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Everything posted by Infected115

  1. smh yall sound like some high school females lol :lol:
  2. man...some of you are taking this WAAAAAY too serious -____- lol if hes tellin the truth ok cool thats fine and dandy..if hes a trol so the fuk wat lol yall act like yall cant IGNORE his post or the bs he sayin...yall can be like me, watch the funny shit he posts and laugh at the noobs who respond..seriously lol yall remember bo2 is just a game right...suppose to be fun, chill out and ignore it...takes a mature person to do that...lets see whos ready to mature :lol:
  3. i thought those survial maps were suppose to give the feel of the older zombies (natch and kino) but yea i dont really like'em as much as tranzit
  4. Ok there is an issue with this. I completed the maxis EE so I cant hear him?? i completed richtofen side and i dont hear either of them anymore...not even wen im Samuel and im in a public game with randoms who havent completed the EE. i dont hear maxis or richtofen :(
  5. some ppl say leave one zombie at the end of each round (after the power is cut on) and wen you get the lightening storm filling the sky kill the zombie and the avagadro will spawn next round
  6. the clock with no hands...wat if we have to put hands on it? like shoot it with a ballistic knife (PaP or reg) idk just a thought...that clock with no hands REALLY seems suspicious
  7. ....so everybody knows the date that Tranzit takes place?? how? :?: also, why does Richtofen say "gettin use to the Aether" wen you very first play if its been 20 years...
  8. arent those also the same colors for the orbs wen you finish a side to the easter egg? richtofens-blue and maxis-gold...wat if this means anything
  9. No. Green Run takes place 20 years after Nuketown. Such a thing is ridiculous. You might as well see if you can solve the Easter Egg by beating the campaign a certain way. how do you know 20 years have pasted?
  10. *facepalm* thank you, would you also like to tell us that the sun is hot? :|
  11. dont know bout the built in stamin up but i DID notice i was running alil longer with out it today
  12. wait yea sumtimes Maxis wont come up on a game and richtofen doesnt say anything to me wenever im Sam
  13. thought we already came to the conclusion that, he says that bcuz 2 ppl were doing the EE?
  14. Green Run NDU used to be a Resteraunt? damn...sounds pretty stupid now that im really thinkin bout it lol
  15. ......ok lets say this is fake, but lets pretend its real...if its time travel, doesnt this KINDA look like NACHT? :?:
  16. how you know they wont pull a Capcom?? the audio files already there on disc and we cant unlock it in game until we BUY the DLC or season in this case...better do ya researcher bout "Street Fighter X Tekken" everybody was pissed and wats stopping other game companies from doin the same? 8-) lol i think the EE saves bcuz it might have to continue...remember the whole concept of the golden rod in BO1
  17. startin to think we fukked up a step lol
  18. Infected115


    interesting...sooo whos the wiki link in his bio now?? http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Moggridge#section_1
  19. that wiki link on Icarus, found this dont know if its relevant but they call themself "Icarus" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hellenic_Air_Force_Academy
  20. i thought the rocket at the end was from the big bang..but good theory, didnt think about that
  21. i find this interesting as hell now that you mention it
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