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Everything posted by inviso120

  1. deadshot was great but they should remove the persistant perk on the maps with deadshot and make it deadshot X add the persistant perk on to it and give us a money bonus would be nice please treyarch
  2. my impression misty - HORNY ARE SHIT, southern, knife expert(probs part of campaign later), friend- marlton marlton-smart,ego the size of a high school prom queen,acts like a nerd in love to misty, gunnut russman-hobo,no "book learning", dedicated friend to stu. stu-My Personal Favorite beacuse i can relate to him since i am INSANE,he has the voice or richtofen in his head but many people think he has another voice, He is our only connection to richtofen, has a friendship with russman this is how there relationship goes = means likes - hates russman=stu | russman-marlton | russman-misty stu=russman | stu-marlton | stu-misty misty=marlton | misty-stu | misty-russman marlton=misty | marlton-stu | marlton-russman
  3. If trying to achieve something through experimentation and hypothesis is considering being an idiot, then we all are - including you. There is one small problem with this, OP: the beams of light are glitches that only occur on the Xbox 360. That being said, it wouldn't be smart for Treyarch to make the Easter Egg only available to one console. dude you would be a great Philosopher that was beautiful man
  4. you need to add point whore or some form of that I am a type of guy that buys doors almost always i am a leader of groups but cant handle 3 or more noobs in 1 game. I look for easter eggs and secrets for some that are popular now some not as popular as the garage in tranzit/bus station is named after a guy that worked on cod 2 i sometimes risk take in games to get a bowie knife or in a middle of a round track for ammo or train in hard rape trains if the ammo tracking f***s me over here is how i do die rise DIE RISE step 1 play first 2 rounds left with 1 guy on round 2 with no doors open if i have 3750 points i will go for bowie knife (risk taker) if i have less i have less i grab PDW and go in the bar area to train for a while the go to roof step 2 I gain some money and buy perks jug,double tap,mulekick on minion round if i have knife i knife a few of them NOT ALL and once 1 guy is left i shoot at it trying to miss him (so i dont get who and quick revive) once i get more money i get sliquifier (total cost 1000) i get to roof and jump to tramp room i go up the qr elevator and go down hole to get speedcola step 3 i go to mc. room and train till i get to round 19 using sliquifier as my weapon i need better weapons so i go get raygun(or i do it b4 i go in mc. room) i would us mustage and sally but its to close so i use a sniper or a point weapon(point whore i am)and i upgrade
  5. there are several parts that require 4 people/tramplesteins i wish that treyarch would 1. make a solo easter egg and 2. stop calling it an easter egg a easter egg is a small gag or extra that could give you a chuckle but this isnt a easter egg you do its a campaign please stop calling easteregg also add a solo campaign for zombies
  6. No, they are not. The Egg is definitely related to the MPD. The balls in Die Rise are different. They have Chinese symbols on them. The two balls represent fire and light. im sorry but they dont represent fire and light in wiki these are the " lions " that are were you put the orbs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komainu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shishi_(stone_lion) (if the lion has the mouth open) The lions are always presented in pairs, a manifestation of yin and yang The male lion has its right front paw on an embroidered ball called a "xiù qiú" (绣球) so the lions are both male in this case xiù qiú are also called Temari and can be used as a toy as seen in this article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temari_(toy) Temari are highly valued and cherished gifts, symbolizing deep friendship and loyalty. then it goes on to something that interests me Also, the brilliant colors and threads used are symbolic of wishing the recipient a brilliant and happy life. but the orbs are colorless so are they saying lets be friends but i will not make your life better i hope you will not have a happy life and as we know there is a chess board in 2 maps nuketown and i think kino now this is when it gets interesting a article i found said that the stone lions are also chess parts in japan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sh%C5%8Dgi is this all just a game under 2 players maxis and richtofen ( two-player strategy board game) are we just pawns in this. give me feed back please!
  7. so many people have said this let me say this for a millionth time no its not a inversive door power that isnt a door its a power station you can learn that by emping the door power will go off
  8. mind not blown since great leap forward or skyscraper because if you click DIE RISE it goes to a sub map with it not being called great leap forward it being called skyscrapers
  9. mind not blown since great leap forward or skyscraper because if you click DIE RISE it goes to a sub map with it not being called great leap forward it being called skyscrapers
  10. actually rape training was a popular term back in black ops 1 now people got lazyR so they just say training or taking my route i used to say rape training till in tranzit i was playing with randoms 2 left and a guy said can you not say that one my friends got raped then on i never said
  11. i have news to this discussion both green run and great leap forward happened in 1949 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Run http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Leap_Forward December 2–3, 1949 1949–1976, The Mao Era http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1949 has all the info about 1949 what happened WE MUST RESEARCH
  12. nuke town is a bonus no exact point just a gift
  13. we all knew this back when we were using god damn stone knifes and rocks to kill zombies
  14. I always thought if it making a giant teleporter on all 4 corners of the globe this is a better and MUCH MUCH more cooler idea it would be cool if he kills stu for helping richtofen and he takes his place.
  15. this maybe hinting how the zombies came here through space AND time also to the matter of the arguement richtofen was shunned lets say that and he continued in secret but after all this testing he wanted to show this off hince why kino is like that i beleive that he tells him ONCE it is semi-working im guessing after he tele's him to shangri-la and moon that he told him after that is why kino is like that it was to show it off
  16. This is the purpose of stopping with omg i found something-we know that oh here we go: sliquifier - no 115 confirmed in it not upgradable possible wonder weapon jet gun - NOT WONDER WEAPON stu- ate a zombie -friend rus rus- hobo -friend stu misty- knife boss-hoe-marlton lover marlton- claustrophobic-nerd - gun nut - likes misty but to scared to be a man(awesome looking in the cinimatic) nova crawlers -knife all get 2k and free perk sometimes knife will give 2x money die rise: spawn building: all parts to fling and has quick revive always in same location with who's who and speed cola rotating spots nav card there power building: all parts to sliq. and the rest of perks and p-a-p rotating spots top building: has the tower for EE with claymores and semtex nav card table parts and table tower is there also both easter eggs found so far but said that we got 1 incorrect by jimmy zielinski tranzit: bus station: all parts to turbine there and bus with nav card behind possible bus part tunnel: engine part and possible board there is sign that says day x 2 me diner: sign says now die on 4 you on 1 side the letters on 4 flicker mystery box here with galvaknuckles and bus part is possible and possible nav card table part you can build the zombie shield all parts there church: half way from diner is a lamp post turn left is a path to town and an odd church farm: possible bus part all parts to turret possible part for nav card table t.v./radio cornfields/nacht: half way to power is a cornfield where in 1 way is the nav card table under a tower (you must build table) and right is a place that is supposedly nacht der untoten with a handle and a possible nav card part power:all parts to power switch all parts to electric trap part to jet gun and the boss's spawn hut:half way to town has gauge (part for jet gun) and bowie knife town:table for jet gun to be built, semtex's,possible part for bus,possible part for navcard table bank: in town the bank has 4 functions withdraw money from money you deposited deposit money give money by used the galvaknuckles and p.a.p. you can get through the first 2 doors by using an explosion (grenade works) and the last door to get to p.a.p. you need to travel to power and as you fall in the first door you turn around you will see a large panel put a turbine down there and it shall open pap for as long as you keep it there if a person gets in the pap room you can remove it and it wont shut till they leave pap room:table and parts for pap (pap requires power or turbine if use turbine dont remove during half time. lamp posts: if power is on or turbine is near you can get a denizen on your head and it will crawl in to make a teleporter jump to go in the teleporter jet gun:can hold for 15 seconds straight if held to long it blows and you have to rebuild, only can make 1 only can be used by 1 person, you can glide with this for a short time,no effect on avagadro electric trap:requires power can break turret: requires power can break zombie shield: infinite damage every round, can break protects 25% of your body and explodes when breaks turbine: provides power to all power required items can break by hit or by uses bus:can be upgraded can be kicked out can be locked in or out diner:diner: you can add the hatch to the back of the diner on the top to get galvaknuckles emp:can mess up pap box perk machines and all power if hit in power room avagadro:killed by getting hit 3 for bowie, 2 for galva, 1 for emp (heard if you kill him at power he gets caught and stays there never tried EE:look it up i dont want to explain all that die rise: elevator down spawn: phd flopper is in the middle probably a troll by treyarch elevator stop: 3 keys and a panel if 1 key is added it will bring you back up in about 5 seconds EE:google it denizens:1 hit kill if knifed before on head with bowie or galva 2 hit if knifed before norm knife on head 3 knifes with bowie 2 with galva 5 with norm knife I cant think of anything else right now add on so noobs don't power stupid stuff
  17. inviso120


    Exactly. Somehow 10 minutes after the map was announced, everyone was claiming "Die Rise is German for The Rise!!!" and it spread like wildfire. But that only makes sense if you're taking the title as being half German and half English, and there's no reason at all to think you would do that, nor is there anything indicating you should do that. Yes, there have been Zombies maps in the past that had German titles. These all took place in Germany. Die Rise takes place in China. Why would anyone think half the title is German? It's English, and a play on the term "High Rise". I'm sure that they were aware that "Die Rise" and "Der Riese" are similar names, but the connections to German end there. Also, "Shi No Numa" doesn't mean "A place"... it's Japanese (the map takes place in Japan) and translates to "Swamp of Death", if I'm not mistaken. I think it's safe to say Treyarch decided to abandon the foreign-language map titles with Black Ops (Kino was originally planned as W@W DLC). Ascension takes place in Russia, and Call of the Dead in Siberia (which would have been in Russian), but both had English titles. We won't even get into where Shangri-La takes place... thank you for your help i didnt notice the rise was already found im sorry
  18. inviso120


    thank you sorry for the error
  19. inviso120


    I feel that it is a trick from treyarch to mean they may end it or this maybe the start or it all :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
  20. inviso120


    GERMAN - what zombies revolves around lets start with nacht nacht der untoten - night of the undead vurkut - just a place shi no numa - place die rise - the giant kino der toten - cinema of the dead ascension - a name call of dead - name moon -name same for great leap forward and green run but there is a part that i found DIE in german means The Rise but the english is die rise so it could mean to rise as in zombies or to fall as your team :mrgreen:
  21. the tower of babbel is a point made in the BIBLE but the great leap forward is scientific but we also have this sci-fi stuff with aliens and fantasy with zombies they are using this to make a perfect way to attract people but we aren't talking about marketing ploys we have no way to say it isnt tower of babbel meaning bible but how its spelled makes it 100% that is making a refrence to the bible but then they add a great leap forward in to the equation i beleive that they are leading to a alienaic area as a hint
  22. every one thought this about tranzit they thought there will be alot of new changes and all this jazz im not trying to be dat guy but the chance that they would seperate the crowd is not probably from no easter egg to maxis easter egg to richtofen's easter egg
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