens are not a problem for me. I knife them off....
  21. Its actually not that hard to set up in buried without the bank. You can get well over 7k-8k on round one just by using leroy to kill break down barriers. That can get you jug and a decent weapon and open up most of the doors. Lock down the box, and build all the weapons and you have an svu that can rack up points by giving you 360 points per kill. Tranzit isn't to hard either. You can turn on the power by round 1. Get the bowie on round 2-3. Get jug on round 4-5 and then hit the box for your desired gun. I never had a problem setting up for die rise before the bank. Now that we have it, its just gets sped up and I have more fun.
  22. The fog in tranzit was fun. I always felt I mastered the map because I knew how to navigate through the fog. I'm with fated titan.... i never really got much annoyance out of the fog in cotd... tranzit its already so dark then you get to the fog. i can tell how many times i would try and run from power to town, and then after 2-3 minutes in the fog pop out back by the power. it was unnecessarily annoying and frustrating, where i think Call of the Dead's was just a nice atmospheric change and just litereally lol'd at that liam... very true. and i'm not a huge fan of tom's zombie vids, i like his minecraft ones ok. but this video was hilarious, and obviously made in good fun Yes it was made in good fun but there are sooooo many idiots out there that will just end up spreading the hate of the fog. The fog did not ruin tranzit for me, the community ruined tranzit for me.
  23. I was killing just fine with the porters mark 2 in the 70s. the sliquifier was a better choice but if I felt like killing them instead of chaining them, then il use my porters mark 2.
  24. I usually play solo so yea its probe useful in multiplayer but on solo, there's no point in getting it till your qrs are gone
  25. So the map doesn't take place in. 1917... good to know. Also I didn't know Takeo was a Samurai... or studied the way of the Samurai
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